190 research outputs found

    2-Segal sets and the Waldhausen construction

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    It is known by results of Dyckerhoff–Kapranov and of Gálvez-Carrillo–Kock–Tonks that the output of the Waldhausen S • -construction has a unital 2-Segal structure. Here, we prove that a certain S • -functor defines an equivalence between the category of augmented stable double categories and the category of unital 2-Segal sets. The inverse equivalence is described explicitly by a path construction. We illustrate the equivalence for the known examples of partial monoids, cobordism categories with genus constraints and graph coalgebras


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the mediating effect of motivation on the relationship between positive experiences at school and the self-efficacy of Physical Education students. Utilizing quantitative, non-experimental design via correlational technique, data were obtained from 350 Grade 12 students of the 7 national high schools under the division of Davao del Sur, Region XI. The researcher utilized stratified random sampling and an online survey mode of data collection. The researcher also utilized statistical tools such as mean, Pearson r, regression and med graph using the Sobel z- test. From the results of the study, it was found that there is a very high level of motivation, a very high level of positive experiences at school and a very high level of self-efficacy among PE students. Furthermore, there is a significant relationship between positive experiences at school and self-efficacy, between motivation and positive experiences at school and between motivation and positive experiences at school and between motivation and self-efficacy among PE students. Further, it was revealed that there was full mediation on the effect of motivation on the relationship between positive experiences at school and self-efficacy. This implies that the positive experiences at school convey motivation of Physical Education students

    On the critical point structure of eigenfunctions belonging to the first nonzero eigenvalue of a genus two closed hyperbolic surface

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    We develop a method based on spectral graph theory to approximate the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator of a compact riemannian manifold -- The method is applied to a closed hyperbolic surface of genus two -- The results obtained agree with the ones obtained by other authors by different methods, and they serve as experimental evidence supporting the conjectured fact that the generic eigenfunctions belonging to the first nonzero eigenvalue of a closed hyperbolic surface of arbitrary genus are Morse functions having the least possible total number of critical points among all Morse functions admitted by such manifold

    ReacciĂłn de los mercados accionarios latinoamericanos a los anuncios macroeconĂłmicos

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    Se presenta evidencia empĂ­rica sobre el efecto de los anuncios macroeconĂłmicos de la inflaciĂłn y el PIB en rendimientos y volatilidad diarios de los mercados accionarios de seis paĂ­ses latinoamericanos, empleando modelos de series de tiempo univariadas. Los efectos hallados de los anuncios sobre los rendimientos sĂłlo son significativos y en la direcciĂłn esperada en inflaciĂłn para Colombia y PerĂş, y en PIB, para Chile. Sin embargo, tambiĂŠn se encuentran efectos en dĂ­as anteriores y posteriores a los anuncios, contradiciendo la hipĂłtesis de eficiencia de mercado. AdemĂĄs, los dĂ­as de anuncios de la inflaciĂłn estĂĄn asociados a mayor volatilidad, pero los del PIB a menor.This paper shows empirical evidence of the effect of macroeconomic announcements (inflation and GDP) on returns, volatility and trading activity for the stock markets of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, using daily univariate time series models. Significant contemporaneous effects were found only for Colombia and Peru during inflation announcements and for Chile during GDP announcements. On the other hand, lagged and lead effects from announcements were found in most of the cases, contradicting market efficiency. Besides, inflation announcements are associated to higher volatility whereas those of GDP are to lower volatility for most of the countries

    Agronomic performance and cooking quality characteristics for slow-darkening pinto beans

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    Slow-darkening (SD) pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) possess a desirable new trait, conditioned by the recessive sd gene, that slows seed coat darkening under delayed harvest and under storage. The effect sd may have on performance needs investigation. We examined agronomic performance and cooking quality of SD pinto beans. There were 30 (15 SD and 15 regular darkening [RD]) recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from each of two biparental inbred populations. The 60 RILs were tested across three locations in North Dakota andWashington. In addition, advanced SD and RD pinto breeding lines were tested in trials from 2010 to 2012 and in 2018. Across 2010–2012 trials, the “early generation bred” SD pintos, as a group, had significantly lower emergence, increased lodging, less seed yield, and smaller seed size than the RD group. Conversely, in the 2018 trial, “recently bred” SD pinto breeding lines had competitive agronomic performance to RD lines for seed yield, reduced lodging, and increased emergence. Further research on cooking time is warranted given that SD RILs cooked 20% faster than the RD RILs in one population. Overall, SD pintos exhibited slightly better canning quality than RD pintos. Whether raw or cooked, SD pintos were much lighter in color than RD pintos, emphasizing the need to keep them separated as distinct market classes. Breeders should continue to focus on improving agronomic performance for emergence, lodging, seed yield, seed size, and canning quality of SD pinto beans

    Sex as a Moderator in the Relationship between Post-operative Pain and Analgesics Administered in Children Undergoing Elective Surgery

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    About 85% of children who undergo elective surgery experience pain post-operatively and many do not receive proper pain management care after discharge. Most parents lack an understanding of proper pain care management using analgesics upon discharge. Research reveals that adults rate girls as more sensitive to pain and that they display a greater amount of pain in a pediatric post-operative environment. In adulthood, women report more sensations of pain and have a higher pain tolerance, which can be attributed to physiological characteristics. Nonetheless, the social differences by which boys and girls experience pain and express their pain cannot be denied. The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between a child’s post-operative pain and the amount of analgesics given to the child, and how sex moderates this association. Parents of children ages 2-13 (59% male, 41% female) (N=112) were asked to evaluate the pain of their child and report the amount and type of analgesic use days 1, 3, and 7 post-operatively. The Parents Perceived Pain Management (PPPM) Scale was used to evaluate the child’s pain and analgesic use was self-reported. Using this scale in regression-based analysis, there was a significant association between pain and the amount of analgesic use given to the children on post-operative days 1 (ibuprofen: b = 0.24, t = 3.55, p \u3c 0.05, acetaminophen: b = 0.22, t = 5.38, p \u3c 0.05) and 3 (ibuprofen: b = 0.72, t = 4.81, p \u3c 0.05, acetaminophen: b = 0.34, t = 4.44, p \u3c 0.05); however; sex did not significantly moderate this association (ps \u3e .05). Evidence in this study does not suggest that boys receive different post-operative analgesic care from girls as a function of pain. Future analysis should analyze factors that interact with this association like the sex of the parent that is administering analgesics and the parent’s education of analgesic usage

    SNP Assay Development for Linkage Map Construction, Anchoring Whole-Genome Sequence, and Other Genetic and Genomic Applications in Common Bean.

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    A total of 992,682 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was identified as ideal for Illumina Infinium II BeadChip design after sequencing a diverse set of 17 common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) varieties with the aid of next-generation sequencing technology. From these, two BeadChips each with >5000 SNPs were designed. The BARCBean6K_1 BeadChip was selected for the purpose of optimizing polymorphism among market classes and, when possible, SNPs were targeted to sequence scaffolds in the Phaseolus vulgaris 14× genome assembly with sequence lengths >10 kb. The BARCBean6K_2 BeadChip was designed with the objective of anchoring additional scaffolds and to facilitate orientation of large scaffolds. Analysis of 267 F2 plants from a cross of varieties Stampede × Red Hawk with the two BeadChips resulted in linkage maps with a total of 7040 markers including 7015 SNPs. With the linkage map, a total of 432.3 Mb of sequence from 2766 scaffolds was anchored to create the Phaseolus vulgaris v1.0 assembly, which accounted for approximately 89% of the 487 Mb of available sequence scaffolds of the Phaseolus vulgaris v0.9 assembly. A core set of 6000 SNPs (BARCBean6K_3 BeadChip) with high genotyping quality and polymorphism was selected based on the genotyping of 365 dry bean and 134 snap bean accessions with the BARCBean6K_1 and BARCBean6K_2 BeadChips. The BARCBean6K_3 BeadChip is a useful tool for genetics and genomics research and it is widely used by breeders and geneticists in the United States and abroad

    Demographic Predictors of Adult Behaviors in the Pediatric Postoperative Environment

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    Over 85% of children experience postoperative pain. If poorly treated, pediatric postoperative pain may lead to various negative health outcomes. Adult behaviors may be associated with child experiences in the postoperative environment. For example, adult behaviors such as distraction, humor, and coping advice divert a child’s attention away from their pain and thus, may significantly reduce child postoperative distress. In contrast, adult behaviors such as empathy, reassurance, and apology direct a child’s attention towards their pain which may increase a child’s overall postoperative distress. Moreover, patient demographic factors, like child ethnicity, may significantly alter the frequency of use of these adult behaviors. Therefore, this study aimed to determine which participant demographic factors are associated with the use of certain adult behaviors in response to child postoperative distress. This study included children ages 2 to 10 years old (N=112) undergoing elective surgery at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County. Participant demographics including ethnicity and race were collected prior to surgery. Nurse, parent, and child postoperative behavioral interactions were video recorded in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU). From these video recordings, adult behaviors were coded for their frequency of use. Multiple regressions analyses showed that adults were more likely to use humor with Non-Hispanic White children compared to Hispanic children (b = 0.393, p = 0.049). Moreover, fathers were marginally more likely to use empathy, reassurance, and apology with Hispanic children compared to Non-Hispanic White children (b = 0.249, p = 0.05). These results suggest that Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White children may receive different behavioral treatment in response to their postoperative distress. Implications for these findings suggest that child ethnicity may be predictive of different adult PACU behaviors which may illustrate how cultural differences can influence the child postoperative experience
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