489 research outputs found

    Bagan Kendali |R| untuk Pengendalian Variabel Proses Multivariat

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    Metode Pengendalian mutu untuk variabilitas biasanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan W_i, G, dan |S|. Statistik |S| memiliki keterkaitan dengan |R|. Dengan demikian akan diselidiki bagan kendali |R| yang berasal dari statistic |S|. Hasil yang diperoleh akan diaplikasikan pada data kasus mata uang

    Durability Assessment of Sustainable Mortar by Incorporating the Combination of Solid Wastes: An Experimental Study

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    The excessive mining of high-quality river sand for cement sand mortar resulted in environmental impacts and ecological imbalances. The present study aims to produce sustainable mortar by combining solid waste such as desert sand, stone dust, and crumb rubber to fully replace river sand. In addition, replacing cement with silica fume helps reduce the environmental carbon footprint. The present research prepared three types of mortar mixes: natural dune sand mortar (M1), natural dune sand stone dust crumb rubber mortar (M2), and natural dune sand stone dust crumb rubber silica fume mortar (M3). The developed mortar samples were examined at ambient and elevated temperatures of 100°C, 200°C, and 300°C for 120 minutes. Furthermore, 3 cycles of 12 hours each at freezing temperature (-10° ± 2°C) and crushed ice cooling (0° to -5°C) were also tested. Results of the study showed an increment in compressive strength values in M1, M2, and M3 mortar mixes (up to 200°C). Later, an abrupt drop in the compressive strength was noticed at 300°C in all mixes M1, M2, and M3, respectively. The mix M3 combinations resist heating impacts and perform significantly better than other mixes M1 and M2. Also, M3 combinations resist the cooling effect better than M1 and M2. It can be concluded that the mortar mix M3 with desert sand, stone dust, crumb rubber, and silica fume combination is considered the best mix for both heating and cooling resistance. Hence, the developed sustainable mortar M3 combination can be utilized in all adverse weather conditions. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-11-09 Full Text: PD

    ¿Cuánta carga asistencial suponen las dermatosispediátricas en la actividad ambulatoria en ladermatología espa˜nola? Resultados del muestreoaleatorio nacional DIADERM

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    Un total de 20.097 diagnósticos fueron efectuados en pacientes menores de18 a˜nos, lo que supone un 12% del total de los codificados en DIADERM. Las infecciones víri-cas, el acné y la dermatitis atópica fueron los diagnósticos más comunes (43,9% de todos losdiagnósticos). No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la proporción dediagnósticos atendidos en las consultas monográficas frente a las generales, así como en losregistrados en el ámbito público frente al privado. Tampoco las hubo en los diagnósticos enfunción de la época de la encuesta (enero y mayo).Conclusiones: La atención a pacientes pediátricos por parte de dermatólogos en Espa˜na suponeuna proporción significativa de la actividad habitual. Estos datos nos permiten descubrir áreasde mejora en la comunicación y la formación de los pediatras de atención primaria, comola necesidad del refuerzo de actividades formativas dirigidas al mejor tratamiento de acné ylesiones pigmentadas (y manejo básico de la dermatoscopia) en este ámbito asistencial.SurveyAbstractBackground: Visits for skin conditions are very common in pediatric primary care, and many ofthe patients seen in outpatient dermatology clinics are children or adolescents. Little, however,has been published about the true prevalence of these visits or about their characteristics.Material and methods: Observational cross-sectional study of diagnoses made in outpatientdermatology clinics during 2 data-collection periods in the anonymous DIADERM National Ran-dom Survey of dermatologists across Spain. All entries with an International Classification ofDiseases, Tenth Revision code related to dermatology in the 2 periods (84 diagnoses) were collec-ted for patients younger than 18 years and classified into 14 categories to facilitate analysisand comparison.Results: In total, the search found 20 097 diagnoses made in patients younger than 18 years (12%of all coded diagnoses in the DIADERM database). Viral infections, acne, and atopic dermatitiswere the most common, accounting for 43.9% of all diagnoses. No significant differences wereobserved in the proportions of diagnoses in the respective caseloads of specialist vs. generaldermatology clinics or public vs. private clinics. Seasonal differences in diagnoses (January vs.May) were also nonsignificant.Conclusions: Pediatric care accounts for a significant proportion of the dermatologist’s caseloadin Spain. Our findings are useful for identifying opportunities for improving communication andtraining in pediatric primary care and for designing training focused on the optimal treatmentof acne and pigmented lesions (with instruction on basic dermoscopy use) in these settings.El estudio DIADERM fue promovido por la Fundación Piel Sanade la AEDV, que recibió ayuda económica de Novarti

    Motivasi Indonesia Menandatangani Preferential Trade Agreement Dengan Negara Anggota D-8 Tahun 2006-2010

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    This research will describes about the motivation Indonesia signed a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) with Member States D-8 on September 9 2011 which is part of wishes to improve the economy in the export and importThe method used in this paper is qualitative research. Some of the data obtained came from books, journals, articles, newspapers, the internet and other media. In this research also uses the perspective of liberalism, decision-making theory, the theory of economic integration as a supporter of the theory and use the concept of national interest in seeing the cases studied.In this research also describes the factors above signatories Preferential Trade Agreement with member states D-8, which aims to increase the volume of trade export import Indonesia 2006-2010Keywords : Motivation, Preferential Trade Agreement,International Organizations, Export, Import

    Fostering Religious Exclusivism and Political Pluralism in Indonesia Through Interfaith-based Student Community

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    Religious exclusivism in some degree generally makes religious people to be intolerant, hardly to respect the diversity, or in other words religious exclusivism has produced social/political exclusivism. This is the real problem in a multi-religious nation like Indonesia. This paper is to show that rather to depend absolutely on the state to solve the problem; the grass-root have to be taught and empowered to be able to celebrate and respect the diversity, or in other word to be social/political pluralism. The challenge is how religious exclusivism can be compatible with political pluralism? This is the key for solving the problem of religious intolerance. This paper chooses Young Interfaith Peacemaker Community (YIPC) Indonesia, a relatively new interfaith-based student movement as a case study to show that in some degree religious exclusivism is compatible with social/political pluralism. This study is based on qualitative method, which data gathering is done through participant observation, interview and focus groups, as well as the documents. The findings show that the interfaith dialogue is the main means for peacebuilding among religions in YIPC. In conclusion, this study is significant to fill the gap about the effectiveness and impact of interfaith dialogue among youth. Here we found that interfaith relations in YIPC were able to make impact to those youth from social exclusivist to be social pluralist while they remained as religious exclusivists.   Keywords: Interfaith Dialogue, Interfaith Peacemaking, Political Pluralism, Religious Exclusivism, Student Movemen

    Torsional Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Brine and Olive Oil Mill Wastewater

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    The authors conducted a comprehensive research study on adding olive oil mill and brine wastewater to the concrete mix to investigate torsion, bending stress, shear, and compressive strength. The total number of specimens were 33 beams 100 mm (depth) × 100 mm (width) × 500 mm (length). Three beams were used as control samples, and thirty beams were divided into two groups: fifteen samples were from an olive oil mill, and the other fifteen were brine wastewater with different percentages of additive material (olive oil mill and brine wastewater), with 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, and 15.0 % of each. The beams were reinforced with 4 ϕ 8 mm as longitudinal steel bars and ϕ 4 mm stirrups spaced at 20 mm. All specimens were tested at 28 days. It was found that the torsional strength of the samples containing brine wastewater when added at the best percentage, which is 10%, was 5.46 MPa. As is the case when adding olive oil mill wastewater with the best percentage, which is 7.5%, it was 5.16 MPa. These data are greater than the torsional strength in the reference samples, which were 4.38 MPa, meaning that the torsional strength when adding brine wastewater and olive oil mill wastewater increases by 24% and 17%, respectively. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-03-012 Full Text: PD

    Doing Communicative Theology of Social Justice from Christian and Islamic Perspectives

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    With a long tradition of mono-religious education in Indonesia, the understanding of social justice inscribed as the fifth principle of Pancasila is subject to a one-sided theological or otherwise secular outlook. While the former lacks in theology’s publicness, the latter does not conform with the foundational national consensus. Resembling Pancasila’s collaborative spirit, the research question of this article is how to understand social justice from an inter-religious outlook. This library research-based article employs a communicative theology developed by Matthias Scharer and Bernd Jochen Hilberath within the scope of Christian and Islamic perspectives. In such a theology, social justice is never speculative, ideological, or ahistorical. Instead, it emerges from factual movements that ignite public awareness required for further engagement for social transformation. A close reading of some sources of both traditions reveals social justice as a God-oriented, people-centered movement with a mustadafun perspectiv

    Sejarah sosial daerah Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Buku ini membahas tentang sejarah sosial daerah sulawesi tenggara, meliputi sistem sosialnya, kehidupan perekonomian, perkembangan kebudayaan dan agama
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