72 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Citra Diri (Self Image) Dengan Perilaku Konsumtif Dalam Pembelian Produk Kosmetik Pada Mahasiswi Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro Semarang

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    Mahasiswi merupakan salah satu kelompok dalam masyarakat yang cenderung berorientasi konsumtif dan senang mencoba hal-hal baru. Mereka terus berupaya membeli produk-produk trend terbaru untuk mengubah penampilan mereka seperti pakaian, asesoris, tas, sepatu dan juga kosmetik untuk menjadi lebih menarik dan memperkuat identitas mereka di lingkungan sosial.Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumtif pada mahasiswi adalah citra diri(self image). Menjadi cantik dan menarik ialah harapan dan sangat penting untuk seorang wanita. Rasa cantik bagi seorang wanita dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah kebutuhan, sehingga dalamperkembangannya, wanita selalu mempunyai keinginan untuk memperbaiki kekurangan yang dimiliki. Sehingga, keputusan untuk memakai produk kosmetik dengan alasan ingin terlihat lebih menarik tidak dapat ditolak lagi. Penelitian ini melibatkan mahasiswi di fakultas HukumUniversitas Diponegoro Semarang dengan karakteristik subjek adalah remaja puteri berusia 18-20 tahun. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik kuota incidental sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu metode analisis regresi linear sederhana dengan bantuan program komputer StatisticalPackages for Social Science (SPSS) for windows evaluation version 18.0. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah skala citra diri (self image) dengan jumlah aitem 30 (α = 0,900) dan skala perilaku konsumtif dengan jumlah aitem 30 (α = 0,919) yang disusun oleh peneliti. Hasil analisis regresi sederhana mendapatkan rxy = -0,467 dengan p = 0,000 (p<0,05), berarti terdapat hubungan negatif antara citra diri (self image) dengan perilaku konsumtif dalam pembelian produk kosmetik pada mahasiswi di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro. Artinya semakin tinggi citra diri (self image) maka semakin rendah perilaku konsumtif dalam pembelian produk kosmetik pada mahasiswi. Koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,218, berarti faktor citra diri (self image) memberikan kontribusi sebesar 21,8% pada perilaku konsumtif dalam pembelian produk kosmetik pada mahasiswi

    Selection and Breeding of Dairy Cattle in Western Siberia

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    The main objective of stock breeding is to raise highly productive animals, improve existing ones and create new types and breeds of livestock. The main focus of dairy cattle breeding is on increasing milk yield, fat and protein content in milk; preserving fertility and productive longevity; and developing high adaptive properties of suitability for modern industrial technologies. Selection and breeding of black-and-white and red steppe breeds of cattle is aimed at improving the breeding and productive qualities of the animals. These breeds are traditionally raised in Western Siberia. Breeding to improve the economic and productive features of black-and-white and red steppe breeds of cattle led to the creation of new zonal types, including the Priobsky, Kulunda and Siberian zonal types, which are characterized by relatively high dairy productivity. This study showed that the Siberian type of heifers had the maximum milk yield – 6389 kg, which was 1239 kg and 828 kg more than the Kulunda and Priobsky types, respectively. The same tendency was observed for the third lactation. Animals with a dry period of less than 40 days had lower milk yields than those with a longer period. In terms of the amount of milk and the weight fraction of fat and protein in the milk, the animals exceeded the standard for the parental breed. The duration of pregnancy among the studied animals was within the physiological norm – 276.1-280.8 days. The research results may be of interest to agricultural students and specialists involved in selection issues. Keywords: reproduction, breed, milk productivit

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for brain and heart diseases by monitoring the effects of drugs

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    he study aims at analyzing the possibility of using a method of monitoring the action of drugs in real-time to assess the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for brain and heart lesion

    Аnalysis of the combinational ability of spring soft wheat hybrids according to the resistance to leaf Septoria and plant productivity

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    In increasing the efficiency of breeding work on the creation of spring soft wheat varieties information about the combinational ability of the source material is of great importance. In 2021-2022 in the conditions of the Kirov region the general and specific combinational ability of 8 varieties and 28 hybrids of the second generation of spring soft wheat was studied according to the degree of leaf septoria damage, grain size and yield. The studies were carried out under natural conditions of development on the leaves of Parastagonospora nodorum as the molecular-genetic affiliation of the causative agent of septoria blotch to this species had been established. As the result of the conducted studies, for further breeding work there were selected 14 resistant F2 hybrids characterized by average values of the resistance index and a slow growth of infection. According to the complex of selective-immunological traits, the hybrid Rosinka 2 × Tertsiya was isolated, combining resistance to septoria with a high mass of 1000 seeds (41.6 g) and yield (410.0 g/m2). The tolerant hybrid of the Stepnaya 50 × Daria was particularly noted, which with a high degree of damage (34.2 %) formed a large grain (42.6 g) and the maximum yield for the experiment (411.1 g/m2). The conducted dispersion analysis of the data obtained has shown that the spring wheat variety Tertsiya (Russia) has a significantly high overall combinational ability (ОСА) by all the studied traits and can be their source in breeding programs. Moreover, the Epos variety (Germany) is the most effective as a source of resistance to septoria; Egisar 29, Niva 2, Stepnaya 50 and Rosinka 2 (Russia) are sources of grain size; Daria (Belarus) is a source of high yield. As the result of the analysis of the dominance index in most of the studied hybrids, the additive effect of genes on the manifestation of resistance to leaf septoria and seeds size was found. The effect of heterosis by disease resistance was observed in 21.4 %, by weight of 1000 seeds – in 42.9 % and by productivity – in 50.0 % of the studied hybrid combinations


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    In this study, phages active against S. marcescens, causative agent of onion decay, were isolated from plant material. One virus isolate was shown to accumulate in high titers and was denoted as phage S. This bacteriophage exhibited a hexagonal head and tail and was attributed to Myoviridae family. It was shown the ability of bacteriophage S to suppress the development of bacteriosis on geranium plants. Investigated virus isolate also inhibited rooting of onion scales. This work focused on a biological control approach to use bacteriophages for reducing bacterial pathogen populations and disease severity on plants

    Narrow-jet plasma technology – the way to new standards on welding production

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    Показана возможность изменения отраслевых стандартов на производство сварных соединений, так как качество сварных швов, полученных после плазменной резки по технологии узкоструйной плазмы без удаления зон термического влияния не уступает показателям, достигаемым после механической разделки.The possibility of changing the industry standards for the production of welded joints is shown, since the quality of welds obtained after plasma cutting using the technology of narrow-jet plasma without removing the zones of thermal influence is not inferior to the indicators achieved after mechanical cutting

    On the Efficiency of Nitrogen-Containing Gaseous Waste Plasma Afterburning

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    The paper is devoted to the study of the plasma neutralization technology for toxic waste in the gaseous phase. It is noted that for effective implementation of plasma processes in waste processing technologies, it is necessary to search the optimal solutions taking into account the criteria of quality, productivity, cost and safety. In order to determine the feasibility of using plasma incineration technology, attention is paid to the definition of the appropriate nomenclature for gaseous toxic waste. The technology of plasma neutralization for thermal waste processing products - superoxicants (dioxins) and nitrogen-containing gas emissions (ammonia and nitrogen oxides) is studied. A modernized design of the plasma torch for the gaseous waste utilization is proposed. The known methods of thermal destruction for ammonia and nitrogen oxides are considered. Temperature approximations of their decomposition duration and efficiency in the range of plasma heating temperatures are found. The gas-dynamic parameters of the air-plasma flow in the process of nitrogen-containing gases thermal heating by plasma jet are determined using machine modelling methods. The effectiveness of the considered plasma neutralization technology is proved. The results of these studies should allow us to further formulate commonly used in engineering practice principles and methods for designing high-performance plasma heating technology. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The work is executed at support of RFBR grant 19-08-00190

    Recognition of the Institution for Work with Youth as a Factor of Effectivness of Youth Policy

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    Анализируется имидж и деятельность регионального учреждения по работе с молодежью, важной составляющей для позиционирования которого является его известность среди целевой аудитории и привлечение молодежи к активному участию в проводимых мероприятиях. Основным методом проводимого исследования стало анкетирование студентов вузов, осуществляющих деятельность на территории г. Екатеринбурга. Результаты проведенного исследования показывают, что имеются недостатки в стратегии информационного продвижения деятельности одного из региональных учреждений по работе с молодежью, что приводит к снижению информированности молодежи о мероприятиях молодежной политики.The article analyzes the image and activities of a regional institution for youth work, an important component for the positioning of which is its popularity among the target audience and attracting young people to actively participate in the events. The main method of the conducted research was the survey of university students operating in the territory of the city of Ekaterinburg. The results of the study show that there are shortcomings in the strategy of information promotion of the activities of one of the regional institutions for youth work, which leads to a decrease in youth awareness of youth policy activities

    The Problem of Air Pollution in the Sverdlovsk Region

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    Проанализирована проблема загрязнения атмосферного воздуха в Свердловской области. Перечислены отрасли промышленности и предприятия, оказывающие значительное влияние на состояние воздуха. Отмечено, что в ряде городов Свердловской области сохраняется превышение предельно-допустимых концентраций некоторых загрязняющих веществ. Рассмотрено влияние загрязнителей на организм человека. Предложены пути решения проблемы.The problem of atmospheric air pollution in the Sverdlovsk region is analyzed. Industries and enterprises that have a significant impact on the state of the air are listed. It is noted that in a number of cities of the Sverdlovsk region, the maximum permissible concentrations of certain pollutants remain exceeded. The influence of pollutants on the human body is considered. The ways of solving the problem are suggested

    Analysis of Soil Pollution in the Sverdlovsk Region

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    Работа посвящена анализу степени загрязнения почв в Свердловской области. Исследованы пробы почв на содержание в них свинца, меди, нитратов; определены значения рН. Исследования проводились потенциометрическим методом. Обнаружено высокое содержание подвижных форм свинца и многократное превышение ПДК нитратов в пробах почв. Приведены возможные причины загрязнения почв. Отмечено влияние загрязнителей на здоровье человека.The work is devoted to the analysis of the degree of soil pollution in the Sverdlovsk region. Soil samples were investigated for the content of lead, copper, nitrates; the pH values are determined. The studies were carried out by the potentiometric method. A high content of mobile forms of lead and a multiple excess of the MPC of nitrates in soil samples were found. Possible causes of soil contamination are presented. The influence of pollutants on human health is noted