1,890 research outputs found

    Scaling theory of transport in complex networks

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    Transport is an important function in many network systems and understanding its behavior on biological, social, and technological networks is crucial for a wide range of applications. However, it is a property that is not well-understood in these systems and this is probably due to the lack of a general theoretical framework. Here, based on the finding that renormalization can be applied to bio-networks, we develop a scaling theory of transport in self-similar networks. We demonstrate the networks invariance under length scale renormalization and we show that the problem of transport can be characterized in terms of a set of critical exponents. The scaling theory allows us to determine the influence of the modular structure on transport. We also generalize our theory by presenting and verifying scaling arguments for the dependence of transport on microscopic features, such as the degree of the nodes and the distance between them. Using transport concepts such as diffusion and resistance we exploit this invariance and we are able to explain, based on the topology of the network, recent experimental results on the broad flow distribution in metabolic networks.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Quasi-Exact Solvability and the direct approach to invariant subspaces

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    We propose a more direct approach to constructing differential operators that preserve polynomial subspaces than the one based on considering elements of the enveloping algebra of sl(2). This approach is used here to construct new exactly solvable and quasi-exactly solvable quantum Hamiltonians on the line which are not Lie-algebraic. It is also applied to generate potentials with multiple algebraic sectors. We discuss two illustrative examples of these two applications: an interesting generalization of the Lam\'e potential which posses four algebraic sectors, and a quasi-exactly solvable deformation of the Morse potential which is not Lie-algebraic.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Nephrotic syndrome caused by Babesia spp. in a dog: A case repor

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    P?ginas. 91-99Un canino, macho, entero, de raza Weimaraner, de dos a?os de edad, es presentado a consulta por adelgazamiento progresivo y distensi?n abdominal en el transcurso de cuatro semanas. Al realizar examen cl?nico y las pruebas de laboratorio, se confirm? la presencia de s?ndrome nefr?tico y enfermedad renal cr?nica, posiblemente desencadenada por Babesia spp. El tratamiento se enfoc? en el control del hemopar?sito y manejo sintom?tico de las afecciones asociadas al s?ndrome. El presente documento expone un caso cl?nico de s?ndrome nefr?tico, su diagn?stico y tratamiento.ABSTRACT. A two-years-old canine intact male Weimaraner is presented to the veterinary clinic with a record of progressive weight loss and abdominal distension since 4 weeks ago. Clinical examination and laboratory tests confirmed the presence of nephrotic syndrome and chronic kidney disease, suspected to be caused by Babesia spp. The treatment was focused on the hemoparasites and reduction of ascites. In this report we discuss the nephrotic syndrome, its diagnosis and treatment

    Noncommutative effective theory of vortices in a complex scalar field

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    We derive a noncommutative theory description for vortex configurations in a complex field in 2+1 dimensions. We interpret the Magnus force in terms of the noncommutativity, and obtain some results for the quantum dynamics of the system of vortices in that context

    Dise?o e implementaci?n del mundo caim?n del videojuego jaguares, que da a conocer la morfolog?a, uso y significado de la cer?mica de los ancestros del Tolima.

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    98 p. Recurso Electr?nicoDurante d?cadas, el Museo Antropol?gico de la Universidad del Tolima y el grupo GRAPA (Grupo de Investigaci?n en Arqueolog?a y Patrimonio Regional) han realizado investigaciones arqueol?gicas a lo largo del territorio tolimense, logrando hallazgos f?siles de animales y vegetales, adem?s de elementos cer?micos que datan desde 10.000 a.C. hasta la conquista y colonia espa?ola. Sin embargo, las nuevas generaciones se muestran indiferentes ante los conocimientos obtenidos. Este proyecto busca crear un videojuego para ense?ar de manera novedosa, a ni?os con edades entre ocho a catorce a?os sobre las cer?micas tolimenses. Se implementa sobre Unity v5.5.1f1, aplicando la metodolog?a de desarrollo ?gil SUM que se adapta para la creaci?n de videojuegos utilizando roles de SCRUM, e incorpora seis fases consecutivas que son: concepto, planificaci?n, elaboraci?n, beta, cierre y gesti?n de riesgos que se realiza de manera continua durante la ejecuci?n del desarrollo. Durante la fase de concepto se realiza una investigaci?n amplia sobre la cer?mica tolimense, que posteriormente sirve como insumo para crear una propuesta detallada y s?lida en la etapa de planificaci?n. En la fase de elaboraci?n se aplica la metodolog?a de Arquitectura Dirigida por Modelos (MDA) orientada a la elaboraci?n de videojuegos. Esta fase se realiza de manera iterativa y en conjunto con las pruebas Beta que permiten evaluar el cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados a medida que se avanza en el desarrollo. Por ?ltimo en la fase de cierre se generan los productos finales y se eval?an las lecciones aprendidas. Palabras claves: Unity, Videojuego 2D, Videojuego Educativo, Metodolog?a SUM, Museo Antropol?gico, Cer?mica tolimense.For decades, the Anthropological Museum of the University of Tolima and the group GRAPA (Research Group in Archeology and Regional Heritage) have carried out archaeological research throughout the territory of Tolima, finding fossil of animals and plants, as well as ceramic elements dating back to from 10,000 BC until the Spanish conquest and colony. However, the new generations are indifferent to the knowledge obtained. This project seeks to create a video game to teach in a novel way, to children aged between eight and fourteen years old, about the ceramics of Tolima. It is implemented on Unity v5.5.1f1, applying the agile development methodology SUM that is adapted for the creation of video games using SCRUM roles, and incorporates six consecutive phases that are: concept, planning, preparation, beta, closure and risk management that is done continuously during the execution of the development. During the concept phase, a comprehensive investigation is carried out on ceramic of Tolima, which later serves as an input to create a detailed and solid proposal in the planning stage. In the elaboration phase, the methodology of Model-Directed Architecture (MDA), oriented to the elaboration of videogames is applied. This phase is carried out iteratively and in conjunction with Beta tests that allow evaluating compliance with the objectives set as progress is made in development. Finally, in the closing phase, the final products are generated and the lessons learned are evaluated. Keywords: Unity, 2D Videogame, Educational Videogame, SUM Methodology, Anthropological Museum, Tolima?s Ceramics

    Validation of an IGF1 Screening Method for Retinopathy of Pre-maturity

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    Retinopathy of pre-maturity (ROP) is a retinal disease that causes arrest of vascularization of the retina and can result in retinal detachment and blindness. Current screening protocols may not be sufficiently accurate to identify all at-risk patients. The aim of this study is to validate a method for improved identification of newborns at risk of ROP. We conducted a prospective clinical trial of pre-term newborns <32 weeks of gestation and/or <1,500 g birth weight during a 6-year period in a tertiary care hospital. We applied our new method based on measurement of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) levels at 3 weeks of age and the presence of sepsis during the first 3 weeks of life. Our screening protocol allowed exclusion of 121 (79.1%) patients for whom American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines recommended screening, had a negative predictive value of 100%, and correctly identified all patients with ROP. Following retrospective assessment of our data based on these findings, we propose further restriction of the current AAP indications for screening to <1,100 g and <28 weeks of gestation in order to improve diagnostic efficacy while ensuring optimal use of restriction of human and material resources

    Inversi?n en inmuebles integrantes del patrimonio cultural de la naci?n: an?lisis de la regulaci?n aplicable al Centro de Lima

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    La presente investigaci?n tiene como objetivo analizar el marco legal aplicable a los bienes inmuebles integrantes del Patrimonio Cultural de la Naci?n ubicados en el Centro Hist?rico de Lima declarado por UNESCO, espec?ficamente, aquellos ubicados en Cercado de Lima con el fin de presentar mejoras para promover la inversi?n privada en dichos inmuebles. Se pudo identificar que: (i) la normativa vigente no contempla los beneficios o incentivos necesarios para promover la participaci?n de capitales privados en la conservaci?n de bienes inmuebles integrantes del Patrimonio Cultural de la Naci?n y del Centro Hist?rico de Lima; (ii) debido a las caracter?sticas especiales de los inmuebles materia de estudio, se requiere un nivel m?s alto de tecnicismo en los trabajos; haciendo necesario el apoyo de profesionales especializados y (iii) falta de promoci?n y reglamentaci?n de normativa que promueva la obtenci?n de financiamientos para ejecuci?n de trabajos de mantenimiento y conservaci?n de bienes inmuebles integrantes del Patrimonio Cultural de la Naci?n

    Hacia una comprensi?n de las pr?cticas de autoevaluaci?n desarrolladas por los docentes de grado 10 de la Instituci?n Educativa Luis Carlos Gal?n Sarmiento De Honda-Tolima

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    86 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEsta investigaci?n tuvo como objetivo comprender las pr?cticas de autoevaluaci?n desarrolladas en la instituci?n educativa Luis Carlos Gal?n Sarmiento del municipio de Honda-Tolima, con el fin de proponer acciones que fortalezcan el inter?s y la reflexi?n para trasformar la evaluaci?n de tipo cuantitativa por una formativa, que propenda por la mejora del proceso de ense?anza-aprendizaje. La investigaci?n fue de tipo cualitativa bajo el m?todo etnogr?fico, el cual permiti? explorar los acontecimientos cotidianos en las pr?cticas de autoevaluaci?n de 7 docentes y 35 estudiantes de grado decimo. Se encontr? que la autoevaluaci?n permite el desarrollo de h?bitos de autorregulaci?n, autonom?a y motivaci?n hacia el aprendizaje; sin embargo, se evidenciaron contradicciones entre posicionamientos y vac?os de su aplicaci?n en el aula. Se concluye, la necesidad de unificar criterios que permitan la reconstrucci?n de par?metros orientadores para el accionar del evaluador en clase.This research had as objective the understanding self-evaluation practices developed in the Luis Carlos Galan Sarmiento School in the municipality of Honda-Tolima, in order to propose actions to strengthen the interest and the reflection to transform the evaluation of quantitative type by a formative that it tends to improve the teaching-learning process. The research was qualitative type under the ethnographic method which allowed to explore daily events on self-assessment practices of 7 teachers and 35 students from 10th grade. It was found that the self-assessment enables the development of habits of self-regulation, autonomy and motivation towards learning; however, were apparent contradictions between positioning and gaps their application in the classroom. It is concluded, the need to unify criteria that enable the construction of guiding parameters for the actions of the evaluator in class. Keywords: educational assessment, formative assessment, self-assessment

    Rapid Phenotype-Driven Gene Sequencing with the NeoSeq Panel: A Diagnostic Tool for Critically Ill Newborns with Suspected Genetic Disease

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    New genomic sequencing techniques have shown considerable promise in the field of neonatology, increasing the diagnostic rate and reducing time to diagnosis. However, several obstacles have hindered the incorporation of this technology into routine clinical practice. We prospectively evaluated the diagnostic rate and diagnostic turnaround time achieved in newborns with suspected genetic diseases using a rapid phenotype-driven gene panel (NeoSeq) containing 1870 genes implicated in congenital malformations and neurological and metabolic disorders of early onset (<2 months of age). Of the 33 newborns recruited, a genomic diagnosis was established for 13 (39.4%) patients (median diagnostic turnaround time, 7.5 days), resulting in clinical management changes in 10 (76.9%) patients. An analysis of 12 previous prospective massive sequencing studies (whole genome (WGS), whole exome (WES), and clinical exome (CES) sequencing) in newborns admitted to neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) with suspected genetic disorders revealed a comparable median diagnostic rate (37.2%), but a higher median diagnostic turnaround time (22.3 days) than that obtained with NeoSeq. Our phenotype-driven gene panel, which is specific for genetic diseases in critically ill newborns is an affordable alternative to WGS and WES that offers comparable diagnostic efficacy, supporting its implementation as a first-tier genetic test in NICUs
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