8,965 research outputs found

    Sulfur studies on lithium sulfur dioxide batteries

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    Studies investigating the chemistry of the lithium SO2 batteries are described

    Behaviour of the EAS Age Parameter in the Knee Energy Region

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    Analyzing simulated EAS events generated with the CORSIKA code, the characteristics of lateral distribution of electrons in EAS around the knee energy region of the primary energy spectrum have been studied and compared with experimental observations. The differences between the EGS4 and the NKG output of CORSIKA in respect to electron radial density distribution have been investigated. The relation between lateral and longitudinal age parameters has been studied after introducing the notion of the local age parameter that reflects the profile of the lateral distribution of electrons in EAS. The present analysis motivates the inclusion of the lateral shower age in a multiparameter study of EAS to extract information on hadronic interactions and primary composition.Comment: Talk presented at XVI International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2010), Batavia, IL, USA (28 June - 2 July 2010). 4 pages, 5 figure

    Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Protocluster at z=3.786

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    We present new observations of the field containing the z=3.786 protocluster, PC217.96+32.3. We confirm that it is one of the largest and most overdense high-redshift structures known. Such structures are rare even in the largest cosmological simulations. We used the Mayall/MOSAIC1.1 imaging camera to image a 1.2x0.6 deg area (~150x75 comoving Mpc) surrounding the protocluster's core and discovered 165 candidate Lyman Alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs) and 788 candidate Lyman Break galaxies (LBGs). There are at least 2 overdense regions traced by the LAEs, the largest of which shows an areal overdensity in its core (i.e., within a radius of 2.5 comoving Mpc) of 14+/-7 relative to the average LAE spatial density in the imaged field. Further, the average LAE spatial density in the imaged field is twice that derived by other field LAE surveys. Spectroscopy with Keck/DEIMOS yielded redshifts for 164 galaxies (79 LAEs and 85 LBGs); 65 lie at a redshift of 3.785+/-0.010. The velocity dispersion of galaxies near the core is 350+/-40 km/s, a value robust to selection effects. The overdensities are likely to collapse into systems with present-day masses of >10^{15} solar masses and >6x10^{14} solar masses. The low velocity dispersion may suggest a dynamically young protocluster. We find a weak trend between narrow-band (Lyman Alpha) luminosity and environmental density: the Lyman Alpha luminosity is enhanced on average by 1.35X within the protocluster core. There is no evidence that the Lyman Alpha equivalent width depends on environment. These suggest that star-formation and/or AGN activity is enhanced in the higher density regions of the structure. PC217.96+32.3 is a Coma cluster analog, witnessed in the process of formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (March 27, 2016

    Spin Hall effect in a Kagome lattice driven by Rashba spin-orbit interaction

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    Using four-terminal Landauer-B\"{u}ttiker formalism and Green's function technique, in this present paper, we calculate numerically spin Hall conductance (SHC) and longitudinal conductance of a finite size kagome lattice with Rashba spin-orbit (SO) interaction both in presence and absence of external magnetic flux in clean limit. In the absence of magnetic flux, we observe that depending on the Fermi surface topology of the system SHC changes its sign at different values of Fermi energy, along with the band center. Unlike the infinite system (where SHC is a universal constant ±e8π\pm \frac{e}{8 \pi}), here SHC depends on the external parameters like SO coupling strength, Fermi energy, etc. We show that in the presence of any arbitrary magnetic flux, periodicity of the system is lost and the features of SHC tends to get reduced because of elastic scattering. But again at some typical values of flux ($\phi=1/2, 1/4, 3/4..., etc.) the system retains its periodicity depending on its size and the features of spin Hall effect (SHE) reappears. Our predicted results may be useful in providing a deeper insight into the experimental realization of SHE in such geometries.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Non-diffracting Optical Beams in a Three-level Raman System

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    Diffractionless propagation of optical beams through atomic vapors is investigated. The atoms in the vapor are operated in a three-level Raman configuration. A suitably chosen control beam couples to one of the transitions, and thereby creates a spatially varying index of refraction modulation in the warm atomic vapor for a probe beam which couples to the other transition in the atoms. We show that a Laguerre-Gaussian control beam allows to propagate single Gaussian probe field modes as well as multi-Gaussian modes and non-Gaussian modes over macroscopic distances without diffraction. This opens perspectives for the propagation of arbitrary images through warm atomic vapors.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Born-Infeld black holes coupled to a massive scalar field

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    Born-Infeld black holes in the Scalar-Tensor Theories of Gravity, in the case of massless scalar field, have been recently obtained. The aim of the current paper is to study the effect from the inclusion of a potential for the scalar field in the theory, through a combination of analytical techniques and numerical methods. The black holes coupled to a massive scalar field have richer causal structure in comparison to the massless scalar field case. In the latter case, the black holes may have a second, inner horizon. The presence of potential for the scalar field allows the existence of extremal black holes for certain values of the mass of the scalar field and the magnetic (electric) charge of the black hole. The linear stability against spherically symmetric perturbations is studied. Arguments in favor of the general stability of the solutions coming from the application of the "turning point" method are also presented.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figure

    Physico-chemical changes during fruit growth and developmental stages in yellow type passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Degener) accessions

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    Physiological and biochemical changes during fruit growth, development and maturity of six yellow type passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Degener) accessions were studied at weekly interval after fruit set from 21 days to 91 days after fruit set and after dropping from vine also. Fruit growth of passion fruit followed a single sigmoid growth curve. Fruit length (cm), diameter (cm) and weight (g) increased continuously (25.24%, 33.13% and 75.08% respectively) (from the initial stage till maturity up to 84 days), which slightly declined at ripening stage. Fruits developed acceptable physico-chemical qualities with good colour, when harvested at 84 to 91 days after fruit set (DAF). The study further revealed that the days taken from fruit set to maturity and ripening, colour change, total soluble solids and acidity may be considered as the most reliable maturity indices for taking harvest decision in pas-sion fruit

    Fisheries rehabilitation in post-tsunami Aceh: Status and needs from participatory appraisals

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    The widespread and long-term nature of the tsunami damage in Aceh province, Indonesia has threatened the continued use of coastal and fisheries resources. This article describes the application of the Rapid Appraisal of Fisheries Management System (RAFMS) methodology and presents key findings from the participatory appraisals in 15 study sites. The focus is on changes in the number and types of fishing boats and fishing effort, consumption and marketing flow patterns and community perspectives on livelihood options. The level of aid (for new boats), mainly from international organizations, has been unevenly distributed with the number of boats in 13 of 15 villages still being well below the pre-tsunami levels. A focus on supplying small vessels may put increased fishing pressure on the near-shore zone. Consumption data and marketing flows suggest that most fishing villages are supplying outside markets and adding considerably to the wider food security of the province. Despite the tsunami, marine fisheries-related livelihoods are still preferred, although there are indications for the potential expansion of livelihoods into the culture of new species. Alternative resource-based livelihoods need to be tested and refined to fit the needs of the current conditions in Aceh to provide viable options for eliminating hunger and reducing poverty

    Documentation of ethno-medicinal practices: A case study on tribal forest fringe dwellers of Terai West Bengal in India

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    The ethno-medicinal practices were documented which were being used by tribal population dwelling forest fringe areas of Terai zone of West Bengal, India on under exploited, non conventional, traditional and indigenous plant species for the sustainable utilization of these resources to cure day to day ailments. A total number of forty seven medicinal plant species belonging to 25 families were documented during the survey period 2012-13, which was used in curing many diseases. Among the families, Euphorbiaceae, Zingeberaceae and Leguminosae were the dominant families that represented four species each. Herb was the highest proportion of plant species 18 (38%) followed by 15 tree species (32%), 8 species of shrubs (17%) and rest were climbers and fern. It was observed that the tribal forest fringe communities of the Terai zone of the West Bengal have a good ethno-medicinal knowledge of using plant resources and developed their own traditional practices to cure day to day diseases