405 research outputs found

    FARS: Fuzzy Ant based Recommender System for Web Users

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    Recommender systems are useful tools which provide an adaptive web environment for web users. Nowadays, having a user friendly website is a big challenge in e-commerce technology. In this paper, applying the benefits of both collaborative and content based filtering techniques is proposed by presenting a fuzzy recommender system based on collaborative behavior of ants (FARS). FARS works in two phases: modeling and recommendation. First, user’s behaviors are modeled offline and the results are used in second phase for online recommendation. Fuzzy techniques provide the possibility of capturing uncertainty among user interests and ant based algorithms provides us with optimal solutions. The performance of FARS is evaluated using log files of “Information and Communication Technology Center” of Isfahan municipality in Iran and compared with ant based recommender system (ARS). The results shown are promising and proved that integrating fuzzy Ant approach provides us with more functional and robust recommendations

    Analisa Pemilihan Moda Transportasi Umum Rute Tanjung Karang – Bandara Radin Inten II dengan Stated Preference dan Uji Crame\u27s V

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    Radin Inten II Airport is a national flight in Lampung Province. In this study using the technical analysis stated preference which is the approach by conveying the choice statement in the form of hypotheses to be assessed by the respondent. By using these techniques the researcher can fully control the hypothesized factors. To determine utility function for model forecasting in fulfilling request of traveler is used regression analysis with SPSS program. The analysis results obtained that the passengers of the dominant airport in the selection of modes of cost attributes than on other attributes. From the result of regression analysis, the influence of independent variable to the highest dependent variable is when the five attributes are used together with the R square value of 8.8%. The relationship between cost, time, headway, time acces and service with the selection of modes, the provision that states whether or not there is a decision. The significance of α = 0.05 with chi-square. And the result of Crame\u27s V test average of 0.298 is around the middle, then the relationship is moderate enough

    Reviewing the Use of Geographic Information System (GIS) to Measure Sustainable Urban Transport Performance

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    The purpose of this paper is to show how Geographical Information Systems (GIS) used to measure the performance of Urban Transport Sustainability. The first, this paper discusses about understanding about transport performance and how to measure it. The second, explore about sustainability in urban transport. The third, defines GIS and its possible uses in the sustainable urban transport performance. The relevant GIS functions have also been explained. The GIS models are explored to assist urban transport planner to measure sustainability in urban transport

    Characteristics of alpha projectile fragments emission in interaction of nuclei with emulsion

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    The properties of the relativistic alpha fragments produced in interactions of 84^Kr at around 1 A GeV in nuclear emulsion are investigated. The experimental results are compared with the similar results obtained from various projectiles with emulsion interactions at different energies. The total, partial nuclear cross-sections and production rates of alpha fragmentation channels in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions and their dependence on the mass number and initial energy of the incident projectile nucleus are investigated. The yields of multiple alpha fragments emitted from the interactions of projectile nuclei with the nuclei of light, medium and heavy target groups of emulsion-detector are discussed and they indicate that the projectile-breakup mechanism seems to be free from the target mass number. It is found that the multiplicity distributions of alpha fragments are well described by the Koba-Nielsen-Olesen (KNO) scaling presentation. The mean multiplicities of the freshly produced newly created charged secondary particles, normally known as shower and secondary particles associated with target in the events where the emission of alpha fragments were accompanied by heavy projectile fragments having Z value larger than 4 seem to be constant as the alpha fragments multiplicity increases, and exhibit a behavior independent of the alpha fragments multiplicity.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures and 3 tables (in press

    Optimalisation of E-Resources from National Library and Online Information of Covid-19 to Develop Literacy and Numeracy Test Like PISA

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    By utilising the online information of Covid-19 from e-resources including the national library and online information, the development of literacy and numeracy item test called PISA-Cosains (science context of Covid-19) was carried out. The process was oriented to the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) science framework that has been carried out to produce an instrument product that is valid and practical. The method used in this study is the Research and Development method. The analysis in this study uses Rasch\u27s Item Response Theory (IRT) model. The development process utilises e-resources from national library and online portal of Indonesian government. Based on the theoretical validation, the results showed that the questions developed were valid. The practicality of the questions can be known through the results of questionnaire analysis of the test takers at the trial stage. The results of the practicality questionnaire show that this question belongs to the practical category. The results of quantitative analysis through field test trials show a significant influence from the application of the PISA model question instrument to the improvement of scientific literacy and numeracy skills of junior high school students obtained. However, the level of separation is still relatively low. It indicates that the items are less sensitive to cover the entire continuum of all respondents. Furthermore, when viewed from the item, most of them are fit and have a pretty good point measure correlation

    Pengaruh Pintu Keluar Mall Bumi Kedaton Dan U Turn Sebelum Lintas Jalan Rel Di Jalan Sulta Agung (Studi Kasus Simpang Jl. Teuku Umar – Jl. ZA. Pagar Alam – Jl. Sultan Agung)

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    This research used primary data and secondary data. The primary data is obtained from the directsurvey result in the form of geometry data, environmental condition data, traffic flow, signaltiming, and long queues. Secondary data consists of the population in Bandar Lampungat 2012that is get from BPS Lampung Province. Data analysis is used the Indonesian Manual HighwayCapacity in 1997 for Signalized Intersections. Based on calculations, it can found that theintersection level of service at aftrenoon peak hour was F with a delay amount 61,50sec/pcu, levelof service at evening peak hour was F with a delay amount 88, 20sec/pcu, and level of service atnight peak hour was F with a delay amount 60, 29sec/pcu. Similarly, with the U Turn result canobtained the intersection level of service at afternoon peak hour was B, level of service at eveningpeak hour was B, and level of service at night peak hour was A.It indicates that the performance ofintersectionis not optimal. To increase the performance of the intersection, need make a changesin the pattern of setting time control become the pattern of not setting time control based on thepeak condition by changing the cycle time, green time, and inter green time. And therecommendation needed for the handling of openings U Turn on Jl. Sultan Agung

    Indigenous Angiosperm biodiversity of Olabisi Onabanjo University permanent site

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    The conservation of the genetic variability of the indigenous angiosperm community is a sine qua non. A survey of indigenous angiosperm biodiversity of the Olabisi Onabanjo University permanent site was undertaken. Plants collected were dried, poisoned and mounted on herbarium sheets, proper identification and confirmation in recognized herbaria were carried out. A total number of one hundred and thirty-eight (138) plant species belonging to fifty-five (55) families were collected. Of these, one hundred and twenty-seven are dicotyledons and eleven are monocotyledons. Leguminosae is the largest family with thirteen plants followed by Rubiaceae with eleven and Euphorbiaceae with nine plants. Trees were found to have significantly contributed to the ecosystem with a total number of fifty-four species, while forty-three of shrubs were recorded, climbers ten, herbs twenty-eight, grasses and sedges three. From this study it is obvious that the University permanent site is not only rich in plant biodiversity but also very rich in socio-economic values. Consequently it is highly advisable that a representative sample of this vegetation is protected for posterity so that all the indigenous plants of the study area may not be lost to the development projects embarked upon by the University.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (6), pp. 554-562, 200

    Why fencers should bounce: a new method of movement to engage the stretch-shortening cycle

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    While teaching a heel first contact style of footwork in fencing (also referred to as toe contribution avoidance) is in keeping with long standing traditions, it is not conducive to today’s modern style of fast paced and explosive fencing. Equally, fencers towards the elite-end seem to be gradually adopting a more spring-based style, as their body progressively and organically transitions to “ball of the foot” based footwork, in order for them to fence competitively in the manner they have intuitively associated with success. Therefore, if from a young age fencers are taught to make full use of the stretch shortening cycle (SSC) via “bouncing” or simply by initiating movement via the ball of the foot, this will expedite the learning process. It will demonstrate to them how the SSC can be used to move at greater speed, cover greater distances when advancing, retreating and lunging, and conserve the much-needed energy required to compete over day long competitions. This paper details the mechanistic underpinnings of the SSC and its application to the modern day fencer
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