505 research outputs found

    Yaoundé-like virus in resident wild bird, Ghana

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    Tissue and swab samples from 551 wild birds collected in Ghana (October-November 2007) were assayed for alphaviruses, flaviviruses, and influenza A viruses using polymerase chain (PCR) techniques. One pool sample tested positive for Flavivirus RNA; further testing revealed that the amplified sequence was Yaoundé virus (YAOV), or closely related to it. YAOV is an apparently rare Flavivirus closely related to medically important human pathogens Japanese Encephalitis virus and West Nile virus. It is known only from West Africa. This is the first detection from Ghana, and only the second detection from a bird. Samples were negative for alphaviruses and Influenza A virus.We thank field companions including E. Bonaccorso, M. Robbins, and M. Thompson; laboratory companions, including A. Negredo and N. Reyes; Dr. F. Pozo and I. Casas from ISCIII for their collaboration; and L. Benitez for introduction to ISCIII. This study was supported by the US National Biological Information Infrastructure, the GAINS program of the Wildlife Conservation Society, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, grants FIS PI07/1308 of the Red de Investigacion de Centros de Enfermedaes Tropicales RD06/0021, and the agreement signed between the Institute of Health Carlos III and the Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Policy for the surveillance of imported viral hemorrhagic fevers. Influenza work was supported by grant GR09/0040 (MPY-1440/09) ISCIII. RW is supported by grant CGL2010-15734/BOS, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain

    Elevated C-met in Thymic Dendritic Cells of New Zealand Black Mice

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    New Zealand Black (NZB) mice are a well-known animal model of human autoimmune disease. Although the mechanism for development of autoimmunity is unclear, NZB mice are well known for severe thymic microarchitecture abnormalities. It is thought that thymic dendritic cells (DC) may play a role in thymic education and contribute to the autoimmune process. To address this issue and, in particular, that qualitative and/or quantitative differences exist in thymic DC, we took advantage of a novel restriction analysis system that allow definition of differences in the expression of tyrosine kinases using highly enriched populations of thymic DC from NZB compared to BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. The method chosen, restriction analysis of gene expression, allowed the determination of protein tyrosine kinase transcription profiles. We report herein that NZB mice have a significant upregulation of C-met compared to the control strains. The abnormality of the C-met transcription was confined to thymic DC. We believe that its abnormal expression reflects the resistance of thymic cells to apoptosis, which will ultimately lead to defects and/or abnormal signaling by the interaction of thymic DC and thymocytes. Further studies involving such interactions are under way

    Cmr1/WDR76 defines a nuclear genotoxic stress body linking genome integrity and protein quality control

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    DNA replication stress is a source of genomic instability. Here we identify ​changed mutation rate 1 (​Cmr1) as a factor involved in the response to DNA replication stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and show that ​Cmr1—together with ​Mrc1/​Claspin, ​Pph3, the chaperonin containing ​TCP1 (CCT) and 25 other proteins—define a novel intranuclear quality control compartment (INQ) that sequesters misfolded, ubiquitylated and sumoylated proteins in response to genotoxic stress. The diversity of proteins that localize to INQ indicates that other biological processes such as cell cycle progression, chromatin and mitotic spindle organization may also be regulated through INQ. Similar to ​Cmr1, its human orthologue ​WDR76 responds to proteasome inhibition and DNA damage by relocalizing to nuclear foci and physically associating with CCT, suggesting an evolutionarily conserved biological function. We propose that ​Cmr1/​WDR76 plays a role in the recovery from genotoxic stress through regulation of the turnover of sumoylated and phosphorylated proteins

    Fluorescence Quantum Yield of Thioflavin T in Rigid Isotropic Solution and Incorporated into the Amyloid Fibrils

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    In this work, the fluorescence of thioflavin T (ThT) was studied in a wide range of viscosity and temperature. It was shown that ThT fluorescence quantum yield varies from 0.0001 in water at room temperature to 0.28 in rigid isotropic solution (T/η→0). The deviation of the fluorescence quantum yield from unity in rigid isotropic solution suggests that fluorescence quantum yield depends not only on the ultra-fast oscillation of ThT fragments relative to each other in an excited state as was suggested earlier, but also depends on the molecular configuration in the ground state. This means that the fluorescence quantum yield of the dye incorporated into amyloid fibrils must depend on its conformation, which, in turn, depends on the ThT environment. Therefore, the fluorescence quantum yield of ThT incorporated into amyloid fibrils can differ from that in the rigid isotropic solution. In particular, the fluorescence quantum yield of ThT incorporated into insulin fibrils was determined to be 0.43. Consequently, the ThT fluorescence quantum yield could be used to characterize the peculiarities of the fibrillar structure, which opens some new possibilities in the ThT use for structural characterization of the amyloid fibrils

    An outbreak of suspected cutaneous leishmaniasis in Ghana: lessons learnt and preparation for future outbreaks

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    Human cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) has previously been reported in West Africa, but more recently, sporadic reports of CL have increased. Leishmania major has been identified from Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, and Burkina Faso. Three zymodemes (MON-26, MON-117, and MON-74, the most frequent) have been found. The geographic range of leishmaniasis is limited by the sand fly vector, its feeding preferences, and its capacity to support internal development of specific species of Leishmania. The risk of acquiring CL has been reported to increase considerably with human activity and epidemics of CL have been associated with deforestation, road construction, wars, or other activities where humans intrude the habitat of the vector. In the Ho Municipality in the Volta Region of Ghana, a localised outbreak of skin ulcers, possibly CL, was noted in 2003 without any such documented activity. This outbreak was consistent with CL as evidenced using various methods including parasite identification, albeit, in a small number of patients with ulcers

    First measurement of ν¯μ and νμ charged-current inclusive interactions on water using a nuclear emulsion detector

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    精密測定により素粒子ニュートリノの謎の解明を目指すNINJA実験の物理解析が開始. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-10-21.This paper reports the track multiplicity and kinematics of muons, charged pions, and protons from charged-current inclusive ¯νμ and νμ interactions on a water target, measured using a nuclear emulsion detector in the NINJA experiment. A 3-kg water target was exposed to the T2K antineutrino-enhanced beam corresponding to 7.1×1020 protons on target with a mean energy of 1.3 GeV. Owing to the high granularity of the nuclear emulsion, protons with momenta down to 200  MeV/c from the neutrino-water interactions were detected. We find good agreement between the observed data and model predictions for all kinematic distributions other than the number of charged pions and the muon kinematics shapes. These results demonstrate the capability of measurements with nuclear emulsion to improve neutrino interaction models

    D25V apolipoprotein C-III variant causes dominant hereditary systemic amyloidosis and confers cardiovascular protective lipoprotein profile

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    Apolipoprotein C-III deficiency provides cardiovascular protection, but apolipoprotein C-III is not known to be associated with human amyloidosis. Here we report a form of amyloidosis characterized by renal insufficiency caused by a new apolipoprotein C-III variant, D25V. Despite their uremic state, the D25V-carriers exhibit low triglyceride (TG) and apolipoprotein C-III levels, and low very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)/high high-density lipoprotein (HDL) profile. Amyloid fibrils comprise the D25V-variant only, showing that wild-type apolipoprotein C-III does not contribute to amyloid deposition in vivo. The mutation profoundly impacts helical structure stability of D25V-variant, which is remarkably fibrillogenic under physiological conditions in vitro producing typical amyloid fibrils in its lipid-free form. D25V apolipoprotein C-III is a new human amyloidogenic protein and the first conferring cardioprotection even in the unfavourable context of renal failure, extending the evidence for an important cardiovascular protective role of apolipoprotein C-III deficiency. Thus, fibrate therapy, which reduces hepatic APOC3 transcription, may delay amyloid deposition in affected patients

    Glutathione S-transferase Pi mediates proliferation of androgen-independent prostate cancer cells

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    Prostate cancers generally acquire an androgen-independent growth capacity with progression, resulting in resistance to antiandrogen therapy. Therefore, identification of the genes regulated through this process may be important for understanding the mechanisms of prostate carcinogenesis. We here utilized androgen-dependent/independent transplantable tumors, newly established with the ‘transgenic rat adenocarcinoma in prostate’ (TRAP) model, to analyze their gene expression using microarrays. Among the overexpressed genes in androgen-independent prostate cancers compared with the androgen-dependent tumors, glutathione S-transferase pi (GST-pi) was included. In line with this, human prostate cancer cell lines PC3 and DU145 (androgen independent) had higher expression of GST-pi compared with LNCaP (androgen dependent) as determined by semiquantitative reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction analysis. To investigate the roles of GST-pi expression in androgen-independent human prostate cancers, GST-pi was knocked down by a small interfering RNA (siRNA), resulting in significant decrease of the proliferation rate in the androgen-independent PC3 cell line. In vivo, administration of GST-pi siRNA–atelocollagen complex decreased GST-pi protein expression, resulting in enhanced numbers of TdT mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end labering (TUNEL)-positive apoptotic cells. These findings suggest that GST-pi might play important roles in proliferation of androgen-independent human prostate cancer cells