679 research outputs found

    Patterns of silver eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) sex ratio in a catchment

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    Changes in the numbers and size-class structure of European silver eels, Anguilla anguilla, in the River Fre´mur (France) were examined over a 9-year period after installation of downstream eel passes. The number of silver eels migrating downstream peaked in 1999, then decreased strongly and steadily after 2000, reaching relatively low levels. At the same time, a gradual shift in the silver eel sex ratio from a dominance of males (size from 270 to 442 mm, age from 3 to 6 years) to females (size from 366 to 1112 mm, age from 4 to 9 years) was recorded. Possible explanations for the escapement patterns observed are environmental sex determination and the installation of eel passes on the main hydraulic engineering structures in 1992 and 1996

    An inventory of psychosocial oncological interventions in The Netherlands:identifying availability, gaps, and overlap in care provision

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    Purpose: While a wide range of psychosocial oncological (PO) interventions has been developed, a systematic overview of interventions to inform patients, care providers, as well as researchers, policy makers and health insurers, is lacking. The aims of this paper were (1) to describe the attainment of this overview, which may be used in other jurisdictions and for other health conditions and (2) to reflect on what determines developments in this field. Methods: Dutch researchers and care providers were invited to describe PO-interventions they apply in research or clinical practice. Selection criteria for what constituted a PO-intervention were determined. The input was organized in 12 predefined categories (e.g. physical functioning, genetics). Findings: Sixty-six PO-interventions were included in the overview. Two major categories were psychosocial functioning (24%) and physical functioning and recovery (24%). Interventions are mostly directed at adults (65%) and not aimed at a specific type of cancer (61%). Nearly 25% of the interventions lacked scientific underpinning. Conclusions: This paper provides an overview of Dutch PO-interventions and input on what drives their development. The categorizing method can be used in other jurisdictions and for other health care conditions. A next step would be to investigate the effectiveness and evidence of PO-interventions. Implications for Psychosocial Providers and Policy: The open access overview of interventions provides referral information for care providers. By identifying possible gaps and overlap, the overview looks at possible drivers behind developments in this field which will be of interest to policy makers

    Comparison of evoked vs. spontaneous tics in a patient with trigeminal neuralgia (tic doloureux)

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    A 53-year old woman with tic doloureaux, affecting her right maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve (V2), could elicit shooting pains by slightly tapping her teeth when off medication. The pains, which she normally rated as > 6/10 on a visual analog scale (VAS), were electric shock-like in nature. She had no other spontaneous or ongoing background pain affecting the region. Based on her ability to elicit these tics, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was performed while she produced brief shocks every 2 minutes on cue (evoked pain) over a 20 min period. In addition, she had 1–2 spontaneous shocks manifested between these evoked pains over the course of functional image acquisition. Increased fMRI activation for both evoked and spontaneous tics was observed throughout cortical and subcortical structures commonly observed in experimental pain studies with healthy subjects; including the primary somatosensory cortex, insula, anterior cingulate, and thalamus. Spontaneous tics produced more decrease in signals in a number of regions including the posterior cingulate cortex and amygdala, suggesting that regions known to be involved in expectation/anticipation may have been activated for the evoked, but not spontaneous, tics. In this patient there were large increases in activation observed in the frontal regions, including the anterior cingulate cortex and the basal ganglia. Spontaneous tics showed increased activation in classic aversion circuitry that may contribute to increased levels of anxiety. We believe that this is the first report of functional imaging of brain changes in tic-doloureaux

    Incidence and predictive biomarkers of Clostridioides difficile infection in hospitalized patients receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics

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    Trial enrichment using gut microbiota derived biomarkers by high-risk individuals can improve the feasibility of randomized controlled trials for prevention of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI). Here, we report in a prospective observational cohort study the incidence of CDI and assess potential clinical characteristics and biomarkers to predict CDI in 1,007 patients ≥ 50 years receiving newly initiated antibiotic treatment with penicillins plus a beta lactamase inhibitor, 3rd/4th generation cephalosporins, carbapenems, fluoroquinolones or clindamycin from 34 European hospitals. The estimated 90-day cumulative incidences of a first CDI episode is 1.9% (95% CI 1.1-3.0). Carbapenem treatment (Hazard Ratio (95% CI): 5.3 (1.7-16.6)), toxigenic C. difficile rectal carriage (10.3 (3.2-33.1)), high intestinal abundance of Enterococcus spp. relative to Ruminococcus spp. (5.4 (2.1-18.7)), and low Shannon alpha diversity index as determined by 16 S rRNA gene profiling (9.7 (3.2-29.7)), but not nor malized urinary 3-indoxyl sulfate levels, predicts an increased CDI risk

    changeRangeR: An R package for reproducible biodiversity change metrics from species distribution estimates

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    Conservation planning and decision-making rely on evaluations of biodiversity status and threats that are based upon species' distribution estimates. However, gaps exist regarding automated tools to delineate species' current ranges from distribution estimates and use those estimates to calculate both species- and community-level biodiversity metrics. Here, we introduce changeRangeR, an R package that facilitates workflows to reproducibly transform estimates of species' distributions into metrics relevant for conservation. For example, by combining predictions from species distribution models (SDMs) with other maps of environmental data (e.g., suitable forest cover), researchers can characterize the proportion of a species' range that is under protection, metrics used under the IUCN Criteria A and B guidelines (Area of Occupancy and Extent of Occurrence), and other more general metrics such as taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity and endemism. Further, changeRangeR facilitates temporal comparisons among biodiversity metrics to inform efforts toward complementarity and consideration of future scenarios in conservation decisions. changeRangeR also provides tools to determine the effects of modeling decisions through sensitivity tests. Transparent and repeatable workflows for calculating biodiversity change metrics from SDMs such as those provided by changeRangeR are essential to inform conservation decision-making efforts and represent key extensions for SDM methodology and associated metadata documentation.journal articl

    Stoichiometry of Heteromeric BAFF and APRIL Cytokines Dictates Their Receptor Binding and Signaling Properties.

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    The closely related TNF family ligands B cell activation factor (BAFF) and a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) serve in the generation and maintenance of mature B-lymphocytes. Both BAFF and APRIL assemble as homotrimers that bind and activate several receptors that they partially share. However, heteromers of BAFF and APRIL that occur in patients with autoimmune diseases are incompletely characterized. The N and C termini of adjacent BAFF or APRIL monomers are spatially close and can be linked to create single-chain homo- or hetero-ligands of defined stoichiometry. Similar to APRIL, heteromers consisting of one BAFF and two APRILs (BAA) bind to the receptors B cell maturation antigen (BCMA), transmembrane activator and CAML interactor (TACI) but not to the BAFF receptor (BAFFR). Heteromers consisting of one APRIL and two BAFF (ABB) bind to TACI and BCMA and weakly to BAFFR in accordance with the analysis of the receptor interaction sites in the crystallographic structure of ABB. Receptor binding correlated with activity in reporter cell line assays specific for BAFFR, TACI, or BCMA. Single-chain BAFF (BBB) and to a lesser extent single-chain ABB, but not APRIL or single-chain BAA, rescued BAFFR-dependent B cell maturation in BAFF-deficient mice. In conclusion, BAFF-APRIL heteromers of different stoichiometries have distinct receptor-binding properties and activities. Based on the observation that heteromers are less active than BAFF, we speculate that their physiological role might be to down-regulate BAFF activity