255 research outputs found

    A novel method for quantification of decabromodiphenyl ether in plastics without sample preparation using direct insertion probe-magnetic sector high resolution mass spectrometry

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    We report a rapid, efficient analytical method for detecting Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs) in plastic materials using direct insertion probe with double focusing magnetic sector high resolution mass spectrometry.</p

    Drying Dynamics of Solution‐Processed Perovskite Thin‐Film Photovoltaics: In Situ Characterization, Modeling, and Process Control

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    A key challenge for the commercialization of perovskite photovoltaics is the transfer of high‐quality spin coated perovskite thin‐films toward applying industry‐scale thin‐film deposition techniques, such as slot‐die coating, spray coating, screen printing, or inkjet printing. Due to the complexity of the formation of polycrystalline perovskite thin‐films from the precursor solution, efficient strategies for process transfer require advancing the understanding of the involved dynamic processes. This work investigates the fundamental interrelation between the drying dynamics of the precursor solution thin‐film and the quality of the blade coated polycrystalline perovskite thin‐films. Precisely defined drying conditions are established using a temperature‐stabilized drying channel purged with a laminar flow of dry air. The dedicated channel is equipped with laser reflectometry at multiple probing positions, allowing for in situ monitoring of the perovskite solution thin‐film thickness during the drying process. Based on the drying dynamics as measured at varying drying parameters, namely at varying temperature and laminar air flow velocity, a quantitative model on the drying of perovskite thin‐films is derived. This model enables process transfer to industry‐scale deposition systems beyond brute force optimization. Via this approach, homogeneous and pinhole‐free blade coated perovskite thin‐films are fabricated, demonstrating high power conversion efficiencies of up to 19.5% (17.3% stabilized) in perovskite solar cells

    Regulation of meiotic prophase arrest in mouse oocytes by GPR3, a constitutive activator of the Gs G protein

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    The arrest of meiotic prophase in mouse oocytes within antral follicles requires the G protein Gs and an orphan member of the G protein–coupled receptor family, GPR3. To determine whether GPR3 activates Gs, the localization of Gαs in follicle-enclosed oocytes from Gpr3+/+ and Gpr3−/− mice was compared by using immunofluorescence and GαsGFP. GPR3 decreased the ratio of Gαs in the oocyte plasma membrane versus the cytoplasm and also decreased the amount of Gαs in the oocyte. Both of these properties indicate that GPR3 activates Gs. The follicle cells around the oocyte are also necessary to keep the oocyte in prophase, suggesting that they might activate GPR3. However, GPR3-dependent Gs activity was similar in follicle-enclosed and follicle-free oocytes. Thus, the maintenance of prophase arrest depends on the constitutive activity of GPR3 in the oocyte, and the follicle cell signal acts by a means other than increasing GPR3 activity

    Towards a multimedia knowledge-based agent with social competence and human interaction capabilities

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    We present work in progress on an intelligent embodied conversation agent in the basic care and healthcare domain. In contrast to most of the existing agents, the presented agent is aimed to have linguistic cultural, social and emotional competence needed to interact with elderly and migrants. It is composed of an ontology-based and reasoning-driven dialogue manager, multimodal communication analysis and generation modules and a search engine for the retrieval of multimedia background content from the web needed for conducting a conversation on a given topic.The presented work is funded by the European Commission under the contract number H2020-645012-RIA

    Genetic Dissection of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling during Luteinizing Hormone-Induced Oocyte Maturation

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    Recent evidence that luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulation of ovulatory follicles causes transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has provided insights into the mechanisms of ovulation. However, the complete array of signals that promote oocyte reentry into the meiotic cell cycle in the follicle are still incompletely understood. To elucidate the signaling downstream of EGFR involved in oocyte maturation, we have investigated the LH responses in granulosa cells with targeted ablation of EGFR. Oocyte maturation and ovulation is disrupted when EGFR expression is progressively reduced. In granulosa cells from mice with either global or granulosa cell-specific disruption of EGFR signaling, LH-induced phosphorylation of MAPK3/1, p38MAPK, and connexin-43 is impaired. Although the LH-induced decrease in cGMP is EGFR-dependent in wild type follicles, LH still induces a decrease in cGMP in Egfrdelta/f Cyp19-Cre follicles. Thus compensatory mechanisms appear activated in the mutant. Spatial propagation of the LH signal in the follicle also is dependent on the EGF network, and likely is important for the control of signaling to the oocyte. Thus, multiple signals and redundant pathways contribute to regulating oocyte reentry into the cell cycle