232 research outputs found

    Multimode pumping of optical parametric oscillators

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Calculations suggest that optical parametric oscillators (OPO’s) can be efficiently pumped using multimode, divergent pump sources. The influence of pump beam divergence and mode structure upon OPO performance is measured for both noncritical phase-matching, and OPO’s with walkoff. Multimode OPO pumping is shown to be efficient, provided appropriate nonlinear crystals and OPO cavities are employed; the nonlinear crystal must have sufficient angular acceptance to tolerate a divergent pump; the OPO cavity must support modes that match the divergence and spatial intensity characteristics of the pump. For low-order pump modes, the OPO can be made to match the mode of the pump. Higher order pump modes reduce the OPO efficiency, and cause a saturation of efficiency with increasing pump power. The efficiency is degraded in a similar fashion in the presence of walkoff. Multimode pumping is more difficult in longer OPO cavities due to increased buildup time of higher order OPO modes

    Drug-Loaded IRONSperm clusters: modeling, wireless actuation, and ultrasound imaging

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    Individual biohybrid microrobots have the potential to perform biomedical in vivo tasks such as remote-controlled drug and cell delivery and minimally invasive surgery. This work demonstrates the formation of biohybrid sperm-templated clusters under the influence of an external magnetic field and essential functionalities for wireless actuation and drug delivery. Ferromagnetic nanoparticles are electrostatically assembled around dead sperm cells, and the resulting nanoparticle-coated cells are magnetically assembled into three-dimensional biohybrid clusters. The aim of this clustering is threefold: First, to enable rolling locomotion on a nearby solid boundary using a rotating magnetic field; second, to allow for noninvasive localization; third, to load the cells inside the cluster with drugs for targeted therapy. A magneto-hydrodynamic model captures the rotational response of the clusters in a viscous fluid, and predicts an upper bound for their step-out frequency, which is independent of their volume or aspect ratio. Below the step-out frequency, the rolling velocity of the clusters increases nonlinearly with their perimeter and actuation frequency. During rolling locomotion, the clusters are localized using ultrasound images at a relatively large distance, which makes these biohybrid clusters promising for deep-tissue applications. Finally, we show that the estimated drug load scales with the number of cells in the cluster and can be retained for more than 10 h. The aggregation of microrobots enables them to collectively roll in a predictable way in response to an external rotating magnetic field, and enhances ultrasound detectability and drug loading capacity compared to the individual microrobots. The favorable features of biohybrid microrobot clusters place emphasis on the importance of the investigation and development of collective microrobots and their potential for in vivo applications

    Multimode pumping of optical parametric oscillators

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    Calculations suggest that optical parametric oscillators (OPO's) can be efficiently pumped using multimode, divergent pump sources. The influence of pump beam divergence and mode structure upon OPO performance is measured for both noncritical phase-matching, and OPO's with walkoff. Multimode OPO pumping is shown to be efficient, provided appropriate nonlinear crystals and OPO cavities are employed; the nonlinear crystal must have sufficient angular acceptance to tolerate a divergent pump; the OPO cavity must support modes that match the divergence and spatial intensity characteristics of the pump. For low-order pump modes, the OPO can be made to match the mode of the pump. Higher order pump modes reduce the OPO efficiency, and cause a saturation of efficiency with increasing pump power. The efficiency is degraded in a similar fashion in the presence of walkoff. Multimode pumping is more difficult in longer OPO cavities due to increased buildup time of higher order OPO modes

    Doing Philosophy: Beyond Books and Classrooms

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    Philosophy in community projects provide powerful, immersive introductions to philosophical thinking for both children and tertiary students. Such introductions can jumpstart transformative learning as well as diversify who seeks out philosophy in the longer term, both in schools and in universities. Using survey responses from teachers, parents, participants, staff, and volunteers of two such programs – Eurekamp Oz! and philosothons – we show how participants find value in engaging in communities of inquiry and philosophical thinking more broadly. We argue correspondingly that such philosophy in community projects are an asset to universities, both as highly successful university outreach programs and in offering high school, undergraduate, and postgraduate students mentoring and employment opportunities utilising their growing philosophical skills. For these reasons, philosophy in community programs provide alternative and supplementary pathways into sustained philosophical thinking to those available within traditional philosophy in the classroom approaches

    Protein Kinase A Regulates ATP Hydrolysis and Dimerization by a CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator) Domain

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    Gating of the CFTRCl− channel is associated with ATP hydrolysis at the nucleotide-binding domains (NBD1, NBD2) and requires PKA (protein kinase A) phosphorylation of the R domain. The manner in which the NBD1, NBD2 and R domains of CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) interact to achieve a properly regulated ion channel is largely unknown. In this study we used bacterially expressed recombinant proteins to examine interactions between these soluble domains of CFTR in vitro. PKA phosphorylated a fusion protein containing NBD1 and R (NBD1–R–GST) on CFTR residues Ser-660, Ser-700, Ser- 712, Ser-737, Ser-768, Ser-795 and Ser-813. Phosphorylation of these serine residues regulated ATP hydrolysis by NBD1–R–GST by increasing the apparent Km for ATP (from 70 to 250 μM) and the Hill coefficient (from 1 to 1.7) without changing the Vmax. When fusion proteins were photolabelled with 8-azido- [α-32P]ATP, PKA phosphorylation increased the apparent kd for nucleotide binding and it caused binding to become co-operative. PKA phosphorylation also resulted in dimerization of NBD1– R–GST but not of R–GST, a related fusion protein lacking the NBD1 domain. Finally, an MBP (maltose-binding protein) fusion protein containing the NBD2 domain (NBD2–MBP) associated with and regulated the ATPase activity of PKA-phosphorylated NBD1–R–GST. Thus when the R domain in NBD1–R–GST is phosphorylated by PKA,ATP binding and hydrolysis becomes cooperative and NBD dimerization occurs. These findings suggest that during the activation of native CFTR, phosphorylation of the R domain by PKA can control the ability of the NBD1 domain to hydrolyse ATP and to interact with other NBD domains

    A system of evaluation of engineering solutions competitiveness of a company based on its image

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    The paper presents a system of evaluation of engineering solutions competitiveness of a company based on its image using point rating criteria obtained through survey and questionnaire

    Teclistamab impairs humoral immunity in patients with heavily pretreated myeloma:importance of immunoglobulin supplementation

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    Teclistamab and other B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA)-targeting bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) have substantial activity in patients with heavily pretreated multiple myeloma (MM) but are associated with a high rate of infections. BCMA is also expressed on normal plasma cells and mature B cells, which are essential for the generation of a humoral immune response. The aim of this study was to improve the understanding of the impact of BCMA-targeting BsAbs on humoral immunity. The impact of teclistamab on polyclonal immunoglobulins and B cell counts was evaluated in patients with MM who received onceweekly teclistamab 1.5 mg/kg subcutaneously. Vaccination responses were assessed in a subset of patients. Teclistamabinduced rapid depletion of peripheral blood B cells in patients with MM and eliminated normal plasma cells in ex vivo assays. In addition, teclistamab reduced the levels of polyclonal immunoglobulins (immunoglobulin G [IgG], IgA, IgE, and IgM), without recovery over time while receiving teclistamab therapy. Furthermore, response to vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type B, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 was severely impaired in patients treated with teclistamab compared with vaccination responses observed in patients with newly diagnosed MM or relapsed/refractory MM. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) use was associated with a significantly lower risk of serious infections among patients treated with teclistamab (cumulative incidence of infections at 6 months: 5.3% with IVIG vs 54.8% with observation only [P &lt; .001]). In conclusion, our data show severe defects in humoral immunity induced by teclistamab, the impact of which can be mitigated by the use of immunoglobulin supplementation. This trial was registered at www.ClinicalTrials.gov as #NCT04557098.</p