375 research outputs found

    Neuroendocrine Tumor of Esophagus

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    Divertículo de Meckel perfurado por palito: Relato de caso clínico

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    Meckel’s diverticulum is the most common congenital anomaly of the small intestine and one of the many differential diagnoses of right lower quadrant pain. We describe a case of a 38-year-old woman who came to our emergency department with abdominal symptoms suggestive of acute appendicitis but, during surgery, it was found to be a Meckel’s diverticulum perforated by a toothpick. This case alerts to the need of looking for other causes of pain in the lower right quadrant before a grossly normal-looking ileo-cecal appendix, and to the fact that, if Meckel’s diverticulum is found to be one of the causes, the best technique for surgical resection must be considered, based on the patient’s clinical state and morphologic characteristics of the diverticulum. Keywords: Meckel diverticulum, perforation, toothpick O divertículo de Meckel é a anomalia congénita mais frequente do intestino delgado e um dos muitos diagnósticos diferenciais de dor no quadrante inferior direito. Descrevemos o caso de uma mulher de 38 anos que veio ao nosso Serviço de Urgência com um quadro clínico compatível com apendicite aguda, mas que, no período intra-operatório, se verificou tratar-se de um divertículo de Meckel perfurado por um palito. Este caso clínico alerta para a necessidade de procurar outras causas de dor no quadrante inferior direito perante um apêndice ileo-cecal macroscopicamente normal e, se o divertículo de Meckel for uma dessas causas, ponderar qual a melhor técnica de ressecção cirúrgica, com base nas características clínicas e morfológicas do divertículo encontrado. Palavras-chave: divertículo Meckel, perfuração, palito

    Using educational networks to promote internationalization experiences in physiotherapy education

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    Introduction and Objectives: The Academic Network of Health Sciences of Lusofonia (RACS - racslusofonia.org) was created in 2016, with the mission of promoting training and scientific cooperation in health sciences, between higher education institutions and research centers in different countries and Portuguese speaking communities. Within the Physiotherapy Education Group of RACS we develop a project with a set of activities, developed along the academic path of the physiotherapy students, which allow them to be exposed progressively to the international context. Methods: During the 2021/22 academic year, 10 institutions involving 103 Physiotherapy students from 6 different countries (Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Cabo Verde, Angola, and São Tomé e Principe) participate in this project. Students are asked, over a period of 2 months, to carry out at least 2 online meetings within an international group to discuss topics related to the reality of education and the practice of Physiotherapists. As a result, students submit an individual reflection on the most relevant points that were identified in this sharing process. In each of the participating institutions, there was a teacher responsible for preparing, supporting, and evaluating the students' reflections. Results: To assess the impact and satisfaction of the students with activity, an online questionnaire (10 questions) was used, with several dimensions (preparation, performance, and global opinion) where a response rate of 83% was obtained (n=86). Regarding the answers, 93% considered that the objectives of the activity were clear and attainable and that the support materials were adequate (83%). Regarding meetings with international peers, 70% said that communication was easy during the meetings and that the proposed objectives were achieved (91%). Concerning the impact of the activity, 94% considered that the activity contributes to a better understanding of the international context of teaching and practice of physiotherapists, stressing that it should continue to be carried out within the scope of the physiotherapy course (89%). Conclusion(s): The overall reflexion from the students and teachers involved was very positive, reinforcing the importance of this activity and identifying areas of improvement related to student recruitment and support throughout this process. Based on the results, it seems important for us to carry out this project as it facilitates students’ early exposure to international contexts, which may facilitate the development of skills that allow them to play a more active and global professional role.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este artigo busca abordar de maneira reflexiva como está sendo desenvolvida a assistência ao aluno com deficiência visual no Atendimento Educacional EspecializadoAEE de uma escola pública estadual de ensino do município de Humaitá- AM. Como também refletir como realmente acontece a inclusão dos alunos deficientes visuais na rede estadual, constatando adaptações curriculares, recursos didáticos e pedagógicos utilizados para estes alunos. Este estudo parte de uma abordagem qualitativa, na perspectiva descritiva. A construção dos dados foi realizada por meio da aplicação de entrevista semiestruturada, direcionada a 1 (um) professor atuante na sala de recurso da rede estadual. O estudo teve como base leituras e estudos de leis, decretos e autores que influenciam na educação do deficiente visual. Os resultados evidenciam que se necessita não apenas de salas de recursos para todas as escolas estaduais que recebem matrículas de alunos deficientes tipo 2, mais professores flexíveis que de certa forma colaborem com o trabalho do professor do AEE, disponibilizando parceria com o seu trabalho. &nbsp

    Using educational networks to promote internationalization experiences in physiotherapy education

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    Introduction and Objectives: The Academic Network of Health Sciences of Lusofonia (RACS - racslusofonia.org) was created in 2016, with the mission of promoting training and scientific cooperation in health sciences, between higher education institutions and research centers in different countries and Portuguese speaking communities. Within the Physiotherapy Education Group of RACS we develop a project with a set of activities, developed along the academic path of the physiotherapy students, which allow them to be exposed progressively to the international context. Methods: During the 2021/22 academic year, 10 institutions involving 103 Physiotherapy students from 6 different countries (Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Cabo Verde, Angola, and São Tomé e Principe) participate in this project. Students are asked, over a period of 2 months, to carry out at least 2 online meetings within an international group to discuss topics related to the reality of education and the practice of Physiotherapists. As a result, students submit an individual reflection on the most relevant points that were identified in this sharing process. In each of the participating institutions, there was a teacher responsible for preparing, supporting, and evaluating the students' reflections. Results: To assess the impact and satisfaction of the students with activity, an online questionnaire (10 questions) was used, with several dimensions (preparation, performance, and global opinion) where a response rate of 83% was obtained (n=86). Regarding the answers, 93% considered that the objectives of the activity were clear and attainable and that the support materials were adequate (83%). Regarding meetings with international peers, 70% said that communication was easy during the meetings and that the proposed objectives were achieved (91%). Concerning the impact of the activity, 94% considered that the activity contributes to a better understanding of the international context of teaching and practice of physiotherapists, stressing that it should continue to be carried out within the scope of the physiotherapy course (89%). Conclusion(s): The overall reflexion from the students and teachers involved was very positive, reinforcing the importance of this activity and identifying areas of improvement related to student recruitment and support throughout this process. Based on the results, it seems important for us to carry out this project as it facilitates students’ early exposure to international contexts, which may facilitate the development of skills that allow them to play a more active and global professional role.N/

    Spatial variability of texture in an Oxisol cultivated with citrus

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    Relief influences soil texture variability, since it contributes to the time of exposition of the materials to weathering factors. Our work was carried out in the city of Gavião Peixoto (SP), with the objective of characterizing the spatial variability of texture of a dystrophic Red Latosol cultivated with citrus. The hillside was divided into three segments: top, stocking lean and inferior lean. Soil samples were collected in a grid with regular intervals of 50 m, at the depths of 0.0-0.2 m and 0.6-0.8 m, comprising a total of 332 points in an area of 83.5 ha. The data were submitted to descriptive and geostatistics analyses (semivariogram modeling and kriging maps). The spatial behavior of the texture of oxisols is directly related to the relief forms in this study, which controls the direction of surface and subsurface water flows. The concept of homogeneity of clay distribution in the Oxisol profile is a piece of information that can be adjusted by knowing the spatial pattern of this distribution in different relief forms.O relevo influencia a variabilidade da textura, uma vez que condiciona o tempo de exposição dos materiais à ação do intemperismo. Neste trabalho, desenvolvido no município de Gavião Peixoto (SP), objetivou-se caracterizar a variabilidade espacial da textura de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico sob cultivo de citros. A encosta foi dividida em três segmentos: topo, meia encosta e encosta inferior. O solo foi amostrado em malha, com intervalos regulares de 50 m, perfazendo o total de 332 pontos em uma área de 83,5 ha, nas profundidades de 0,0-0,2 m e 0,6-0,8 m. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e geoestatística (modelagem de semivariogramas e mapas de krigagem). O comportamento espacial da textura de latossolos está diretamente relacionado com as formas do relevo neste estudo, que controla o sentido dos fluxos de água superficial e subsuperficial. O conceito de homogeneidade da distribuição de argila no perfil dos latossolos é uma informação que pode ser ajustada pelo conhecimento do padrão espacial dessa distribuição em diferentes formas do relevo.12113