73 research outputs found

    Identifikasi dan Tingkat Serangan Penyebab Penyakit Bulai di Lampung Timur, Pesawaran, dan Lampung Selatan

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    Penyakit bulai di Provinsi Lampung semula diidentifikasi disebabkan oleh satu spesies. Beberapa tahun terakhir ini laporan menyebutkan bahwa penyakit bulai pada tanaman jagung disebabkan oleh beberapa spesies Peronosclerospora.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesies Peronosclerospora.penyebab penyakit bulai pada tanaman jagung di tiga kabupaten di Provinsi Lampung dan untuk mengetahui persentase gejala, kerapatan, viabilitas spora bulai di tiga kabupaten tersebut. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Juli 2016 di lahan pertanaman jagung milik petani dan di laboratorium hama dan penyakit tanaman Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung. Pengamatan di lapangan dilakukan dengan menghitung insiden penyakit bulai di tiga kabupaten dengan cara mengambil 3 dari 30 baris tanaman jagung. Setiap daerah pengamatan terdiri dari dua lokasi pertanaman jagung yang berbeda sehingga terdapat enam lokasi yang berbeda-beda pada setiap kabupaten tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyakit bulai disebabkan oleh dua spesies yaitu Pernosclerospora sorghi, dan Peronosclerospora maydis.P. sorghi menyerang tanaman jagung di Kabupaten Lampung Timur dengan produksi spora sebesar 3,12 x 10 5 spora per ml dan viabilitas sebesar 35,67% dengan insiden penyakit 19,33%, spesies P. sorghi juga menyerang tanaman jagung di Kabupaten Pesawaran dengan produksi spora sebesar 3,22 x 10 5 per ml dan viabilitas sebesar 35,67% dengan insiden penyakit 28,37%. Kemudian P. maydis menyerang tanaman jagung di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan dengan produksi spora sebesar 3,07 x 10 5 per ml dan viabilitas sebesar 35,60% dengan insiden penyakit 28,37%

    Rancang Aplikasi Penjualan Online Perlengkapan Anak pada CV. Permata

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    CV.Permata is a child store with the name of Nikita Baby Shop. CV. Permata located in Gotong Royong street No. 25E, Babat Lamongan. In 2015, sales of CV. Permata instability.CV. Permata must be expanding their sales to get more profit. Based on interviews, CV. Permata do not want to using social media such as facebook and instagram to selling their products. The shortage of facebook and instagram, customers got difficult to booking the products. Of the CV. Permata problem, CV. Permata need online shop application that have add to cart features, product catalogue features, best seller report, most buyer report, product stock report, etc. With this application is expected to provide information data member, best seller report, most buyer report, product stock report with the aim of providing information to help CV.Permata sales

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Gulma Siam, Kemuning dan Saliara terhadap Penghambatan Pertumbuhan Bakteri Layu Pisang secara In Vitro

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    Salah satu penyakit penting pada tanaman pisang adalah penyakit layu bakteri, yang disebabkan olehBlood Disease Bacterium (BDB). Beberapa jenis tanaman telah dilaporkan mengandung senyawa antibakteri yang dapat menjadi alternatif pengendalian penyakit tanaman yang disebabkan oleh bakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak Chromolaena odorata, Murraya paniculata dan Lantana camara terhadap penghambatan perrtumbuhan BDB secara in vitro. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Bioteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung pada Maret hingga Juli 2016. Perlakuan disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dalam faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah lama perendaman bahan tanaman sebelum diekstrak dan faktor kedua adalah tingkat konsentrasi ekstrak. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap diameter zona penghambatan pada 24 jam setelah aplikasi. Data diuji dengan analisis ragam dan nilai tengah antar perlakuan diuji dengan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada perlakuan ekstrak kemuning, interaksi antara lama perendaman dan tingkat konsentrasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap diameter zona penghambatan BDB sedangkan pada ekstrak gulma siam dan saliara interaksinya tidak nyata. Diameter zona penghambatan paling tinggi ekstrak gulma siam, kemuning dan saliara dalam menghambat pertumbuhan BDB secara berurutan adalah 85%, 55% dan 95%

    Pengendalian Hayati Nematoda Puru Akar pada Pertanaman Jambu Biji Kristal di Lampung

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    Swibawa IG,  Fitriana Y, Solikhin S, Suhajo R, Monica E, Wardhana RA. 2020. Pengendalian hayati nematoda puru akar pada pertanaman jambu biji Kristal di Lampung. In: Herlinda S. et al. (Eds.) Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang 20 Oktober 2020. pp. xxx.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).One of the main problem in guava cultivation is root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne sp.). Synthetic nematicides was not suitable for controlling of nematodes on guava because of their side effect on environment and health. Therefore, it was necessary to search the alternative control technique. This research aim was to study the Purpureocillium lilacinum bionematicide to control root knot nematode on Kristal guava plantation. Field experiment with Block Experimental Design with five block was conducted in Kristal guava plantation belonging PT GGP-PG4 East Lampung, from January until May 2020. Four treatment were applied consisted of bionematicide, bionematicide plus compost, synthetic Carbofuran nematicide, and check without treatment. New shoot formation data were plotted on histogram graph, while analyses of variance was applied for root damage and nematode population and LSD test was used for mean separation by R-studio program on 5% significance level. The results show that application of P. lilacinum bionematicide solely or composed with compost were effective to control root knot nematodes on Kristal guava plantation. It was recommended to use bionematicides P. lilacinum plus compost to control plant parasitic nematodes for various cultivated plants

    Implementation and Evaluation of a Pilot Training to Improve Transgender Competency Among Medical Staff in an Urban Clinic

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    Purpose: Transgender individuals (TGI), who identify their gender as different from their sex assigned at birth, continue facing widespread discrimination and mistreatment within the healthcare system. Providers often lack expertise in adequate transgender (TG) care due to limited specialized training. In response to these inadequacies, and to increase evidence-based interventions effecting TG-affirmative healthcare, we implemented and evaluated a structural-level intervention in the form of a comprehensive Provider Training Program (PTP) in TG health within a New York City-based outpatient clinic serving primarily individuals of color and of low socioeconomic status. This pilot intervention aimed to increase medical staff knowledge of TG health and needs, and to support positive attitudes toward TGI. Methods: Three 2-h training sessions were delivered to 35 clinic staff across 4 months by two of the authors experienced in TG competency training; the training sessions included TG-related identity and barriers to healthcare issues,TG-specialized care, and creating TG-affirmative environments, medical forms,and billing procedures. We evaluated changes through pre-post intervention surveys by trainees. Results: Compared to pre-training scores, post-training scores indicated significant (1) decreases in negative attitudes toward TGI and increases in TG-related clinical skills, (2) increases in staff’s awareness of transphobic practices, and (3) increases in self-reported readiness to serve TGI. The clinic increased its representation of general LGBT-related images in the waiting areas, and the staff provided highly positive training evaluations. Conclusion: This PTP in TG health shows promise in leading to changes in provider attitudes and competence, as well as clinic systems, especially with its incorporation in continuing education endeavors, which can, in turn, contribute to health disparities reductions among TG groups


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    Velva adalah salah satu jenis frozen dessert yang terbuat dari hancuran buah (puree). Penggunaan jeruk manis sebagai bahan baku pembuatan velva sangat berpotensi terkait dengan produktivitasnya yang tinggi di Indonesia. Ciri-ciri velva yang baik adalah tekstur halus, tidak mudah meleleh, kenampakan seragam, warna menarik, dan citarasa yang sesuai dengan buah aslinya. Upaya untuk menghasilkan velva yang baik dapat diatasi dengan penambahan hidrokoloid berupa HPMC (Hidroxyproyl Methyl Cellulose). Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan satu faktor, yaitu konsentrasi HPMC yang terdiri dari tujuh level (0,6%; 1,0%; 1,4%; 1,8%; 2,2%; 2,6%; dan 3,0%), dengan tiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak empat kali. Parameter penelitian terhadap sifat fisik (viskositas, overrun, dan laju pelelehan) dan sifat organoleptik (sandness, kesukaan terhadap pelelehan di dalam mulut, dan flavor) dari velva. Data dianalisis secara statistik dengan ANOVA pada α = 5% dan dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT (Duncan's Multiple Range Test) pada α = 5%. Berdasarkan hasil uji ANOVA pada α = 5% diketahui bahwa konsentrasi HPMC berpengaruh nyata terhadap sifat fisik (viskositas, overrun, dan laju pelelehan) serta sifat organoleptik (pelelehan di mulut dan sandness). Range viskositas sebelum dan sesudah aging sebesar 0,2925-0,8275 cP dan 0,4150-0,9950 cP, overrun 6,28-16,87%. Nilai kesukaan panelis terhadap pelelehan di dalam mulut 5,96, sandness 5,78 dan flavor 5,20


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    Snack merupakan makanan yang sering dikonsumsi selain makanan pokok. Salah satu solusi yang dapat dilakukan untuk pemenuhan snack yang sehat dan memberi nilai tambah bagi kesehatan yaitu mengolah beras merah menjadi snackbar. Pembuatan snackbar pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan beras merah sebagai bahan utama untuk diolah menjadi puffed rice, serta gelatin sebagai bahan perekat dan berperan dalam pembentukan tekstur. Perlakuan awal dengan perendaman larutan kalsium klorida yang diekstraksi dari cangkang telur juga dilakukan untuk memperbaiki tekstur snackbar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan konsentrasi gelatin terhadap sifat fisikokimia dan organoleptik snackbar beras merah. Rancangan penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktor tunggal. Faktor yang diteliti pada penelitian ini adalah perbedaan konsentrasi gelatin yang terdiri atas enam taraf, yaitu 8%; 10%; 12%; 14%; 16%; 18%. Masing-masing perlakuan diberi pengulangan sebanyak empat kali. Parameter yang diuji meliputi kadar air, aktivitas air (aw), tekstur, organoleptik (rasa, kekerasan, dan kelengketan), kadar total antosianin perlakuan terbaik, dan serat perlakuan terbaik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi gelatin memberikan perbedaan nyata terhadap kadar air, aktivitas air (aw), tekstur, dan tingkat kesukaan terhadap kelengketan snackbar beras merah. Perlakuan terbaik yang dipilih berdasarkan uji organoleptik adalah snackbar beras merah dengan konsentrasi gelatin 14% dengan kadar air sebesar 4,45% (wet basis), aktivitas air (aw) sebesar 0,447, tekstur (hardness) sebesar 40,66 N, dan nilai organoleptik kesukaan terhadap rasa sebesar 3,90, tingkat kekerasan sebesar 4,10, dan kelengketan sebesar 4,18. Kadar total antosianin snackbar beras merah sebesar 0,95 mg/g berat kering, dan serat pangan snackbar beras merah sebesar 1,77%

    Absence of Adolescent Obesity in Grenada: Is This a Generational Effect?

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    Background: Low- and middle-income countries are affected disproportionately by the ongoing global obesity pandemic. Representing a middle income country, the high prevalence of obesity among Grenadian adults as compared to US adults is expected as part of global obesity trends. The objective of this study was to determine if Grenadian adolescents have a higher prevalence of overweight compared to their US counterparts, and if a disparity exists between urban and rural adolescents.Methods: Using a subcohort of participants in the Grenadian Nutrition Student Survey, diet quality and anthropometric measures were collected from 55% of the classrooms of first year secondary students in Grenada (n = 639). Rural or urban designations were given to each school. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated and categorized as overweight or obese for each student following CDC classification cutoffs. A standardized BMI (BMIz) was calculated for each school. Sex-specific BMI and overall BMIz were compared to a 1980s US cohort. Multilevel models, overall and stratified by sex, of students nested within schools were conducted to determine if BMIz differed by rural or urban locality, gender, and diet quality.Results: The mean age of this cohort was 12.7 (SD = 0.8) years with 83.8% of the cohort identifying as Afro-Caribbean. Females had nearly twice the prevalence of overweight when compared to males (22.7 vs. 12.2%) but a similar prevalence of obesity (8.2 vs. 6.8%). Grenadian adolescents had lower prevalence of overweight (females: 22.7 vs. 44.7%; males: 12.2 vs. 38.8%, respectively) as compared to US counterparts. Eating a traditional diet was negatively associated with BMIz score among females (β^ = −0.395; SE = 0.123) in a stratified, multilevel analysis. BMIz scores did not differ significantly by rural or urban school designation.Conclusions: Among Grenadian adolescents, this study identified a lower overweight prevalence compared to US counterparts and no difference in overweight prevalence by urban or rural location. We hypothesize that the late introduction of processed foods to Grenada protected this cohort from obesogenic promoters due to a lack of fetal overnutrition. However, further research in subsequent birth cohorts is needed to determine if adolescent obesity will increase due to a generational effect

    Human monkeypox virus infection in women and non-binary individuals during the 2022 outbreaks: a global case series.

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    BACKGROUND: Between May and November, 2022, global outbreaks of human monkeypox virus infection have been reported in more than 78 000 people worldwide, predominantly in men who have sex with men. We describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of monkeypox virus infection in cisgender (cis) and transgender (trans) women and non-binary individuals assigned female sex at birth to improve identification and understanding of risk factors. METHODS: International collaborators in geographical locations with high numbers of diagnoses of monkeypox virus infection were approached and invited to contribute data on women and non-binary individuals with confirmed monkeypox virus infection. Contributing centres completed deidentified structured case-report spreadsheets, adapted and developed by participating clinicians, to include variables of interest relevant to women and non-binary individuals assigned female at birth. We describe the epidemiology and clinical course observed in the reported infections. FINDINGS: Collaborators reported data for a total of 136 individuals with monkeypox virus infection who presented between May 11 and Oct 4, 2022, across 15 countries. Overall median age was 34 years (IQR 28-40; range 19-84). The cohort comprised 62 trans women, 69 cis women, and five non-binary individuals (who were, because of small numbers, grouped with cis women to form a category of people assigned female at birth for the purpose of comparison). 121 (89%) of 136 individuals reported sex with men. 37 (27%) of all individuals were living with HIV, with a higher proportion among trans women (31 [50%] of 62) than among cis women and non-binary individuals (six [8%] of 74). Sexual transmission was suspected in 55 (89%) trans women (with the remainder having an unknown route of transmission) and 45 (61%) cis women and non-binary individuals; non-sexual routes of transmission (including household and occupational exposures) were reported only in cis women and non-binary individuals. 25 (34%) of 74 cis women and non-binary individuals submitted to the case series were initially misdiagnosed. Overall, among individuals with available data, rash was described in 124 (93%) of 134 individuals and described as anogenital in 95 (74%) of 129 and as vesiculopustular in 105 (87%) of 121. Median number of lesions was ten (IQR 5-24; range 1-200). Mucosal lesions involving the vagina, anus, or oropharynx or eye occurred in 65 (55%) of 119 individuals with available data. Vaginal and anal sex were associated with lesions at those sites. Monkeypox virus DNA was detected by PCR from vaginal swab samples in all 14 samples tested. 17 (13%) individuals were hospitalised, predominantly for bacterial superinfection of lesions and pain management. 33 (24%) individuals were treated with tecovirimat and six (4%) received post-exposure vaccinations. No deaths were reported. INTERPRETATION: The clinical features of monkeypox in women and non-binary individuals were similar to those described in men, including the presence of anal and genital lesions with prominent mucosal involvement. Anatomically, anogenital lesions were reflective of sexual practices: vulvovaginal lesions predominated in cis women and non-binary individuals and anorectal features predominated in trans women. The prevalence of HIV co-infection in the cohort was high. FUNDING: None