1,013 research outputs found

    Achieving peak brightness in an atom laser

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    In this paper we present experimental results and theory on the first continuous (long pulse) Raman atom laser. The brightness that can be achieved with this system is three orders of magnitude greater than has been previously demonstrated in any other continuously outcoupled atom laser. In addition, the energy linewidth of a continuous atom laser can be made arbitrarily narrow compared to the mean field energy of a trapped condensate. We analyze the flux and brightness of the atom laser with an analytic model that shows excellent agreement with experiment with no adjustable parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 4 black and white figures, submitted to Physical Revie

    A detector for continuous measurement of ultra-cold atoms in real time

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    We present the first detector capable of recording high-bandwidth real time atom number density measurements of a Bose Einstein condensate. Based on a two-color Mach-Zehnder interferometer, our detector has a response time that is six orders of magnitude faster than current detectors based on CCD cameras while still operating at the shot-noise limit. With this minimally destructive system it may be possible to implement feedback to stabilize a Bose-Einstein condensate or an atom laser.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, submitted to optics letter

    Update to the study protocol Face Your Fears:Virtual reality-based cognitive behavioral therapy (VR-CBT) versus standard CBT for paranoid ideations in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a randomized clinical trial

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    We unfortunately need to make an update to our published study protocol that describes a significant change in the design of the study. The Committee on Health Research Ethics of the Capital Region Denmark recently rejected the approval of changing the primary outcome in the trial, on the invariable grounds that the trial has already commenced. It is therefore necessary to retain the Green Paranoid Thought Scale (GPTS) part B, ideas of persecution, as our primary outcome, and GPTS part A, ideas of social reference, as a secondary outcome, which is described opposite in our published study protocol. The exchange of outcomes has not affected participation in our trial or the informed consent. Intervention in both groups and assessments are unchanged. The two outcomes together constitute GPTS and the unifying concept we attempt to treat, namely paranoid ideations. As this is a blinded, methodologically rigorous trial, we did not have—and still do not have—access to preliminary data, and therefore, we have no knowledge of the distribution of our two intervention groups nor the potential effect of the intervention. The power calculation remains unchanged irrespective of the selection of the primary outcome. We have been fully transparent with the changes in primary and secondary outcomes on ClinicalTrials.gov throughout the trial. Due to the considerations mentioned above, we assumed that there would not be any ethical implications of the change of primary outcome. We sincerely apologize for the irregularity caused because of this assumption. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04902066. Initial release April 19th, 2021.</p

    Face Your Fears: Virtual reality-based cognitive behavioral therapy (VR-CBT) versus standard CBT for paranoid ideations in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders:a randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Schizophrenia spectrum disorders cause suffering for patients, relatives, and the surrounding society. Paranoid ideations, encompassing ideas of social reference and manifest persecutory delusions, are among the most frequent symptoms in this population and a cause of significant distress. Recent meta-analyses of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for psychosis show small to moderate effect sizes in reducing paranoid ideations. Virtual reality-based CBT (VR-CBT) could improve therapy efficacy as exposure and behavioral experiments in VR can be optimized, individualized, and carried out in a safe environment. Few VR-CBT studies exist for paranoid ideations and there is a need for large-scale, methodologically rigorous trials. Methods: This study is a randomized, assessor-blinded parallel-groups multi-center superiority clinical trial, fulfilling the CONSORT criteria for non-pharmacological treatment. A total of 256 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorder, including schizotypal disorder (ICD-10 F20-29), will be allocated to either 10 sessions of symptom-specific CBT-VR plus treatment as usual-versus 10 sessions of standard symptom-specific CBT for paranoid ideations (CBT) plus treatment as usual. All participants will be assessed at baseline, treatment end (3 months post baseline), and then 9 months post baseline. A stratified block-randomization with concealed randomization sequence will be conducted. Independent assessors blinded to the treatment will evaluate the outcome. Analysis of outcome will be carried out with the intention to treat principles. The primary outcome is ideas of social reference measured with Green Paranoid Thought Scale Part A (GPTS-A) at the cessation of treatment at 3 months post baseline. Secondary outcomes are ideas of persecution (GPTS-B), Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS), Personal and Social Performance scale (PSP), Safety Behavior Questionnaire (SBQ), and CANTAB Emotion Recognition Task. Discussion: The trial will elucidate whether VR-CBT can enhance therapy efficacy for paranoid ideations. Additionally, Trial findings will provide evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of VR-CBT for paranoid ideations that can guide the possible dissemination and implementation into clinical practice

    A Cognitive Model of an Epistemic Community: Mapping the Dynamics of Shallow Lake Ecosystems

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    We used fuzzy cognitive mapping (FCM) to develop a generic shallow lake ecosystem model by augmenting the individual cognitive maps drawn by 8 scientists working in the area of shallow lake ecology. We calculated graph theoretical indices of the individual cognitive maps and the collective cognitive map produced by augmentation. The graph theoretical indices revealed internal cycles showing non-linear dynamics in the shallow lake ecosystem. The ecological processes were organized democratically without a top-down hierarchical structure. The steady state condition of the generic model was a characteristic turbid shallow lake ecosystem since there were no dynamic environmental changes that could cause shifts between a turbid and a clearwater state, and the generic model indicated that only a dynamic disturbance regime could maintain the clearwater state. The model developed herein captured the empirical behavior of shallow lakes, and contained the basic model of the Alternative Stable States Theory. In addition, our model expanded the basic model by quantifying the relative effects of connections and by extending it. In our expanded model we ran 4 simulations: harvesting submerged plants, nutrient reduction, fish removal without nutrient reduction, and biomanipulation. Only biomanipulation, which included fish removal and nutrient reduction, had the potential to shift the turbid state into clearwater state. The structure and relationships in the generic model as well as the outcomes of the management simulations were supported by actual field studies in shallow lake ecosystems. Thus, fuzzy cognitive mapping methodology enabled us to understand the complex structure of shallow lake ecosystems as a whole and obtain a valid generic model based on tacit knowledge of experts in the field.Comment: 24 pages, 5 Figure

    Experimental comparison of Raman and RF outcouplers for high flux atom lasers

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    We study the properties of an atom laser beam derived from a Bose-Einstein condensate using three different outcouplers, one based on multi-state radio frequency transitions and two others based on Raman transitions capable of imparting momentum to the beam. We first summarize the differences that arise in such systems, and how they may impact on the use of an atom laser in interferometry. Experimentally, we examine the formation of a bound state in all three outcouplers, a phenomenon which limits the atom laser flux, and find that a two-state Raman outcoupler is the preferred option for high flux, low divergence atom laser beams.Comment: 8 Pages, 5 Figures, Submitted to PR

    Ecological resilience in lakes and the conjunction fallacy

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    There is a pressing need to apply stability and resilience theory to environmental management to restore degraded ecosystems effectively and to mitigate the effects of impending environmental change. Lakes represent excellent model case studies in this respect and have been used widely to demonstrate theories of ecological stability and resilience that are needed to underpin preventative management approaches. However, we argue that this approach is not yet fully developed because the pursuit of empirical evidence to underpin such theoretically grounded management continues in the absence of an objective probability framework. This has blurred the lines between intuitive logic (based on the elementary principles of probability) and extensional logic (based on assumption and belief) in this field

    Unbound exotic nuclei studied by projectile fragmentation

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    We call "projectile fragmentation" of neutron halo nuclei the elastic breakup (diffraction) reaction, when the observable studied is the neutron-core relative energy spectrum. This observable has been measured in relation to the Coulomb breakup on heavy target and recently also on light targets. Such data enlighten the effect of the neutron final state interaction with the core of origin. Projectile fragmentation is studied here by a time dependent model for the excitation of a nucleon from a bound state to a continuum resonant state in a neutron-core complex potential which acts as a final state interaction. The final state is described by an optical model S-matrix so that both resonant and non resonant states of any continuum energy can be studied as well as deeply bound initial states. It turns out that due to the coupling between the initial and final states, the neutron-core free particle phase shifts are modified, in the exit channel, by an additional phase. Some typical numerical calculations for the relevant observables are presented and compared to experimental data. It is suggest that the excitation energy spectra of an unbound nucleus might reflect the structure of the parent nucleus from whose fragmentation they are obtained.Comment: Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Problems in Theoretican Nuclear Physics, Cortona, Italy, 2006. World Scientifi
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