450 research outputs found

    Claves para una ética de la ancianidad

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    Tratamiento del Síndrome del Túnel Carpiano con la Técnica del Retinaculotomo de PAINE

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    Los autores han realizado un estudio con 36 casos intervenidos quirúrgicamente en el Servicio de Neurocirugía del Hospital General de Especialidades "Virgen de las Nieves" de Granada, tanto a corto como a largo plazo, empleando la técnica quirúrgica de PAINE, basada en el instrumento por él diseñado, el retinaculotomo. Realizan un estudio de los resultados obtenidos, siendo totalmente satisfactorios en el 74% de los casos. Finalmente exponen las ventajas de esta técnica quirúrgica, así como, la práctica ausencia de complicaciones.36 Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are colected. All of them -were operated on by PAINE's Technique and Procedur e (Retinaculotome). The authors made a study of the results obtained, 74% of good results. Finally, they explain the advantage s of this surgical procedure, as well as, absence of complications

    Displasia Epifisaria Hemimélica en rótula: (descripción de un nuevo caso y revisión bibliográfica)

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    Se describe un nuevo caso de Displasia Epifisaria Hemimélica que asienta en una legalización muy poco frecuente cual es la rótula. Realizan una amplia revisión bibliográfica de la literatura mundial y se comentan las variaciones observadas en cuanto al cuadro clínico, diagnóstico y diagnóstico diferencial.The authors describe a new case of Dysplasia Epiphysealis Hemimelica with affectation of the patela. It is a localization very infrequent. They have made a review of the literature and analyse the variations observed as for clinical findings, diagnosis and differential diagnosis

    Nuestra Experiencia en el Estudio con Ultrasonografía en la Cadera Neonatal

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    Se estudian mediante ultrasonografía las caderas de 112 recién nacidos (224 caderas) con signos clínicos de displasia luxante de cadera. Los resultados se comparan con los datos de exploración clínica y estudio radiográ- fico poniendo en evidencia las limitaciones diagnósticas de las maniobras exploratorias clásicas y la radiografía. Concluye que la ultrasonografía es el método más seguro e inocuo para el diagnóstico precoz de la displasia luxante de cadera en el recién nacido.The authors are studied by ultrasonography 112 newborns (224 hips) with clinical signs of congenital dysplasia and dislocation of the hip. The results obtained are compared with clinical findings and radiographic study emphasizing the diagnostic limitations of the clasics maneuvistes of physical examination and radiography. They conclude that the ultrasonography is the most sure method and innocuous to the early diagnosis of the congenital dysplasia and dislocation of the hip at the newborn

    Los Ultrasonidos en la Cadera Neonatal

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    Los autores describen la técnica de Estudio mediante Ecografía de la cadera neonatal, las imágenes normales, los métodos de mediciones y las características de los distintos grados de displasiaThe authors describe the technique of the study by ultrasound examination of neonatal hip, normal images, methods of measurement and characteristics of differents degrees of dysplasi

    Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of layers of superconducting 2H-TaSe2_\textbf{2}: Evidence for a zero bias anomaly in single layers

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    We report a characterization of surfaces of the dichalcogenide TaSe2_2 using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/S) at 150 mK. When the top layer has the 2H structure and the layer immediately below the 1T structure, we find a singular spatial dependence of the tunneling conductance below 1 K, changing from a zero bias peak on top of Se atoms to a gap in between Se atoms. The zero bias peak is additionally modulated by the commensurate 3a0×3a03a_0 \times 3a_0 charge density wave of 2H-TaSe2_2. Multilayers of 2H-TaSe2_2 show a spatially homogeneous superconducting gap with a critical temperature also of 1 K. We discuss possible origins for the peculiar tunneling conductance in single layers.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    The JNK inhibitor, SP600125, potentiates the glial response and cell death induced by methamphetamine in the mouse striatum

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    This study investigates the effect of the selective Jun NH2-terminal kinase 1/2 (JNK1/2) inhibitor, (SP600125) on the striatal dopamine nerve terminal loss and on the increased interleukin-15 (IL-15) expression and glial response induced by methamphetamine (METH). Mice were given repeated low doses of METH (4Â mg/kg, i.p., three times separated by 3Â h) and killed 24Â h or 7 d after the last dose. SP600125 (30Â mg/kg, i.p) was administered 30Â min before the last METH injection. Results indicate that METH produced dopaminergic axonal neurotoxicity reflected as a marked decrease in the striatal density of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) fibres and dopamine transporter-immunoreactivity (DAT-ir) 24Â h after dosing. These effects were not modified by SP600125. This compound also failed to prevent the long-term loss of dopamine levels and DAT observed 7 d following METH injection. Nevertheless, SP600125 potentiated METH-induced striatal cell loss reflected by an increase in Fluoro-Jade immunostaining, cleaved capase-3 immunoreactivity and the number of terminal deoxyncleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) positive cells. In line with a deleterious effect of JNK1/2 inhibition, SP600125 increased the astroglial and microglial response induced by METH and interfered with drug-induced IL-15 expression. Together these data indicate that, not only does SP600125 fail to protect against the dopaminergic damage induced by METH but also, in fact, it potentiates the glial response and the non-dopaminergic striatal cell loss caused by the drug. © 2013 CINP.Peer Reviewe