65 research outputs found

    Analysis of Practical Aspects in Implementing Basic Research Projects: International Experience, Ukrainian Realities and Prospects

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    Peculiar features in implementing basic research projects as part of the innovation system and effective ways of strengthening the practical focus of basic research projects in Ukraine are studied. Peculiarities of basic research projects management are highlighted in light of theoretical aspects and global experiences in building up innovation systems. It is emphasized that a serious problem in basic research projects management is choice of effective forms of their financing. Main problems related with market promotion of basic research results in Ukraine are analyzed. Recommendations on development of innovation system and basic research in Ukraine through engaging domestic researchers in the global innovation system and the European Research Area are given.Досліджено особливості реалізації фундаментальних наукових проектів в рамках інноваційної системи, а також перспективні шляхи підвищення рівня практичної спрямованості фундаментальних наукових проектів в Україні. У рамках аналізу теоретичних аспектів та світового досвіду розвитку інноваційних систем розглянуто особливості менеджменту фундаментальних наукових проектів. Показано, що значною проблемою менеджменту фундаментальних наукових проектів є вибір ефективних форм їх фінансування. Проаналізовано основні проблеми, пов’язані з просуванням на ринок результатів фундаментальних досліджень в Україні. Надано рекомендації щодо розвитку інноваційної системи та фундаментальної науки в Україні на основі залучення вітчизняних вчених до глобальної інноваційної системи та європейського інноваційного простору.Исследованы особенности реализации фундаментальных научных проектов в рамках инновационной системы, а также перспективные пути повышения уровня практической направленности фундаментальных научных проектов в Украине. В рамках анализа теоретических аспектов и мирового опыта развития инновационных систем рассмотрены особенности менеджмента фундаментальных научных проектов. Показано, что значительной проблемой менеджмента фундаментальных научных проектов является выбор эффективных форм их финансирования. Проанализированы основные проблемы, связанные с продвижением на рынок результатов фундаментальных исследований в Украине. Представлены рекомендации по развитию инновационной системы и фундаментальной науки в Украине на основе вовлечения отечественных ученых глобальную инновационную систему и европейское научное пространство

    Conceptualization of innovation landscape within the sustainable development of a region

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    Ensuring sustainable development at the level of individual territories becomes especially important for Ukraine. At the same time, the management of sustainable development processes should be improved with respect to the key aspects related to innovation. In these circumstances, the concept of innovation landscape helps to focus on creating competitive advantages and, on their basis, on developing strategies for sustainable development. Having analyzed the existing research results, we can conclude that theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of innovation policy development within sustainable development need further specification. Thus, the study in question aims at conceptualizing the innovation landscape in the context of sustainable development. The scientific analysis carried out allows us to suggest a new definition for the innovation landscape, understanding it as an integrative set of indicators, which reflects socio-economic conditions and includes the performance of public authorities, innovative management tools used, the activity of innovative economic entities, the availability and quality of innovation infrastructure, the development of cluster relationships, etc. aimed at solving problems of socio-economic development. Having generalized the research results, including those of the author's research, we can determine that the concept of innovation landscape and an appropriate applied approach based on it open wide opportunities for creating and managing the spatially rooted structures of innovative interactions between science, education, business and communities. It is proved that innovation landscape should be considered both at the regional and territorial level. It is determined that to form an innovative landscape of sustainable development of a region it is necessary to use new innovative practices, opportunities and challenges that arise at the local level in accordance with these trends. It can be done within the innovation audit mechanism recognizing these trends and supporting innovation management

    The Conceptual Foundations of Infrastructure and Service Methodology for the Development of Local Communities

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    The viability of the socioeconomic environment directly depends on the level of development, quality and reliability of infrastructure. In these circumstances, the role of self-organization of communities is growing, which requires, on the one hand, reasonable prioritization in the social spheres and development of infrastructure of life activities, etc. (consistent with the goals and objectives of the development strategy), and on the other hand, assessment of the own and the potential sources of ensuring the implementation of these priorities, which can be made through the development of self-sufficient innovative communities. The aim of the study is to determine the substantial content of the infrastructure and service methodology and its potential in the context of post-war recovery. The infrastructure and service approach involves maximum satisfaction of human needs and requests, as well as the creation of conditions for work and life, and is focused on meeting the needs of the community through attracting and retaining human resources through the development of services and infrastructure. The infrastructure and service approach is focused on adapting the management of the development of innovative communities to the problems of sustainable development as such, which opens up opportunities for studying promising organizational and economic mechanisms for managing service orientation, based on assessing the impact of status changes as a result of military hostilities in the economic space and its effects on the quality of life, living space and human capital. The methodology of the infrastructure and service approach is based on the ideas of the geography of innovations, combining the methods of economic geography, regional economy and innovatics and explores the spatial patterns of creation, implementation and dissemination of new ideas, technologies, products, as well as the impact of these processes on regional (local) development. From these positions, the infrastructure and service approach is relevant, because it relies on the potential of the territories and is aimed at more intensive use of its own capabilities. The infrastructure and service methodology for the development of innovative communities implies the understanding that innovations cover not only technological changes, but also changes in organizational, labor and social practices as those that can potentially affect the well-being of human capital of communities. Service modeling involves describing all processes in communities of different typologies in order to take these processes into account while projecting. Infrastructure and service projecting is the process of organizing space in such a way that economic agents interact as smoothly and efficiently as possible within innovative communities. In this context of the project, service innovations will be considered at the local level as an integration totality of basic factors of living standards, socioeconomic conditions, characterizations of innovative business entities, innovation infrastructure, cluster and network connections. The authors believe that for infrastructure development at the decent level, it is necessary to maximize the existing potential of the community, which is as most effectively possible through the development of innovative communities. Within the terms of practical implementation of the infrastructure and service methodology for the development of innovative communities, it is advisable to consider the hypothesis that development at the regional level should be carried out through a combination of smart-specialization strategies and the objectives of sustainable development

    The experience of radiofrequency ablation of atrial tachycardia focus with the use of high-density myocardial mapping

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    The article presents a case of successful treatment of focal atrial tachycardia by radiofrequency ablation using high-density myocardial mapping. The aim of the work was to evaluate the possibilities of high-resolution myocardial mapping by EnsitePrecision® navigation system in the treatment of complex arrhythmias. The analysis of clinical data and results of electrophysiological examination of a 29-year-old patient with continuous recurrent focal atrial tachycardia was carried out. The patient was admitted with complaints of heart rate disorders and frequent short attacks of palpitations. According to electrocardiography, frequent short paroxysms of focal atrial tachycardia were revealed. The patient was taken for electrophysiological examination and radiofrequency ablation of the focus of atrial tachycardia. The focus of atrial tachycardia was located in the anterior septal part of the left atrium, which is a rare localization. After radiofrequency ablation tachycardia was terminated, no complications and recurrences were registered. The patient was discharged with the sinus rhythm. Navigation system EnsitePrecision® enables conducting high-density myocardial mapping, which helps to accurately determine the localization of the source of tachycardia. The radiation load on the patient and ablation time are reduced, which reduces the frequency of complications from the procedure

    Роль дисфункции эндотелия в формировании легочной гипертензии у больных бронхиальной астмой

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    The aim of this work was to investigate a role of endothelial dysfunction for development of pulmonary hypertension in young and middle-aged bronchial asthma (BA) patients. In total, 56 patients with mild and moderate persisting BA were examined. The endothelial function was assessed using nitrate levels in erythrocytes and plasma and L-arginin concentration in plasma. Endothelial dysfunction was more prominent in patients with moderate BA. Severity of endothelial dysfunction correlated to obstructive disorders. Plasma and erythrocytes nitrates and plasma L-arginin concentrations were lower in females than were in males and were lower in middle-aged patients compared to youngs. Endothelial dysfunction was more severe in patients with pulmonary hypertension than were patients with normal pulmonary artery pressure. Correlations were revealed between plasma level of nitrates and pulmonary artery pressure, plasma level of nitrates and the right ventricle size. Therefore, endothelial dysfunction could result in cardiovascular pathology in asthmatic patients.Целью работы явилась оценка роли эндотелиальной дисфункции (ЭД) в развитии легочной гипертензии (ЛГ) у больных бронхиальной астмой (БА) молодого и среднего возраста. Обследованы 56 больных c легкой и среднетяжелой персистирующей БА. Эндотелиальную функцию (ЭФ) оценивали по уровню нитратов (NO3-) в плазме, NO3- в эритроцитах и содержанию L-аргинина в плазме. Выявлено наличие ЭД у больных БА легкой и средней степени тяжести, более выраженные нарушения ЭФ отмечены у больных среднетяжелой БА. Расстройства ЭФ зависели от степени обструктивных нарушений функции внешнего дыхания. ЭД оказалась более выраженной у женщин по сравнению с мужчинами и у больных среднего возраста по сравнению с молодыми пациентами. У пациентов с ЛГ ЭД по всем исследуемым показателям была более выраженной, чем у больных с нормальным СДЛА. Выявлены корреляционные связи между показателями ЭФ и гемодинамики малого круга кровообращения (МКК). Таким образом, для больных БА характерно нарушение функциональной активности эндотелия, более выраженное при среднетяжелом течении заболевания, ведущее к вазоконстрикции в МКК и формированию ЛГ

    Preclinical efficacy studies of a novel nanoparticle-based formulation of paclitaxel that out-performs Abraxane

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    Poly-(γ-l-glutamylglutamine)–paclitaxel (PGG–PTX) is a novel polymer-based formulation of paclitaxel (PTX) in which the PTX is linked to the polymer via ester bonds. PGG–PTX is of interest because it spontaneously forms very small nanoparticles in plasma. In mouse models, PGG–PTX increased tumor exposure to PTX by 7.7-fold relative to that produced by PTX formulated in Cremophor. In this study, the efficacy of PGG–PTX was compared to that of Abraxane, an established nanoparticular formulation of PTX, in three different tumor models. Efficacy was quantified by delay in tumor growth of NCI H460 human lung cancer, 2008 human ovarian cancer and B16 melanoma xenografts growing in athymic mice following administration of equitoxic doses of PGG–PTX and Abraxane administered on either a single dose or every 7 day schedule. Toxicity was assessed by change in total body weight. The efficacy and toxicity of PGG–PTX was shown to increase with dose in the H460 model. PGG–PTX was ~1.5-fold less potent than Abraxane. PGG–PTX produced statistically significantly greater inhibition of tumor growth than Abraxane in all three tumor models when mice were given single equitoxic doses of drug. When given every 7 days for 3 doses, PGG–PTX produced greater inhibition of tumor growth while generating much less weight loss in mice bearing H460 tumors. PGG–PTX has activity that is superior to that of Abraxane in multiple tumor models. PGG–PTX has the potential to out-perform Abraxane in enhancing the delivery of PTX tumors while at the same time further reducing the toxicity of both single dose and weekly treatment regimens

    Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of PGG–paclitaxel, a novel macromolecular formulation of paclitaxel, in nu/nu mice bearing NCI-460 lung cancer xenografts

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    PGG–PTX is a water-soluble formulation of paclitaxel (PTX), made by conjugating PTX to poly(l-γ-glutamylglutamine) acid (PGG) via ester bonds, that spontaneously forms a nanoparticle in aqueous environments. The purpose of this study was to compare the pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of PTX following injection of either free PTX or PGG–PTX in mice. Both [3H]PTX and PGG–[3H]PTX were administered as an IV bolus injection to mice bearing SC NCI-H460 lung cancer xenografts at a dose of 40-mg PTX equivalents/kg. Plasma, tumor, major organs, urine, and feces were collected at intervals out to 340 h. Total taxanes, taxane extractable into ethyl acetate, and native PTX were quantified by liquid scintillation counting and HPLC. Conjugation of PTX to the PGG polymer increased plasma and tumor C max, prolonged plasma half-life and the period of accumulation in tumor, and reduced washout from tumor. In plasma injection of PGG–PTX increased total taxane AUC0–340 by 23-fold above that attained with PTX. In tumors, it increased the total taxane by a factor of 7.7, extractable taxane by 5.7, and native PTX by a factor of 3.5-fold. Conjugation delayed and reduced total urinary and fecal excretion of total taxanes. Incorporation of PTX into the PGG–PTX polymer significantly prolonged the half-life of total taxanes, extractable taxane, and native PTX in both the plasma and tumor compartments. This resulted in a large increase in the amount of active PTX delivered to the tumor. PGG–PTX is an attractive candidate for further development

    Appearance Modeling of Living Human Tissues

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Nunes, A.L.P., Maciel, A., Meyer, G.W., John, N.W., Baranoski, G.V.G., & Walter, M. (2019). Appearance Modeling of Living Human Tissues, Computer Graphics Forum, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.13604. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingThe visual fidelity of realistic renderings in Computer Graphics depends fundamentally upon how we model the appearance of objects resulting from the interaction between light and matter reaching the eye. In this paper, we survey the research addressing appearance modeling of living human tissue. Among the many classes of natural materials already researched in Computer Graphics, living human tissues such as blood and skin have recently seen an increase in attention from graphics research. There is already an incipient but substantial body of literature on this topic, but we also lack a structured review as presented here. We introduce a classification for the approaches using the four types of human tissues as classifiers. We show a growing trend of solutions that use first principles from Physics and Biology as fundamental knowledge upon which the models are built. The organic quality of visual results provided by these Biophysical approaches is mainly determined by the optical properties of biophysical components interacting with light. Beyond just picture making, these models can be used in predictive simulations, with the potential for impact in many other areas

    International economic relations and sustainable development

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    Монографія присвячена дослідженню теоретичних та практичних аспектів сталого розвитку на сучасному етапі міжнародних економічних відносин. Розглядаються інноваційні методичні підходи та економічні механізми забезпечення сталого розвитку на регіональному, національному та міжнародному рівнях. Наведено науково обгрунтовані рекомендації щодо досягнення економічних, соціальних та екологічних цілей сталого розвитку шляхом зміцнення інтеграційних процесів та міжнародного співробітництва між країнами світу.Монография посвящена исследованию теоретических и практических аспектов устойчивого развития на современном этапе международных экономических отношений. Рассмотрены инновационные методические подходы и экономические механизмы для обеспечения устойчивого развития на региональном, национальном и международном уровнях. Даны научно обоснованные рекомендации по достижению экономических, социальных и экологических целей устойчивого развития посредством укрепления интеграционных процессов и международного сотрудничества между странами мира.Monograph is devoted to the research of theoretical and practical aspects of the sustainable development at the present stage of international economic relations. Innovative methodic approaches and economic mechanisms to provide sustainable development at the regional, national and international levels are considered. Scientifically grounded recommendations to achieve economic, social and ecological aims of the sustainable development through the strengthening of integration processes and international cooperation between countries of the world are given