170 research outputs found

    The Grid Elegies

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    Immigrants are a key component in New York City’s pandemic. Historically, New York is a city of immigrants and their children. In the latter part of the 20th Century, more immigrants arrived due to changes in migration policy. There was also an increased outmigration through second and third generations, which mirrors an economic trajectory seen in previous points in history, mainly in the 1970s. At that time, there was the lure of government policies – from federal mortgage agencies that graded white suburban areas as safer areas for banks to make loans than racially mixed urban areas, to road construction that literally paved the way for an outflow from the city. This collection attempts to narrate the flow of migrants in New York City and its Eastern suburban sprawl throughout time, with a consideration of the natural formation of the land and its peoples. The capstone originated in unexpected study during the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City where the work asks the question, does New York’s moving population of immigrants change when they move here, and how do people on the move change the land

    insights into assembly processes

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    Changes in species diversity following volcanic eruptions have been studied extensively, but our knowledge on functional diversity and community assembly under such conditions is very limited. Here, we study the processes following the destruction of vegetation after a volcanic eruption. Specifically, we investigate (1) the temporal patterns of taxonomic and functional diversity over time since a previous eruption (alpha diversity) and beta diversity, (2) the temporal patterns of 26 individual traits (vegetative characteristics, plant taxa ecological preferences, and regenerative characteristics) providing more detailed information on species strategies at the initial and later stages of succession, and (3) the processes driving species assembly and whether they changed over time since the eruption an eruption. We analyzed data recorded during five floristic censuses that took place between 1911 and 2011, calculated alpha and beta facets of taxonomic and functional diversity and examined how community structure changed over time, using 26 functional characteristics, based on their ability to discern primary from later colonists, including longevity, growth form, Ellenberg's indicator values, seed production and weight, flower size and sex, pollination type, and dispersal mode. Null model analysis was used to test whether the observed functional diversity deviates from random expectations. Alpha diversity, both taxonomic and functional, increased over time after an eruption, while beta diversity did not display a clear trend. This finding indicates that mainly abiotic processes determine species assembly over time after an eruption (at least for the time span studied here), contrary to theoretical expectations. It is most interesting that, simultaneously, some aspects of diversity indicated the effect of biotic interactions (facilitation and competition) on the assembly of species a few years after an eruption. This finding implies a legacy effect, since a high percentage of perennial species was noticed in the assemblage right after the eruption, as well as the effect of the harsh environmental conditions on the assembly of the plant communities. In conclusion, our results indicate the role of legacy effects in succession (most probably through the survival of underground plant parts) and underline the importance of disturbance history in providing the context needed for understanding effects of past events on succession

    Ecological strategies in stable and disturbed environments depend on species specialisation

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    Ecological strategies are integral to understanding species survival in different environments. However, how habitat specialisation is involved in such strategies is not fully understood, particularly in heterogeneous and disturbed environments. Here, we studied the trait associations between specialisation, dispersal ability, competitiveness, reproductive investment and survival rate in a spatially explicit metacommunity model under various disturbance rates. Though no unique trait values were associated with specialisation, relationships were uncovered depending on environmental factors. We found strong trait associations mainly for generalist species, while specialist species exhibited a larger range of trait combinations. Trait associations were driven first by the disturbance rate and second by species’ dispersal ability and generation overlap. With disturbance, low dispersal ability was strongly selected against, for specialists as well as for generalists. Our results demonstrate that habitat specialisation is critical for the emergence of trait strategies in metacommunities and that disturbance in interaction with dispersal ability limits not only the range of trait values but also the type of possible trait associations

    Electronic patient-reported outcomes monitoring during lung cancer chemotherapy: A nested cohort within the PRO-TECT pragmatic trial (AFT-39)

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    Objectives: Patients with lung cancer have high symptom burden and diminished quality of life. Electronic patient-reported outcome (PRO) platforms deliver repeated longitudinal surveys via web or telephone to patients and alert clinicians about concerning symptoms. This study aims to determine feasibility of electronic PRO monitoring in lung cancer patients receiving treatment in community settings. Methods: Adults receiving treatment for advanced or metastatic lung cancer at 26 community sites were invited to participate in a prospective trial of weekly electronic PRO symptom monitoring for 12 months (NCT03249090). Surveys assessing patients’ satisfaction with the electronic PRO system were administered at 3 months. Descriptive statistics were generated for demographics, survey completion rates, symptom occurrence, and provider PRO alert management approaches. Pairwise relationships between symptom items were evaluated using intra-individual repeated-measures correlation coefficients. Results: Lung cancer patients (n = 118) participating in electronic PROs were older (mean 64.4 vs 61.9 years, p = 0.03), had worse performance status (p = 0.002), more comorbidities (p = 0.02), and less technology experience than patients with other cancers. Of delivered weekly PRO surveys over 12 months, 91% were completed. Nearly all (97%) patients reported concerning (i.e., severe or worsening) symptoms during participation, with 33% of surveys including concerning symptoms. Pain was the most frequent and longest lasting symptom and was associated with reduced activity level. More than half of alerts to clinicians for concerning symptoms led to intervention. The majority (87%) would recommend using electronic PRO monitoring to other lung cancer patients. Conclusions: Remote longitudinal weekly monitoring of patients with lung cancer using validated electronic PRO surveys was feasible in a multicenter, community-based pragmatic study. A high symptom burden specific to lung cancer was detected and clinician outreach in response to alerts was frequent, suggesting electronic PROs may be a beneficial strategy for identifying actionable symptoms and allow opportunities to optimize well-being in this population

    Using structural equation modeling to detect response shift in performance and health-related quality of life scores of multiple sclerosis patients

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    To illustrate how structural equation modeling (SEM) can be used for response shift detection with random measurement occasions and health state operationalized as fixed group membership (Study 1) or with fixed measurement occasions and health state operationalized as time-varying covariates (Study 2). In Study 1, we explored seven items of the Performance Scales measuring physical and mental aspects of perceived disability of 771 stable, 629 progressive, and 1,552 relapsing MS patients. Time lags between the three measurements varied and were accounted for by introducing time since diagnosis as an exogenous variable. In Study 2, we considered the SF-12 scales measuring physical and mental components of HRQoL of 1,767 patients. Health state was accounted for by exogenous variables relapse (yes/no) and symptoms (worse/same/better). In Study 1, progressive and relapsing patients reported greater disability than stable patients but little longitudinal change. Some response shift was found with stable and relapsing patients. In Study 2, relapse and symptoms were associated with HRQoL, but no change and only little response shift was found. While small response shifts were found, they had little impact on the evaluation of true change in performance and HRQo

    A multidisciplinary critical review of ecosystem services studies in Greece: approaches, shortcomings and the pathway to implementation

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    During the last two decades, ecosystem services (ES) research is used to inform the various steps of decision- and policy- making process, regarding environmental management, spatial planning and natural capital accounting. In the EU, this vast and rapid publication boom was triggered by the enactment of Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, urging Member States to implement Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem and their Services (MAES); few countries pioneered, while others are still lagging behind. In Greece, the implementation of MAES started in 2014 and since then an impressive progress has been made, with Greece now being among the countries with the most rapid progress. However, there are still major knowledge and data gaps on ecosystem services in Greece; know-how on specific methods, tools and practices is still to be developed. This poses obstacles in integrative efforts to identify and/or interpret the various co-variates affecting ecosystems and their services in space and time and hinders the incorporation of the ES generated information into the decision-making process. Making the first steps towards overcoming these hurdles, the present study aims to (i) synthesize the ecosystem services literature relevant to the ES implementation in Greece, (ii) validate and classify each literature source to the relevant ecosystem services categories, (iii) identify shortcomings in terms of ES assessed and data available, and (iv) critically review the variety of approaches to ES assessments that are followed. The outcomes of this study will facilitate the efficient implementation of ecosystem services assessments in Greece

    Negative perceptions of aging and decline in walking speed: A self-fulfilling prophecy

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    Introduction Walking speed is a meaningful marker of physical function in the aging population. While it is a primarily physical measure, experimental studies have shown that merely priming older adults with negative stereotypes about aging results in immediate declines in objective walking speed. What is not clear is whether this is a temporary experimental effect or whether negative aging stereotypes have detrimental effects on long term objective health. We sought to explore the association between baseline negative perceptions of aging in the general population and objective walking speed 2 years later. Method 4,803 participations were assessed over 2 waves of The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), a prospective, population representative study of adults aged 50+ in the Republic of Ireland. Wave 1 measures – which included the Aging Perceptions Questionnaire, walking speed and all covariates - were taken between 2009 and 2011. Wave 2 measures – which included a second measurement of walking speed and covariates - were collected 2 years later between March and December 2012. Walking speed was measured as the number of seconds to complete the Timed Up-And-Go (TUG) task. Participations with a history of stroke, Parkinson’s disease or an MMSE < 18 were excluded. Results After full adjustment for all covariates (age, gender, level of education, disability, chronic conditions, medications, global cognition and baseline TUG) negative perceptions of aging at baseline were associated with slower TUG speed 2 years later (B=.03, 95% CI = .01 to 05, p< .01). Conclusions Walking speed has previously been considered to be a consequence of physical decline but these results highlight the direct role of psychological state in predicting an objective aging outcome. Negative perceptions about aging are a potentially modifiable risk factor of some elements of physical decline in aging

    hMSH2 is the most commonly mutated MMR gene in a cohort of Greek HNPCC patients

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    Germline mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in DNA mismatch repair are responsible for the autosomal dominantly inherited cancer predisposition syndrome hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). We describe here analysis of hMLH1 and hMSH2 in nine Greek families referred to our centre for HNPCC. A unique disease-causing mutation has been identified in seven out of nine (78%) families. The types of mutations identified are nonsense (five out of seven) (hMLH1: E557X, R226X; hMSH2: Q158X, R359X and R711X), a 2 bp deletion (hMSH2 1704_1705delAG) and a 2.2 kb Alu-mediated deletion encompassing exon 3 of the hMSH2 gene. The majority of mutations identified in this cohort are found in hMSH2 (77.7%). Furthermore, four of the mutations identified are novel. Finally, a number of novel benign variations were observed in both genes. This is the first report of HNPCC analysis in the Greek population, further underscoring the differences observed in the various geographic populations