193 research outputs found

    Influence of environmental factors on the sport performance of the horse, in an objective selection test (Show Jumping)

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    Ponencia publicada en ITEA, vol.104Desde el año 2004 el MAPyA organiza en España Pruebas de Selección de Caballos Jóvenes (PSCJ), para diferentes disciplinas, entre las que se encuentra el Salto de Obstáculos. Participan animales jóvenes (4 a 6 años). Con la información acumulada en estos 3 años (4.441 participaciones de 87 caballos participantes) hemos analizado los factores externos que condicionan los resultados obtenidos por los animales en este tipo de pruebas. Para ello se ha utilizado un modelo padre mediante el Proc MIXED del SAS, incluyendo como variables dependientes las penalizaciones finales y el ranking transformado. Se han analizado 14 factores, relacionados con el propio animal (edad, sexo…), el lugar de celebración del concurso y las condiciones de la pista, las condiciones climatológicas, el día de la prueba, el nivel de entrenamiento y el nivel de cansancio/estrés del animal antes de la competición. El jinete y el padre se han incluido como factores aleatorios en el modelo y el orden de salida, como covariable. Aunque la mayoría de los factores y combinaciones de factores han sido estadísticamente significativos, han explicado una muy baja varianza (entre 0,07% y 1,78%) con excepción de la edad (2,40%), padre (9,25%) y jinete (8,28%).Since 2004, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain organize the Young Horses Performance Selection Tests, for different disciplines, like Show Jumping. Only young animals participate in these events (4 to 6 years old). With the data collected during 3 years (4.441 participations from 87 different horses), we have analyzed the environmental factors that influence the performance results of the animal in these type of tests. A Proc MIXED model from SAS was used, including final penalizations and transformed ranking as dependent variables. 14 factors, related to the animal (age, sex…), the competition location and the racetrack conditions, the climatologic conditions, the training level and the stress level of the animal, were analyzed before the competition. The rider and the father were included in the model as random factors, and the participation order as the covariate. Although most of the factors and their combinations were significant, they explained a very low variance (from 0.07% to 1.78%), excluding the age (2.40%), the father effect (9.25%) and the rider (8.28%)

    Modelos de estimación de componentes de (co)varianza en disciplinas equinas con fuerte influencia del jinete: la prueba de doma del ejercicio completo de equitación como ejemplo

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    La valoración genética para caracteres relacionados con la mayoría de las disciplinas ecuestres tiene el inconveniente de la fuerte influencia del factor humano en el desempeño del equino (generalmente la interacción entre el jinete y el caballo), lo cual puede determinar valoraciones muy sesgadas sino se tiene en cuenta este hecho. En este trabajo se comparan distintos modelos de evaluación genética en cuanto a la forma de incluir el jinete, utilizando para ello como ejemplo los resultados de la prueba de doma clásica en la disciplina de concurso completo de equitación con la finalidad de determinar el mejor modelo. Los datos se analizaron mediante modelo animal empleando el software ASREML. En total se evaluaron 8 modelos diferentes que diferían en la inclusión o no del entrenador (y si este se consideraba como efecto fijo o como aleatorio), así como la inclusión del jinete y/o la interacción jinete-animal en dicho modelo de evaluación. En todos los modelos se incluyeron como efectos fijos el concurso-juez, el nivel de estrés, la edad y el sexo del caballo participante. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos se considera que el modelo más adecuado a este tipo de datos es un modelo en que se tenga en cuenta como efectos aleatorios el animal, el jinete y la interacción entre ambos

    Using eye temperature and heart rate for stress assessment in young horses competing in jumping competitions and its possible influence on sport performance

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    The aims of this study were, first, to evaluate eye temperature (ET) with infrared thermography and heart rate (HR) to measure stress in horses during show jumping competitions and their relationship with competition results, and second, to evaluate the influence of different extrinsic and intrinsic factors of the horse on the stress measurements analysed. One hundred and seventy-three Spanish Sport Horses were analysed for ET and HR, and these measurements were taken 3 h before the competition, just after and 3 h after it. Two interval measurements were also assessed for each parameter. Positive significant correlations were found between ET and HR, measured before (r=0.23), just after competition (r= 0.28) and for the later interval (r= 0.26), whereas negative correlations with competition results were found only for ET when measured just after competing (r=− 0.25). Two intrinsic factors (genetic line and age) and no extrinsic factors showed significant differences for ET, whereas one intrinsic factor (age) and two extrinsic factors (journey duration and number of training hours) showed significant differences for HR. The marginal means showed significantly higher ET values for the Anglo-Arab genetic line and for 5-year-old animals. HR values were significantly higher for 4-year-old animals, for horses which had travelled 4 to 6 h and for horses that had 3 to 6 h of daily training. This study suggests that, although ET and HR seemed to share a similar physiological basis, the factors that most influenced each parameter were different. Finally, ET seems to be a suitable tool for assessing stress during show jumping competitions in horses

    Modelos para la valoración genética de la disciplina de concurso completo de equitación a partir del control de rendimientos en las pruebas de selección de caballos jóvenes

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    Una de las principales fuentes de información funcional para la valoración genética precoz de los animales para las distintas disciplinas ecuestres son las Pruebas de Selección de Caballos Jóvenes (PSCJ), reguladas por el MAPyA, que se están celebrando en nuestro país desde el año 2004. Las PSCJ son muy importantes en la selección de los équidos deb ido a las altas correlaciones genéticas que se han encontrado entre las variables analizadas en animales jóvenes y los resultados obtenidos posteriormente en las competiciones, lo cual implica una buena predicción del rendimiento en el animal adulto (Wallin et al. , 2003). El concurso completo de equitación (CCE), conocido internacionalmente como “Eventing”, es una disciplina ecuestre que combina distintas pruebas (doma, salto y cross), exigiendo al animal un elevado grado de diversas aptitudes. Las principales razas de caballos participantes en España en CCE son, el Caballo de Deporte Español (CDE), el caballo de raza Anglo-árabe (A-á) y el Pura Raza árabe (PRá) El objetivo de este estudio ha sido establecer los modelos genéticos idóneos para la estimación de los valores de mejora y obtener estimas de heredabilidad de los caracteres de la disciplina de CC

    Radiografía de la televisión en la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara

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    Con el propósito de conocer las características básicas de la oferta de televisión abierta en la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara, en el otoño de 2010, se llevó a cabo un proyecto de investigación sobre la parrilla programática semanal de ocho de los nueve canales de televisión abierta que llega a los hogares tapatíos. Los resultados de ese esfuerzo es lo que se presenta en este trabajo.ITESO, A.C

    TNF-α and IL-10 downregulation and marked oxidative stress in Neuromyelitis Optica

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neuromyelitis optica is a central nervous system demyelinating and inflammatory syndrome. The objective of this study is to identify cytokines related to the cellular immune response as well as blood brain barrier integrity and oxidative stress.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed a molecular characterization of cellular immune response and oxidative stress in serum from relapsing-NMO (R-NMO) patients and established the correlations between the clinical measurements and molecular parameters using the Bayesian approach.</p> <p>Serum samples from 11 patients with R-NMO diagnosed according to Wingerchuk criteria and matched in terms of age, gender and ethnicity with the healthy controls were analyzed. The levels of TNF-<it>α</it>, IFN-<it>γ</it>, IL-10, MMP-9, TIMP-1 and oxidative stress markers: malondialdehyde, advanced oxidation protein products, peroxidation potential, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and total hydroperoxides were measured.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found almost undetectable levels of TNF-<it>α</it>, a decreased production of IL-10 and a significant up-regulation of every oxidative stress biomarker studied. The insufficient production of TNF-<it>α </it>and IL-10 in R-NMO patients, which are two important players of T cell mediated immunoregulation, suggest an effector – regulator imbalance. The overproduction of oxygen reactive species as a consequence of the chronic inflammatory milieu is reflected on the excess of oxidative damage mediators detected. Furthermore, Multidimensional Scaling and a Bayesian linear regression model revealed a significant linear dependence between Expanded Disability Status Scale Kurtzke and TIMP-1; pointing to a possible predictive or prognostic value of this clinical-molecular relationship.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that there is a breakdown in immunoregulatory mechanisms and noteworthy pro-oxidant environment contributing to NMO pathogenesis.</p

    Clinical Symptoms of Arboviruses in Mexico

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    Arboviruses such as Chikungunya (CHIKV), Dengue (DENV), and Zika virus (ZIKV) have emerged as a significant public health concern in Mexico. The existing literature lacks evidence regarding the dispersion of arboviruses, thereby limiting public health policy&rsquo;s ability to integrate the diagnosis, management, and prevention. This study seeks to reveal the clinical symptoms of CHIK, DENV, and ZIKV by age group, region, sex, and time across Mexico. The confirmed cases of CHIKV, DENV, and ZIKV were compiled from January 2012 to March 2020. Demographic characteristics analyzed significant clinical symptoms of confirmed cases. Multinomial logistic regression was used to assess the association between clinical symptoms and geographical regions. Females and individuals aged 15 and older had higher rates of reported significant symptoms across all three arboviruses. DENV showed a temporal variation of symptoms by regions 3 and 5, whereas ZIKV presented temporal variables in regions 2 and 4. This study revealed unique and overlapping symptoms between CHIKV, DENV, and ZIKV. However, the differentiation of CHIKV, DENV, and ZIKV is difficult, and diagnostic facilities are not available in rural areas. There is a need for adequately trained healthcare staff alongside well-equipped lab facilities, including hematological tests and imaging facilities

    Boceprevir plus pegylated interferon/ribavirin to re-treat hepatitis C virus genotype 1 in HIV-HCV co-infected patients: final results of the Spanish BOC HIV-HCV Study

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    Introduction Boceprevir (BOC) was one of the first oral inhibitors of hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 protease to be developed. This study assessed the safety and efficacy of BOC + pegylated interferon-α2a/ribavirin (PEG-IFN/RBV) in the retreatment of HIV-HCV co-infected patients with HCV genotype 1. Methods This was a phase III prospective trial. HIV-HCV (genotype 1) co-infected patients from 16 hospitals in Spain were included. These patients received 4 weeks of PEG-IFN/RBV (lead-in), followed by response-guided therapy with PEG-IFN/RBV plus BOC (a fixed 44 weeks was indicated in the case of cirrhosis). The primary endpoint was the sustained virological response (SVR) rate at 24 weeks post-treatment. Efficacy and safety were evaluated in all patients who received at least one dose of the study drug. Results From June 2013 to April 2014, 102 patients were enrolled, 98 of whom received at least one treatment dose. Seventy-three percent were male, 34% were cirrhotic, 23% had IL28b CC, 65% had genotype 1a, and 41% were previous null responders. The overall SVR rate was 67%. Previous null-responders and cirrhotic patients had lower SVR rates (57% and 51%, respectively). Seventy-six patients (78%) completed the therapy scheme; the most common reasons for discontinuation were lack of response at week 12 (12 patients) and adverse events (six patients). Conclusions Response-guided therapy with BOC in combination with PEG-IFN/RBV led to an overall SVR rate of 67%, but an SVR rate of only 51% in patients with cirrhosis. The therapy was generally well tolerated. Although the current standards of care do not include BOC + PEG-IFN/RBV, the authors believe that this combination can be beneficial in situations where new HCV direct antiviral agent interferon-free therapies are not available yet

    Diálogos sobre transdisciplina: los investigadores y su objeto de estudio

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    A la transdisciplinariedad se le ha definido como “una feliz transgresión de las fronteras entre las disciplinas” y es en este tono en que se presenta esta obra, que recopila las experiencias y reflexiones, las discusiones y propuestas de una veintena de investigadores y académicos que hablan sobre o desde la transdisciplina acerca de los temas de su interés o especialidad. La aproximación se da desde perspectivas académicas diversas y se adereza con expresiones estéticas que van desde la poesía hasta la pintura, a través de las cuales se busca ofrecer un espacio a las rutas posibles y limitaciones connaturales de acceder a la realidad para construir conocimiento “de frontera”, “en las fronteras”. Los abordajes son fruto de la exploración, filiación, encantos y desencantos por parte de los autores con la entidad de su búsqueda, quienes buscan contestar, entre otras, las siguientes cuestiones: ¿Cómo establecer un acercamiento transdisciplinar al objeto de estudio? ¿Qué hace a un objeto de estudio transdisciplinar? ¿Cómo impacta la transdisciplinariedad la identidad del académico? Una obra concebida desde una perspectiva más pedagógica que desde la doxa académica, con el interés de aportar una lectura amena para las reflexiones en torno a la trasgresión de las fronteras disciplinarias.ITESO, A.C

    A de novo transcriptional atlas in Danaus plexippus reveals variability in dosage compensation across tissues

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    A detailed knowledge of gene function in the monarch butterfly is still lacking. Here we generate a genome assembly from a Mexican nonmigratory population and used RNA-seq data from 14 biological samples for gene annotation and to construct an atlas portraying the breadth of gene expression during most of the monarch life cycle. Two thirds of the genes show expression changes, with long noncoding RNAs being particularly finely regulated during adulthood, and male-biased expression being four times more common than female-biased. The two portions of the monarch heterochromosome Z, one ancestral to the Lepidoptera and the other resulting from a chromosomal fusion, display distinct association with sex-biased expression, reflecting sample-dependent incompleteness or absence of dosage compensation in the ancestral but not the novel portion of the Z. This study presents extended genomic and transcriptomic resources that will facilitate a better understanding of the monarch's adaptation to a changing environment