80 research outputs found

    Identification and assessment of the ecosystem services of the Salinas y Arenales de San Pedro del Pinatar Regional Park (Murcia, Spain) based on user surveys

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    El Parque Regional de las Salinas y Arenales de San Pedro del Pinatar es un humedal salino situado al norte de la restinga que cierra el Mar Menor (Región de Murcia). Forma parte de la Red Natura 2000, y está declarado Zona de Especial Conservación y Zona de Especial Protección para las Aves, además de ser un importante enclave de producción de sal y turístico. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una valoración preliminar de los servicios ecosistémicos del Parque Regional mediante la realización de encuestas pre-test a los usuarios del espacio protegido. Para ello se utilizaron métodos de preferencias declaradas: el método de Valoración Contingente y la Valoración por Experimentos de Elección. Se realizaron 262 encuestas pre-test a turistas entre agosto y diciembre de 2019, las cuáles orientaron la redacción de las encuestas finales. Además, se definieron los servicios ecosistémicos que ofrece el Parque Regional mediante el análisis de la Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services en su última versión V5.1, obteniendo 32 tipos de servicios ecosistémicos que serán valorados en las encuestas finales con cuatro opciones de respuesta.The Salinas y Arenales de San Pedro del Pinatar Regional Park is a saline wetland located in the north of the restinga of Mar Menor lagoon (Region of Murcia, southeast Spain). It is part of the Natura 2000 Network, and has been declared a special conservation area and special protection area, as well as being an important enclave for salt production and tourism. This study offers a preliminary assessment of the ecosystem services of this regional park through pre-test surveys answered by users of the protected area. The contingent valuation method, as well as the choice experiments method declared preference methods were used. Some 262 tourist pre-test surveys were conducted between August and December 2019, and these guided the writing of the final surveys. In addition, the ecosystem services offered by the regional park wer defined by analysing the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services in its latest version V5.1 (obtaining 32 types of ecosystem services that are evaluated in the final surveys with four response options).Este artículo se ha realizado gracias a la financiación de la Unión Europea, a través del Proyecto LIFE17 NAT/ES/000184 Conservación de los hábitats y aves acuáticas en el LIC y ZEPA ES0000175 “Salinas y Arenales de San Pedro del Pinatar” (LIFE SALINAS)

    Multi-site observations of Delta Scuti stars 7 Aql and 8 Aql (a new Delta Scuti variable): The twelfth STEPHI campaign in 2003

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    We present an analysis of the pulsation behaviour of the Delta Scuti stars 7 Aql (HD 174532) and 8 Aql (HD 174589) -- a new variable star -- observed in the framework of STEPHI XII campaign during 2003 June--July. 183 hours of high precision photometry were acquired by using four-channel photometers at three sites on three continents during 21 days. The light curves and amplitude spectra were obtained following a classical scheme of multi-channel photometry. Observations in different filters were also obtained and analyzed. Six and three frequencies have been unambiguously detected above a 99% confidence level in the range 0.090 mHz--0.300 mHz and 0.100 mHz-- 0.145 mHz in 7 Aql and 8 Aql respectively. A comparison of observed and theoretical frequencies shows that 7 Aql and 8 Aql may oscillate with p modes of low radial orders, typical among Delta Scuti stars. In terms of radial oscillations the range of 8 Aql goes from n=1 to n=3 while for 7 Aql the range spans from n=4 to n=7. Non-radial oscillations have to be present in both stars as well. The expected range of excited modes according to a non adiabatic analysis goes from n=1 to n=6 in both stars.Comment: 8 pages, 7 fugures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    The upper Palaeolithic of the rock shelter ‘Corral de les Paleres (Crevillent)’: technology and lithological analysis of the lithic industry

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza la industria lítica de superficie recuperada en el abrigo del Corral de les Paleres (Crevillent). Este análisis tiene dos vertientes, en primer lugar de carácter tecnotipológico con el objetivo de encuadrar la industria cronológicamente. La presencia o ausencia de determinados útiles, así como las características morfológicas de la industria señalan su adscripción al Paleolítico superior –Magdaleniense–, no descartándose una ocupación que pudo iniciarse hacia finales del Solutrense. En segundo lugar se analizan las características de la materia prima silícea con el objetivo de determinar los principales tipos de sílex empleados en este hábitat. Cruzando estos datos con los obtenidos en los trabajos geoarqueológicos desarrollados en la zona desde 2016, se han podido establecer las fuentes de aprovisionamiento de sílex más próximas. El dato más relevante a este respecto es que casi el 90% pudo haber sido captado en un radio no superior a 10 km. El yacimiento, conocido por aficionados locales desde los años 70, permanece inédito, lo que unido a las recientes remociones del terreno que han hecho aflorar material arqueológico y la elevada concentración de enclaves paleolíticos en la zona, justifican el presente estudio.The present work study the lithic industry surface recovered in the rock shelter ‘Corral de les Paleres’ (Crevillent). This analysis is twofold, firstly of a techno-typological nature to frame the industry chronologically. The presence or absence of certain tools, as well as the morphological characteristics of the industry, indicate that it is ascribed to the Upper Palaeolithic –Magdalenian– period, not ruling out an occupation that could have begun towards the end of the Solutrean period. Secondly, the characteristics of the siliceous raw material are analysed to determine the main types of flint used in this habitat. By crossing data with those obtained in the geo-archaeological work carried out in the area since 2016, it has been possible to establish the closest sources of supply of flint. The most relevant data in this aspect is that almost 90% could have been collected within a radius of no more than 10 km. The site, known to local amateurs since the 1970s, remains unpublished, which together with the recent removals of land that have brought archaeological material to the surface and the high concentration of Palaeolithic enclaves in the area, justify the present study

    Mesoscale Atmospheric Transport of Ragweed Pollen Allergens from Infected to Uninfected Areas

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    Allergenic ragweed (Ambrosia spp.) pollen grains, after being released from anthers, can be dispersed by air masses far from their source. However, the action of air temperature,humidity and solar radiation on pollen grains in the atmosphere could impact on the ability of long distance transported (LDT) pollen to maintain allergenic potency. Here, we report that the major allergen of Ambrosia artemisiifolia pollen (Amb a 1) collected in ambient air during episodes of LDT still have immunoreactive properties. The amount of Amb a 1 found in LDT ragweed pollen grains was not constant and varied between episodes. In addition to allergens in pollen sized particles, we detected reactive Amb a 1 in subpollen sized respirable particles. These findings suggest that ragweed pollen grains have the potential to cause allergic reactions, not only in the heavily infested areas but, due to LDT episodes, also in the regions unaffected by ragweed populations

    Izaña Atmospheric Research Center. Activity Report 2015-2016

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    This report is a summary of the many activities at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center to the broader community. The combination of operational activities, research and development in state-of-the-art measurement techniques, calibration and validation and international cooperation encompass the vision of WMO to provide world leadership in expertise and international cooperation in weather, climate, hydrology and related environmental issues