194 research outputs found

    Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan Di Kelurahan Silae Kecamatan Ulujadi Kota Palu

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    The problem behind this research was that the community had less participation in the discussion for development Planning in Kelurahan Silae. This resulted in not achieving the main purpose of this program. This research aimed at investigating the participation, attitudes and views of the villagers in the discussion for village development planning in Kelurahan Silae, the sub-district of Ulujadi, the City of Palu. The research used C. Ericcson\u27s Participation Theory (Slamet, 1993:89) in wich participation is divided into three roles: planning, implementation, and control. This research used qualitative method and employed purposive sampling technique with five employed. The methods used for collection data wereobservation, interview, and documentation. It is found that community participation in the discussion for development planning in Kelurahan Silae, the Sub-district of Ulujadi, the City of Palu did not run well. The villager\u27s attitudes and view reflection the three roles under investigation were they apathies, did not care, and did not put trust in the local government. These problem came us because the voices of the community were not responded well by local government\u27s parties. The relevant parties provided less extension and information relating to the mechanism, from the initial stage to the implementation of the village community discussion and to the fundable program within the local government of Palu

    Determinan Ekspor CPO Indonesia

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    Palm oil is one of the products that are important to the economy of Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the performance of Indonesia\u27s CPO exports and to look for the influence of the independent variables such as production volume CPO, CPO consumption and the value of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar. The authors of this study tested using the Method of Error Correction Model. The time interval used is from 1998 to 2011 with the data quarter. The findings suggest that Indonesia\u27s CPO production volume variables exert a positive and significant impact on the number of Indonesian CPO exports in both the short and long term, then the variable volume Indonesia CPO consumption in the short and long term is also a significant effect on the number of Indonesian CPO exports but negatively related, this is due to the domestic CPO consumption greater that the capacity to export will be reduced. Variables of the Rupiah against the U.S. dollar also affects Indonesia\u27s CPO exports significantly and negatively related to both the short and long term and conditions of the depreciation of the rupiah exchange rate is not enough to effectively be driving exports. Estimates show that the close relationship between external demand caused exports to Indonesia\u27s export performance vulnerable to external shocks. Side factors are also a determinant of export performance


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    Patient safety has become a major focus of ethics related to health care in recent years. Culture of patient safety in hospitals is part of organization culture, so that the necessary assessment of organizational culture as a guide in the development of patient safety. All health workers, including professional students who undergo clinical learning in hospitals, need to understand and be able to apply the knowledge and skills in this area of patient safety in order to achieve complete patient service. This study aims to analyze the influence of various factors such as communication openness, teamwork, and organizational learning toward patient safety culture at RSGM Jenderal Soedirman University. The study design is a quantitative research using regression analytic method with cross-sectional approach. Data collection tools in the form of the questionnaire were assessed using a Likert scale of 1-5 is strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree. The study population was clinical dental student in 1st till 4th year who had treated patients under supervision at RSGM Jenderal Soedirman University. The sampling technique using purposive sampling method that is random sampling technique in which researchers determine the sampling by setting specific criteria in accordance with the purpose of research. Respondents in this study amounted to 83 people which is calculated using the Slovin formula. The data validity and reliability tests analyzed using multiple logistic regression to analyze the influence between variables with SPSS software. The results showed that the communication openness, teamwork, and organizational learning has positively significant effects toward patient safety culture. The conclusions of this research is the better communication openness, teamwork, and organizational learning improve patient safety culture

    Predictors to Achieve Normal Nutrition Status: Longitudinal Study Among HIV Children on Antiretroviral Treatment in Bali

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    Background and purpose: Malnutrition is common in children with HIV/AIDS. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) improves the nutritional status; however, information about predictors affecting the changes of nutritional status is limited and inconsistent.Methods: The retrospective survival study analyzed secondary data of 84 undernourished children receiving ART in Sanglah Central Hospital in 2010 to 2015. Demographic, clinical and socio-economic characteristics at ART initiation were linked to the achievement of normal nutritional status (z-score ? -2 SD). Kaplan Meier analysis was used to obtain the incidence rate and median time and cox proportional hazards models to identify its predictors.Results: Of the 73.81% of children achieved a normal nutrition status with the incidence of children achieving normal nutritional was 19 per 100 child months, and a median time of 4 months 10 days. Children with birth weight ?2500 gr (AHR=5.41; 95%CI: 1.76-16.61), without candidiasis (AHR=3.72; 95%CI: 1.27-10.93), Clinical WHO Stage III (AHR=1.6; (95%CI: 1.08-4.24), Clinical WHO Stage II (AHR=4.49; 95%CI: 1.95-10.79) and early ART intiation (AHR=0.91; 95%CI: 0.83-0.98) were predictors to achieve normal nutritional status.Conclusion: Clinical characteristics of children are predictors of achieving a normal nutritional status

    Pengaruh Metode Ekstraksi Terhadap Karakteristik Crude Laminaran Dari Sargassum Duplicatum

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    Laminaran is a natural polysaccharide extracted from brown algae, are usually used as human food, animal feed and drugs. Laminaran obtained by extracting brown algae powder, with acid solution (LAE) or with water (LWE) is done twice. Extraction by combining both methods were tested as well, that the first extraction using an acid solution further extracted residue re-use of water (LME). Extraction with acid and modification are more efficient than extraction with water, with a relatively higher yield (3.59 and 1.42 fold). With the acid extraction method (LAE), and modification (LME) showed the presence of compounds laminaran (β-(1,3)-D glukopiranosil), extraction using water (LWE) showed no laminaran. In general, the value of yield higher acid extracts, followed by modification extract and water extract. Acid extracts and modifications have moisture, ash and fat content lower than water extract but different levels of protein. The method of extraction with an acid solution and a modification is the best method


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    Pengabdian yang dilakukan pada masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi dengan adanya permasalahan terhadap terutama generasi muda yang berkaitan dengan pemahaman terhadap bahaya narkotika. Di lapangan  dan berdasarkan data yang di peroleh menunjukkan bahwa peredaran narkotika tidak hanya terjadi di wilayah perkotaan akan tetapi sudah meluas sampai desa, tentu dalam hal ini sangat mengkhawatirkan dan akan berdampak buruk terhadap pertumbuhan generasi muda. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Kerinci Kecamatan Keliling Danau di Desa pasar Jujun/Desa Jujun. Pelaksanaan Pengabdian pada masyarakat di lakukan dengan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi serta tanya jawab  dan juga dengan cara menyebarkan brosur tentang bahaya narkotika bagi generasi muda. Dengan kegiatan itu diharapkan generasi muda dan tokoh masyarakat lebih memahami akan bahaya narkotika dan berperan aktif dalam pencegahan peredaran narkotika. Adapun tujuan dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan generasi muda  dan tokoh masyarakat dapat peran aktif, berpartisaipasi, dan peduli terhadap bahaya narkotika. Untuk menjawab permasalahan, solusi yang ditawarkan adalah dilakukan berupa penyampaian informasi dari narasumber, tanya jawab dan diskusi, berkaitan dengan bahaya narkotika. Dari hasil penyuluhan yang dilakukan hal yang dihasilkan yakni bertambahnya ilmu pengetahuan generasi muda  tokoh masyarakat terhadap bahaya narkotika, serta dapat  meningkatkan kepatuhan terhadap Undang-Undang Narkotika, serta tumbuhnya sikap kewaspadaan dan berperan aktif dalam memerangi peredaran narkotika pada lingkungan masyarakat sehingga tercipta lingkungan yang bebas dari Narkotika

    Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Lokal dalam Ekploitasi Timah di Pulau Topang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti

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    This research is motivated because not optimal placement of local labor in PT. Perkit Wahana Jaya, still more use of labor from outside the area in the Company Tin Perkit Wahana J aya. Based on this background, this research aims at (i) To determine the governments role in local employment in PT. Perkit Wahana Jaya (ii) To determine the obstacles experienced by Meranti Islands regency government.This research is a descriptive study that aimed to describe the real situation on the ground to systematically and accurately related facts and research analysis unit, as well as field observations based on data (information) specific. Methods of data collection is done with interviews and document study. Government involvement is affected by competent human resources, strengthening related institutions as well as the availability of facilities and infrastructure financing as well. However, the implementation of the government will not succeed in the absence of community participation in supporting the program.The results showed that the governments role in local employment in the Company Tin Perkit Wahana Jaya ie government issued regulation No. 23 of 2011 concerning local employment and to super viseemployees.Keywords: Placement, the local Labor, Exploitatio

    Inter-bank Call Money Market Transaction in Indonesia

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    This study analyzes the effect of Indonesian Bank loan, the amount of demand deposits, and the Indonesia economic crisis in 1997 on the interbank call money market transactions in Indonesia using a multiple linear regression method. This study finds that the variables influencing the interbank call money market transactions are the interest rate of interbank call money market and the check money. Both variables have positive effect on the interbank money market transactions in Indonesia.Keywords: Loans, Interest Rate, Check Money, Monetary Crisis, Interbank Money Market TransactionsJEL Classification Numbers: G21, G28AbstrakPenelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh pinjaman Bank Indonesia terhadap tingkat bunga pasar uang antar bank, jumlah uang giral, dan krisis ekonomi Indonesia tahun 1997 terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank di Indonesia menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank tersebut adalah tingkat bunga pasar uang antar bank dan jumlah uang giral. Dua variabel tersebut berpengaruh positif terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank di Indonesia.Keywords: Pinjaman, Tingkat Bunga, Uang Giral, Krisis Moneter, Transaksi Pasar Uang antar BankJEL Classification Numbers: G21, G2

    Potensi Spaghettini Komposit Semolina Durum-Pati Ganyong dalam Pembentukan Short Chain Fatty Acid dan Asam Laktat pada Fermentasi Menggunakan Mikroflora Feses Manusia

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    Kriteria pemilihan makanan oleh masyarakat kini mulai mempertimbangkan nilai kesehatan dari suatu makanan. Sementara, permintaan pemerintah untuk pemanfaatan bahan baku lokal dan diversifikasi pangan pokok pun semakin meningkat. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mewujudkan penganekaragaman pangan berbasis tepung komposit dari bahan baku lokal yang memiliki nilai fungsional untuk kesehatan kolon. Resistant Starch (RS) dapat meningkatkan kesehatan kolon melalui hasil fermentasinya oleh bakteri usus besar yang berupa Short Chain Fatty Acid (SCFA) dan asam laktat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan pati ganyong dan semolina sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan spaghettini. Variasi yang digunakan ialah variasi jenis umbi ganyong serta variasi jumlah pati ganyong dalam tepung komposit. Kadar RS semolina (20%) lebih tinggi daripada kadar RS pati ganyong ungu (17,7%) dan pati ganyong hijau (15,4%). Kadar RS, SCFA, dan asam laktat yang dihasilkan spaghettini durum-pati ganyong ungu lebih besar daripada spaghettini durum-pati ganyong hijau. Spaghettini komposit durum-pati ganyong mampu menghasilkan SCFA dan asam laktat melalui fermentasi in vitro menggunakan mikroflora feses manusia dengan kadar yang lebih rendah daripada spaghettini 100% durum
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