16 research outputs found

    Association between ribs shape and pulmonary function in patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta

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    The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that ribs shape changes in patients with OI are more relevant for respiratory function than thoracic spine shape. We used 3D geometric morphometrics to quantify rib cage morphology in OI patients and controls, and to investigate its relationship with forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), expressed as absolute value and as percentage of predicted value (% pred). Regression analyses on the full sample showed a significant relation between rib shape and FEV1, FVC and FVC % pred whereas thoracic spine shape was not related to any parameter. Subsequent regression analyses on OI patients confirmed significant relations between dynamic lung volumes and rib shape changes. Lower FVC and FEV1 values are identified in OI patients that present more horizontally aligned ribs, a greater antero-posterior depth due to extreme transverse curve at rib angles and a strong spine invagination, greater asymmetry, and a vertically short, thoracolumbar spine, which is relatively straight in at levels 1–8 and shows a marked kyphosis in the thoraco-lumbar transition. Our research seems to support that ribs shape is more relevant for ventilator mechanics in OI patients than the spine shapeThis project was funded by grants of the Fundacion Eresa (grant number: BF14_005), the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (grant number: CGL2015-63648-P), the Care4Brittlebones Foundation (grant number: OTR2016-15543INVES), and the University of Valencia (grant number: UV-INV_AE18-773873)

    Estudio arqueológico y antropológico de los restos humanos de la Cueva Honda de Cirat (Castellón)

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    The current paper presents an anthropological study of the human skeletal remains found while conducting an archaeological research project in Cueva Honda, at the municipality of Cirat, in Castellón. The way in which these remains were discovered prevents general conclusions being drawn, except for chronological dating. The results obtained in a C- 14 dating test indicate that the sample examined belongs to an individual who probably lived between 739 and 799 AD.Se ha realizado el estudio antropológico de los restos humanos encontrados en la Cueva Honda del municipio de Cirat, en Castellón. El número total de individuos estudiados es de uno. El reducido número de muestras y la forma en que se realizó el hallazgo impiden sacar conclusiones generales, destacando en cualquier caso la cronología. Una prueba de C-14 realizada en los huesos aportó una datación que se sitúa entre el 739 y el 799 d.C

    Acute headache attributed to whiplash in arcuate foramen and non-arcuate foramen subjects

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    Purpose: To test the association between arcuate foramen (AF) in the first cervical vertebra with acute headache attributed to whiplash. Methods: Retrospective study of 128 patients that suffered a whiplash. The presence or absence of AF was recorded after a radiographic study, as well as the presence or absence of acute headache after the whiplash. Results: The frequency of AF was 17.2%. Patients with bilateral AF presented a significant (p = 0.000, Fisher’s test) increase in the frequency of acute headache (90.9%) in comparison with the non-AF group (5.7%). The ratio between the presence and absence of acute headache was 166.6 times higher (IC 95% 18.2–1526.22) in subjects with bilateral AF in comparison with non-AF subjects. Conclusions: The presence of bilateral AF is associated to an increased frequency of acute headache after suffering a whiplash, information of interest for the attention to these patients.Peer Reviewe

    Estudio arqueológico y antropológico de los restos humanos de la Cueva Honda de Cirat (Castellón)

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    Se ha realizado el estudio antropológico de los restos humanos encontrados en la Cueva Honda del municipio de Cirat, en Castellón. El número total de individuos estudiados es de uno. El reducido número de muestras y la forma en que se realizó el hallazgo impiden sacar conclusiones generales, destacando en cualquier caso la cronología. Una prueba de C-14 realizada en los huesos aportó una datación que se sitúa entre el 739 y el 799 d.C.The current paper presents an anthropological study of the human skeletal remains found while conducting an archaeological research project in Cueva Honda, at the municipality of Cirat, in Castellón. The way in which these remains were discovered prevents general conclusions being drawn, except for chronological dating. The results obtained in a C- 14 dating test indicate that the sample examined belongs to an individual who probably lived between 739 and 799 AD

    Estudio arqueológico y antropológico de los restos humanos de la Cueva Honda de Cirat (Castellón)

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    [ES] Se ha realizado el estudio antropológico de los restos humanos encontrados en la Cueva Honda del municipio de Cirat, en Castellón. El número total de individuos estudiados es de uno. El reducido número de muestras y la forma en que se realizó el hallazgo impiden sacar conclusiones generales, destacando en cualquier caso la cronología. Una prueba de C-14 realizada en los huesos aportó una datación que se sitúa entre el 739 y el 799 d.C.[EN] The current paper presents an anthropological study of the human skeletal remains found while conducting an archaeological research project in Cueva Honda, at the municipality of Cirat, in Castellón. The way in which these remains were discovered prevents general conclusions being drawn, except for chronological dating. The results obtained in a C14 dating test indicate that the sample examined belongs to an individual who probably lived between 739 and 799 AD.Melchor Monserrat, JM.; Benedito Nuez, J.; Llidó Torrent, S.; Sanchis Gimeno, JA.; Madrid García, JA. (2019). Estudio arqueológico y antropológico de los restos humanos de la Cueva Honda de Cirat (Castellón). Quaderns de Prehistòria i Arqueologia de Castelló. 1(37):169-178. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19052416917813

    Krapina atlases suggest a high prevalence of anatomical variations in the first cervical vertebra of Neanderthals

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    The first cervical vertebra, atlas, and its anatomical variants have been widely studied in Homo sapiens. However, in Neanderthals, the presence of anatomical variants of the atlas has been very little studied until very recently. Only the Neanderthal group from the El Sidrón site (Spain) has been analysed with regard to the anatomical variants of the atlas. A high prevalence of anatomical variants has been described in this sample, which points to low genetic diversity in this Neanderthal group. Even so, the high prevalence of anatomical variations detected in El Sidrón Neanderthal atlases needs to be confirmed by analysing more Neanderthal remains. In this context, we analysed the possible presence of anatomical variants in the three Neanderthal atlases recovered from the Krapina site (Croatia) within the Neanderthal lineage. Two of the three Krapina atlases presented anatomical variations. One atlas (Krapina 98) had an unclosed transverse foramen and the other (Krapina 99) presented a non-fused anterior atlas arch. Moreover, an extended review of the bibliography also showed these anatomical variations in other Middle and Upper Pleistocene hominins, leading us to hypothesise that anatomical variations of the atlas had a higher prevalence in extinct hominins than in modern humans.This research was funded by grants from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (grant number: CGL2015‐63648‐P) and the University of Valencia (grant number: UV‐INV_AE18‐773873). D.G.M. is funded by the Juan de la Cierva Formación programme (FJCI‐2017‐32157), from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

    Acute headache attributed to whiplash in arcuate foramen and non-arcuate foramen subjects

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    Purpose To test the association between arcuate foramen (AF) in the first cervical vertebra with acute headache attributed to whiplash. Methods Retrospective study of 128 patients that suffered a whiplash. The presence or absence of AF was recorded after a radiographic study, as well as the presence or absence of acute headache after the whiplash. Results The frequency of AF was 17.2%. Patients with bilateral AF presented a significant (p = 0.000, Fisher’s test) increase in the frequency of acute headache (90.9%) in comparison with the non-AF group (5.7%). The ratio between the presence and absence of acute headache was 166.6 times higher (IC 95% 18.2–1526.22) in subjects with bilateral AF in comparison with non-AF subjects. Conclusions The presence of bilateral AF is associated to an increased frequency of acute headache after suffering a whiplash, information of interest for the attention to these patients.Depto. de Biodiversidad, Ecología y EvoluciónFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEpu

    The Decreasing Prevalence of the Arcuate Foramen

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    [Background]: The arcuate foramen (AF), or ponticulus posticus, is an anatomic variant of the first cervical vertebra that consists of a complete or partial osseous bridge over the groove for the vertebral artery and extends from the posterior aspect of the superior articular facet to the superior lateral border of the posterior arch. The AF has been associated with clinical symptoms, such as headache, migraine, neck pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, and vertebral artery dissection. We aimed to test whether the prevalence of the AF has decreased in the modern human population over the past centuries as a result of reduction in inbreeding and endogamy.[Methods]: Possible reduction in the prevalence of the AF was assessed by comparing a 17th century rural sample (n = 108) with a 20th century modern urban sample (n = 192).[Results]: When comparing the 17th and the 20th century samples, we found a statistically significant (P = 0.003) reduction of 14.5% (95% confidence interval 4.5–24.5) in the prevalence of the AF

    Aprendizaje autónomo y colaborativo en el entorno digital y virtual: Moodle y Teams para la enseñanza teórico-práctica

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar aplicaciones, herramientas y métodos de trabajo explotando la plataforma Teams y su integración en Moodle para su aplicación en la docencia de Historia en los entornos presencial, semipresencial y virtual