186 research outputs found

    Students’ Learning Strategies for Developing Speaking Ability

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    This study was done to study the learning strategies used by both low and high performance speaking students in developing their speaking skills as well as the differences between the learning strategies used by both groups of learners. The reason for conducting this research was the fact that the competency of many students in speaking English was still considered unsatisfactory in Banda Aceh. We postulated that one aspect involved in the process of developing speaking skills was the learning strategies used by the learners. In this study, the data was collected through field research by means of documents, questionnaires, and interviews. The result of this study indicated that high performance speaking students had better balance in using all kinds of learning strategies (memory, cognitive, compensatory, metacognitive, affective, and social) for enhancing their speaking skills; the same could not be found with low performance speaking students. Besides, the high performance students employed more learning strategies consciously and appropriately compared to the low performance students. Based on the research results, it is suggested that students should be trained to be more aware of their own speaking learning strategies. They should use appropriate language learning strategies more consciously, purposefully, and frequently to be more successful in developing their speaking skills.

    Uterine volume measurement as a determinant in route of hysterectomy

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    Background: Objectives of the study were to determine the role of uterine volume rather than uterine length in assessing the route of hysterectomy; to estimate the cut-off of uterine volume for route of hysterectomy; and to correlate uterine volume measured preoperatively by ultrasound with post-operative uterine weight.Methods: This was a prospective observational study including a total of 101 women who underwent hysterectomies (vaginal, laparascopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH), total laparascopic hysterectomy (TLH), abdominal) in a period of 2 years 2 months from July 2018 to August 2020 in Mehta Multispeciality Hospital, Chetpet, Chennai. Uterine size was measured by clinical examination. Ease of the procedure with various uterine volume and routes of hysterectomy were studied.Results: 51 (50.49%) underwent vaginal route (including laparascopic hysterectomy), 50 (49.50%) underwent abdominal hysterectomy. Mean uterine volume leading to removal vaginally was 168.09±139.28 cc whereas 309.12±182.47 cc for abdominal hysterectomy (p=0.001) which was statistically significant. vaginal hysterectomy was done without difficulty up to 300 cc. Postoperative complications were less with vaginal hysterectomy compared to abdominal hysterectomy was statistically significant (p=0.0001).Uterine volume measured pre operatively by ultrasound showed positive correlation (r=0.82) with post-operative uterine weight proved that uterine volume measurements was superior to the clinical estimate of uterine size in assessing the route of hysterectomy.Conclusions: Uterine volume on ultrasonography (USG) can be a good predictor in deciding whether hysterectomy via vaginal route is possible.

    Intelligent agent simulator in massive crowd

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    Crowd simulations have many benefits over real-life research such as in computer games, architecture and entertainment. One of the key elements in this study is to include elements of decision-making into the crowd. The aim of this simulator is to simulate the features of an intelligent agent to escape from crowded environments especially in one-way corridor, two-way corridor and four-way intersection. The addition of the graphical user interface enables intuitive and fast handling in all settings and features of the Intelligent Agent Simulator and allows convenient research in the field of intelligent behaviour in massive crowd. This paper describes the development of a simulator by using the Open Graphics Library (OpenGL), starting from the production of training data, the simulation process, until the simulation results. The Social Force Model (SFM) is used to generate the motion of agents and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to predict the next step for intelligent agent

    Kajian Valuasi Ekonomi Hutan Mangrove Di Desa Pasar Banggi, Kecamatan Rembang, Kabupaten Rembang

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    Economi valuation is an instrument used to know a function of mangrove forest. The object of this research are to find out totalized economic valuation by means of direct valuation at mangrove area Pasar Banggi village, Rembang. Economic valuation can be able by totalized a direct use value, indirect use value, Option value and Existence value. Identification result at Pasar Banggi village are consist by four components there are, direct use values : Bandeng fishponds, saltponds, mangrove seeds, catching fishes, oyster and crab, indirect use values : breakwater as a resists of abration, option value : biodiversity, Existence value : habitats. The biggest value in this research is the resist of abration assumption as breakwater that is as bis as Rp.18.717.774.250-/year and total economic value from economis Pasar Banggi village, Rembang that is as big as Rp.19.610.846.229.-/year

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Pengelola Keuangan dan Sistem Akuntansi Keuangan Daerah terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of financial management competence andlocal finance accounting system on the quality of financial report at SKPD of the province ofSoutheast Sulawesi.The study used primary data garthered using a questionnaire.Respondents of the study ware structural officials and apparatus which run accountingfunction or financial management in 41 SKPD in the province of Southeast Sulawesi.Variables of the study included competence in financial management and the accountingsystem of local finace, which were independent variables, and the quality of financial reportsas dependent variable.Data analysis used a method of multiple regression statistical analysis using the SPSSversion 22 software, which were explained using descriptive statistics and inferentialstatistics. Result of hypothesis testing showed that the competence of financial managementand the accounting system of local finance have positive and significant effect on the qualityof financial reports written by the provincial government of Southeast Sulawesi, eitherpartially or simultaneously. It means that the better the competence of financial managementand the accounting system of local finance, the better the quality of financial reports that areproduced

    Analisis Penerapan Kebijakan Total Productive Maintenance pada Proses Produksi Transformer (Studi Kasus : PT. Nikkatsu Electric Works)

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    PT. Nikkatsu Electric Works is a company of manufactures that the product is an electrical equipment and energy saving lamps. At the company there is no exact methode to measure the effectiveness of the machines on the production process of transformers, it's make the production process not optimal and impact on not achieving the target production company and need to identify the factors that influence the effectiveness of the machine and analysis of maintenance activities that can be input to the implementation of the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) for the company. The purpose of this research to measure the level of effectiveness of the total equipment in the production process of transformers, determine factors which is causing the value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is low by identifying damages / losses that occur and give proposed improvement for the implementation of TPM. The result calculation of Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( OEE ) for winding machine period July 2012 - June 2013 had a value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( OEE ) ranged from ,80% - 81,19% that is where the value is still below the standard value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( OEE ) world class 85 % and the six big losses calculation results obtained : reduced speed loss 42,50%, breakdown loss 21,90%, setup and adjustment 20,20%, quality defect loss 8,67%, idle and minor stoppage loss 6,73%. With calculating the effectiveness of the equipment using the Total Productive Maintenance ( TPM ) which is the calculation formula is Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( OEE ) the company will know if the machine has working effectively or not with Total Productive Maintenance ( TPM ) and be expectedy to increase the effectiveness of equipment that can eliminate large losses for the company, that called as Six Big losses , so it's make getting closer to the main goal of TPM that is zero breakdown