254 research outputs found

    Nilai Unitas (Monogam) Perkawinan Katolik dalam Terang Biblis

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    Perkawinan merupakan sebuah perpaduan dari dua kehidupan, yakni seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan, yang disatukan dalam sebuah kesatuan sakramental. Kesatuan ini menjadi sempurna dalam kesatuan cinta. Pada gilirannya, kesatuan tersebut, menuntut sebuah USAha yang serius, baik dari suami maupun isteri. Saat ini untuk mencapai kesatuan tersebut bukanlah hal yang mudah. Pasangan seharusnya berjuang melawan banyak tekanan dan tantangan. Kesetiaan, antara satu dengan yang lainnya, adalah salah satu dari persoalan-persoalan yang paling problematik dalam hidup perkawinan saat ini. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk menemukan dasar-dasar ajaran mengenaikesucian perkawinan dan sifat perkawinan yang satu (unitas) dari dimensi biblis. Kitab Suci merupakan Sabda Allah sendiri yang menjadi referensi vital bagi umat beriman dalam menghidupi imannya. Pengajaran lebih lanjut mengenai unitas perkawinan dari dimensi Kitab Suci ini paling tidak akan membawa penyadaran baru bagi para umat dalam menghayati panggilan hidup berkeluarga (sebagai suami dan istri) dalam kerangka iman; Secara khusus tentang panggilan hidup berkeluarga yang didalamnya termuat tentang kesucian perkawinan serta sifatnya yang satu dan tak terceraikan

    Museum of Nias Earthquake (Vernacular Architecture)

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    Museum of Nias Earthquake is about a place to reintroduce local wisdom from Nias Island that related to their history and traditional building technology in response to earthquake disasters, with the aim of education and tourism. Nowadays, modern civilization marginalized a local culture. Vernacular themes are a solution in presenting the results of local-themed design. It will become an example of how to apply the local wisdom in contemporary building design, with the aim of reintroducing local sense. To achieve a vernacular theme, it started by using local materials, abstraction of local traditional houses, application of symbols and meanings from traditional building cosmology, and using observation and literature methodology. The result of this design is to meet the community needs for tourism objects that have a locality feel in Gunungsitoli City, Nias

    Struktur Bahasa Nias

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    *** *** Bibliografi hlm.xiii, 121 hlm. :il. ;21 cm

    Estetika Komodifikasi Pada Budaya Adu Zatua Nias Selatan-Sumatera Utara

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    Penelitian mengenai komodifikasi budaya pada adu zatua di Nias Selatan ini, membahas tentang perkembangan modifikasi bentuk dan fungsi budaya adu zatua. Adu zatua pada awalnya adalah benda ritual kepercayaan suku Nias yang bersifat sakral. Memasuki tahun 2000-an muncul reproduksi adu zatua yang menjadi benda sekuler dan bersifat profan. Sebagai salah satu bentuk karya seni rupa kuno di Nias, adu zatua telah memberikan sumbangan dokumentasi citra visual terhadap budaya tradisi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana modifikasi bentuk, nilai dan fungsi pada budaya adu zatua, sehingga dapat menghasilkan konsep estetika perspektif komodifikasi budaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif interpretatif dengan pendekatan estetika Adorno. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budaya adu zatua pada masa lampau sengaja direproduksi kembali sebagai bentuk objek benda budaya Nias dalam pariwisata budaya. Nilai sakral pada adu zatua berubah menjadi nilai profan yang bersifat sekuler. Fenomena adu zatua pada masa sekarang dipicu minat wisatawan akan cenderamata khas budaya Nias. Minat konsumen akan bentuk-bentuk yang praktiks menjadikan modifikasi pada adu zatua dan dampaknya bersifat komersial

    Pengaruh Digitalisasi Terhadap Persepsi Kualitas Layanan Konsumen Bank BRI Unit Karya di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    Dalam dunia perbankan digitalisasi merupakan suatu sistem yang harus dan wajib ada untuk mempertahankan perbankan dalam dunia industri. Perkembangan digitalisasi dalam perbankan diharapkan mampu meningkatkan harapan konsumen dan mampu meningkatkan kualitas layanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah digitalisasi layanan dapat meningkatkan persepsi kualitas layanan konsumen. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, Teknik pengumumpulan data yaitu dengan menggunakan data sekunder dan primer, dimana data primer yaitu angket dan sekunder dengan cara studi literatur. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan uji instrumen penelitian,  uji asumsi klasik, uji regresi linear berganda, uji Hipotesis, uji koefisien determinasi (R2). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan digitalisasi terhadap persepsi kualitas layanan konsumen di Bank BRI Unit Karya dengan menggunakan aplikasi BRImo dianggap cukup berhawsil dengan adanya dukungan yang baik dan manfaat yang diterima, serta kemudahan, layanan yang cepat, proses yang sederhana dan menghemat waktu, kenyamanan untuk mengakses aplikasi, tingkat keakuratan yang tinggi, kemudahan dalam mengakses, keamanan dan keandalaan untuk mengakses aplikasi. Faktor pendukung: alokasi sumber daya yang baik, dukungan pemerintah daerah, jaringan internet yang menyeluruh, dan pemahaman masyarakat

    Role of crossmatch testing when Luminex-SAB is negative in renal transplantation

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    The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system plays an important role in the acceptance of renal graft. Long and better graft survival has been reported in patients with HLA-identical siblings and a nonreactive cytotoxicity assay (CDC). New methods of HLA-typing and anti-HLA antibody detection techniques such as flow cytometry, solid-phase immunoassays, or antigen bead assays have further improved the outcomes of renal transplant recipients. In the present review, the explicit details of these methodologies are discussed in detail

    Current management of anorectal malformation in Egypt: a survey of members of the Egyptian pediatric surgical association

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    Background/aim: Anorectal malformation (ARM) represents a wide spectrum of anomalies. Its management includes various strategies. This survey aims at detecting the current preferences of Egyptian pediatric surgeons regarding the management of ARM.Materials and methods: A survey was circulated individually to the members of the Egyptian Pediatric Surgical Association (EPSA) during the general assembly meeting. Another online survey using web-based surveys (Survey Monkey) was also used.Results: Responses were received from 91 surgeons. Nine responses were excluded because of incomplete or duplicate responses, yielding 82 survey charts for analysis. The 82 responses represent 74.5% of the 110 fully-trained pediatric surgeons currently working in Egypt. Sixty-one (74.4 %) of responders used invertogram for preoperative diagnosis of ARM. A further seven (8.5%) combined invertogram with perineal ultrasonography or MRI. The remaining 14 (17.1%) used either perineal ultrasonography or MRI. The age at surgery for high ARM was preferred immediately after birth without colostomy by only five (6.1%) of responders, from 1 to 3 months after initial colostomy by 21 (25.61%), 3?6 months after colostomy by 45 (54.88%), and 6 months after colostomy by 11 (13.41%). The preferable definitive surgical technique for high ARM in male is posterior sagittal anorectoplasty according to 63 (76.82%) surgeons, laparoscopic assisted by 15 (18.3%), and abdminoperineal by four (4.88%) The preferable time for primary repair of rectovestibular fistulas was neonatal period for only nine (10.98%) surgeons, from 1 to 3 months for 20 (24.39%), after the third month for life by 40 (48.78%), whereas 13 (15.85%) did not perform single-stage repair. As regard to outcome of primary versus staged repair for rectovestibular fistula, 64.7% of participants stated that primary repair has similar outcomes compared with staged repair, 19.5% stated that staged repair has lesser complications and better outcome, and 15.8% of participants did not perform singlestage repair.Conclusion: The current EPSA survey indicates that most surgeons still use the invertogram as the principal preoperative diagnostic study. Posterior sagittal anorectoplasty is the preferable definitive surgical technique for high ARM in males. Most surgeons prefer primary repair for rectovestibular fistulas. Laparoscopic approach for the management of high ARM is currently practiced by only a few surgeons.Keywords: ARM, survey, EPS

    Assessing Competence of NHS Consultants: Challenges and Possible Solutions

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    Even a mention of formal assessment of senior clinicians can be a contentious issue, to say least, when revalidation is said to be firmly in place in NHS-UK for almost half a decade. Since revalidation is accepted as a standard modality of assessment of performance, some colleagues in NHS wonder ‘stir up a hornets’ nest,’ when the authors allude to limitations of revalidation because poorly performing senior NHS clinicians may ‘slip through the net.’ NHS consultants have clinical as well as training roles. Fundamentally, this assessment (revalidation) is meant to ensure the safety of the public and mitigates the risk of disciplinary action by the GMC. Unfortunately, a disciplinary action is often the first sign of underperformance. In fact, the Bristol and Shipman inquiries have underscored the importance of the non-clinical and behavioural skills like communication, teamworking, personal organization and leadership are as important as clinical skills. Rather than considered an assessment tool, an annual appraisal is aimed to facilitate and improve the way NHS consultants work and provide services. The authors have to wait for five years, to assess the efficacy of the system that was introduced with much ‘fanfare’ since it was projected as a panacea for poor performance by ’bad doctors.’ The objectives of this article are to contextualize the issue of the underperformance among senior clinicians in the current NHS environment and to conceptualize the idea that their performance as trainers is directly related to their performance as clinicians. It is worth identifying the underlying factors of that are related to, or even better, can predict underperformance and will help evolve a strategy to help those consultants who are underperforming
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