848 research outputs found

    SIRT1 in Neurodevelopment and Brain Senescence

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    Sirtuins are nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)-dependent deacylases that have traditionally been linked with calorie restriction and aging in mammals. These proteins also play an important role in maintaining neuronal health during aging. During neuronal development, the SIR2 ortholog SIRT1 is structurally important, promoting axonal elongation, neurite outgrowth, and dendritic branching. This sirtuin also plays a role in memory formation by modulating synaptic plasticity. Hypothalamic functions that affect feeding behavior, endocrine function, and circadian rhythmicity are all regulated by SIRT1. Finally, SIRT1 plays protective roles in several neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and motor neuron diseases, which may relate to its functions in metabolism, stress resistance, and genomic stability. Drugs that activate SIRT1 may offer a promising approach to treat these disorders

    Herskovits\u27 Jewishness

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    The poetic image of the Jew in the comedia.

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    I will argue in this thesis that in the comedia the Jew was often but covertly portrayed with sympathy. In the Introduction some complex terms of reference, such as 'Jew', will be clarified. Chapter 1 describes the development, from the thirteenth to the seventeenth centuries, of the converso perspective, characterized by a critical attitude to the ruling ideology, based on individualism, heterodoxy and double language. This chapter also describes how the ideas of Christian Humanism were incorporated into the already existing, if limited, converso perspective to form part of the more ample intellectual equipment of Golden-Age dramatists. Chapter 2 deals with' a form of subversive irony, as an expression of the converso perspective, which appears first in the double language of La Celestina; this is later enriched by incorporating Erasmian dissimulatio, theorized as 'enganar con la verdad' in the Arte nuevo de hacer comedias and put in practice in Lope's comedias. It is this technique that will facilitate the presentation, albeit covertly, of a positive image of the Jew, Chapter 3 contains the theory of transposition as a form of engano in comedias de honra and the first appearance in these comedias of the positive image of the Jew. Chapter 4 traces the transposition of the 'bad' converso into the 'good' biblical Jew. Chapter 5 presents the positive image of the Jew created by mocking his stereotypical negative image. The last chapter contains a discussion of six comedias by Lope that present positive images of the Jew in their converso protagonists; as some of these characters in many ways resemble Lope, for example in their problems with limpieza de sangre, this chapter begins with a discussion of Lope's origin. In all the foregoing I have tried to demonstrate that, contrary to general critical opinion, the Jew in the comedia was often delineated with sympathy

    Bacterial Ligands Generated in a Phagosome Are Targets of the Cytosolic Innate Immune System

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    Macrophages are permissive hosts to intracellular pathogens, but upon activation become microbiocidal effectors of innate and cell-mediated immunity. How the fate of internalized microorganisms is monitored by macrophages, and how that information is integrated to stimulate specific immune responses is not understood. Activation of macrophages with interferon (IFN)–γ leads to rapid killing and degradation of Listeria monocytogenes in a phagosome, thus preventing escape of bacteria to the cytosol. Here, we show that activated macrophages induce a specific gene expression program to L. monocytogenes degraded in the phago-lysosome. In addition to activation of Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling pathways, degraded bacteria also activated a TLR-independent transcriptional response that was similar to the response induced by cytosolic L. monocytogenes. More specifically, degraded bacteria induced a TLR-independent IFN-β response that was previously shown to be specific to cytosolic bacteria and not to intact bacteria localized to the phagosome. This response required the generation of bacterial ligands in the phago-lysosome and was largely dependent on nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 2 (NOD2), a cytosolic receptor known to respond to bacterial peptidoglycan fragments. The NOD2-dependent response to degraded bacteria required the phagosomal membrane potential and the activity of lysosomal proteases. The NOD2-dependent IFN-β production resulted from synergism with other cytosolic microbial sensors. This study supports the hypothesis that in activated macrophages, cytosolic innate immune receptors are activated by bacterial ligands generated in the phagosome and transported to the cytosol

    Design of laminated structures using piezoelectric materials

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    Composite structures incorporating piezoelectric sensors and actuators are increasingly becoming important due to the offer of potential benefits in a wide range of engineering applications such as vibration and noise supression, shape control and precisition positioning. This paper presents a finit element formulation based on classical laminated plate theory for laminated structures with integrated piezoelectric layers or patches, acting as actuators. The finite element model is a single layer triangular nonconforming plate/shell element with 18 degrees of freedom for the generalized displacements, and one electrical potential degree of freedom for each piezsoelectric elementlayer or patch, witch are surface bonded on the laminate. An optimization of the patches position is performed to maximize the piezoelectric actuators efficiency as well as, the electric potential distribuition is search to reach the specified structure transverse displacement distribuition (shape control). A gradient based algorithm is used for this purpose. The model is applied in the optimization of illustrative laminated plate cases, and the results are presented and discussed

    Shape control of laminated panels using piezoelectric actuators

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    This paper presents a finite element formulation based on the classical laminated plate theory for laminated structures with integrated piezoelectric layers or patches, acting as actuators.The finite element model is a single layer trinaguular nonconforming plate/shell element with 18 degrees of fredom for the generalized displacements, and one electrical potential degree of freedom for each piezoelectric element elemenet layer or patch. An optimization of the patches position is perfomed to maximize the piezoelectric actuators efficiency as well as,the electric potential distribution is serach to reach the specified strusctura transverse displacement distribution is search to reach the specified structures trsnsverse displacement distribution (shape control). A gradient based algorithm is used for this purpose.Results are presented and discussed

    Comparison of Gadoterate Meglumine and Gadobutrol in the MRI Diagnosis of Primary Brain Tumors: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Intraindividual Crossover Study (the REMIND Study)

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    ABSTRACT BACKGROUNDANDPURPOSE: Effective management of patients with brain tumors depends on accurate detection and characterization of lesions. This study aimed to demonstrate the noninferiority of gadoterate meglumine versus gadobutrol for overall visualization and characterization of primary brain tumors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This multicenter, double-blind, randomized, controlled intraindividual, crossover, noninferiority study included279patients.Bothcontrastagents(dose=0.1mmol/kgofbodyweight)wereassessedwith2identicalMRIsatatimeintervalof 2–14 days. The primary end point was overall lesion visualization and characterization, scored independently by 3 off-site readers on a 4-point scale, ranging from “poor” to “excellent.” Secondary end points were qualitative assessments (lesion border delineation, internal morphology, degree of contrast enhancement, diagnostic confidence), quantitative measurements (signal intensity), and safety (adverse events). All qualitative assessments were also performed on-site. RESULTS: Forall3readers,imagesofmostpatients(>90%)werescoredgoodorexcellentforoveralllesionvisualizationandcharacterizationwitheithercontrastagent;andthenoninferiorityofgadoteratemeglumineversusgadobutrolwasstatisticallydemonstrated.No significant differences were observed between the 2 contrast agents regarding qualitative end points despite quantitative mean lesion percentageenhancementbeinghigherwithgadobutrol(P81%ofthe patientswithbothcontrastagents.Similarpercentagesofpatientswithadverseeventsrelatedtothecontrastagentswereobservedwith gadoterate meglumine (7.8%) and gadobutrol (7.3%), mainly injection site pain. CONCLUSIONS: Thenoninferiorityofgadoteratemeglumineversusgadobutrolforoverallvisualizationandcharacterizationofprimary brain tumors was demonstrated

    Language and anxiety: an ethnographic study of international postgraduate students

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    This paper presents some findings from an ethnographic study of international postgraduate students at a university in the South of England, which involved interviews and participant observation over a twelve-month academic year. One of the major themes that emerged from this research was students’ anxiety over their level of English language. Although all students entered their course with a minimum level of IELTS 6, the majority felt disadvantaged by particularly poor spoken English, and suffered feelings of anxiety, shame and inferiority. Low self-confidence meant that they felt ill-equipped to engage in class discussion and in social interaction which used English as the medium of communication. A common reaction to stress caused by language problems was to retreat into monoethnic communication with students from the same country, further inhibiting progress in language. Whilst some linguistic progress was made by nearly all students during the academic sojourn, the anxiety suffered by students in the initial stage must not be underestimated, and appropriate support systems must be put in place to alleviate their distress