15,368 research outputs found

    Temporal disorder in up-down symmetric systems

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    The effect of temporal disorder on systems with up-down Z2 symmetry is studied. In particular, we analyze two well-known families of phase transitions: the Ising and the generalized voter universality classes, and scrutinize the consequences of placing them under fluctuating global conditions. We observe that variability of the control parameter induces in both classes "Temporal Griffiths Phases" (TGP). These recently-uncovered phases are analogous to standard Griffiths Phases appearing in systems with quenched spatial disorder, but where the roles of space and time are exchanged. TGPs are characterized by broad regions in parameter space in which (i) mean first-passage times scale algebraically with system size, and (ii) the system response (e.g. susceptibility) diverges. Our results confirm that TGPs are quite robust and ubiquitous in the presence of temporal disorder. Possible applications of our results to examples in ecology are discussed

    Dual regimes of ion migration in high repetition rate femtosecond laser inscribed waveguides

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    Ion migration in high repetition rate femtosecond laser inscribed waveguides is currently being reported in different optical glasses. For the first time we discuss and experimentally demonstrate the presence of two regimes of ion migration found in laser written waveguides. Regime-I, corresponds to the initial waveguide formation mainly via light element migration (in our case atomic weight < 31u), whereas regime-II majorly corresponds to the movement of heavy elements. This behavior brings attention to a problem which has never been analyzed before and that affects laser written active waveguides in which active ions migrate changing their local spectroscopic properties. The migration of active ions may in fact detune the pre-designed optimal values of active photonic devices. This paper experimentally evidences this problem and provides solutions to avert it.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Contamination des moules (Mytilus galloprovincialis) des côtes de la région de Dakar par les Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques (HAPs)

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    Dans ce travail, nous avons etudie la contamination par les Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques des moules recoltees au niveau des cotes de la region de Dakar. Les sites ont ete choisis en fonction des activites qui y sont developpees. Lfextraction des HAPs a ete faite au moyen dfun extracteur Soxhlet avec un melange hexane/acetone et la purification est realisee avec lfoxyde dfaluminium. Nous avons analyse lfextraitpar un chromatographe de gaz couple a un spectrographe de masse (GC/MS). Les resultats montrent que les teneurs en hydrocarbures evoluent de facon croissante en fonction du temps. Au port de Dakar, lesconcentrations passent de 5308,67 en 2007 a 17973,37 ƒÊg/kg de poids sec, en 2008. Lfevolution des hydrocarbures suit la meme tendance dans les differents sites. Ainsi, le Port concentre la plus forte teneur, ensuite suivent les sites de Mbao et de Hann. Au niveau du port, la contamination proviendrait des depots de stockages des hydrocarbures mais egalement des operations de transbordement du petrole. La zone de Mbao estpolluee par la presence de nombreuses usines dont une raffinerie qui a ces canaux directement ouvert sur la plage. Le site de Hann abrite un canal qui draine les eaux usees domestiques mais aussi les huiles de rejet des stations services. Ainsi, les moules deviennent un bon indicateur de la qualite des eaux mais egalement un danger pour la population, grande consommatrice de cette espece. Ces etudes qui constituent un etat de lieu doivent etre poursuivies afin de fournir des donnees scientifiques de base aux decideurs politiques pour la recherche de solutions durables a la pollution de notre environnement

    Terminal Antennas in ACE2

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    The ACE Network of Excellence was a European Commission funded Network of Excellence, which lasted from 2004 to 2007. One of the activities performed by this Network was in the frame of terminal antennas. In this activity, three aspects were covered in three projects: Small antenna technologies, small terminal antenna technologies and benchmarking of small terminal antennas measurement facilities. The overall aim was to identify the newest trends in antenna design and measurement for personal communications devices, and suggest novel solutions and design methodologies for various applications. The results of this work are presented in this paper

    The Politics of Fiscal Federalism: Building a Stronger Decentralization Theorem

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    We explore how party structures can condition the benefits of decentralization in modern democracies. In particular, we study the interaction of two political institutions: democratic (de)centralization (whether a country has fiscally autonomous and elected local governments) and party (non)integration (whether power over local party leaders flows upwards through party institutions, which we model using control over candidate selection). We incorporate these institutions into our strong decentralization theorem, which expands on Oates (1972) to examine when the decentralized provision of public services will dominate centralized provision even in the presence of inter-jurisdictional spillovers. Our findings suggest that, when externalities are present, democratic decentralization will be beneficial only when parties are integrated. In countries with non-integrated parties, we find that the participation rules of primaries have implications for the expected gains from democratic decentralization. Under blanket primaries, Oates’ conventional decentralization theorem holds but our strong decentralization theorem does not. By contrast, when primaries are closed, not even Oates’ conventional decentralization theorem holds

    Rethinking the Political Economy of Decentralization: How Elections and Parties Shape the Provision of Local Public Goods

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    Decentralization is among the most important global trends of the new century, yet there is still no consensus on how to design political institutions to realize its benefits. In this paper, we investigate the political conditions under which decentralization will improve the delivery of public goods. We begin by incorporating insights from political science and economics into a rigorous and formal extension of the “decentralization theorem”. Our extension assumes inter-jurisdictional spillovers and suggests that the interaction of democratic decentralization (popularly elected sub-national governments) and party centralization (the power of national party leaders over subnational office-seekers) will produce the best outcomes for public service delivery. To test this argument empirically, we make use of a new dataset of sub-national political institutions created for this project. Our analyses, which allow us to examine educational outcomes in more than 125 countries across more than 25 years, provide support for our theoretical expectations

    Cholesterol and Alzheimer's Disease Risk: A Meta-Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Alzheimer''s disease (AD) is the most common subtype of dementia. In the last ten years, the relationship between cholesterol and AD has been investigated. Evidence suggests that cholesterol is associated with AD and represents promising targets for intervention. However, the causality of these associations is unclear. Therefore, we sought to conduct a meta-meta-analysis to determine the effect of cholesterol on the development AD. Then, we assessed the effect of serum levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TG), on AD risk. Methods: A systematic search of meta-analyses was conducted. Scopus, Web of Science, Science direct, PubMed and Google academic system databases were reviewed. Results: We found 100 primary studies and five meta-analyses to analyze the relationships between cholesterol and AD. The total effect of cholesterol on risk of AD was significant and heterogeneous. Subgroup analysis shows that LDL-C levels influence the development of AD. However, non-significant effects of HDL-C, TC and TG levels on AD were found. Conclusions: These results strengthen the evidence that LDL-C cholesterol levels increase risk for AD. More initiatives to investigate the relationship between cholesterol and AD are needed

    Comunicación corta. Diferenciación de cepas vacunales del virus del síndrome reproductor y respiratorio porcino de tipo I y cepas de campo por análisis de polimorfismos en la longitud de fragmentos de restricción

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    The use of modified live virus (MLV) vaccines is a common procedure to control porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection in the great majority of countries from America, Asia and Europe, including Spain. Current discriminatory techniques allow the detection of different MLV type-II vaccine strains. Herein we report a rapid and accurate technique aimed to discriminate between MLV type-I vaccine strains and Spanish field strains. This technique comprises a reverse transcription (RT) and nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR) amplification of PRRSV ORF5 followed by a digestion of RT-nPCR products with two specific endonucleases, ItaI and AccI. Combined utilization of ItaI and AccI generates restriction fragments length polymorphisms (RFLP) patterns adequate for the differentiation of 30 Spanish field isolates, of which 12 were isolated between 1991 and 1995 and 18 between 2000 and 2003. These different RFLP patterns can be used to distinguish unequivocally between Spanish field strains of PRRSV and the three MLV type-I vaccines used in Spain: AmervacPRRS®, Pyrsvac-183® and PorcilisPRRS®.Para controlar la infecci&oacute;n por el virus del s&iacute;ndrome reproductor y respiratorio porcino (PRRSV), en la gran mayor&iacute;a de pa&iacute;ses de Am&eacute;rica, Asia y Europa, incluyendo Espa&ntilde;a, se usan frecuentemente vacunas basadas en virus vivos modificados (MLV). En la actualidad existen t&eacute;cnicas discriminatorias que permiten detectar cepas vacunales del PRRSV de tipo II. El presente trabajo describe una t&eacute;cnica precisa y r&aacute;pida para la diferenciaci&oacute;n de cepas vacunales de tipo I del PRRSV y cepas de campo espa&ntilde;olas. Esta t&eacute;cnica se basa en la transcripci&oacute;n reversa y posterior amplificaci&oacute;n de la ORF5 del genoma del PRRSV utilizando la reacci&oacute;n en cadena de la polimerasa anidada, seguida de la digesti&oacute;n de los amplicones generados con dos endonucleasas espec&iacute;ficas: ItaI y AccI. La utilizaci&oacute;n combinada de ambas enzimas genera patrones de polimorfismos en la longitud de fragmentos de restricci&oacute;n (RFLP), adecuados para la distinci&oacute;n de las 30 cepas de campo usadas, de las cuales 12 fueron aisladas entre 1991 y 1995 y 18 entre 2000 y 2003. Estos diferentes patrones pueden ser utilizados para distinguir entre cepas de campo espa&ntilde;olas del PRRSV y las tres cepas vacunales de tipo I usadas en Espa&ntilde;a: AmervacPRRS&reg;, Pyrsvac-183&reg; y PorcilisPRRS&reg;