463 research outputs found

    Field evaluation of entomopathogenic nematodes against orchard pests

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    Survival of pest in micro-plot trials (container studies) or field plot trials was monitored after exposure to commercially used EPN strains. Experimental plots were artificially infested with pest larvae that naturally burrowed into the soil for diapause. Either larval mortality or adult emergence, was assessed to estimate the control effect of the EPN treatment. Here we present preliminary results from three ongoing projects

    The three-stage petrochemical evolution of the Steens Basalt [southeast Oregon, USA] compared to large igneous provinces and layered mafic intrusions

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    The Steens Basalt, southeast Oregon, USA, initiated at 17 Ma as the earliest pulse of the Columbia River Flood Basalt of the northwestern USA. New and existing stratigraphically controlled data reveal temporal changes in lava flow character, and whole-rock and mineral compositions, which we use to evaluate how the balance of magma differentiation processes change in time. Temporal petrochemical variations in the Steens Basalt are analogous to the transition from Imnaha Basalt to Grande Ronde Basalt units of the Columbia River Flood Basalt and have parallels to the temporal evolution of the Deccan and Siberian traps, in India and Russia, respectively, as well as to the stratigraphic sequences of the Bushveld, of South Africa, and Stillwater, in southern Montana, USA, layered mafic intrusions. The excellent stratigraphic control from the Steens Basalt provides a detailed record for comparison across this variety of large mafic systems, providing ability to focus on commonalities among differentiation processes in time. Chemostratigraphic excursions and volcanological characteristics in the Steens Basalt record a three-stage history. A minimally exposed early stage preserved in the lower A Steens Basalt section is characterized by heterogeneity (3–8 wt% MgO) collapsing to homogeneity (~5 wt% MgO), suggesting crystal fractionation outpaces recharge. Sparse weathering horizons indicate some time elapses between eruptions. The second stage, lower B Steens Basalt, is volumetrically dominant and represents waxing of the basaltic pulse. Flows are stacked immediately upon one another without evidence of weathering or intervening sedimentary horizons, indicating high-eruptive frequency. Compositions oscillate over a ΔMgO of ~4–5 wt% between low- and high- MgO basalt, both of which become more magnesian up section, signaling a period dominated by recharge. This stage closes with declining oscillations to produce homogeneous compositions (6–8 wt% MgO). The waning stage of eruption is represented by the upper Steens Basalt section, where thin intercalated weathering horizons occur especially high in the section. The upper Steens Basalt is characterized by overall declining MgO and increasing incompatible element concentrations confirming the dominance of crystal fractionation accompanied by crustal assimilation. In detail, the upper Steens Basalt initiates with a small stack of heterogeneous flows (5–8 wt% MgO), followed by a period of relatively homogeneous flows (~6 wt% MgO) and closes with highly variable basalts to trachybasaltic andesites. These compositional characteristics coupled with a change in average flow thickness from lower to upper Steens Basalt of5–10 m illustrate a shift to more silicic compositions and higher viscosity up section. The chemical changes up section in other large igneous provinces record similar variations in differentiation processes through time, suggesting that these large volume systems share similar evolutionary histories: the earliest records suggest the magmatic systems are initially more ephemeral and compositionally variable as magma traverses relatively cool crust. With waxing, a transition to regimes of high thermal and mass input results in a stage where recharge outpaces crystal fractionation. Thermal priming of the crust during these events coupled with waning input yields magmas in which fractionation plus crustal assimilation dominates over recharge late in the system; pulses of later stage felsic magmatism in many large mafic provinces are consistent with this evolution. Using layered mafic intrusions as an analog for intrusive, cumulus-dominated residua of voluminous fractionation, as well as oceanic large igneous provinces as an analog for total magma volumes in continental flood basalt regimes, leads to the suggestion that 50%–85% of the total magma volume in a flood basalt remains in the crust, effectively remaking the crust in these regions

    Changing Mantle Sources and the Effects of Crustal Passage on the Steens Basalt, SE Oregon: Chemical and Isotopic Constraints

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    Continental flood basalts are more prone to compositional modification from passage through thicker and (or) more felsic crust in comparison to their oceanic counterparts. The Steens Basalt in southeast Oregon (~17 Ma) is among the oldest and most mafic members of the Columbia River Basalt Group and provides a record of the early stages of flood basalt volcanism. We evaluate the balance of mantle sources in time during the onset of Columbia River Basalt Group magmatism and assess the effect of crustal passage using stratigraphically controlled Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf, Os, and O isotopic compositions, as well as whole rock major and trace element data. Mixing models indicate that depleted and enriched mantle sources identified by previous workers contribute in varying proportions during the life of the magmatic system, with the greatest contribution by depleted mantle when eruption rate and presumed intrusion rate increase. During waxing, enrichment of δ18O in some flows signals cryptic deep fractionation of abundant clinopyroxene followed by shallow fractionation of olivine ± clinopyroxene ± plagioclase. Os concentrations are among the highest worldwide at a given MgO (0.29–0.86 ppb at 6.0 to 10.9 wt.%). We argue that high Os results from scavenging of sulfides by recharging magmas passing through earlier crystallized magmas. Elevated 87Sr/86Sr in the latest stage supports modest assimilation of partial melts from mafic accreted terranes, facilitated by thermal priming of crust by persistent magmatism. This work provides a more detailed schematic view of the Steens Basalt magmatic system, from mantle origin through crustal staging

    Temperatures, diagnostics and treatment in pediatric cancer patients with fever in neutropenia, NCT01683370.

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    In pediatric oncology, there is no evidence-based definition of the temperature limit defining fever (TLDF), which itself is essential for the definition of fever in chemotherapy-induced severe neutropenia (FN). Lowering the TLDF can increase the number of FN episodes diagnosed. This prospective, single center observational study collected data on all temperature measurements, complete blood counts (CBCs), and measures of diagnostics and therapy performed at and after FN diagnosis in pediatric oncology patients using a high standard TLDF (39 °C ear temperature). In 45 FN episodes in 20 patients, 3391 temperature measurements and 318 CBCs, plus information on antibiotics, anti-fungal therapy, antipyretics, blood cultures taken and on discharge were collected. These data can mainly be used to study the influence of virtually lowering the TLDF on diagnostic measures, treatment and length of hospitalization in pediatric FN, which in turn are directly related to costs of FN therapy, and quality of life. This approach can be expanded to include as well different definitions of neutropenia

    Superconducting accelerator technology

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    Discovery of the Vanadium Isotopes

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    Twenty-four vanadium isotopes have so far been observed; the discovery of these isotopes is discussed. For each isotope a brief summary of the first refereed publication, including the production and identification method, is presented.Comment: to be published in At. Data. Nucl. Data Table