1,368 research outputs found

    Combining visible and infrared radiometry and lidar data to test simulations in clear and ice cloud conditions

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    Measurements taken during the 2003 Pacific THORPEX Observing System Test (P-TOST) by the MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS), the Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder (S-HIS) and the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL) are compared to simulations performed with a line-by-line and multiple scattering modeling methodology (LBLMS). Formerly used for infrared hyper-spectral data analysis, LBLMS has been extended to the visible and near infrared with the inclusion of surface bi-directional reflectance properties. A number of scenes are evaluated: two clear scenes, one with nadir geometry and one cross-track encompassing sun glint, and three cloudy scenes, all with nadir geometry. <br><br> CPL data is used to estimate the particulate optical depth at 532 nm for the clear and cloudy scenes and cloud upper and lower boundaries. Cloud optical depth is retrieved from S-HIS infrared window radiances, and it agrees with CPL values, to within natural variability. MAS data are simulated convolving high resolution radiances. The paper discusses the results of the comparisons for the clear and cloudy cases. LBLMS clear simulations agree with MAS data to within 20% in the shortwave (SW) and near infrared (NIR) spectrum and within 2 K in the infrared (IR) range. It is shown that cloudy sky simulations using cloud parameters retrieved from IR radiances systematically underestimate the measured radiance in the SW and NIR by nearly 50%, although the IR retrieved optical thickness agree with same measured by CPL. <br><br> MODIS radiances measured from Terra are also compared to LBLMS simulations in cloudy conditions, using retrieved cloud optical depth and effective radius from MODIS, to understand the origin for the observed discrepancies. It is shown that the simulations agree, to within natural variability, with measurements in selected MODIS SW bands. <br><br> The impact of the assumed particles size distribution and vertical profile of ice content on results is evaluated. Sensitivity is much smaller than differences between measured and simulated radiances in the SW and NIR. <br><br> The paper dwells on a possible explanation of these contradictory results, involving the phase function of ice particles in the shortwave

    Interação de genótipos de Pinus taeda L. com locais no sul-sudeste do Brasil.

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    A importância da resposta relativa diferenciada de progênies e de árvores por locais em Pinus taeda L. na perda de potencial genético pela seleção foi estudada no caráter volume de madeira total do tronco, em 46 progênies de meio-irmãos, em quatro locais no sul-sudeste do Brasil. As progê-nies foram dispostas em nove parcelas lineares, com seis plantas espaçadas em 3 m x 2 m. As análises de variância foram realizadas por local, em conjunto e por locais, dois a dois. As componentes de vari-ância foram estimadas a partir dessas análises e por máxima verossimilhança restrita (REML). Nesse método, foram ajustados modelos estatísticos mistos para a interação das progênies x locais e preditos os valores genéticos aditivos (VG's) pela “melhor predição linear não viciada” (BLUP). A interação foi significativa nas análises de variância conjunta e por locais, dois a dois. O ajuste de modelos mis-tos também foi significativo pelo teste da razão de verossimilhança. A perda do potencial genético na seleção de progênies com base nas estimativas por REML foi de 3,2%. Na seleção de genitores, a per-da na resposta média, pela seleção por VG’s médios, em vez de VG’s por locais, foi de 2,3%. Na sele-ção de árvores para pomares de sementes por mudas não ocorreu redução na resposta média. Para po-mar clonal de dez árvores, a interação superestimou a resposta média esperada em 2%. Nessa ação de melhoramento, a seleção pelo VG médio incrementou a resposta média em 3%. Esse valor foi conside-rado, como a perda de potencial genético, pela não seleção pelo VG médio, quando a interação progê-nies x locais e/ou, o ajuste de modelos são significativos. Sugere-se, o uso do valor genético médio na seleção individual, para maximizar a resposta média esperada

    Predictive-Quality Surface Reaction Chemistry in Real Reactor Models: Integrating First-Principles Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations into Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    We present a numerical framework to integrate first-principles kinetic Monte Carlo (1p-kMC) based microkinetic models into the powerful computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package CatalyticFoam. This allows for the simultaneous account of a predictive-quality surface reaction kinetics inside an explicitly described catalytic reactor geometry. Crucial means toward an efficient and stable implementation are the exploitation of the disparate time scales of surface chemistry and gas-phase transport, as well as the reliable interpolation of irregularly gridded 1p-kMC data by means of an error-based modified Shepard approach. We illustrate the capabilities of the framework using the CO oxidation at Pd(100) and RuO2(110) model catalysts in different reactor configurations and fluid dynamic conditions as showcases. These showcases underscore both the necessity and value of having reliable treatments of the surface chemistry and flow inside integrated multiscale catalysis simulations when aiming at an atomic-scale understanding of the catalytic function in near-ambient environments. Our examples highlight how intricately this function is affected by specifics of the reactor geometry and heat dissipation channels on the one end, and on the other end by characteristics of the intrinsic catalytic activity that are only captured by treatments beyond prevalent mean-field rate equations

    Migraine and cluster headache show impaired neurosteroids patterns

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    Background: Perturbation of neuronal excitability contributes to migraine. Neurosteroids modulate the activity of γ-aminobutyric acid A and N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors, and might be involved in the pathogenesis of migraine. Here, we measured plasma levels of four neurosteroids, i.e., allopregnanolone, epiallopregnanolone, dehydroepiandrosterone and deydroepiandrosterone sulfate, in patients affected by episodic migraine, chronic migraine, or cluster headache. Methods: Nineteen female patients affected by episodic migraine, 51 female patients affected by chronic migraine, and 18 male patients affected by cluster headache were recruited to the study. Sex- and age-matched healthy control subjects (31 females and 16 males) were also recruited. Patients were clinically characterized by using validated questionnaires. Plasma neurosteroid levels were measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results: We found disease-specific changes in neurosteroid levels in our study groups. For example, allopregnanolone levels were significantly increased in episodic migraine and chronic migraine patients than in control subjects, whereas they were reduced in patients affected by cluster headache. Dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels were reduced in patients affected by chronic migraine, but did not change in patients affected by cluster headache. Conclusion: We have shown for the first time that large and disease-specific changes in circulating neurosteroid levels are associated with chronic headache disorders, raising the interesting possibility that fluctuations of neurosteroids at their site of action might shape the natural course of migraine and cluster headache. Whether the observed changes in neurosteroids are genetically determined or rather result from exposure to environmental or intrinsic stressors is unknown. This might also be matter for further investigation because stress is a known triggering factor for headache attacks in both migraineurs and cluster headache patients

    Infrared thermometry to schedule irrigation of common bean.

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    ABSTRACT- The objective of this work was to determine the critical irrigation time for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Carioca) using infrared thermometry. Five treatments were analyzed. Canopy temperature differences between plants and a well-watered control about 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5±0.5ºC were tested. Physiological variables and plant growth were analyzed to establish the best time to irrigate. There was a significant linear correlation between the index and stomatal resistance, transpiration rate, and leaf water potential. Although significant linear correlation between the index and mean values of total dry matter, absolute growth rate, and leaf area index was found, no correlation was found with other growth index like relative growth rate, net assimilation rate, and leaf area ratio. Plants irrigated when their canopy temperature was 3±0.5ºC above the control had their relative growth rate mean value increased up to 59.7%, yielding 2,260.2 kg ha-1, with a reduction of 38.0% in the amount of water used. Plants irrigated when their canopy temperature was 4±0.5ºC yielded 1,907.6 kg ha-1, although their relative growth rate mean value was 4.0% below the control. These results show that the best moment to irrigate common bean is when their canopy temperature is between 3ºC and 4±0.5ºC above the control. RESUMO-O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o momento crítico para efetuar a irrigação do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Carioca) utilizando a termometria ao infravermelho. Foram analisados cinco tratamentos. As diferenças entre a temperatura foliar das plantas e a de um controle mantido bem irrigado testadas foram de 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5±0,5ºC. Foram analisadas variáveis fisiológicas e de crescimento para identificar o melhor momento de irrigação. Encontrou-se uma correlação linear significativa entre o índice empregado e a resistência estomática, a taxa transpiratória e o potencial hídrico foliar. Embora tenha-se verificado uma correlação linear significativa entre o índice empregado e os valores médios da matéria seca total, da taxa de crescimento absoluto e do índice de área foliar, não se verificou qualquer correlação significativa com os demais índices de crescimento, como a taxa de crescimento relativo, a taxa assimilatória líquida e a razão de área foliar. As plantas irrigadas a uma temperatura foliar de 3±0,5ºC acima do controle apresentaram um incremento de 59,7% no valor médio da sua taxa de crescimento relativo, produzindo 2.260,2 kg ha-1 de grãos, com uma redução de 38,0% na quantidade de água aplicada. As plantas irrigadas a uma temperatura foliar de 4±0,5ºC acima do controle produziram 1.907,6 kg ha-1 de grãos, contudo o valor médio de sua taxa de crescimento relativo foi de 4,0% inferior ao controle. Estes resultados demonstram que o melhor momento de se irrigar o feijoeiro é quando apresentam temperatura foliar entre 3ºC e 4±0,5ºC acima do controle

    Constitutive expression of the barley dehydrin gene aba2 enhances Arabidopsis germination in response to salt stress

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    Dehydrins (DHNs) are a sub-family of the late embryogenesis abundant proteins generally induced during development of desiccation tolerance in seeds and water deficit or salinity stress in plants. Nevertheless, a detailed understanding of the DHNs function is still lacking. In this work we investigated the possible protective role during salt stress of a Dhn from Hordeum vulgare (L.), aba2. The coding sequence of the aba2 gene was constitutively expressed in transgenic lines of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.). During salt stress conditions germination rate, cotyledon expansion and greening were greatly improved in the transgenic lines as compared to the wild type. Between 98 and 100% of the transgenic seeds germinated after two weeks in media containing up to 250 mM NaCl, and 90% after 22 days at 300 mM NaCl. In conditions of 200 mM NaCl 93% of the transgenic cotyledons had greened after two weeks, outperforming the wild type by 45%. Our study provides further evidence that DHNs have an important role in salt stress tolerance. The production of plants constitutively expressing DHNs could be an effective strategy to improve plant breeding programs

    Total orthotopic small bowel transplantation in swine under FK 506

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    Previous experimental studies in rodents and in dogs have established the efficacy of FK 506 in controlling the immunologic events following small bowel or multivisceral transplantation.1–5 To complete the assessment of FK 506 in experimental small bowel transplantation, we present here our experience with the frequently used swine model