426 research outputs found

    Burst Neutrinos from Nitrogen Flash

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    Neutrinos give a novel probe to explore deep interior of astrophysical objects, which otherwise is not accessible with optical observations; among notable examples are solar and supernova neutrinos. We show that there is a new class of strong neutrino emission from helium burning, N + alpha --> 18F gamma followed by beta decay 18F --> 18O + e+ + nu_e, that gives a maximum neutrino luminosity of 10^8 times the solar bolometric luminosity at the helium-core flash of a 1 M_sun star, whereas the flash is not observable by optical means. This means that the neutrino flux, of average energy of 0.382 MeV, will be 10% the solar CNO neutrino flux on Earth if the star is located at 10pc.Comment: Accepted to ApJ Letters. Replaced version with extended discussion. Some additional references adde

    Bayesian mass and age estimates for transiting exoplanet host stars

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    The mean density of a star transited by a planet, brown dwarf or low mass star can be accurately measured from its light curve. This measurement can be combined with other observations to estimate its mass and age by comparison with stellar models. Our aim is to calculate the posterior probability distributions for the mass and age of a star given its density, effective temperature, metallicity and luminosity. We computed a large grid of stellar models that densely sample the appropriate mass and metallicity range. The posterior probability distributions are calculated using a Markov-chain Monte-Carlo method. The method has been validated by comparison to the results of other stellar models and by applying the method to stars in eclipsing binary systems with accurately measured masses and radii. We have explored the sensitivity of our results to the assumed values of the mixing-length parameter, αMLT\alpha_{\rm MLT}, and initial helium mass fraction, Y. For a star with a mass of 0.9 solar masses and an age of 4 Gyr our method recovers the mass of the star with a precision of 2% and the age to within 25% based on the density, effective temperature and metallicity predicted by a range of different stellar models. The masses of stars in eclipsing binaries are recovered to within the calculated uncertainties (typically 5%) in about 90% of cases. There is a tendency for the masses to be underestimated by about 0.1 solar masses for some stars with rotation periods Prot<7_{\rm rot}< 7d. Our method makes it straightforward to determine accurately the joint posterior probability distribution for the mass and age of a star eclipsed by a planet or other dark body based on its observed properties and a state-of-the art set of stellar models.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 9 pages, 4 figures. Source code for the software described is available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/bagemas

    New DA white dwarf evolutionary models and their pulsational properties

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    In this letter we investigate the pulsational properties of ZZ Ceti stars on the basis of new white dwarf evolutionary models calculated in a self-consistent way with the predictions of time dependent element diffusion and nuclear burning. In addition, full account is taken of the evolutionary stages prior to the white dwarf formation. Emphasis is placed on the trapping properties of such models. By means of adiabatic, non-radial pulsation calculations, we find, as a result of time dependent diffusion, a much weaker mode trapping effect, particularly for the high-period regime of the pulsation g-spectrum. This result is valid at least for models with massive hydrogen-rich envelopes. Thus, mode trapping would not be an effective mechanism to explain the fact that all the high periods expected from standard models of stratified white dwarfs are not observed in the ZZ Ceti stars.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter

    PENGARUH ATRIBUT PRODUK TERHADAP SIKAP KONSUMEN INEZ KOSMETIK (Studi Kasus di Pusaka Indah Swalayan Kebumen Tahun 2013)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Ada tidaknya pengaruh atribut produk secara simultan terhadap sikap konsumen Inez kosmetik di Pusaka Indah Swalayan, (2) Ada tidaknya pengaruh atribut produk terhadap sikap konsumen Inez kosmetik di Pusaka Indah Swalayan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan oleh penulis untuk memenuhi tujuan tersebut adalah menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner. Populasi penelitian ini adalah orang yang membeli dan menggunakan Inez Kosmetik atau konsumen yang memiliki minat terhadap Inez Kosmetik di Pusaka Indah Swalayan. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) terdapat pengaruh atribut produk terhadap sikap konsumen Inez kosmetik di Pusaka Indah Swalayan. Hal tersebut tercermin dari hasil uji F diperoleh nilai probabilitas sebesar 0,000. Sehubungan dengan nilai probabilitas 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel atirbut produk yang terdiri dari yang terdiri dari : kualitas, merek, kemasan, label dan harga berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap sikap konsumen. (2) hasil perhitungan data untuk variabel kualitas memiliki tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,035, variabel merek memiliki tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,027, variabel kemasan memiliki tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,039, variabel label memiliki tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,038, variabel harga memiliki tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,023 . Oleh karena probabilitas variabel kualitas, merek, kemasan, label, dan harga lebih kecil dari 0,05 maka dapat dikemukakan bahwa variabel variabel kualitas, merek, kemasan, label, dan harga berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen. Kata kunci: Atribut produk, sikap konsumen, kosmeti

    The ages and colours of cool helium-core white dwarf stars

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    The purpose of this work is to explore the evolution of helium-core white dwarf stars in a self-consistent way with the predictions of detailed non-gray model atmospheres and element diffusion. To this end, we consider helium-core white dwarf models with stellar masses of 0.406, 0.360, 0.327, 0.292, 0.242, 0.196 and 0.169 solar masses and follow their evolution from the end of mass loss episodes during their pre-white dwarf evolution down to very low surface luminosities. We find that when the effective temperature decreases below 4000K, the emergent spectrum of these stars becomes bluer within time-scales of astrophysical interest. In particular, we analyse the evolution of our models in the colour-colour and colour-magnitude diagrams and we find that helium-core white dwarfs with masses ranging from approx. 0.18 to 0.3 solar masses can reach the turn-off in their colours and become blue again within cooling times much less than 15 Gyr and then remain brighter than M_V approx. 16.5. In view of these results, many low-mass helium white dwarfs could have had time enough to evolve to the domain of collision-induced absorption from molecular hydrogen, showing blue colours.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evolution and colours of helium-core white dwarf stars: the case of low metallicity progenitors

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    The present work is designed to explore the evolution of helium-core white dwarf (HeWD) stars for the case of metallicities much lower than the solar one (Z=0.001 and Z=0.0002). Evolution is followed in a self-consistent way with the predictions of detalied and new non-grey atmospheres, time-dependent element diffusion and the history of the white dwarf progenitor. Reliable initial models for low mass HeWDs are obtained by applying mass loss rates to a 1msun stellar model. The loss of angular momentum caused by gravitational wave emission and magnetic stellar wind braking are considered. Model atmospheres, based on a detailed treatment of the microphysics entering the WD atmosphere enable us to provide accurate colours and magnitudes at both early and advanced evolutionary stages. We find that most of our evolutionary sequences experience several episodes of hydrogen thermonuclear flashes. In particular, the lower the metallicity, the larger the minimum stellar mass for the occurrence fo flashes induced by CNO cycle reactions. The existence of a mass-threshold for the occurrence of diffusion-induced CNO flashes leadss to a marked dichotomy in the age of our models. Another finding of this study is that our HeWD models experience unstable hydrogen burning via PP nuclear reactions at late cooling stages as a result of hydrogen chemically diffusing inwards. Such PP flashes take place in models with very low metal content. We also find that models experiencing CNO flashes exhibit a pronouncede turn-off in most of their colours at M_V=16 approximately. Finally, colour-magnitude diagrams for our models are presented and compared with recent observational data of HeWD candidates in the globular clusters NGC 6397 and 47 Tucanae.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    CN-Cycle Solar Neutrinos and Sun's Primordial Core Metalicity

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    We argue that it may be possible to exploit neutrinos from the CN cycle and pp chain to determine the primordial solar core abundances of C and N at an interesting level of precision. Such a measurement would allow a comparison of the Sun's deep interior composition with it surface, testing a key assumption of the standard solar model (SSM), a homogeneous zero-age Sun. It would also provide a cross-check on recent photospheric abundance determinations that have altered the once excellent agreement between the SSM and helioseismology. As further motivation, we discuss a speculative possibility in which photospheric abundance/helioseismology puzzle is connected with the solar-system metal differentiation that accompanied formation of the gaseous giant planets. The theoretical relationship between core C and N and the 13N and 15O solar neutrino fluxes can be made more precise (and more general) by making use of the Super-Kamiokande and SNO 8B neutrino capture rates, which calibrate the temperature of the solar core. The primordial C and N abundances can then be obtained from these neutrino fluxes and from a product of nuclear rates, with little residual solar model dependence. We describe some of the recent experimental advances that could allow this comparison to be made (theoretically) at about the 9% level, and note that this uncertainty may be reduced further due to ongoing work on the S-factor for 14N(p,gamma). The envisioned measurement might be possible in deep, large-volume detectors using organic scintillator, e.g., Borexino or SNO+Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure

    The influence of planetary engulfment on stellar rotation in metal-poor main-sequence stars

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    The method of gyrochronology relates the age of its star to its rotation period. However, recent evidence of deviations from gyrochronology relations was reported in the literature. Here, we study the influence of tidal interaction between a star and its companion on the rotation velocity of the star, in order to explain peculiar stellar rotation velocities. The interaction of a star and its planet is followed using a comprehensive numerical framework that combines tidal friction, magnetic braking, planet migration, and detailed stellar evolution models from the GARSTEC grid. We focus on close-in companions from 1 to 20 MJup_{Jup} orbiting low-mass, 0.8 and 1 M⊙_{\odot}, main-sequence stars with a broad metallicity range from [Fe/H] = -1 to solar. Our simulations suggest that the dynamical interaction between a star and its companion can have different outcomes, which depend on the initial semi-major axis and the mass of the planet, as well as the mass and metallicity of its host star. In most cases, especially in the case of planet engulfment, we find a catastrophic increase in stellar rotation velocity from 1 kms−1^{-1} to over 40 kms−1^{-1}, while the star is still on the main-sequence. The main prediction of our model is that low-mass main-sequence stars with abnormal rotation velocities should be more common at low-metallicity, as lower [Fe/H] favours faster planet engulfment, provided occurrence rate of close in massive planets is similar at all metallicities. Our scenario explains peculiar rotation velocities of low-mass main-sequence stars by the tidal interaction between the star and its companion. Current observational samples are too small and incomplete, and thus do not allow us to test our model.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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