88 research outputs found


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    The article analyzes external and internal motivational constituents to the educational process for the 5th year students-physicians; development of recommendation is in relation to perfection of teaching of subjectss in medical schools. The article adduces the analysis over of these psychodiagnostic tests of study of general reasons of educational activity for the home and foreign students of medical schools; describes the basic directions of pedagogical activity, that assist the increase of the personal interest of student and his active participation in acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Motivation to the studies in home and foreign students answers middle and high levels, desire to become a highly skilled specialist there is a priority in acquisition of knowledge. The use of the newest information technologies, receptions of "business game" and simulation centers allow effectively to support the high level of research and practice training of future doctors.У статті проаналізовано зовнішню та внутрішню складові мотивації до навчального процесу у студентів-медиків 5 курсу; розроблено рекомендації щодо вдосконалення викладання предметів у вищих навчальних закладах  (ВНЗ) медичного профілю. Наведено аналіз даних психодіагностичних тестів вивчення загальних мотивів навчальної діяльності у вітчизняних та іноземних студентів медичного ВНЗ. Висвітлено основні напрямки педагогічної діяльності, які сприяють зростанню зацікавленості студента та його активної участі у набутті теоретичних знань та практичних навичок. Мотивація до навчання у вітчизняних та іноземних студентів відповідає середньому та високому рівням, бажання стати висококваліфікованим спеціалістом є пріоритетним у набутті знань. Використання новітніх інформаційних технологій, прийомів «ділової гри» та симуляційних центрів дозволяє ефективно підтримувати високий рівень науково-практичної підготовки майбутніх лікарів

    Аудіовізуальні особливості пейзажистики ранніх балад Т. Шевченка

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    (uk) У статті осмислюються аудіовізуальні особливості пейзажотворення в ранній творчості Тараса Шевченка. На матеріалі балад «Причинна», «Тополя», «Утоплена» розглядається сугестивна майстерність поета, здатність до живописання словом, створення ілюзії присутності реципієнта в художньому світі твору.(en) Audiovisual features of the landscape descriptionin the early Shevchenko’s ballads. The paper interprets audiovisual features of the landscape description in the early works of Taras Shevchenko. Suggestive poetic skill, capability of word skill, creating the illusion of recipient’s presence in the worldof the art works are considered on the material of the ballads "The Girl under a Spell", "Poplar", "A Drowned Girl"

    Regulation of Hemolysin Expression and Virulence of Staphylococcus aureus by a Serine/Threonine Kinase and Phosphatase

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    Exotoxins, including the hemolysins known as the alpha (α) and beta (β) toxins, play an important role in the pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus infections. A random transposon library was screened for S. aureus mutants exhibiting altered hemolysin expression compared to wild type. Transposon insertions in 72 genes resulting in increased or decreased hemolysin expression were identified. Mutations inactivating a putative cyclic di-GMP synthetase and a serine/threonine phosphatase (Stp1) were found to reduce hemolysin expression, and mutations in genes encoding a two component regulator PhoR, LysR family transcriptional regulator, purine biosynthetic enzymes and a serine/threonine kinase (Stk1) increased expression. Transcription of the hla gene encoding α toxin was decreased in a Δstp1 mutant strain and increased in a Δstk1 strain. Microarray analysis of a Δstk1 mutant revealed increased transcription of additional exotoxins. A Δstp1 strain is severely attenuated for virulence in mice and elicits less inflammation and IL-6 production than the Δstk1 strain. In vivo phosphopeptide enrichment and mass spectrometric analysis revealed that threonine phosphorylated peptides corresponding to Stk1, DNA binding histone like protein (HU), serine-aspartate rich fibrinogen/bone sialoprotein binding protein (SdrE) and a hypothetical protein (NWMN_1123) were present in the wild type and not in the Δstk1 mutant. Collectively, these studies suggest that Stk1 mediated phosphorylation of HU, SrdE and NWMN_1123 affects S. aureus gene expression and virulence

    A Single-Stranded DNA Aptamer That Selectively Binds to Staphylococcus aureus Enterotoxin B

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    The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus is a common foodborne pathogen capable of secreting a cocktail of small, stable, and strain-specific, staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs). Staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP) results when improperly handled food contaminated with SEs is consumed. Gastrointestinal symptoms of SFP include emesis, diarrhea and severe abdominal pain, which manifest within hours of ingesting contaminated food. Immuno-affinity based methods directly detect, identify, and quantify several SEs within a food or clinical sample. However, the success of these assays depends upon the availability of a monoclonal antibody, the development of which is non-trivial and costly. The current scope of the available immuno-affinity based methods is limited to the classical SEs and does not encompass all of the known or emergent SEs. In contrast to antibodies, aptamers are short nucleic acids that exhibit high affinity and specificity for their targets without the high-costs and ethical concerns of animal husbandry. Further, researchers may choose to freely distribute aptamers and develop assays without the proprietary issues that increase the per-sample cost of immuno-affinity assays. This study describes a novel aptamer, selected in vitro, with affinity to staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) that may be used in lieu of antibodies in SE detection assays. The aptamer, designated APTSEB1, successfully isolates SEB from a complex mixture of SEs with extremely high discrimination. This work sets the foundation for future aptamer and assay development towards the entire family of SEs. The rapid, robust, and low-cost identification and quantification of all of the SEs in S. aureus contaminated food is essential for food safety and epidemiological efforts. An in vitro generated library of SE aptamers could potentially allow for the comprehensive and cost-effective analysis of food samples that immuno-affinity assays currently cannot provide

    Human density, development, and roads are the main drivers of carnivore presence in urban areas

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    The crescent urbanization across the globe has widespread ecological consequences, affecting species distribution, demography and behaviour. In this study we aimed to identify, quantify, map and predict the occurrences of medium- to large-bodied (≥1 kg) mammal carnivorans across urban and peri-urban landscapes throughout Brazil. We use a news-based search to compose a dataset of occurrences across the Brazilian cities. Additionally, we gather various socio-environmental and geophysical variables from these urban areas to identify the drivers of carnivore presence across urban environments. Employing Kernel interpolation, we generate heatmaps to highlight and pinpoint regions in Brazil with the highest concentration of carnivorans species on urban areas. We also employed a Generalized Additive Models (GAM) approach to assess the predictive power of social-environmental and geophysical variables on the occurrence of carnivorans in urban landscapes of Brazil. Our findings pinpoint to an increase of potential human-wildlife conflicts likely given that the urban expansion over natural habitats had a rampant increase in the last decades. Finally, we highlight that our results can serve as a basis to improve urban planning and offer important insights into the intricate interplay of social and geophysical variables that influence the occurrences of carnivorans within urban environments in Brazil