129 research outputs found

    WNT5A is transported via lipoprotein particles in the cerebrospinal fluid to regulate hindbrain morphogenesis.

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    WNTs are lipid-modified proteins that control multiple functions in development and disease via short- and long-range signaling. However, it is unclear how these hydrophobic molecules spread over long distances in the mammalian brain. Here we show that WNT5A is produced by the choroid plexus (ChP) of the developing hindbrain, but not the telencephalon, in both mouse and human. Since the ChP produces and secretes the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), we examine the presence of WNT5A in the CSF and find that it is associated with lipoprotein particles rather than exosomes. Moreover, since the CSF flows along the apical surface of hindbrain progenitors not expressing Wnt5a, we examined whether deletion of Wnt5a in the ChP controls their function and find that cerebellar morphogenesis is impaired. Our study thus identifies the CSF as a route and lipoprotein particles as a vehicle for long-range transport of biologically active WNT in the central nervous system.We thank Nadia Wänn for maintenance of mice colonies; the members of Bryja and Arenas lab for their help and suggestions; Martin Häring for help with in situ analysis; Johnny Söderlund and Alessandra Nanni for their technical and secretarial assistance; and the CLICK imaging facility at Karolinska Institutet for technical support. We thank MEYS CR for support to the following core facilities: Proteomics (CIISB research infrastructure project LM2015043), cellular imaging at CEITEC institution at Masaryk University (LM2015062 Czech-BioImaging) Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (LM2015040), Higher quality and capacity of transgenic model breeding (by MEYS and ERDF, OP RDI CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0395), Czech Centre for Phenogenomics: developing towards translation research (by MEYS and ESIF, OP RDE CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001789). The collaboration between Masaryk University and Karolinska Institutet (KI-MU program), was co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0180). Funding to the VB lab was obtained from Neuron Fund for Support of Science (23/2016), and Czech Science Foundation (GA17-16680S). Work in the EA lab was supported by the Swedish Research Council (VR projects: DBRM, 2011-3116, 2011-3318 and 2016-01526), Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SRL program and SLA SB16-0065), European Commission (NeuroStemcellRepair), Karolinska Institutet (SFO Strat Regen, Senior grant 2018), Hjärnfonden (FO2015:0202 and FO2017-0059) and Cancerfonden (CAN 2016/572). Research in the JCV lab was supported by Karolinska Institutet Foundations. KK was supported by Masaryk University (MUNI/E/0965/2016). DP and ZZ were supported by the CEITEC 2020 (LQ1601) project from MEYS CR

    Inhibition of NOS- like activity in maize alters the expression of genes involved in H2O2 scavenging and glycine betaine biosynthesis

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    Nitric oxide synthase-like activity contributes to the production of nitric oxide in plants, which controls plant responses to stress. This study investigates if changes in ascorbate peroxidase enzymatic activity and glycine betaine content in response to inhibition of nitric oxide synthase-like activity are associated with transcriptional regulation by analyzing transcript levels of genes (betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase) involved in glycine betaine biosynthesis and those encoding antioxidant enzymes (ascorbate peroxidase and catalase) in leaves of maize seedlings treated with an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase-like activity. In seedlings treated with a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, transcript levels of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase were decreased. In plants treated with the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, the transcript levels of ascorbate peroxidase-encoding genes were down-regulated. We thus conclude that inhibition of nitric oxide synthase-like activity suppresses the expression of ascorbate peroxidase and betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase genes in maize leaves. Furthermore, catalase activity was suppressed in leaves of plants treated with nitric oxide synthase inhibitor; and this corresponded with the suppression of the expression of catalase genes. We further conclude that inhibition of nitric oxide synthase-like activity, which suppresses ascorbate peroxidase and catalase enzymatic activities, results in increased H2O2 content

    Turnip yellow mosaic virus in Chinese cabbage in Spain: Commercial seed transmission and molecular characterization

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    [EN] Seed transmission of Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV, genus Tymovirus) was evaluated in the whole seeds and seedlings that emerged from three commercial Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) seed batches. Seedlings in the cotyledon stage and adult plants were assayed for TYMV by DAS-ELISA and confirmed by RT-PCR. The proportion of whole seeds infected with TYMV was at least 0.15 %. The seeds of the three seed batches were grown in Petri dishes, and surveyed in the cotyledon stage in trays that contained a peat:sand mixture grown in greenhouses or growth chambers, which were analysed in the cotyledon and adult stages. The seed-to-seedling transmission rate ranged from 2.5 % to 2.9 % in two different seed batches (lot-08 and lot-09, respectively). Spanish isolates derived from turnip (Sp-03) and Chinese cabbage (Sp-09 and Sp-13), collected in 2003, 2009 and 2013 in two different Spanish regions, were molecularly characterised by analysing the partial nucleotide sequences of three TYMV genome regions: partial RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), methyltransferase (MTR) and coat protein (CP) genes. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the CP gene represented two different groups: TYMV-1 and TYMV-2. The first was subdivided into three subclades: European, Australian and Japanese. Spanish isolate Sp-03 clustered together with European TYMV group, whereas Sp-09 and Sp-13 grouped with the Japanese TYMV group, and all differed from group TYMV-2. The sequences of the three different genomic regions examined clustered into the same groups. The results suggested that Spanish isolates grouped according to the original hosts from which they were isolated. The inoculation of the Spanish TYMV isolates to four crucifer plants species (turnip, broccoli, Brunswick cabbage and radish) revealed that all the isolates infected turnip with typical symptoms, although differences were observed in other hosts.Alfaro Fernández, AO.; Serrano, A.; Tornos, T.; Cebrian Mico, MC.; Córdoba-Sellés, MDC.; Jordá, C.; Font San Ambrosio, MI. (2016). Turnip yellow mosaic virus in Chinese cabbage in Spain: Commercial seed transmission and molecular characterization. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY. 146(2):433-442. doi:10.1007/s10658-016-0929-3S4334421462Assis Filho, M., & Sherwood, J. L. (2000). Evaluation of seed transmission of Turnip yellow mosaic virus and Tobacco mosaic virus in Arabidopsis thaliana. Phytopathology, 90, 1233–1238.Benetti, M. P., & Kaswalder, F. (1983). Trasmisione per seme del virus del mosaico giallo rapa. Annali dell Istituto Sperimentale per la Patologia Vegetale, 8, 67–70.Blok, J., Mackenzie, A., Guy, P., & Gibbs, A. (1987). Nucleotide sequence comparisons of Turnip yellow mosaic virus isolates from Australia and Europe. Archives of Virology, 97, 283–295.Brunt, A., Crabtree, K., Dallwitz, M., Gibbs, A., Watson, L., & Zurcher, E.J. (1996). Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions and Lists from the VIDE Database. Version: 20th August 1996. URL http://biology.anu.edu.au/Groups/MES/vide/ .Campbell, R. N., Wipf-Scheibel, C., & Lecoq, H. (1996). Vector-assissted seed transmission of melon necrotic spot virus in melon. Phytopathology, 86, 1294–1298.Dreher, T. W., & Bransom, K. L. (1992). Genomic RNA sequence of Turnip yellow mosaic virus isolate TYMC, a cDNA-based clone with verified infectivity. Plant Molecular Biology, 18, 403–406.Fakhro, A., Von Bargen, S., Bandte, M., Büttner, C., Franken, P., & Schwarz, D. (2011). Susceptibility of different plant species and tomato cultivars to two isolates of Pepino mosaic virus. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 129, 579–590.Gibbs, A. J., & Gower, J. C. (1960). The use of a multiple-transfer method in plant virus transmission studies: some statistical points arising in the analysis of results. Annals of Applied Biology, 48, 75–83.Hayden, C. M., Mackenzie, A. M., & Gibbs, A. J. (1998a). Virion protein sequence variation among Australian isolates of turnip yellow mosaic tymovirus. Archives of Virology, 143, 191–201.Hayden, C. M., Mackenzie, A. M., Skotnicki, M. L., & Gibbs, A. (1998b). Turnip yellow mosaic virus isolates with experimentally produced recombinant virion proteins. Journal of General Virology, 79, 395–403.Hein, A. (1984). Transmission of Turnip yellow mosaic virus through seed of Camelina sativa gold of pleasure. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 91, 549–551.Herrera-Vásquez, J. A., Córdoba-Sellés, M. C., Cebrián, M. C., Alfaro-Fernández, A., & Jordá, C. (2009). Seed transmission of Melon necrotic spot virus and efficacy of seed-disinfection treatments. Plant Pathology, 58, 436–452.Hull, R. (2002). 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Archives of Virology, 150, 2347–2355.Pagán, I., Fraile, A., Fernández-Fueyo, E., Montes, N., Alonso-Blanco, C., & García-Arenal, F. (2010). Arabidopsis thaliana as a model for the study of plant-virus co-evolution. Philosophical Transations of the Royal Society Biological Sciences, 365, 1983–1995.Paul, H. L., Gibbs, A., & Wittman-Liebold, B. (1980). The relationships of certain Tymoviruses assessed from the amino acid composition of their coat proteins. Intervirology, 13, 99–109.Pelikanova, J. (1990). Garlic mustard a spontaneous host of TYMV. Ochrana Rostlin, 26, 17–22.Procházková, Z. (1980). Host range and symptom differences between isolates of Turnip mosaic virus obtained from Sisymbrium loeselii. Biologia Plantarum, 22, 341–347.Rimmer, S. R., Shtattuck, V. I., & Buchwaldt, L. (2007). Compendium of brassica diseases (1ª Edición ed.p. 117). USA: APS press.Rot, M. E., & Jelkman, W. (2001). Characterization and detection of several filamentous viruses of cherry: Adaptation of an alternative cloning method (DOP-PCR), and modification of an RNA extraction protocol. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 107, 411–420.Sabanadzovic, S., Abou-Ghanem, N., Castellano, M. A., Digiaero, M., & Martelli, G. P. (2000). Grapevine fleck virus-like in Vitis. Archives of Virology, 145, 553–565.Špack, J., & Kubelková, D. (2000). Serological variability among European isolates of Radish mosaic virus. Plant Pathology, 49, 295–301.Špack, J., Kubelková, D., & Hnilicka, E. (1993). Seed transmission of Turnip yellow mosaic virus in winter turnip and winter oilseed rapes. Annals of Applied Biology, 123, 33–35.Stobbs, L. W., Cerkauskas, R. F., Lowery, T., & VanDriel, L. (1998). Occurrence of Turnip yellow mosaic virus on oriental cruciferours vegetables in Southern Ontario, Canada. Plant Disease, 82, 351.Tamura, K., Peterson, D., Peterson, N., Stecher, G., Nei, M., & Kumar, S. (2011). MEGA5: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis using maximum likelihood, evolutionary distance, and maximum parsimony methods. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28, 2731–2739

    Hydrophilic antioxidant compounds in orange juice from different fruit cultivars: Composition and antioxidant activity evaluated by chemical and cellular based (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) assays

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    Antioxidant capacity was evaluated by a cellular model (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and chemical methods (FRAP, TEAC and total phenols by Folin-Ciocalteu assay) in the hydrophilic fraction (phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid) of orange juices (OJs) from six varieties (Midknight, Delta Seedless, Rohde Red, Seedless, Early and clone Sambiasi), harvested in two seasons. The contents of phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid analyzed, respectively, by UPLC and HPLC were 370.04 76.97 mg/L and 52.05 6.69 mg/100 mL. Variety and season significantly influenced (p < 0.05) composition and antioxidant capacity. TEAC and FRAP values correlated well with individual hydrophilic compounds (R2 > 0.991) but no correlation with cellular assay was observed. An increase in survival rates between 23% and 38% was obtained, excepting for two varieties that showed no activity (Rohde Red and Seedless). Narirutin, naringin-d, ferulic acid-d2, didymin, neoeriocitrin and sinapic acid hexose and caffeic acid-d1 were the phenolic compounds which contributed to survival rates (R2 = 0.979, p < 0.01

    Isolation of a euryhaline microalgal strain, Tetraselmis sp CTP4, as a robust feedstock for biodiesel production

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    Bioprospecting for novel microalgal strains is key to improving the feasibility of microalgae-derived biodiesel production. Tetraselmis sp. CTP4 (Chlorophyta, Chlorodendrophyceae) was isolated using fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) in order to screen novel lipid-rich microalgae. CTP4 is a robust, euryhaline strain able to grow in seawater growth medium as well as in non-sterile urban wastewater. Because of its large cell size (9-22 mu m), CTP4 settles down after a six-hour sedimentation step. This leads to a medium removal efficiency of 80%, allowing a significant decrease of biomass dewatering costs. Using a two-stage system, a 3-fold increase in lipid content (up to 33% of DW) and a 2-fold enhancement in lipid productivity (up to 52.1 mg L-1 d(-1)) were observed upon exposure to nutrient depletion for 7 days. The biodiesel synthesized from the lipids of CTP4 contained high levels of oleic acid (25.67% of total fatty acids content) and minor amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids with >= 4 double bonds (< 1%). As a result, this biofuel complies with most of the European (EN14214) and American (ASTM D6751) specifications, which commonly used microalgal feedstocks are usually unable to meet. In conclusion, Tetraselmis sp. CTP4 displays promising features as feedstock with lower downstream processing costs for biomass dewatering and biodiesel refining

    The Physiology and Proteomics of Drought Tolerance in Maize: Early Stomatal Closure as a Cause of Lower Tolerance to Short-Term Dehydration?

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    Understanding the response of a crop to drought is the first step in the breeding of tolerant genotypes. In our study, two maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes with contrasting sensitivity to dehydration were subjected to moderate drought conditions. The subsequent analysis of their physiological parameters revealed a decreased stomatal conductance accompanied by a slighter decrease in the relative water content in the sensitive genotype. In contrast, the tolerant genotype maintained open stomata and active photosynthesis, even under dehydration conditions. Drought-induced changes in the leaf proteome were analyzed by two independent approaches, 2D gel electrophoresis and iTRAQ analysis, which provided compatible but only partially overlapping results. Drought caused the up-regulation of protective and stress-related proteins (mainly chaperones and dehydrins) in both genotypes. The differences in the levels of various detoxification proteins corresponded well with the observed changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes. The number and levels of up-regulated protective proteins were generally lower in the sensitive genotype, implying a reduced level of proteosynthesis, which was also indicated by specific changes in the components of the translation machinery. Based on these results, we propose that the hypersensitive early stomatal closure in the sensitive genotype leads to the inhibition of photosynthesis and, subsequently, to a less efficient synthesis of the protective/detoxification proteins that are associated with drought tolerance

    Flavonoids in prevention of diseases with respect to modulation of Ca-pump function

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    Flavonoids, natural phenolic compounds, are known as agents with strong antioxidant properties. In many diseases associated with oxidative/nitrosative stress and aging they provide multiple biological health benefits. Ca2+-ATPases belong to the main calcium regulating proteins involved in the balance of calcium homeostasis, which is impaired in oxidative/nitrosative stress and related diseases or aging. The mechanisms of Ca2+-ATPases dysfunction are discussed, focusing on cystein oxidation and tyrosine nitration. Flavonoids act not only as antioxidants but are also able to bind directly to Ca2+-ATPases, thus changing their conformation, which results in modulation of enzyme activity