114 research outputs found

    Study on the Health Status of Coastal People in Bangladesh After Cyclone Sidr and Aila

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    Bangladesh is recognized as one of the high-risk countries in the world that is prone to natural disasters. Due to its geographical location, topography, high population density, poverty and lower adaptive competence it is considered to be highly vulnerable to natural disasters in the world. This study was devised following the super cyclone Sidr that hit Bangladesh in November 2007 and cyclone Aila that hit in May 2009 to assess the impact of extreme weather event like cyclone on health of the coastal population of Bangladesh. A total of approximately 1000 households were selected by using the multistage cluster sampling technique from both villages. The study result shows that diarrheal, skin disease and mental health problems increased after the cyclones. The multivariable analysis shows that age of the respondents, gender, monthly income and educational level of the household heads and number of living children in the family have statistically significant effect on causing health problems before and after the cyclone Sidr and Aila. It can be concluded that extreme weather events like cyclones Sidr and Aila making the lives of the coastal people more difficult and also it increases the vulnerability in the society for poor people, elderly, children and women. Since this is a fairly unexplored research area, more empirical research work is needed to establish the impact of extreme weather events on health of the coastal people in Bangladesh

    Evaluation of Spam Impact on Arabic Websites Popularity

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    The expansion of the Web and its information in all aspects of life raises the concern of how to trust information published on the Web especially in cases where publisher may not be known. Websites strive to be more popular and make themselves visible to search engines and eventually to users. Website popularity can be measured using several metrics such as the Web traffic (e.g. Website: visitors\u27 number and visited page number). A link or page popularity refers to the total number of hyperlinks referring to a certain Web page. In this study, several top ranked Arabic Websites are selected for evaluating possible Web spam behavior. Websites use spam techniques to boost their ranks within Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Results of this study showed that some of these popular Websites are using techniques that are considered spam techniques according to Search Engine Optimization guidelines

    Analisis Kinerja Simpang Tanpa Sinyal (Studi Kasus : Simpang Tiga Ringroad - Maumbi)

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    Persimpangan adalah salah satu bagian jalan yang merupakan daerah terjadinya konflik lalu lintas. Adanya konflik ini akan mengakibatkan gangguan pada pergerakan kendaraan, yang akhirnya menimbulkan tundaan dan antrian kedaraan yang panjang. Keadaan ini umumnya dikenal dengan kemacetan arus lalu lintas. Melihat adanya konflik yang terjadi di simpang tiga lengan Ringroad – Maumbi, maka di rasa perlu untuk melakukan analisa. Dalam menganalisa kapsitas dan perilaku lalu lintas di butuhkan data lapangan berupa : Kondisi geometrik meliputi lebar pendekat, kondisi arus lalu lintas selama 3 hari dari senin 18 November 2013, Rabu 20 November 2013, dan Sabtu 23 November 2013, dengan waktu pengamatan 13 jam per hari dari jam 07.00 – 20.00 Wita, kondisi lingkungan berupa kelas ukuran kota, tipe lingkungan jalan, dan kelas hambatan samping. Metode yang di gunakan dalam menganalisa kapasitas dan perilaku lalu lintas pada simpang ini mengacu pada metode Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997 ( MKJI 1997 ). Dari penelitian didapat arus pada jam puncak terjadi pada hari Rabu 20 November 2013 pada jam 17.00 – 18.00 Wita. Dengan volume total kendaraan 3394 kend/jam atau 2671,4 smp/jam. Hasil perhitungan menunjukan bahwa kapasitas simpang ( C ) sebesar 2728,775080 smp/jam, dengan derajatkejenuhan ( DS ) sebesar 0,98 smp/jam yang artinya derajat kejenuhan yang terjadi > 0,75 dari yang disyratkan. Tundaan simpang ( D ) sebesar 18,1070 detik/smp, dan peluang antrian ( QP ) yang terjadi adalah 38% - 76%. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah kapasitas pada simpang tiga lengan Ringroad – Maumbi, sudah tak mampu untuk menampung arus lalu lintas atau dengan kata lain harus di adakan perbaikan, pada waktu penelitian ini di lakukan. Kemacetan arus lalu lintas pada simpang tersebut di sebabkan karena simpang tersebut sudah melebihi kapasitas dan tak berfungsinya arus pergeakan memisah dan menyatu pada simpang. Solusi yang dapat di berikan adalah perlu di lakukan pelebaran pada jalan utama dan arus pergerakan memisah dan menyatu di benahi agar dapat di maksimalkan serta perlunya rambu-rambu jalan yang mengharuskan pengguna jalan memakai arus pergerakan tersebut

    Fluid dynamics of droplet generation from corneal tear film during non-contact tonometry in the context of pathogen transmission

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    Noninvasive ocular diagnostics demonstrate a propensity for droplet generation and present a potential pathway of distribution for pathogens such as the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. High-speed images of the eye subjected to air puff tonometry (glaucoma detection) reveal three-dimensional, spatiotemporal interaction between the puff and tear film. The interaction finally leads to the rupture and breakup of the tear film culminating into sub-millimeter sized droplet projectiles traveling at speeds of 0.2 m/s. The calculated droplet spread radius ( ∼ 0.5 m) confirms the likelihood of the procedure to generate droplets that may disperse in air as well as splash on instruments, raising the potential of infection. We provide a detailed physical exposition of the entire procedure using high fidelity experiments and theoretical modeling. We conclude that air puff induced corneal deformation and subsequent capillary waves lead to flow instabilities (Rayleigh-Taylor, Rayleigh-Plateau) that lead to tear film ejection, expansion, stretching, and subsequent droplet formation

    Evidence for conservation in antigen gene sequences combined with extensive polymorphism at VNTR loci

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    Theileria parva is a tick‐transmitted apicomplexan protozoan parasite that infects lymphocytes of cattle and African Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer), causing a frequently fatal disease of cattle in eastern, central and southern Africa. A live vaccination procedure, known as infection and treatment method (ITM), the most frequently used version of which comprises the Muguga, Serengeti‐transformed and Kiambu 5 stocks of T. parva, delivered as a trivalent cocktail, is generally effective. However, it does not always induce 100% protection against heterologous parasite challenge. Knowledge of the genetic diversity of T. parva in target cattle populations is therefore important prior to extensive vaccine deployment. This study investigated the extent of genetic diversity within T. parva field isolates derived from Ankole (Bos taurus) cattle in south‐western Uganda using 14 variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) satellite loci and the sequences of two antigen‐encoding genes that are targets of CD8+T‐cell responses induced by ITM, designated Tp1 and Tp2. The findings revealed a T. parva prevalence of 51% confirming endemicity of the parasite in south‐western Uganda. Cattle‐derived T. parva VNTR genotypes revealed a high degree of polymorphism. However, all of the T. parva Tp1 and Tp2 alleles identified in this study have been reported previously, indicating that they are widespread geographically in East Africa and highly conserved

    A Novel Root Based Arabic Stemmer

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    Stemming algorithms are used in information retrieval systems, indexers, text mining, text classifiers etc., to extract stems or roots of different words, so that words derived from the same stem or root are grouped together. Many stemming algorithms were built in different natural languages. Khoja stemmer is one of the known and widely used Arabic stemmers. In this paper, we introduced a new light and heavy Arabic stemmer. This new stemmer is presented in this study and compared with two well-known Arabic stemmers. Results showed that accuracy of our stemmer is slightly better than the accuracy yielded by each one of those two well-known Arabic stemmers used for evaluation and comparison. Evaluation tests on our novel stemmer yield 75.03% accuracy, while the other two Arabic stemmers yield slightly lower accuracy

    Genetic diversity of Crassostrea genus using 16S rRNA from coastal of Emam Khomayni Port

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    Nucleotide sequence polymorphism associated with 16S rRNA gene of mitochondrial genome of the Persian Gulf Oyster (Crassostrea sp.), examined in 30 samples collected from Bandar-e Emam Khomeini. Polymerase chain reaction was performed by a pair of primer for all samples and PCR products were sequenced using dideoxy chain termination method . Then the obtained data were analyzed usig MEGA Ver 5.0, BioEdit Ver 7.0 and DnaSP Ver 5.0 programs and software. The results showed 2 mutation and Nucleotide diversity (Pi) 0.00061 observed in studied genes. Among the 30 samples, 3 haplotypes were detected and average haplotype diversity (Hd) 0.195 were calculated. The haplotypes obtained in this study were submitted in the Gene Bank for the first time. Phylogeny trees derived from 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed no significant separation of the samples in the Imam Khomeini port. The results of this study also showed that there is low sequence differentiation in the study population in Imam Khomeini port

    Competing Risk Modelling using Cumulative Incidence Function: Application to Recurrent Bladder Cancer Data

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    In this study, the effects of some clinical variables on the survival times of patients with bladder cancer were examined. The effects of these variables on sub-distribution of the failure types were determined using the proportional sub-distribution hazards regression model described in Fine and Gray (1999). Published dataset on 294 bladder cancer patients with four clinical outcomes were analyzed using Cumulative Incidence Function approach. The four outcomes included 184 (64%) patients that experienced recurrence of bladder cancer after receiving chemotherapy treatments. Two patients died of bladder cancer while 27 patients died of other causes and the remaining 76 patients did not experienced any of these three outcomes, and as a result, were considered censored. Among the covariates considered, only the patients’ initial number of tumors and initial size of tumor were incorporated into our analysis due to high proportion of missing observations in others. Results from this work showed that, patients with tumour recurrence have highest risk of dying than those from other causes. Further results showed that, the number of tumor was positively associated with the recurrence of cancer of the bladder. However, the size of the tumor did not demonstrate a significant effect on the patients’ survival time. It can therefore, be concluded that patients with tumor recurrence have low probability of survival from bladder cancer than patients that experienced other events. Above all, number, but not size of tumor could adversely affect the survival time of bladder cancer patients, especially those with tumor recurrence after bladder cancer treatment