217 research outputs found

    Dissipation due to tunneling two-level systems in gold nanomechanical resonators

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    We present measurements of the dissipation and frequency shift in nanomechanical gold resonators at temperatures down to 10 mK. The resonators were fabricated as doubly-clamped beams above a GaAs substrate and actuated magnetomotively. Measurements on beams with frequencies 7.95 MHz and 3.87 MHz revealed that from 30 mK to 500 mK the dissipation increases with temperature as T0.5T^{0.5}, with saturation occurring at higher temperatures. The relative frequency shift of the resonators increases logarithmically with temperature up to at least 400 mK. Similarities with the behavior of bulk amorphous solids suggest that the dissipation in our resonators is dominated by two-level systems

    Nonlinear modal coupling in a high-stress doubly-clamped nanomechanical resonator

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    We present results from a study of the nonlinear intermodal coupling between different flexural vibrational modes of a single high-stress, doubly-clamped silicon nitride nanomechanical beam. The measurements were carried out at 100 mK and the beam was actuated using the magnetomotive technique. We observed the nonlinear behavior of the modes individually and also measured the coupling between them by driving the beam at multiple frequencies. We demonstrate that the different modes of the resonator are coupled to each other by the displacement induced tension in the beam, which also leads to the well known Duffing nonlinearity in doubly-clamped beams.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Audio mixing in a tri-port nano-electro-mechanical device

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    We report on experiments performed on a cantilever-based tri-port nano-electro-mechanical (NEMS) device. Two ports are used for actuation and detection through the magnetomotive scheme, while the third port is a capacitively coupled gate electrode. By applying a low frequency voltage signal on the gate, we demonstrate mixing in the mechanical response of the device, even for {\it low magnetomotive drives, without resorting to conduction measurements through the NEMS}. The technique can thus be used in particular in the linear regime, as an alternative to nonlinear mixing, for normal conducting devices. An analytic theory is presented reproducing the data without free parameter

    Three Conservation Applications of Astronaut Photographs of Earth: Tidal Flat Loss (Japan), Elephant Impacts on Vegetation (Botswana), and Seagrass and Mangrove Monitoring (Australia)

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    NASA photographs taken from low Earth orbit can provide information relevant to conservation biology. This data source is now more accessible due to improvements in digitizing technology, Internet file transfer, and availability of image processing software. We present three examples of conservation-related projects that benefited from using orbital photographs. (1) A time series of photographs from the Space Shuttle showing wetland conversion in Japan was used as a tool for communicating about the impacts of tidal flat loss. Real-time communication with astronauts about a newsworthy event resulted in acquiring current imagery. These images and the availability of other high resolution digital images from NASA provided timely public information on the observed changes. (2) A Space Shuttle photograph of Chobe National Park in Botswana was digitally classified and analyzed to identify the locations of elephant-impacted woodland. Field validation later confirmed that areas identified on the image showed evidence of elephant impacts. (3) A summary map from intensive field surveys of seagrasses in Shoalwater Bay, Australia was used as reference data for a supervised classification of a digitized photograph taken from orbit. The classification was able to distinguish seagrasses, sediments and mangroves with accuracy approximating that in studies using other satellite remote sensing data. Orbital photographs are in the public domain and the database of nearly 400,000 photographs from the late 1960s to the present is available at a single searchable location on the Internet. These photographs can be used by conservation biologists for general information about the landscape and in quantitative applications

    Intact landscape promotes gene flow and low genetic structuring in the threatened Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake

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    Genetic structuring of wild populations is dependent on environmental, ecological, and life-history factors. The specific role environmental context plays in genetic structuring is important to conservation practitioners working with rare species across areas with varying degrees of fragmentation. We investigated fine-scale genetic patterns of the federally threatened Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) on a relatively undisturbed island in northern Michigan, USA. This species often persists in habitat islands throughout much of its distribution due to extensive habitat loss and distance-limited dispersal. We found that the entire island population exhibited weak genetic structuring with spatially segregated variation in effective migration and genetic diversity. The low level of genetic structuring contrasts with previous studies in the southern part of the species' range at comparable fine scales (~7 km), in which much higher levels of structuring were documented. The island population's genetic structuring more closely resembles that of populations from Ontario, Canada, that occupy similarly intact habitats. Intrapopulation variation in effective migration and genetic diversity likely corresponds to the presence of large inland lakes acting as barriers and more human activity in the southern portion of the island. The observed genetic structuring in this intact landscape suggests that the Eastern Massasauga is capable of sufficient interpatch movements to reduce overall genetic structuring and colonize new habitats. Landscape mosaics with multiple habitat patches and localized barriers (e.g., large water bodies or roads) will promote gene flow and natural colonization for this declining species

    Improving accuracy of nanothermal measurements via spatially distributed scanning thermal microscope probes

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    Advances in material design and device miniaturization lead to physical properties that may significantly differ from the bulk ones. In particular, thermal transport is strongly affected when the device dimensions approach the mean free path of heat carriers. Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM) is arguably the best approach for probing nanoscale thermal properties with few tens of nm lateral resolution. Typical SThM probes based on microfabricated Pd resistive probes (PdRP) using a spatially distributed heater and a nanoscale tip in contact with the sample provide high sensitivity and operation in ambient, vacuum, and liquid environments. Although some aspects of the response of this sensor have been studied, both for static and dynamic measurements, here we build an analytical model of the PdRP sensor taking into account finite dimensions of the heater that improves the precision and stability of the quantitative measurements. In particular, we analyse the probe response for heat flowing through a tip to the sample and due to probe selfheating and theoretically and experimentally demonstrate that they can differ by more than 50%, hence introducing significant correction in the SThM measurements. Furthermore, we analyzed the effect of environmental parameters such as sample and microscope stage temperatures and laser illumination, which allowed reducing the experimental scatter by a factor of 10. Finally, varying these parameters, we measured absolute values of heat resistances and compared these to the model for both ambient and vacuum SThM operations, providing a comprehensive pathway improving the precision of the nanothermal measurements in SThM

    Physical activity and diet associations with the gut microbiota in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study

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    Background: Gut microbiota may influence metabolic pathways related to chronic health conditions. Evidence for physical activity and diet influences on gut microbial composition exists, but data from diverse population-based cohort studies are limited. Objectives: We hypothesized that gut microbial diversity and genera are associated with physical activity and diet quality. Methods: Data were from 537 participants in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study, a prospective cohort, who attended the year 30 follow-up examination (2015–2016; aged 47–61 y; 45% Black race/55% White race; 45% men/55% women). The 16S ribosomal RNA marker gene was sequenced from stool DNA, and genus-level taxonomy was assigned. Within-person microbial diversity (α-diversity) was assessed with Shannon diversity index and richness scores; between-person diversity (β-diversity) measures were generated with principal coordinates analysis (PCoA). Current and long-term physical activity and diet quality measures were derived from data collected over 30 y of follow-up. Multivariable-adjusted regression analysis controlled for: sociodemographic variables (age, race, sex, education, and field center), other health behaviors (smoking, alcohol consumption, and medication use), and adjusted for multiple comparisons with the false discovery rate (<0.20). Results: Based on PCoA β-diversity, participants’ microbial community compositions differed significantly (P < 0.001), with respect to both current and long-term physical activity and diet quality. α-Diversity was associated only with current physical activity (positively) in multivariable-adjusted analysis. Multiple genera (n = 45) were associated with physical activity and fewer with diet (n = 5), including positive associations with Lachnospiraceae UCG-001 and Ruminococcaceae Incertae Sedis with both behaviors. Conclusions: Physical activity and diet quality were associated with gut microbial composition among 537 participants in the CARDIA study. Multiple genera were associated with physical activity. Physical activity and diet quality were associated with genera consistent with pathways related to inflammation and short-chain fatty acid production

    Proton and molecular permeation through the basal plane of monolayer graphene oxide

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    Two-dimensional (2D) materials offer a prospect of membranes that combine negligible gas permeability with high proton conductivity and could outperform the existing proton exchange membranes used in various applications including fuel cells. Graphene oxide (GO), a well-known 2D material, facilitates rapid proton transport along its basal plane but proton conductivity across it remains unknown. It is also often presumed that individual GO monolayers contain a large density of nanoscale pinholes that lead to considerable gas leakage across the GO basal plane. Here we show that relatively large, micrometer-scale areas of monolayer GO are impermeable to gases, including helium, while exhibiting proton conductivity through the basal plane which is nearly two orders of magnitude higher than that of graphene. These findings provide insights into the key properties of GO and demonstrate that chemical functionalization of 2D crystals can be utilized to enhance their proton transparency without compromising gas impermeability
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