61 research outputs found

    Relationship between Malaria Parasitaemia and Packed Cell volume among Primary School pupils in Ekpoma

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    Malaria parasitic infection is a disease causing high morbidity and mortality in most tropical parts of the world, where climatic conditions and sanitation practices favour their prevalence. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of malaria parasitaemia and its influence on pack cell volume among Primary School Pupils. The study was conducted in Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria and involves two hundred primary school children between the ages of 7 and 14 years. Blood was collected by finger prick to determine the presence of malaria parasitaemia using thick and thin film methods while packed cell volume (PCV) was determine by haematocrit method. The prevalence of Plasmodium infection was found to be 20.5% with only two species of Plasmodium detected Plasmodium falciparum (20%) and Plasmodium malariae (1%). The haematocrit of malaria infected pupils (33.3±3.55) was significantly different (p<0.05) from those of non malaria infected subjects (35.9±3.28). Our study revealed that malaria is still a major public health problem and may be a contributory factor to morbidity, mortality, school absenteeism and poor academic performance of pupils in the study area.Keywords: Pack cell volume; Primary School Pupils; Plasmodium falciparum; Plasmodium malariae

    Antimycobacterial activity of some medicinal plants in Niger state, Nigeria

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    Ten Nigerian medicinal plants Abrus precatorius, Annona senegalensis, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Crateva adansonii, Detarium microcarpum, Faba spp, Neocarya macrophylla, Ocimum gratissimum, Securidacalongpenduculata and Terminalia avicennioides used by traditional medicine practitioners for the management of infectious and chronic diseases such as tuberculosis and whooping cough were investigated for in vitro antimycobacterial activity against attenuated strains of Mycobacterium bovis (BCG). Hexane and methanol extracts of the plant materials were obtained by maceration. The antimycobacterial activity was determined by the broth microdilution method. The hexane extracts of Anogeissus leiocarpus and Terminalia avicennioides showed stronginhibitory activity at 312μg/ml. Eight of the ten plant extracts showed moderate inhibitory activity in either hexane or methanol extract at 1250μg/ml. While the hexane and methanol extracts of Detarium microcarpum and Neocarya macrophylla did not exhibit any significant activity. These observed activities could be associated with secondarymetabolites in these plants. This study demonstrates the efficacy of Nigerian medicinal plants as potential agents in the management of the tuberculosis disease.Key words: Antimycobacterial activity, Nigeria, Medicinal plants, Secondary metabolites, Tuberculosi

    Evaluation of in vitro antimycobacterial activity of Nigerian plants used for treatment of respiratory diseases

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    The global threat of tuberculosis (TB) demands for search for alternative antimycobacterial drugs. Some Nigerian medicinal plants used in the treatment of TB and other respiratory diseases wereevaluated for activity against a clinical isolate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and a strain of Mycobacterium bovis (BCG). The crude methanolic extracts of eight plant species were screened foractivity against a clinical isolate of M. tuberculosis using broth microdilution method. Four out of the eight plant extracts exhibited inhibitory activities against M. tuberculosis at 78 and 1250 µg/mL. Thecrude extracts of Entada africana, Hymenocardia acida, Sterculia setigera and Stereospermum kunthianum did not inhibit significantly even at high concentration of 1250 ìg/mL. The hexane fractionsobtained after fractionation were the most active fractions for all the plants tested against BCG, having Anogeissus leiocarpus and Terminalia avicennioides exhibiting the highest activity at 312 and 200µg/mL, respectively. Fractions Ta5 and Al4 obtained on further purification exhibited most significant activity (MIC of 4.7 and 7.8 g/mL, respectively). From the results of phytochemical analysis, terpenes and triterpenoid saponins are the most prominent compounds in these fractions and several reports earlier indicated that these metabolites are potential antimycobacterial agents. This class of metabolites presents interesting area for further investigation with special attention on the Combretaceae family from Nigeria flora

    The Prevalence of Malaria Parasitic Infections in Cord Blood: Association with Some Socio Demographic Profile

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    This study aimed at investigating the relationship between some selected socio demographic profile and malaria parasitic infections in cord blood. It involved 100 cord blood samples of newly delivered babies at the Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital, Irrua, Edo State. Samples were subjected to microscopic examinations following standard protocols and the prevalence of malaria parasitic infections in cord blood were identified using thick and thin blood films. Plasmodium species and packed cell volume were identified and determined using rapid antigen techniques and microhaematocrit respectively. Results showed that malaria parasite was present in 9.0% of samples and was higher in babies with weights ≤1.0kg (66.70%) and PCV of 25.50% (15.40%). As regards species distribution, Plasmodium falciparum had the highest prevalence (6%). Based on the methods used, microscopic method had higher prevalence (9%) over rapid detection technique (6%). On the methods used, malaria parasitic infections was also higher among the age 36-40 years (12.5%), primigravidae (15.6%), rural dwellers (16.1%), unskilled labour (22.2%), educational status ≤SSCE (12.5%) and mothers that do not use prophylaxis (45.5%). Overall, the prevalence of malaria parasites in cord blood is low in the studied area, yet the associated consequence of mother-to-child transmission can not be ignored.Keywords: Babies, Cord blood, Demographic profile, Malaria parasites, Relationship

    Anti-Trypanosomal Potential Of Momordica Balsamina Linn Fruit Pulp Extract Against Trypanosoma brucei brucei Infection

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    The search for new trypanocides has not been keenly pursued due to high cost of design and development with no promise of financial returns. Momordica balsamina fruit pulp extract was screened for antitrypanosomal activity in experimental Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in rabbits. The extract was administered prior to parasite inoculation, 24 hours post parasite inoculation and on establishment of infection. The treatment was by oral administration of the extract at 500mg/kg body weight for 14 consecutive days. Parasitaemia was monitored daily while body weight and packed cell volume (PCV) were determined before commencement of studies and subsequently at weekly intervals for 28 days. The result showed a significant (


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    Ten Nigerian medicinal plants Abrus precatorius, Annona senegalensis, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Crateva adansonii, Detarium microcarpum, Faba spp, Neocarya macrophylla, Ocimum gratissimum, Securidaca longpenduculata and Terminalia avicennioides used by traditional medicine practitioners for the management of infectious and chronic diseases such as tuberculosis and whooping cough were investigated for in vitro antimycobacterial activity against attenuated strains of Mycobacterium bovis (BCG). Hexane and methanol extracts of the plant materials were obtained by maceration. The antimycobacterial activity was determined by the broth microdilution method. The hexane extracts of Anogeissus leiocarpus and Terminalia avicennioides showed strong inhibitory activity at 312µg/ml. Eight of the ten plant extracts showed moderate inhibitory activity in either hexane or methanol extract at 1250µg/ml. While the hexane and methanol extracts of Detarium microcarpum and Neocarya macrophylla did not exhibit any significant activity. These observed activities could be associated with secondary metabolites in these plants. This study demonstrates the efficacy of Nigerian medicinal plants as potential agents in the management of the tuberculosis disease

    Mathematical Modelling of Mosquito Dispersal in a Heterogeneous Environment.

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    Mosquito dispersal is a key behavioural factor that affects the persistence and resurgence of several vector-borne diseases. Spatial heterogeneity of mosquito resources, such as hosts and breeding sites, affects mosquito dispersal behaviour and consequently affects mosquito population structures, human exposure to vectors, and the ability to control disease transmission. In this paper, we develop and simulate a discrete-space continuous-time mathematical model to investigate the impact of dispersal and heterogeneous distribution of resources on the distribution and dynamics of mosquito populations. We build an ordinary differential equation model of the mosquito life cycle and replicate it across a hexagonal grid (multi-patch system) that represents two-dimensional space. We use the model to estimate mosquito dispersal distances and to evaluate the effect of spatial repellents as a vector control strategy. We find evidence of association between heterogeneity, dispersal, spatial distribution of resources, and mosquito population dynamics. Random distribution of repellents reduces the distance moved by mosquitoes, offering a promising strategy for disease control


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    The search for new trypanocides has not been keenly pursued due to high cost of design and development with no promise of financial returns. Momordica balsamina fruit pulp extract was screened for antitrypanosomal activity in experimental T. brucei brucei infection in rabbits. The extract was administered prior to parasite inoculation, 24 hours post parasite inoculation and on establishment of infection. The treatment was by oral administration of the extract at 500mg/kg body weight for 14 consecutive days. Parasitaemia was monitored daily while body weight and packed cell volume (PCV) were determined before commencement of studies and subsequently at weekly intervals for 28 days. The result showed a significant (

    Global Distribution of Outbreaks of Water-Associated Infectious Diseases

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    Water is essential for maintaining life on Earth but can also serve as a media for many pathogenic organisms, causing a high disease burden globally. However, how the global distribution of water-associated infectious pathogens/diseases looks like and how such distribution is related to possible social and environmental factors remain largely unknown. In this study, we compiled a database on distribution, biology, and epidemiology of water-associated infectious diseases and collected data on population density, annual accumulated temperature, surface water areas, average annual precipitation, and per capita GDP at the global scale. From the database we extracted reported outbreak events from 1991 to 2008 and developed models to explore the association between the distribution of these outbreaks and social and environmental factors. A total of1,428 outbreaks had been reported and this number only reflected ‘the tip of the iceberg’ of the much bigger problem. We found that the outbreaks of water-associated infectious diseases are significantly correlated with social and environmental factors and that all regions are affected disproportionately by different categories of diseases. Relative risk maps are generated to show ‘hotspots’ of risks for different diseases. Despite certain limitations, the findings may be instrumental for future studies and prioritizing health resources

    Productivity of Malaria Vectors from Different Habitat Types in the Western Kenya Highlands

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    BACKGROUND: Mosquito Larval Source Management (LSM) could be a valuable additional tool for integrated malaria vector control especially in areas with focal transmission like the highlands of western Kenya if it were not for the need to target all potential habitats at frequent intervals. The ability to determine the productivity of malaria vectors from identified habitats might be used to target LSM only at productive ones. METHODS: Each aquatic habitat within three highland sites in western Kenya was classified as natural swamp, cultivated swamp, river fringe, puddle, open drain or burrow pit. Three habitats of each type were selected in each site in order to study the weekly productivity of adult malaria vectors from February to May 2009 using a sweep-net and their habitat characteristics recorded. RESULTS: All surveyed habitat types produced adult malaria vectors. Mean adult productivity of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato in puddles (1.8/m(2)) was 11-900 times higher than in the other habitat types. However, puddles were the most unstable habitats having water at 43% of all sampling occasions and accounted for 5% of all habitats mapped in the study areas whereas open drains accounted for 72%. Densities of anopheline late instars larvae significantly increased with the presence of a biofilm but decreased with increasing surface area or when water was flowing. Taking stability and frequency of the habitat into account, puddles were still the most productive habitat types for malaria vectors but closely followed by open drains. CONCLUSION: Even though productivity of An. gambiae s.l. was greatest in small and unstable habitats, estimation of their overall productivity in an area needs to consider the more stable habitats over time and their surface extension. Therefore, targeting only the highly productive habitats is unlikely to provide sufficient reduction in malaria vector densities