807 research outputs found

    Delimited Massively Parallel Algorithm based on Rules Elimination for Application of Active Rules in Transition P Systems

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    In the field of Transition P systems implementation, it has been determined that it is very important to determine in advance how long takes evolution rules application in membranes. Moreover, to have time estimations of rules application in membranes makes possible to take important decisions related to hardware/software architectures design. The work presented here introduces an algorithm for applying active evolution rules in Transition P systems, which is based on active rules elimination. The algorithm complies the requisites of being nondeterministic, massively parallel, and what is more important, it is time delimited because it is only dependant on the number of membrane evolution rules

    Fast Linear Algorithm for Active Rules Application in Transition P Systems

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    Transition P systems are computational models based on basic features of biological membranes and the observation of biochemical processes. In these models, membrane contains objects multisets, which evolve according to given evolution rules. In the field of Transition P systems implementation, it has been detected the necessity to determine whichever time are going to take active evolution rules application in membranes. In addition, to have time estimations of rules application makes possible to take important decisions related to the hardware/software architectures design. In this paper we propose a new evolution rules application algorithm oriented towards the implementation of Transition P systems. The developed algorithm is sequential and, it has a linear order complexity in the number of evolution rules. Moreover, it obtains the smaller execution times, compared with the preceding algorithms. Therefore the algorithm is very appropriate for the implementation of Transition P systems in sequential devices

    Forum participation plugin for Moodle: development and discussion

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    At present, a large amount of software has been created to analyze social networks, such as libraries to access online social networking APIs, software to draw graphs and tools to use and analyze networks. In fact, and because of the use of Moodle as standard Learning Management System at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in 2009 was born the idea of creating a plugin for Moodle capable of analyzing forums in which students participate and of identifying the major players within the student network. This work is about the present state of such plugin, which provides useful information to teachers so that, through the use of social network analysis, allows them to make decisions to improve and promote participatory education. Here, we show the application of the plugin to three case studies, in two different universities, which allowed to evaluate its usefulness and to compare the information according to the variables that influenced each case study


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    This multidisciplinary paper deals with one of the most worrying ítems about the reassertion of suffrage constitutional principles in our country, mainly those relating to freedom and personality: the abuses of specially vulnerable people’s vote (blind, illiterate or handy-handicapped people; temporal patients, eldery people, patients with restricted mobility, insane people…). The study analyzes the state of the legislation, the way how those abuses can be produced and the legal instruments to react against them with special attention to penal guarantee.En este trabajo se lleva a cabo el estudio jurídico multidisciplinar de uno de los temas más preocupantes de cara a la afirmación en nuestro país de los principios constitucionales del sufragio, en especial los de libertad y personalidad del mismo: los abusos en el voto de las personas especialmente vulnerables (invidentes, analfabetos, discapacitados manuales, discapacitados con problemas de desplazamiento, enfermos temporales, ancianos dependientes, personas con graves problemas psíquicos…). Se analiza el estado de la legislación, la forma en que pueden producirse los abusos y los instrumentos con que cuenta el ordenamiento jurídico para reaccionar frente a los mismos y atajar los conflictos que plantean, haciendo especial hincapié en la llamada garantía penal

    La disfunción familiar como predisponente de la enfermedad mental. ¿Existe tal asociación?

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    ObjetivosEl objetivo principal es conocer la relación entre la disfunción familiar y la presencia de trastorno mental. El objetivo secundario es conocer la prevalencia y la distribución de los principales tipos de patología mental en la población atendida en atención primaria.Diseño y emplazamientoEstudio descriptivo y transversal realizado en 6 consultas de medicina de familia de un área básica de salud semiurbana.MétodoSe seleccionaron 280 sujetos mediante muestreo aleatorio sistemático de los que acudieron espontáneamente a la consulta. Mediante entrevista se recogieron las variables de estudio: dinámica familiar (medida mediante el test de APGAR familiar), estructura familiar, variables sociodemográficas y presencia de trastorno mental detectado mediante la Mini International Neuropsyquiatric Interview (MINI-DSM IV).ResultadosAceptaron participar 264 sujetos. Un 64,4% era mujer y la media de edad fue de 45,6 años (DE, 16,7). Se detectó patología mental en 87 participantes (33%), siendo la patología más frecuente trastorno de ansiedad generalizada, distimia y depresión mayor. Se encontró alteración de la dinámica familiar en 32 personas (12,3%). No se observaron diferencias significativas en la frecuencia de presentación de patología mental entre el grupo con disfunción familiar y el resto.ConclusionesLos trastornos de salud mental son frecuentes entre los pacientes que acuden a las consultas de atención primaria. No encontramos asociación entre las alteraciones de la dinámica familiar y los trastornos de salud mental, lo que podría deberse a la dificultad para detectar disfunción familiar con el test de APGAR.ObjectivesThe main purpose is to describe the relationship between family disfunction and mental disorder. The secondary objective is to know the prevalence and distribution of mental disorders in primary care attended population.DesignA cross-sectional study was conducted in a primary care setting.Patients and methodsRandom sample was selected over 280 subjects from consultant population. The variables (family function, family structure, social and economic conditions and mental disorders) were collected through interview. APGAR test and Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview test were performed.Results264 patients were finally included (64% women). Mean age was 45,6 years (SD 16,7). Mental disorders were detected in 87 patients (33%). The most prevalent disorders were generalized anxiety disorder, dysthymia and major depression. family disfunction was found in 32 patients (12,3%). Prevalence of mental disorders wasn't statistically different in the group with family disfunction.ConclusionMental disorders are a common problem between primary care attended population. There wasn't any association between family disfunction and mental disorders, because of the limitations in the APGAR test in detecting family disfunction

    Análisis de las complicaciones y mortalidad en pacientes mayores de 95 años con fractura de cuello femoral tratada mediante hemiartroplastia de cadera cementada.

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    to analyze postoperative complications and mortality, as well as evaluate the functional results of patients older than 95 years with a femoral neck fracture treated by cemented hip hemiarthroplasty. Material and method. Retrospective study of 33 cases, analyzing complications and mortality, identifying risk factors, and evaluating cognitive status, functionality and level of ambulation after surgery. Results. eight patients (24,2%) presented postsurgical medical complications, finding blood transfusion and bilateral hemiarthroplasty as predictive factors, and 11 died in the first year (33,3%), finding the previous functional status and the taking of antiaggregants or anti-coagulants as risk factors. All worsened functionally after the fracture. Conclusions. we consider fundamental, in order to optimize the treatment, the precise preoperative evaluation of the patient given the limited life expectancy and the high mortality rate in the first year after hip surgery

    Vehicle Classification in Traffic Environments Using the Growing Neural Gas

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    Traffic monitoring is one of the most popular applications of automated video surveillance. Classification of the vehicles into types is important in order to provide the human traffic controllers with updated information about the characteristics of the traffic flow, which facilitates their decision making process. In this work, a video surveillance system is proposed to carry out such classification. First of all, a feature extraction process is carried out to obtain the most significant features of the detected vehicles. After that, a set of Growing Neural Gas neural networks is employed to determine their types. A qualitative and quantitative assessment of the proposal is carried out on a set of benchmark traffic video sequences, with favorable results.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech