344 research outputs found

    Exploring Deep Cervical Compartments in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology through Augmented Reality Vision: A Proof of Concept

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    Background: Virtual surgical planning allows surgeons to meticulously define surgical procedures by creating a digital replica of patients’ anatomy. This enables precise preoperative assessment, facilitating the selection of optimal surgical approaches and the customization of treatment plans. In neck surgery, virtual planning has been significantly underreported compared to craniofacial surgery, due to a multitude of factors, including the predominance of soft tissues, the unavailability of intraoperative navigation and the complexity of segmenting such areas. Augmented reality represents the most innovative approach to translate virtual planning for real patients, as it merges the digital world with the surgical field in real time. Surgeons can access patient-specific data directly within their field of view, through dedicated visors. In head and neck surgical oncology, augmented reality systems overlay critical anatomical information onto the surgeon’s visual field. This aids in locating and preserving vital structures, such as nerves and blood vessels, during complex procedures. In this paper, the authors examine a series of patients undergoing complex neck surgical oncology procedures with prior virtual surgical planning analysis. For each patient, the surgical plan was imported in Hololens headset to allow for intraoperative augmented reality visualization. The authors discuss the results of this preliminary investigation, tracing the conceptual framework for an increasing AR implementation in complex head and neck surgical oncology procedures

    Image-guided multisession radiosurgery of skull base meningiomas

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    Background: The efficacy of single-session stereotactic radiosurgery (sSRS) for the treatment of intracranial meningioma is widely recognized. However, sSRS is not always feasible in cases of large tumors and those lying close to critically radiation-sensitive structures. When surgery is not recommended, multi-session stereotactic radiosurgery (mSRS) can be applied. Even so, the efficacy and best treatment schedule of mSRS are not yet established. The aim of this study is to validate the role of mSRS in the treatment of skull base meningiomas. Methods: A retrospective analysis of patients with skull base meningiomas treated with mSRS (two to five fractions) at the University of Messina, Italy, from 2008 to 2018, was conducted. Results: 156 patients met the inclusion criteria. The median follow-up period was 36.2 \ub1 29.3 months. Progression-free survival at 2-, 5-, and 10-years was 95%, 90%, and 80.8%, respectively. There were no new visual or motor deficits, nor cranial nerves impairments, excluding trigeminal neuralgia, which was reported by 5.7% of patients. One patient reported carotid occlusion and one developed brain edema. Conclusion: Multisession radiosurgery is an effective approach for skull base meningiomas. The long-term control is comparable to that obtained with conventionally-fractionated radiotherapy, while the toxicity rate is very limited

    Factors affecting outcome in frameless non-isocentric stereotactic radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia: A multicentric cohort study

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    Background: Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is an effective treatment for trigeminal neuralgia (TN). Nevertheless, a proportion of patients will experience recurrence and treatment-related sensory disturbances. In order to evaluate the predictors of efficacy and safety of image-guided non-isocentric radiosurgery, we analyzed the impact of trigeminal nerve volume and the nerve dose/volume relationship, together with relevant clinical characteristics. Methods: Two-hundred and ninety-six procedures were performed on 262 patients at three centers. In 17 patients the TN was secondary to multiple sclerosis (MS). Trigeminal pain and sensory disturbances were classified according to the Barrow Neurological Institute (BNI) scale. Pain-free-intervals were investigated using Kaplan Meier analyses. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses were performed to identify predictors. Results: The median follow-up period was 38 months, median maximal dose 72.4 Gy, median target nerve volume 25 mm3, and median prescription dose 60 Gy. Pain control rate (BNI I-III) at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 months were 96.8, 90.9, 84.2, 81.4, 74.2, and 71.2%, respectively. Overall, 18% of patients developed sensory disturbances. Patients with volume 65 30 mm3 were more likely to maintain pain relief (p = 0.031), and low integral dose (< 1.4 mJ) tended to be associated with more pain recurrence than intermediate (1.4-2.7 mJ) or high integral dose (> 2.7 mJ; low vs. intermediate: log-rank test, \u3c72 = 5.02, p = 0.019; low vs. high: log-rank test, \u3c72 = 6.026, p = 0.014). MS, integral dose, and mean dose were the factors associated with pain recurrence, while re-irradiation and MS were predictors for sensory disturbance in the multivariate analysis. Conclusions: The dose to nerve volume ratio is predictive of pain recurrence in TN, and re-irradiation has a major impact on the development of sensory disturbances after non-isocentric SRS. Interestingly, the integral dose may differ significantly in treatments using apparently similar dose and volume constraints

    New scenarios in secondary hyperparathyroidism: etelcalcetide. Position paper of working group on CKD-MBD of the Italian Society of Nephrology

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    Bone mineral abnormalities (defined as Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral Bone Disorder; CKD-MBD) are prevalent and associated with a substantial risk burden and poor prognosis in CKD population. Several lines of evidence support the notion that a large proportion of patients receiving maintenance dialysis experience a suboptimal biochemical control of CKD-MBD. Although no study has ever demonstrated conclusively that CKD-MBD control is associated with improved survival, an expanding therapeutic armamentarium is available to correct bone mineral abnormalities. In this position paper of Lombardy Nephrologists, a summary of the state of art of CKD-MBD as well as a summary of the unmet clinical needs will be provided. Furthermore, this position paper will focus on the potential and drawbacks of a new injectable calcimimetic, etelcalcetide, a drug available in Italy since few months ago

    New scenarios in secondary hyperparathyroidism: etelcalcetide. Position paper of working group on CKD-MBD of the Italian Society of Nephrology

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    Bone mineral abnormalities (defined as Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral Bone Disorder; CKD-MBD) are prevalent and associated with a substantial risk burden and poor prognosis in CKD population. Several lines of evidence support the notion that a large proportion of patients receiving maintenance dialysis experience a suboptimal biochemical control of CKD-MBD. Although no study has ever demonstrated conclusively that CKD-MBD control is associated with improved survival, an expanding therapeutic armamentarium is available to correct bone mineral abnormalities. In this position paper of Lombardy Nephrologists, a summary of the state of art of CKD-MBD as well as a summary of the unmet clinical needs will be provided. Furthermore, this position paper will focus on the potential and drawbacks of a new injectable calcimimetic, etelcalcetide, a drug available in Italy since few months ago

    Cosicidad y el principio dialógico

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    COSICIDAD: “Ensayo Exploratorio de Ideas para la Producción Objetual”, propone un espacio proyectual para la exploración lúdica de ideas generadoras de juegos de ajedrez. Morin nos dice que se sustituye al paradigma de disyunción/reducción/unidimensionalización por un paradigma de distinción/conjunción que permita distinguir sin desarticular, asociar sin identificar o reducir, es decir el EROS Y TANATOS relacionados. La Complejidad es el desafío, no la respuesta. El paradigma de la complejidad es una empresa que se esta gestando, que vendrá de la mano de nuevos conceptos, de nuevas visiones, de interrogantes e incertidumbre, de nuevos descubrimientos, y de nuevas reflexiones que se conectaran y reunirán. Es una apertura teórica, una teoría abierta que requiere lo más simple y lo más difícil: "cambiar las bases de partida del razonamiento dice Morin, “Unir, unir. Se ha convertido para mí, no en la palabra clave sino en la idea-madre. El conocimiento que une es el conocimiento complejo”. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen) Eje temático: Lenguajes múltiplesFacultad de Bellas Arte

    Aforismos y a-morfismo

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    Presentamos unas series de FIGURAS denominadas A-MORFISMOS, un neologismo en el campo de la MORFOLOGÍA, que al estar en la primera morfología o entitativa, son compatibles con los AFORISMOS FILOSOFICOS. El Plano de estas FIGURAS denominadas A-MORFISMOS significa abordar sobre temas de MORFOLOGÍA GENERAL O ENTITATIVA, es esa instancia previa o anterior a su incorporación dentro de los campos de los usos y las técnicas, un momento esencial en el que las FORMAS no han ingresado a ser operadas por las prácticas de la Arquitectura, el Diseño o el Urbanismo. Heidegger diría de ellos, que “son cosas para hacer cosas que hagan cosas y deseo de alimentar el deseo de otros deseos”. Es esa FORMA primera que es siempre polisémica y nos posibilita múltiples abordajes. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen) Mesa: Enfoques en perspectivas: prácticas en lenguajes artísticosFacultad de Bellas Arte

    Cosicidad es "el camino que sube desde la oscuridad de la caverna"

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    COSICIDAD: “Ensayo Exploratorio de Ideas para la Producción Objetual”, propone un espacio proyectual para la exploración lúdica de ideas generadoras de juegos de ajedrez. La esencia de COSICIDAD es la “imaginación” y es la “crítica”, el germen de la innovación. Quien logre integrar ambas será protagonista de su propio proceso de creación, de la génesis del juego de los juegos, del juego de la vida y de las grandezas y miserias humanas, de la génesis de un juego de ajedrez impregnado de todo el encanto del Cosmos, y, en esta ocasión, de la génesis de un juego cuyo diseño será alusivo a la cultura musical argentina. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen) Eje temático: Lenguajes múltiplesFacultad de Bellas Arte

    Cosicidad es "el camino que sube desde la oscuridad de la caverna"

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    COSICIDAD: “Ensayo Exploratorio de Ideas para la Producción Objetual”, propone un espacio proyectual para la exploración lúdica de ideas generadoras de juegos de ajedrez. La esencia de COSICIDAD es la “imaginación” y es la “crítica”, el germen de la innovación. Quien logre integrar ambas será protagonista de su propio proceso de creación, de la génesis del juego de los juegos, del juego de la vida y de las grandezas y miserias humanas, de la génesis de un juego de ajedrez impregnado de todo el encanto del Cosmos, y, en esta ocasión, de la génesis de un juego cuyo diseño será alusivo a la cultura musical argentina. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen) Eje temático: Lenguajes múltiplesFacultad de Bellas Arte