146 research outputs found

    Determinan Ekspor CPO Indonesia

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    Palm oil is one of the products that are important to the economy of Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the performance of Indonesia\u27s CPO exports and to look for the influence of the independent variables such as production volume CPO, CPO consumption and the value of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar. The authors of this study tested using the Method of Error Correction Model. The time interval used is from 1998 to 2011 with the data quarter. The findings suggest that Indonesia\u27s CPO production volume variables exert a positive and significant impact on the number of Indonesian CPO exports in both the short and long term, then the variable volume Indonesia CPO consumption in the short and long term is also a significant effect on the number of Indonesian CPO exports but negatively related, this is due to the domestic CPO consumption greater that the capacity to export will be reduced. Variables of the Rupiah against the U.S. dollar also affects Indonesia\u27s CPO exports significantly and negatively related to both the short and long term and conditions of the depreciation of the rupiah exchange rate is not enough to effectively be driving exports. Estimates show that the close relationship between external demand caused exports to Indonesia\u27s export performance vulnerable to external shocks. Side factors are also a determinant of export performance

    Predictors to Achieve Normal Nutrition Status: Longitudinal Study Among HIV Children on Antiretroviral Treatment in Bali

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    Background and purpose: Malnutrition is common in children with HIV/AIDS. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) improves the nutritional status; however, information about predictors affecting the changes of nutritional status is limited and inconsistent.Methods: The retrospective survival study analyzed secondary data of 84 undernourished children receiving ART in Sanglah Central Hospital in 2010 to 2015. Demographic, clinical and socio-economic characteristics at ART initiation were linked to the achievement of normal nutritional status (z-score ? -2 SD). Kaplan Meier analysis was used to obtain the incidence rate and median time and cox proportional hazards models to identify its predictors.Results: Of the 73.81% of children achieved a normal nutrition status with the incidence of children achieving normal nutritional was 19 per 100 child months, and a median time of 4 months 10 days. Children with birth weight ?2500 gr (AHR=5.41; 95%CI: 1.76-16.61), without candidiasis (AHR=3.72; 95%CI: 1.27-10.93), Clinical WHO Stage III (AHR=1.6; (95%CI: 1.08-4.24), Clinical WHO Stage II (AHR=4.49; 95%CI: 1.95-10.79) and early ART intiation (AHR=0.91; 95%CI: 0.83-0.98) were predictors to achieve normal nutritional status.Conclusion: Clinical characteristics of children are predictors of achieving a normal nutritional status

    Pengaruh Metode Ekstraksi Terhadap Karakteristik Crude Laminaran Dari Sargassum Duplicatum

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    Laminaran is a natural polysaccharide extracted from brown algae, are usually used as human food, animal feed and drugs. Laminaran obtained by extracting brown algae powder, with acid solution (LAE) or with water (LWE) is done twice. Extraction by combining both methods were tested as well, that the first extraction using an acid solution further extracted residue re-use of water (LME). Extraction with acid and modification are more efficient than extraction with water, with a relatively higher yield (3.59 and 1.42 fold). With the acid extraction method (LAE), and modification (LME) showed the presence of compounds laminaran (β-(1,3)-D glukopiranosil), extraction using water (LWE) showed no laminaran. In general, the value of yield higher acid extracts, followed by modification extract and water extract. Acid extracts and modifications have moisture, ash and fat content lower than water extract but different levels of protein. The method of extraction with an acid solution and a modification is the best method


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    Pengabdian yang dilakukan pada masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi dengan adanya permasalahan terhadap terutama generasi muda yang berkaitan dengan pemahaman terhadap bahaya narkotika. Di lapangan  dan berdasarkan data yang di peroleh menunjukkan bahwa peredaran narkotika tidak hanya terjadi di wilayah perkotaan akan tetapi sudah meluas sampai desa, tentu dalam hal ini sangat mengkhawatirkan dan akan berdampak buruk terhadap pertumbuhan generasi muda. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Kerinci Kecamatan Keliling Danau di Desa pasar Jujun/Desa Jujun. Pelaksanaan Pengabdian pada masyarakat di lakukan dengan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi serta tanya jawab  dan juga dengan cara menyebarkan brosur tentang bahaya narkotika bagi generasi muda. Dengan kegiatan itu diharapkan generasi muda dan tokoh masyarakat lebih memahami akan bahaya narkotika dan berperan aktif dalam pencegahan peredaran narkotika. Adapun tujuan dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan generasi muda  dan tokoh masyarakat dapat peran aktif, berpartisaipasi, dan peduli terhadap bahaya narkotika. Untuk menjawab permasalahan, solusi yang ditawarkan adalah dilakukan berupa penyampaian informasi dari narasumber, tanya jawab dan diskusi, berkaitan dengan bahaya narkotika. Dari hasil penyuluhan yang dilakukan hal yang dihasilkan yakni bertambahnya ilmu pengetahuan generasi muda  tokoh masyarakat terhadap bahaya narkotika, serta dapat  meningkatkan kepatuhan terhadap Undang-Undang Narkotika, serta tumbuhnya sikap kewaspadaan dan berperan aktif dalam memerangi peredaran narkotika pada lingkungan masyarakat sehingga tercipta lingkungan yang bebas dari Narkotika

    Effect of Styles and Leadership Work Discipline to Employee Performance (Case Study of PT. Telecommunication Indonesia Tbk Dki Jakarta)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of leadership style and work discipline on employee performance. The subject of this research is employees of PT. Telecommunication Indonesia, Tbk DKI Jakarta. This research was conducted on 145 respondents by using quantitative descriptive approach. Therefore, the data analysis used is statistical analysis in the form of multiple linear regression tests. Data were collected directly from the respondents by using research instrument SPSS Version 23. The results of this study show that the employee has a significant effect on Employee Performance of PT. Telecommunication Indonesia, Tbk DKI Jakarta.     Keywords: leadership style, work discipline, employee performance PT. Telecommunication Indonesia, Tbk DKI Jakart

    Peningkatan Produksi Dan Kualaitas Pathila Dengan Pengering Buatan terkendali

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    Pengeringan dengan menggunakan sinar matahari masih banyak digunakan oleh industri kecil Pahlla. Cara pengeringan tersebut sangat bergantung pada cuaca, sehingga menghambat peningkatan produksi dan kualitas pathila yang dihasilkan tidak dapat dijamin selalu tetap. Alat pengering ripe kabinet dengan sistem pemanasan tidak langsung dibuat dengan . menggunakan sumber panas minyak tanah. Mat pengering tersebut terdiri atas rumah pengering, berisi beberapa buah rak pengering tempat pathila kukus basah dikeringkan, bagian pemanas yang terdiri atas berkas pipa pemanas yang terbuat dari tembaga, brander sebagai alat pembangkit nyala api, tangki minyak bertekanan, dan blower sebagai penghembus udara. Mat pengering yang dihasilkan berukuran 102 cm x102 cm, tinggi 105 cm, dengan 4 buah rak pengering dapat menampung pathila kukus basah sekitar 19,50 kg setara dengan pathila kering sekitar 6,50 kg untuk setiap 5,5 jam, pada suhu pengeringan 45 -50 °C. Kualitas pathila yang dihasilkan tidak berbeda nyata dibandingkan dengan kualitas pathila yang dikeringkan dengan sinar matahari, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti pengeringan dengan sinar matahari. Disamping itu pengeringan dengan alat pengering menghasilkan kualitas pathila yang selalu tetap sesuai dengan standar dan dalam waktu yan

    Pengaruh penggunaan berbagai basa dan pati dalam pembuatan cincau

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    ABSTRACT Instant black cincau was prepared by the processing steps involving extraction of "janggelan" using alkaline solution, drying of the extract, and blending of the dried extract with starch. Various alkalines of different valence, i.e. NaOH, Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2 at pH 10 were used to extract "janggelan" at the proportion of 50 g/100 ml of alkaline for 60 minutes at boiling condition. Arenga, sago, maize, mung bean, tapioca and soft rice starches were used to blend the dried extracts. The proportions of dried extracts used were at 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 g per 7.5 g starch. Gels were prepared by boiling the blended stuffs in 250 ml water and allowed to cool to room temperature. The gels were characterized for breaking strength, elasticity and syneresis. The results indicated that the use of divalent alkaline gave higher strength, equal elasticity, and higher syneresis of the gels compared to that of monovalent alkaline. All the starches containing 20.6-47.1 % amylose, excluding soft rice starch, gave compact gels, but higher amylase did not always give stronger gels. The use of starch containing 11.9 % amylose did not form gel. The increase in proportion of dried extract to starch caused higher breaking strength, but lower elasticity and syneresis of the gels. Key words : alkaline, valence, extraction, "janggelan", instant black"cincau", physical characteristics, gel

    Faktor Karakteristik Peternak Yang Mempengaruhi Sikap Terhadap Program Kredit Sapi Potong Di Kelompok Peternak Andiniharjo Kabupaten Sleman YOGYAKARTA

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    This research was conducted to know the farmer\u27s attitude toward cattle credit assistance and farmer\u27s characteristic factors that influence the probability of the farmer\u27s attitude toward cattle credit assistance. The respondents in this research were all of the members of Andiniharjo cattle farmer\u27s group of 40 farmers as respondents which located in Pojokan sub village, Caturharjo, Sleman regency. The farmer\u27s characteristics factor which influence the probability of the farmer\u27s attitude toward cattle credit assistance was analized using binomial logistic regressions test. The model of binomial logistic regressions test had 92,5% of correct prediction. The characteristic factors which infuence the probability of the farmer\u27s attitude were the age of farmers (P < 0.05), the farming motivation (P < 0.05) and the income from farming (P < 0.05). The conclusion of this research was that most farmer\u27s attitude of Andiniharjo cattle farmer\u27s group which located in Pojokan sub village toward cattle credit assistance from PT Telkom was negative. The age of farmers, the farming motivation and the income of farming influenced the probability of the farmer\u27s attitude to have positive attitude toward cattle credit assistance from PT Telkom
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