805 research outputs found

    A Fuzzy Relation Approach to Single Linkage

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    Single linkage is equivalent to sub-dominant ultrametric. Many algorithms are available for constructing these two objects. But all of then, except one which was proposed by Gondran, are very tedious because of the lack of algebraic structure. Gondran used a special algebraic system as theoretical bases. But it seems rather artificial. In this paper, we propose a more formal approach based on fuzzy relation. The main result presented here is the equivalence between sub-dominant ultrametric and the min-max transitive closure of a symmetric and anti reflexive fuzzy relation. This property enables us to construct an easy and efficient algorithm. At the end of this paper we will find its relationship with Gondran's approach

    A Unifying Concept of X Chart and X-Bar Chart when Subgroup Sizes are Equal

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    X chart and X-bar chart are usually seen as two techniques in SPC with different concepts. In this paper we propose two propositions as a unifying concept for those two charts; one for start-up stage and the other for process control for future observations. Another advantage of this concept lies in the determination of control limits which is not based on approximation method anymore. An exact method will be introduced. Konsep untuk Bagan Kendali X dan Bagan Kendali X-Bar Bila Ukuran Subgrupnya SamaBagan Kendali X dan bagan kendali X-Bar biasanya dipandang sebagai dua teknik Pengendalian Proses Statistik yang memiliki konsep yang berbeda. Dalam tulisan ini kami usulkan dua buah proposisi yang memungkinkan memandang kedua bagan kendali itu dari satu konsep yang sama. Proposisi pertama adalah untuk tahap awal pembuatan bahan kendali (start-up stage) dan yang lain untuk pengendalian proses melalui metode pendekatan seperti yang biasa dikemukakan dalam berbagai pustaka tentang pengendalian proses. Metode eksak akan diperkenalkan


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    The uncertainty of life could be perceived as a blessing in disguise to those who are sane and sensible. The intellectual development of an individual determines the degree of such a perception. It is therefore necessary that we manage the uncertainty of life in such a way that we can achieve harmonious lives while making progress without the violation of the social norms. To do so, the humanities, are likely to be the relevant tools. The roles of these tools for managing the uncertainty of life are discussed in this article

    A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Uniqueness of Minimum Spanning Tree

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    We develop a fundamental property of min-max transitive closure of a dissimilarity, considered as a fuzzry relation, in connection with its subdominant ultrametric. This will enable us firstly to derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the uniqueness of its minimum spanning tree, and secondly to find all possible local minima.Dengan menggunakan relasi samar sebagai sudut pandang, dalam tulisan ini dikembangkan suatu sifat fundamental dari penutup transitif min-maks suatu disimilaritas, dalam hubungannya dengan ultrametrik sub-dominan. Sifat tersebut memungkinkan kita merumuskan dan membuktikan suatu syarat cukup dan perlu agar suatu disimilaritas memiliki pohon kerangka minimum yang tunggal. Apabila tidak tunggal, sifat itu dapat menjadi landasan untuk menentukan semua pohon kerangka minimum lokal.


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    Formalin is famous because of its danger. Although it has some advantages, it may give disadvantages for the layman. Figuratively, the 'formalin' phenomena are pervasive. For example, the stinky garbage that blocks the drainage. Another example is found in our low quality television programs. The high dose of 'formalin' is also found in many of our mass media, particularly in Playboy magazine. Furthermore, the formalin phenomenon, has affected both the Indonesia's noblesse artists and the intellectuals. It is proved by the fact that the former rely on the misleading belief"” the freedom of creation "“ in creating their art work; the later come up with misleading and low quality public policies that give drawbacks to the public. It is therefore necessary that Indonesian people be reminded of the hazard of those 'formalin' phenomena and be encouraged to participate in building a civilized nation which has not only a character but also intelligence; the nation which is not only educated but also uphold the existing norms


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    Banyak orang Indonesia yang saya temui, dari orang awam hingga orang yang berpendidikan tinggi, tidak suka ketika mereka mendengar kata "Indon". Hal ini tidak berlaku ketika mereka disebut "Indo". Beberapa mempercayai bahwa "Indon" tidak tepat digunakan sebagai ekspresi dalam komunikasi. Apakah keyakinan itu benar? Apakah ada pembenaran terhadap keyakinan yang benar? Atau sekedar pendapat? Kebenaran, keyakinan, dan justifikasi adalah tripartit yang membangun pengetahuan. Pembangunan ini membawa kita untuk menganalisis dua kata dari perspektif epistemologis sebelum kita masuk ke dalam studi etimologis. Many Indonesians that I met, from laymen to highly educated people, have a hard feeling when they hear the word "Indon". It is not so when they are called "Indo". Some believe that the former is not appropriate to use as an expression in communication. Is that belief true? Is the true belief justified? Or is it an opinion? Truth, belief, and justification are the tripartite that construct knowledge. This construct brings us to analyze the two words from epistemological perspective before we go into an etymological study


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    Some people are used to saying something without understanding the meanings of a word or term. The term of "politik" is an example. People often read or hear or pronounce the word. However, how many of them are aware of its meaning? As a primitive term, such a world is in the scientific realm. Therefore, this article is designed to reflect and constantly invites us back to basics before we involve ourselves in the play that will be a public watch of the world. Keywords: term, meaning, back to basic


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    Education is one of the elements that is worth considering besides science and technology in order to put Indonesia to the same level as the one of the developed nations have reached. The importance of education in the Sundanese ethnic values is prominent, which gives priority to a man having an education. It is expressed in its songs and rhymes. Further, the values say that education will help a man interact with others fully well. Moreover, in its broader sense, education will ultimately lead the people of a nation to defend their country. However, the current facts show that education in Indonesia tends to shape someone to give priority on strengthening his/his family's/his clan's own economy combined with a hedonistic and consumptive life style. All of these will lead to the negative impacts to the nation's resilience. Therefore, the future education of Indonesia must be committed to the nation identity and resilience besides science and technology


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    Todays statistics has appeared as universal language in the modern communication in Indonesia. It has been a need of civilization such as reading and writing, and also as a civilization indicator of a nation. This paper offers an idea that views statistics as a soft technology that is able to bring this nation to the more civilized nation. An example is presented as the illustration

    The Occurences of Heavy Mineral Placer at Kendawangan and Its Surrounding, West Kalimantan Province

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    The main objective of this study is to identify and to determine the variation and content of heavy mineral placer of Kendawangan coastal, offshore and its surrounding area. Sediment samples were taken from 18 locations, such as 12 samples from offshore and 6 samples from coastal area. For this analysis the heavy metals were identified and analyzed using isodynamic separator and binocular microscopic. The result indicates that heavy minerals consist of zircon, cassiterite, rutile, ilmenite, topaz, chalcopyrite, epidote, pyrite, hematite, hornblende and magnetite. Cassiterite and zircon are also found in sediment samples in all locations and potentially to be further developed. Keywords: Heavy minerals placer, Zircon, Cassiterite, Kendawangan, West Kalimantan Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menentukan variasi kandungan mineral berat plaser pada sedimen pantai dan lepas pantai Kendawangan dan sekitarnya. Sampel sedimen diambil dari 18 lokasi yang terdiri atas 12 sampel sedimen lepas pantai dan 6 sampel sedimen pantai. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan isodinamik separator dan mikroskop binokular. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa mineral berat terdiri atas zircon, kasiterit, rutil, ilmenit, topas, kalkopirit, epidot, pirit, hematit, hornblende, dan magnetit. Kasiterit dan zircon juga dijumpai pada sampel sedimen di semua lokasi yang dianalisis dan berpotensi untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut