346 research outputs found

    XANES study of rare-earth valency in LRu4P12 (L = Ce and Pr)

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    Valency of Ce and Pr in LRu4P12 (L = Ce and Pr) was studied by L2,3-edge x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. The Ce-L3 XANES spectrum suggests that Ce is mainly trivalent, but the 4f state strongly hybridizes with ligand orbitals. The band gap of CeRu4P12 seems to be formed by strong hybridization of 4f electrons. Pr-L2 XANES spectra indicate that Pr exists in trivalent state over a wide range in temperature, 20 < T < 300 K. We find that the metal-insulator (MI) transition at TMI = 60 K in PrRu4P12 does not originate from Pr valence fluctuation.Comment: 4 page

    Linear systems solvers - recent developments and implications for lattice computations

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    We review the numerical analysis' understanding of Krylov subspace methods for solving (non-hermitian) systems of equations and discuss its implications for lattice gauge theory computations using the example of the Wilson fermion matrix. Our thesis is that mature methods like QMR, BiCGStab or restarted GMRES are close to optimal for the Wilson fermion matrix. Consequently, preconditioning appears to be the crucial issue for further improvements.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX using espcrc2.sty, 2 figures, 9 eps-files, Talk presented at LATTICE96(algorithms), submitted to Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Supp

    Myositis associated with localized lipodystrophy: an unrecognized condition?

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    Lipodystrophies represent a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by altered body fat repartition and often metabolic alterations. Here we illustrate a 20 year old male with myositis in association with localized lipodystrophy. Immunohistochemical stainings revealed a regular pattern of dystrophin, dysferlin, sarcoglycans, and theletonin. Furtermore, there was no evidence of Lamin A/C deficiency. A nearly identical clinical and histological picture has been described in three patients up to now. Although it is difficult to speculate on a causative pathophysiological mechanism at this time, it is possible that this association represents an unrecognized condition

    Local lattice instability and stripes in the CuO 2 plane of the La 1.85 Sr 0.15 CuO 4 system by polarized XANES and EXAFS

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    Temperature-dependent polarized Cu K-edge x-ray absorption has been used to investigate local structural distortions in the CuO2{\mathrm{CuO}}_{2} plane of the La1.85{\mathrm{La}}_{1.85}Sr0.15{\mathrm{Sr}}_{0.15}CuO4{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4} system. The Cu-O pair distribution shows the presence of a minority phase containing CuO6{\mathrm{CuO}}_{6} octahedra characterized by a shorter Cu-O(apical) bond (\ensuremath{\Delta}R\ensuremath{\sim}-0.1 \AA{}) and two longer Cu-O(planar) bonds (\ensuremath{\Delta}R\ensuremath{\sim}+0.08 \AA{}) and a tilting angle of 16\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}2\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}. The temperature-dependent distortions show a maximum around T (\ensuremath{\sim}1.6Tc{6\mathrm{T}}_{\mathrm{c}}) and a minimum at Tc{\mathrm{T}}_{\mathrm{c}} (\ensuremath{\sim}35 K). The data show the coexistence of two types of doped charges in different stripes in the superconducting phase

    A Parallel SSOR Preconditioner for Lattice QCD

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    A parallelizable SSOR preconditioning scheme for Krylov subspace iterative solvers in lattice QCD applications involving Wilson fermions is presented. In actual Hybrid Monte Carlo and quark propagator calculations it helps to reduce the number of iterations by a factor of 2 compared to conventional odd-even preconditioning. This corresponds to a gain in cpu-time of 30\% - 70\% over odd-even preconditioning.Comment: Talk presented at LATTICE96(algorithms), 3 pages, LaTeX file, 3 epsf-files include

    Hadron Mass Predictions of the Valence Approximation to Lattice QCD

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    We evaluate the infinite volume, continuum limits of eight hadron mass ratios predicted by lattice QCD with Wilson quarks in the valence (quenched) approximation. Each predicted ratio differs from the corresponding observed value by less than 6\%.Comment: 13 pages of Latex + 2 PostScript files attached, IBM/HET 92-

    Hadron Masses from the Valence Approximation to Lattice QCD

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    We evaluate pseudoscalar, vector, spin 1/2 and spin 3/2 baryon masses predicted by lattice QCD with Wilson quarks in the valence (quenched) approximation for a range of different values of lattice spacing, lattice volume and quark mass. Extrapolating these results to physical quark mass, then to zero lattice spacing and infinite volume we obtain values for eight mass ratios. We also determine the zero lattice spacing, infinite volume limit of an alternate set of five quantities found without extrapolation in quark mass. Both sets of predictions differ from the corresponding observed values by amounts consistent with the predicted quantities' statistical uncertainties.Comment: 108 pages of Latex, including 50 PostScript figures, tarred, compressed and uuencoded. IBM-HET-94-3. (The first version of this posting exceeded the size limit. I squeezed the second version in by dropping out the figues. This version gets the figures in but has to be run through Latex and dvips.

    Infrared study of spin crossover Fe-picolylamine complex

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    Infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy has been used to probe the evolution of microscopic vibrational states upon the temperature- and photo-induced spin crossovers in [Fe(2-picolylamine)3]Cl2EtOH (Fe-pic). To overcome the small sizes and the strong IR absorption of the crystal samples used, an IR synchrotron radiation source and an IR microscope have been used. The obtained IR spectra of Fe-pic show large changes between high-spin and low-spin states for both the temperature- and the photo- induced spin crossovers. Although the spectra in the temperature- and photo-induced high-spin states are relatively similar to each other, they show distinct differences below 750 cm-1. This demonstrates that the photo-induced high-spin state involves microscopically different characters from those of the temperature-induced high-spin state. The results are discussed in terms of local pressure and structural deformations within the picolylamine ligands, and in terms of their possible relevance to the development of macroscopic photo-induced phase in Fe-pic.Comment: 6 pages (text) and 6 figures,submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp