4,210 research outputs found

    The wage-wage-...-wage-profit relation in a multisector bargaining economy

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    The equalization of profit rates across a multisector production economy subject to Nash bargaining over wages supports an industry wage structure like those that account for a large fraction of actual wage dispersion and a wage-wage-...-wage-profit surface on which the general profit rate can vary inversely or directly with the wage paid in a given industry. Institutional changes that compress or decompress the wage distribution depend for support on industrially specific cross-class coalitions of workers and capitalists. Technical changes that raise capitalists' profits in current prices can lower the equilibrium profit rate.Wage-profit relation, prices of production, wage dispersion, bargaining, technical change

    Standing Stock of Demersal Fish Assessment in Southern Part of South China Sea

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    Demersal fish assessment is prerequisite for optimal fishing. In this paper, standing stock of demersal fish in southern part of South China Sea was determined by swept area method. The research was carried out by research vessel SEAFDEC on 18 – 30 June 2005. The catch of fish was obtained from 18 in-situ station use bottom trawl. There were found 154 species and 38 563 individual, respectively. The Leiognathus bindus was dominant species at fishing operation. Catch per unit area (CPUA) was ranged from 62.99 to 748.57 kg km-² and averaged 420.32 kg km-². The overall catch rate ranged 5.6 to 121.97 kg hr-1 and averaged 50.54 kg hr-1. The standing stock of demersal fish in survey area was 124 560 ton

    Perbaikan Proses Pembuatan Gula Merah Aren Di Pabrik Gula Aren Masarang Tomohon

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    Pabrik gula aren Masarang Tomohon saat ini memiliki masalah rendahnya efisiensi produksi akibat pembentukan bongkahan gula selama tahap akhir pemprosesan gula. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan efisiensi proses produksi gula di pabrik dengan penekanan pada sorpsi air oleh gula dan pada penghancuran bongkahan gula selama produksi serbuk gula aren (gula semut). Umur simpan gula merah aren diestimasi dengan kurva isoterm absorpsi menggunakan rumus Labuza. Penghancuran gula dilakukan mula-mula melalui penentuan jenis gilingan, diikuti dengan membuat desain gilingan dan membangun konstruksi gilingan. Perhitungan umur simpan gula menghasilkan angka 6,4 tahun umur simpan. Konstruksi gilingan gula dibuat didasarkan pada gilingan martil (hammer mill) dengan kapasitas untuk mengurangi sisa produk hingga 1,28 persen.The Masarang Palm Sugar Factory in Tomohon is currently facing to the problems of the low efficiency production due to the crumble formation during the last step of sugar processing and the question of the shelf life of the product. Therefore the goal of this research is to improve the palm sugar processing at the factory by focusing to the understanding the water sorption by the sugar and to break down the sugar crumbles during the brown sugar powder production. The shelf life of the brown palm sugar was estimated by the isotherm absorption curve followed by application of Labuza formula. The sugar milling was processed by firstly determined the milling type, followed by designing the mill and then constructed it. The calculation of shelf life of the sugar product was found as 6.4 years. The sugar milling was constructed based on the hammer mill with the capacity to reduce the crumbles as low as 1.28 percent

    A New Simulation Metric to Determine Safe Environments and Controllers for Systems with Unknown Dynamics

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    We consider the problem of extracting safe environments and controllers for reach-avoid objectives for systems with known state and control spaces, but unknown dynamics. In a given environment, a common approach is to synthesize a controller from an abstraction or a model of the system (potentially learned from data). However, in many situations, the relationship between the dynamics of the model and the \textit{actual system} is not known; and hence it is difficult to provide safety guarantees for the system. In such cases, the Standard Simulation Metric (SSM), defined as the worst-case norm distance between the model and the system output trajectories, can be used to modify a reach-avoid specification for the system into a more stringent specification for the abstraction. Nevertheless, the obtained distance, and hence the modified specification, can be quite conservative. This limits the set of environments for which a safe controller can be obtained. We propose SPEC, a specification-centric simulation metric, which overcomes these limitations by computing the distance using only the trajectories that violate the specification for the system. We show that modifying a reach-avoid specification with SPEC allows us to synthesize a safe controller for a larger set of environments compared to SSM. We also propose a probabilistic method to compute SPEC for a general class of systems. Case studies using simulators for quadrotors and autonomous cars illustrate the advantages of the proposed metric for determining safe environment sets and controllers.Comment: 22nd ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (2019

    Pembuatan Prototype Presensi Kelas Menggunakan Teknologi Near Field Communication (Nfc) Pada Android

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    Saat ini, presensi kelas masih menggunakan kertas pada setiap perkuliahan. Daftar presensi sering kali diberikan kepada ketua kelas untuk mengedarkan presensi. Dosen hanya memberikan paraf hanya sebagai bukti jalannya perkuliahan tersebut dan tidak melakukan pengecekan kehadiran peserta. Sistem presensi yang dijalankan tidak menggunakan teknologi sebagai alat bantu.Berdasarkan latar belakang permasalahan itu, sistem presensi dirancang dengan menggunakan NFC sebagai alat bantu dosen untuk mengecek kehadiran mahasiswa dengan menggunakan perangkat Android. Sistem pengecekan dilakukan dalam bentuk total presensi pada tanggal tertentu maupun siapa saja yang hadir atau tidak hadir dalam perkuliahan tersebut. Mahasiswa dapat mengirimkan informasi presensi melalui NFC dan dapat mengecek jumlah kehadiran mahasiswa tersebut.Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan, prototype ini dapat menjalankan sistem presensi melalui NFC, mengecek peserta yang hadir, dan mengecek jumlah kehadiran mahasiswa

    Cooperative localization-delocalization in the high Tc cuprates

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    The intrinsic metastable crystal structure of the cuprates results in local dynamical lattice instabilities, strongly coupled to the density fluctuations of the charge carriers. They acquire in this way simultaneously both, delocalized and localized features. It is responsible for a partial fractioning of the Fermi surface, i.e., the Fermi surface gets hidden in a region around the anti-nodal points, because of the opening of a pseudogap in the normal state, arising from a partial charge localization. The high energy localized single-particle features are a result of a segregation of the homogeneous crystal structure into checker-board local nano-size structures, which breaks the local translational and rotational symmetry. The pairing in such a system is dynamical rather than static, whereby charge carriers get momentarily trapped into pairs in a deformable dynamically fluctuating ligand environment. We conclude that the intrinsically heterogeneous structure of the cuprates must play an important role in this type of superconductivity.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, Proceedings of the "International Conference on Condensed Matter Theories", Quito, 2009 Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 2010 (Accepted

    Harnessing Marine Renewable Energy from Poole Harbour: Case Study

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    Global warming and its impact on our environment, society, economies and security is one of the fundamental concerns of our time. In response, the United Kingdom government has put in place a legally binding target of an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions on 1990 levels by 2050. The United Kingdom will need to achieve a tenfold expansion of energy supply from renewable sources by 2020 to meet its share of the European Union renewable energy target. The marine and coastal environment’s renewable energy potential in Britain is high. It is estimated that it has 50% of the tidal energy, 35% of wave and 40% of wind resources in the European Union. Use of geothermal resources using heat pump technology is the least evolved sector, but in 2010 contributed to 0.7 TWh of energy and it is believed that non domestic heat pumps could contribute up to 22 TWh by 2020. In the Southwest of England, Poole Harbour has been recognised as a potential, highly predictable source of tidal and heat energy. Local groups are embarking on a feasibility study for harnessing this energy for the benefit of the community. The purpose of this article is to examine the potential conflict of interest between the laudable aims of promoting the use of renewable energy and of safeguarding ecosystems and their biodiversity. Using Poole Harbour as a case study, it will consider the environmental and economic costs and benefits of a Community Renewable Energy project (the Poole Tidal Energy Partnership) in the context of an area subject to a number of statutory and non-statutory designations to protect nationally and internationally important habitats and species. The paper identifies key environmental legislation, including spatial planning law and policy, which will facilitate exploring whether there is potential for reconciling what may be perceived as competing objectives for sustainable development
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