6,281 research outputs found

    Characterising resistance to Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) in Turnip (Brassica rapa rapa)

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    A Brassica rapa rapa L. line has been identified with high resistance to seven isolates of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) (including UK 1, CHN 5, CZE 1, CDN 1, GBR 6, POL 1 and UK 4) representing the major pathotypes of the virus. Resistant plants showed no symptoms following mechanical inoculation with TuMV and no virus was detected in the plants by ELISA. A cross was made between the rapid-cycling Brassica rapa line R-o-18 (which has been found to be susceptible to all the TuMV isolates) and a plant from the resistant B. rapa rapa line. The small amount of the F1 generation seed available from this cross has been grown and inoculated with the seven TuMV isolates. F1 plants were uniformly resistant to the UK 1 isolate of TuMV, uniformly susceptible to the CHN 5 isolate (only 2 plants inoculated) and segregated for resistance and susceptibility to the other five TuMV isolates. This suggested that the parent B. rapa rapa plant used in the cross was probably homozygous for one, or more dominant resistance genes to the UK 1 isolate of TuMV and heterozygous for one, or more dominant resistance genes to the other TuMV isolates. When self seed (S1) from the parent plant from the resistant line was inoculated with the TuMV isolates GBR 6 and UK 4, the segregation for the former isolate was not significantly different from 3 resistant to 1 susceptible, whereas for the latter isolate, the segregation was 4 resistant to 9 susceptible, suggesting resistance to GBR 6 is controlled by a single dominant gene, whereas resistance to UK 4 is controlled by two or more dominant resistance genes. The putative resistance genes appear to confer hitherto unknown dominant TuMV resistance specificities, and in combination have the exciting potential of providing durable resistance to TuMV

    Non Parametric Distributed Inference in Sensor Networks Using Box Particles Messages

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    This paper deals with the problem of inference in distributed systems where the probability model is stored in a distributed fashion. Graphical models provide powerful tools for modeling this kind of problems. Inspired by the box particle filter which combines interval analysis with particle filtering to solve temporal inference problems, this paper introduces a belief propagation-like message-passing algorithm that uses bounded error methods to solve the inference problem defined on an arbitrary graphical model. We show the theoretic derivation of the novel algorithm and we test its performance on the problem of calibration in wireless sensor networks. That is the positioning of a number of randomly deployed sensors, according to some reference defined by a set of anchor nodes for which the positions are known a priori. The new algorithm, while achieving a better or similar performance, offers impressive reduction of the information circulating in the network and the needed computation times

    Atherosusceptible Shear Stress Activates Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress to Promote Endothelial Inflammation.

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    Atherosclerosis impacts arteries where disturbed blood flow renders the endothelium susceptible to inflammation. Cytokine activation of endothelial cells (EC) upregulates VCAM-1 receptors that target monocyte recruitment to atherosusceptible regions. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress elicits EC dysregulation in metabolic syndrome. We hypothesized that ER plays a central role in mechanosensing of atherosusceptible shear stress (SS) by signaling enhanced inflammation. Aortic EC were stimulated with low-dose TNFα (0.3 ng/ml) in a microfluidic channel that produced a linear SS gradient over a 20mm field ranging from 0-16 dynes/cm2. High-resolution imaging of immunofluorescence along the monolayer provided a continuous spatial metric of EC orientation, markers of ER stress, VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 expression, and monocyte recruitment. VCAM-1 peaked at 2 dynes/cm2 and decreased to below static TNFα-stimulated levels at atheroprotective-SS of 12 dynes/cm2, whereas ICAM-1 rose to a maximum in parallel with SS. ER expansion and activation of the unfolded protein response also peaked at 2 dynes/cm2, where IRF-1-regulated VCAM-1 expression and monocyte recruitment also rose to a maximum. Silencing of PECAM-1 or key ER stress genes abrogated SS regulation of VCAM-1 transcription and monocyte recruitment. We report a novel role for ER stress in mechanoregulation at arterial regions of atherosusceptible-SS inflamed by low-dose TNFα

    A report about a case of Gestational trophoblastic tumor associated with ectopic pregnancy

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    مقدمه: تومور تروفوبلاستیک حاملگیGTT)) متعاقب حاملگی خارج رحمی یک رویداد بسیار نادر است. در این مقاله یک مورد مول مهاجم که از یک حاملگی خارج رحمی لوله‌ای نشأت گرفته بود معرفی می‌شود. گزارش مورد: بیمار خانم 26 ساله با حاملگی دوم و اولین حاملگی خارج رحمی (G2L1EP1) بود که به خاطر افزایش میزان هورمون گنادوتروپین جفتی((BHCG بعد از عمل حاملگی خارج رحمی (EP) به بیمارستان شهید بهشتی اصفهان ارجاع شد. درمان اولیه EP بیمار با عمل سالپنژکتومی بوده است. پیگیری پاتولوژی سالپنژکتومی مول مهاجم تشخیص داده شد که بیمار تحت دو دوره درمان با متوترکسات قرار گرفت و با توجه به گزارش توده در آدنکس راست در سونوگرافی یک نوبت لاپاراتومی ‌شد که باز هم تشخیص مول مهاجم بود. بنابراین بیمار تحت رژیم درمانی (etoposide methotrexate actinomycin D cyclophosphamide vincristine) EMA/CO قرار گرفت و نهایتاً با BHCG معادل 1 مرخص شد. نتیجه گیری: پیگیری عدد BHCG بعد از عمل جراحی EP هم برای تشخیص EP پا برجا و هم برای رد GTT بسیار مهم است هم چنین پیگیری جواب پاتولوژی اعمال جراحی در صورتی که از تشخیص نیز مطمئن هستیم ضرورت دارد

    The interplay between tissue growth and scaffold degradation in engineered tissue constructs

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    In vitro tissue engineering is emerging as a potential tool to meet the high demand for replacement tissue, caused by the increased incidence of tissue degeneration and damage. A key challenge in this field is ensuring that the mechanical properties of the engineered tissue are appropriate for the in vivo environment. Achieving this goal will require detailed understanding of the interplay between cell proliferation, extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition and scaffold degradation.\ud \ud In this paper, we use a mathematical model (based upon a multiphase continuum framework) to investigate the interplay between tissue growth and scaffold degradation during tissue construct evolution in vitro. Our model accommodates a cell population and culture medium, modelled as viscous fluids, together with a porous scaffold and ECM deposited by the cells, represented as rigid porous materials. We focus on tissue growth within a perfusion bioreactor system, and investigate how the predicted tissue composition is altered under the influence of (i) differential interactions between cells and the supporting scaffold and their associated ECM, (ii) scaffold degradation, and (iii) mechanotransduction-regulated cell proliferation and ECM deposition.\ud \ud Numerical simulation of the model equations reveals that scaffold heterogeneity typical of that obtained from μCT scans of tissue engineering scaffolds can lead to significant variation in the flow-induced mechanical stimuli experienced by cells seeded in the scaffold. This leads to strong heterogeneity in the deposition of ECM. Furthermore, preferential adherence of cells to the ECM in favour of the artificial scaffold appears to have no significant influence on the eventual construct composition; adherence of cells to these supporting structures does, however, lead to cell and ECM distributions which mimic and exaggerate the heterogeneity of the underlying scaffold. Such phenomena have important ramifications for the mechanical integrity of engineered tissue constructs and their suitability for implantation in vivo

    Time-Dependent Thermally-Driven Interfacial Flows in Multilayered Fluid Structures

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    A computational study of thermally-driven convection in multilayered fluid structures will be performed to examine the effect of interactions among deformable fluid-fluid interfaces on the structure of time-dependent flow in these systems. Multilayered fluid structures in two models configurations will be considered: the differentially heated rectangular cavity with a free surface, and the encapsulated cylindrical liquid bridge. An extension of a numerical method developed as part of our recent NASA Fluid Physics grant will be used to account for finite deformations of fluid-fluid interfaces

    Strukturna i elektronska svojstva bbc selena pod visokim tlakom

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    Full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave method (FP-LAPW) within the density functional theory is applied to study the structural and electronic properties of selenium in the bcc phase at high pressures. We used local density approximation with and without generalized gradient correction based on exchange-correlation energy optimization. We have determined the full set of first-order elastic constants, which have not been established earlier experimentally or theoretically. The elastic moduli show linear dependence on pressure. The calculated energy allowed us to investigate several structural properties such as lattice parameter, bulk modulus and its pressure derivative. Our calculated lattice parameter is found to be in reasonable agreement with experimental result. The electronic band structure and the density of states at various pressures are also calculated to show that there is a possibility for these compounds to become metallic at high pressures. Further, we have calculated the electronic specific heat coefficient, which decreases with the increase of pressure.Primjenom metode lineariziranih proširenih ravnih valova s potpunim potencijalom, u okviru teorije funkcionala gustoće, proučavali smo strukturna i elektronska svojstva selena u bcc fazi na visokim tlakovima. Primijenili smo približenje lokalne gustoće sa i bez poopćene gradijentne popravke primjenom optimizacije energije korelacije i izmjene. Odredili smo potpun skup elestičnih konstanti prvog reda koje ranije nisu bile određene ni eksperimentalno ni teorijski. Moduli eleastičnosti pokazuju linearnu ovisnost o tlaku. Na osnovi izračunatih energija mogli smo istražiti više strukturnih svojstava, kao što su parametar rešetke, volumni modul stlačivosti i njegova derivacija po tlaku. Naš izračunat parametar rešetke je u dobrom slaganju s eksperimentalnim rezultatom. Također smo izračunali strukturu elekronskih vrpci i gustoće stanja da bismo ukazali na mogućnost da na visokim tlakovima selen u fazi bcc može postati metal. Nadalje, izračunali smo koeficijent elektronske specifične topline koji se smanjuje s porastom tlaka

    Identification of a rare de novo three-way complex t(5;20;8)(q31;p11.2;p21) with microdeletions on 5q31.2, 5q31.3, and 8p23.2 in a patient with hearing loss and global developmental delay: case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Complex chromosome rearrangements (CCRs), which involve more than two breakpoints on two or more chromosomes, are uncommon occurrences. Although most CCRs appear balanced at the level of the light microscope, many demonstrate cryptic, submicroscopic imbalances at the translocation breakpoints.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We report a female with hearing loss and global developmental delay with a complex three-way unbalanced translocation (5;20;8)(q31;p11.2;p21) resulting in microdeletions on 5q31.2, 5q31.3, and 8p23.2 identified by karyotyping, microarray analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The microdeletion of bands 8p23.2 may be associated with the hearing impairment. Furthermore, the characterization of this patient's chromosomal abnormalities demonstrates the importance of integrated technologies within contemporary cytogenetics laboratories.</p