2,099 research outputs found

    Temperature effects on the 15-85-micron spectra of olivines and pyroxenes

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    Far-infrared spectra of laboratory silicates are normally obtained at room temperature even though the grains responsible for astronomical silicate emission bands seen at wavelengths >20 micron are likely to be at temperatures below ~150 K. In order to investigate the effect of temperature on silicate spectra, we have obtained absorption spectra of powdered forsterite and olivine, along with two orthoenstatites and diopside clinopyroxene, at 3.5+-0.5 K and at room temperature (295+-2K). To determine the changes in the spectra the resolution must be increased from 1 to 0.25 cm^-1 at both temperatures since a reduction in temperature reduces the phonon density, thereby reducing the width of the infrared peaks. Several bands observed at 295 K split at 3.5 K. At 3.5 K the widths of isolated single bands in olivine, enstatites and diopside are ~ 90% of their 295 K-widths. However, in forsterite the 3.5-K-widths of the 31-, 49- and 69-micron bands are, respectively, 90%, 45% and 31% of their 295 K widths. Due to an increase in phonon energy as the lattice contracts, 3.5-K-singlet peaks occur at shorter wavelengths than do the corresponding 295-K peaks; the magnitude of the wavelength shift increases from \~ 0-0.2 micron at 25 micron to ~0.9 micron at 80 micron. Changes in the relative absorbances of spectral peaks are also observed. The temperature dependence of lambda_pk and bandwidth shows promise as a means to deduce characteristic temperatures of mineralogically distinct grain populations. In addition, the observed changes in band strength with temperature will affect estimates of grain masses and relative mineral abundances inferred using room-temperature laboratory data.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures including figures 3a and 3b. includes latex and eps files. Accepted by MNRAS on 15th March 200

    Cognitive constraints and island effects

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    Competence-based theories of island effects play a central role in generative grammar, yet the graded nature of many syntactic islands has never been properly accounted for. Categorical syntactic accounts of island effects have persisted in spite of a wealth of data suggesting that island effects are not categorical in nature and that nonstructural manipulations that leave island structures intact can radically alter judgments of island violations. We argue here, building on work by Paul Deane, Robert Kluender, and others, that processing factors have the potential to account for this otherwise unexplained variation in acceptability judgments. We report the results of self-paced reading experiments and controlled acceptability studies that explore the relationship between processing costs and judgments of acceptability. In each of the three self-paced reading studies, the data indicate that the processing cost of different types of island violations can be significantly reduced to a degree comparable to that of nonisland filler-gap constructions by manipulating a single nonstructural factor. Moreover, this reduction in processing cost is accompanied by significant improvements in acceptability. This evidence favors the hypothesis that island-violating constructions involve numerous processing pressures that aggregate to drive processing difficulty above a threshold, resulting in unacceptability. We examine the implications of these findings for the grammar of filler-gap dependencies

    How do individual cognitive differences relate to acceptability judgments?: A reply to Sprouse, Wagers, and Phillips

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    Sprouse, Wagers, and Phillips (2012) carried out two experiments in which they measured individual differences in memory to test processing accounts of island effects. They found that these individual differences failed to predict the magnitude of island effects, and they construe these findings as counterevidence to processing-based accounts of island effects. Here, we take up several problems with their methods, their findings, and their conclusions. First, the arguments against processing accounts are based on null results using tasks that may be ineffective or inappropriate measures of working memory (the n-back and serial-recall tasks). The authors provide no evidence that these two measures predict judgments for other constructions that are difficult to process and yet are clearly grammatical. They assume that other measures of working memory would have yielded the same result, but provide no justification that they should. We further show that whether a working-memory measure relates to judgments of grammatical, hard-to-process sentences depends on how difficult the sentences are. In this light, the stimuli used by the authors present processing difficulties other than the island violations under investigation and may have been particularly hard to process. Second, the Sprouse et al. results are statistically in line with the hypothesis that island sensitivity varies with working memory. Three out of the four island types in their experiment 1 show a significant relation between memory scores and island sensitivity, but the authors discount these findings on the grounds that the variance accounted for is too small to have much import. This interpretation, however, runs counter to standard practices in linguistics, psycholinguistics, and psychology

    Understanding acceptability judgments: Additivity and working memory effects

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    Linguists build theories of grammar based largely on acceptability contrasts. But these contrasts can reflect grammatical constraints and/or constraints on language processing. How can theorists determine the extent to which the acceptability of an utterance depends on functional constraints? In a series of acceptability experiments, we consider two factors that might indicate processing contributions to acceptability contrasts: (1) the way constraints combine (i.e., additively or super-additively), and (2) the way a comprehender’s working memory resources influence acceptability judgments. Results suggest that multiple sources of processing difficulty combine to produce super-additive effects, but multiple grammatical violations do not. Furthermore, when acceptability judgments improve with higher working memory scores, this appears to be due to functional constraints. We conclude that tests of (super)-additivity and of differences in working memory can help to identify the effects of processing difficulty (due to functional constraints)

    Optical properties of silicon carbide for astrophysical applications I. New laboratory infrared reflectance spectra and optical constants

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    Silicon Carbide (SiC) optical constants are fundamental inputs for radiative transfer models of astrophysical dust environments. However, previously published values contain errors and do not adequately represent the bulk physical properties of the cubic (beta) SiC polytype usually found around carbon stars. We provide new, uncompromised optical constants for beta- and alpha-SiC derived from single-crystal reflectance spectra and investigate quantitatively whether there is any difference between alpha- and beta-SiC that can be seen in infrared spectra and optical functions. Previous optical constants for SiC do not reflect the true bulk properties, and they are only valid for a narrow grain size range. The new optical constants presented here will allow narrow constraints to be placed on the grain size and shape distribution that dominate in astrophysical environments. In addition, our calculated absorption coefficients are much higher than laboratory measurements, which has an impact on the use of previous data to constrain abundances of these dust grains.Comment: 12 pages; 10 figures; laboratory optical constants available from CDS. Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Optical constants of silicon carbide for astrophysical applications. II. Extending optical functions from IR to UV using single-crystal absorption spectra

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    Laboratory measurements of unpolarized and polarized absorption spectra of various samples and crystal stuctures of silicon carbide (SiC) are presented from 1200--35,000 cm−1^{-1} (λ∼\lambda \sim 8--0.28 μ\mum) and used to improve the accuracy of optical functions (nn and kk) from the infrared (IR) to the ultraviolet (UV). Comparison with previous λ∼\lambda \sim 6--20 μ\mum thin-film spectra constrains the thickness of the films and verifies that recent IR reflectivity data provide correct values for kk in the IR region. We extract nn and kk needed for radiative transfer models using a new ``difference method'', which utilizes transmission spectra measured from two SiC single-crystals with different thicknesses. This method is ideal for near-IR to visible regions where absorbance and reflectance are low and can be applied to any material. Comparing our results with previous UV measurements of SiC, we distinguish between chemical and structural effects at high frequency. We find that for all spectral regions, 3C (β\beta-SiC) and the E⃗⊥c⃗\vec{E}\bot \vec{c} polarization of 6H (a type of α\alpha-SiC) have almost identical optical functions that can be substituted for each other in modeling astronomical environments. Optical functions for E⃗∥c⃗\vec{E} \| \vec{c} of 6H SiC have peaks shifted to lower frequency, permitting identification of this structure below λ∼4μ\lambda \sim4\mum. The onset of strong UV absorption for pure SiC occurs near 0.2 μ\mum, but the presence of impurities redshifts the rise to 0.33 μ\mum. Optical functions are similarly impacted. Such large differences in spectral characteristics due to structural and chemical effects should be observable and provide a means to distinguish chemical variation of SiC dust in space.Comment: 46 pages inc. 8 figures and 2 full tables. Also 6 electronic-only data files. Accepted by Ap
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