239 research outputs found

    CMB anisotropy: deviations from Gaussianity due to non-linear gravity

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    Non-linear evolution of cosmological energy density fluctuations triggers deviations from Gaussianity in the temperature distribution of the cosmic microwave background. A method to estimate these deviations is proposed. N-body simulations -- in a Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology -- are used to simulate the strongly non-linear evolution of cosmological structures. It is proved that these simulations can be combined with the potential approximation to calculate the statistical moments of the CMB anisotropies produced by non-linear gravity. Some of these moments are computed and the resulting values are different from those corresponding to Gaussianity.Comment: 6 latex pages with mn.sty, 3 eps figures. Accepted in MNRA

    Comportamiento biológico intraarticular de distintos aloinjertos tendinosos: estudio experimental

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    Se ha efectuado un estudio experimental comparativo, con valoración macro y microscópica, de la supervivencia, dentro de la articulación de la rodilla del conejo, de tendones flexores sobre extensores y dentro de estos, entre tendones conservados en fresco, congelados, liofilizados y fijados en solución de glutaraldehido al 0,2%. Los tendones se mantuvieron libres en la articulación receptora durante periodos distintos de tiempo. Entre los resultados destaca la pérdida de volumen, en el tiempo, de la masa tendinosa (18% de despariciones totales, con un 28% de pérdida final global). Los tendones fijados en glutaraldehido fueron los que presentaron menor pérdida de volumen. Los tendones implantados en fresco y los congelados presentaron una mayor tasa de infección. La mejor respuesta de supervivencia se detectó en los tendones conservados en glutaraldehido y los congelados. Así mismo, tenían más posibilidades de sobrevivir los flexores que los extensores. Desde el punto de vista histológico, los tendones conservados en fresco desencadenaron una mayor respuesta inflamatoria, con gran alteración estructural. Desde el punto de vista microscópico no se han hallado diferencias significativas entre flexores y extensores.Different groups of flexor and extensor tendons have been compared in their abitihty survive within the rabbit knee joint. Tendons were grouped and compared according four different storage procedures like freezing, lyophylization and fixation in 0,2% glutaraldehid. Some of them were used in fresh. All tendons have been kept inside the joint as free graft. All specimens lost weight along the study (18% of total loosing of specimen, and 28% of global loosing). Tendons fixed in disclosed less loosing of volume. Allograft infection was related to the method o glutaraildehid of storage, relationship being statistically significant (fresh tendons and frozen tendons were infected more easily). The best survival was found in both frozen and glutaraldehid fixed tendons. Flexor tendons show more chances of survival than extensors tendons. Histologically, fresh tendons disclosed the greatest inflammatory reaction. Opposite to the macroscopic findings, there were no significant differences between flexors and extensors tendons in the microscopical study

    The Tully-Fisher relation of intermediate redshift field and cluster galaxies from Subaru spectroscopy

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    We have carried out spectroscopic observations in 4 cluster fields using Subaru's FOCAS multi-slit spectrograph and obtained spectra for 103 bright disk field and cluster galaxies at 0.06z1.200.06 \le z \le 1.20. Seventy-seven of these show emission lines, and 33 provide reasonably-secure determinations of the galaxies' rotation velocity. The rotation velocities, luminosities, colours and emission-line properties of these galaxies are used to study the possible effects of the cluster environment on the star-formation history of the galaxies. Comparing the Tully-Fisher relations of cluster and field galaxies at similar reshifts we find no measurable difference in rest-frame BB-band luminosity at a given rotation velocity (the formal difference is 0.18±0.330.18\pm0.33 mag). The colours of the cluster emission line galaxies are only marginally redder in rest-frame BVB-V (by 0.06±0.040.06\pm0.04 mag) than the field galaxies in our sample. Taken at face value, these results seem to indicate that bright star-forming cluster spirals are similar to their field counterparts in their star-formation properties. However, we find that the fraction of disk galaxies with absorption-line spectra (i.e., with no current star formation) is larger in clusters than in the field by a factor of 3\sim3--5. This suggests that the cluster environment has the overall effect of switching off star formation in (at least) some spiral galaxies. To interpret these observational results, we carry out simulations of the possible effects of the cluster environment on the star-formation history of disk galaxies and thus their photometric and spectroscopic properties. Finally, we evaluate the evolution of the rest-frame absolute BB-band magnitude per unit redshift at fixed rotation velocity.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    UV completion of an axial, leptophobic, ZZ^\prime

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    The ZZ'-portal is one of most popular and well-explored scenarios of dark matter (DM). To avoid the strong constraints coming from dilepton resonance searches at the LHC and direct detection of DM, it is usually required that in addition to being leptophobic, the ZZ' is axially coupled to either the (fermionic) DM or the standard model (SM) quarks. The first possibility has been extensively studied both in the context of simplified model and UV complete scenarios. However, the studies on the second possibiliy are largely confined to simplified models only. Here, we construct the minimal UV completion of these models satisfying both the criteria of leptophobia and purely axial ZZ'-quark coupling. The anomaly cancellation conditions demand highly non-trivial structures, not only in the dark sector, but also in the Higgs sector.Comment: 15 pages. Improved version with phenomenological implications addressed and references adde

    The star formation activity in cosmic voids

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    Using a sample of cosmic voids identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7, we study the star formation activity of void galaxies. The properties of galaxies living in voids are compared with those of galaxies living in the void shells and with a control sample, representing the general galaxy population. Void galaxies appear to form stars more efficiently than shell galaxies and the control sample. This result cannot be interpreted as a consequence of the bias towards low masses in underdense regions, as void galaxy subsamples with the same mass distribution as the control sample also show statistically different specific star formation rates. This highlights the fact that galaxy evolution in voids is slower with respect to the evolution of the general population. Nevertheless, when only the star-forming galaxies are considered, we find that the star formation rate is insensitive to the environment, as the main sequence is remarkably constant in the three samples under consideration. This fact implies that environmental effects manifest themselves as fast quenching mechanisms, while leaving the non-quenched galaxies almost unaffected, as their star formation activity is largely regulated by the mass of their halo. We also analyse galaxy properties as a function of void-centric distance and find that the enhancement in the star formation activity with respect to the control sample is observable up to a radial distance 1.5Rvoid. This result can be used as a suitable definition of void shells. Finally, we find that larger voids show an enhanced star formation activity in the shells with respect to their smaller counterparts, which could be related to the different dynamical evolution experienced by voids of different size

    Efecto de la congelación en rodillas animales. Estudio biomecánico experimental

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    Se estudia el comportamiento mecánico de rodillas animales que han sido congeladas en 1 o varias ocasiones mediante la aplicación de cargas axiales hasta la fractura o test destructivos. Se analizan el tipo y localización de fracturas aparecidas mediante un estudio radiográfico.We study the mechanical behavior in animal knees who are fresh frozen in one or various times. Axial loading are applied until the final fracture ( destructive test). Also it evaluates the tipe and localization of the fractures with radiological study

    A Catalogue and Analysis of X-ray luminosities of Early-type galaxies

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    We present a catalogue of X-ray luminosities for 401 early-type galaxies, of which 136 are based on newly analysed ROSAT PSPC pointed observations. The remaining luminosities are taken from the literature and converted to a common energy band, spectral model and distance scale. Using this sample we fit the L_X:L_B relation for early-type galaxies and find a best fit slope for the catalogue of ~2.2. We demonstrate the influence of group-dominant galaxies on the fit and present evidence that the relation is not well modeled by a single powerlaw fit. We also derive estimates of the contribution to galaxy X-ray luminosities from discrete sources and conclude that they provide L_discrete/L_B = 29.5 erg/s/L_solar. We compare this result to luminosities from our catalogue. Lastly, we examine the influence of environment on galaxy X-ray luminosity and on the form of the L_X:L_B relation. We conclude that although environment undoubtedly affects the X-ray properties of individual galaxies, particularly those in the centres of groups and clusters, it does not change the nature of whole populations.Comment: 33 pages, 16 postscript figures, accepted for publication in MNRA