1,846 research outputs found

    Porometry, porosimetry, image analysis and void network modelling in the study of the pore-level properties of filters

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    We present fundamental and quantitative comparisons between the techniques of porometry (or flow permporometry), porosimetry, image analysis and void network modelling for seven types of filter, chosen to encompass the range of simple to complex void structure. They were metal, cellulose and glass fibre macro- and meso-porous filters of various types. The comparisons allow a general re-appraisal of the limitations of each technique for measuring void structures. Porometry is shown to give unrealistically narrow void size distributions, but the correct filtration characteristic when calibrated. Shielded mercury porosimetry can give the quaternary (sample-level anisotropic) characteristics of the void structure. The first derivative of a mercury porosimetry intrusion curve is shown to underestimate the large number of voids, but this error can be largely corrected by the use of a void network model. The model was also used to simulate the full filtration characteristic of each sample, which agreed with the manufacturer's filtration ratings. The model was validated through its correct a priori simulation of absolute gas permeabilities for track etch, cellulose nitrate and sintered powder filters. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd

    Can proprioceptive training improve motor learning?

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    Recent work has investigated the link between motor learning and sensory function in arm movement control. A number of findings are consistent with the idea that motor learning is associated with systematic changes to proprioception (Haith A, Jackson C, Mial R, Vijayakumar S. Adv Neural Inf Process Syst 21: 593-600, 2008; Ostry DJ, Darainy M, Mattar AA, Wong J, Gribble PL. J Neurosci 30: 5384-5393, 2010; Vahdat S, Darainy M, Milner TE, Ostry DJ. J Neurosci 31: 16907- 16915, 2011). Here, we tested whether motor learning could be improved by providing subjects with proprioceptive training on a desired hand trajectory. Subjects were instructed to reproduce both the time-varying position and velocity of novel, complex hand trajectories. Subjects underwent 3 days of training with 90 movement trials per day. Active movement trials were interleaved with demonstration trials. For control subjects, these interleaved demonstration trials consisted of visual demonstration alone. A second group of subjects received visual and proprioceptive demonstration simultaneously; this group was presented with the same visual stimulus, but, in addition, their limb was moved through the target trajectory by a robot using servo control. Subjects who experienced the additional proprioceptive demonstration of the desired trajectory showed greater improvements during training movements than control subjects who only received visual information. This benefit of adding proprioceptive training was seen in both movement speed and position error. Interestingly, additional control subjects who received proprioceptive guidance while actively moving their arm during demonstration trials did not show the same improvement in positional accuracy. These findings support the idea that the addition of proprioceptive training can augment motor learning, and that this benefit is greatest when the subject passively experiences the goal movement. © 2012 the American Physiological Society

    Muscle Activation During Landing Before and After Fatigue in Individuals With or Without Chronic Ankle Instability

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    Ankle instability is a common condition in physically active individuals. It often occurs during a jump landing or lateral motion, particularly when participants are fatigued

    Learning from Mistakes: Improving Initial Fingertip Force Scaling by Observing Lifting Errors

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    • When lifting objects that are lighter or heaver than we expect them to be, individuals typically misapply forces in a way that reflects their prior expectations of heaviness. • Because we lift in this predictive way, large and small cubes elicit these characteristic errors even when they are adjusted to have equal mass. Lifters will apply too much force to a large cube and substantially less force to a small cube – errors that are rapidly corrected with repeated lifts (Flanagan & Beltzner, 2000). • When watching others lift objects, an observer’s motor system automatically reacts in a way that reflects the object’s weight (Alaerts et al., 2010). It is, however, unclear how the motor system reacts to observing lifting errors. • To examine how observing an action improves motor learning in the context of fingertip force scaling, participants watched a video of an object lifting task before lifting equally-weighted large and small cubes themselves. • To determine what style of kinematic information is more valuable to observe, participants watched either error filled, first-time lifts or error free, expert lifts before lifting these equally-weighted small and large cubes themselves.

    The human motor system alters its reaching movement plan for task-irrelevant, positional forces.

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    The minimum intervention principle and the uncontrolled manifold hypothesis state that our nervous system only responds to force perturbations and sensorimotor noise if they affect task success. This idea has been tested in muscle and joint coordinate frames and more recently using workspace redundancy (e.g., reaching to large targets). However, reaching studies typically involve spatial and or temporal constraints. Constrained reaches represent a small proportion of movements we perform daily and may limit the emergence of natural behavior. Using more relaxed constraints, we conducted two reaching experiments to test the hypothesis that humans respond to task-relevant forces and ignore task-irrelevant forces. We found that participants responded to both task-relevant and -irrelevant forces. Interestingly, participants experiencing a task-irrelevant force, which simply pushed them into a different area of a large target and had no bearing on task success, changed their movement trajectory prior to being perturbed. These movement trajectory changes did not counteract the task-irrelevant perturbations, as shown in previous research, but rather were made into new areas of the workspace. A possible explanation for this behavior change is that participants were engaging in active exploration. Our data have implications for current models and theories on the control of biological motion

    Functional Plasticity in Somatosensory Cortex Supports Motor Learning by Observing.

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    An influential idea in neuroscience is that the sensory-motor system is activated when observing the actions of others [1, 2]. This idea has recently been extended to motor learning, in which observation results in sensory-motor plasticity and behavioral changes in both motor and somatosensory domains [3-9]. However, it is unclear how the brain maps visual information onto motor circuits for learning. Here we test the idea that the somatosensory system, and specifically primary somatosensory cortex (S1), plays a role in motor learning by observing. In experiment 1, we applied stimulation to the median nerve to occupy the somatosensory system with unrelated inputs while participants observed a tutor learning to reach in a force field. Stimulation disrupted motor learning by observing in a limb-specific manner. Stimulation delivered to the right arm (the same arm used by the tutor) disrupted learning, whereas left arm stimulation did not. This is consistent with the idea that a somatosensory representation of the observed effector must be available during observation for learning to occur. In experiment 2, we assessed S1 cortical processing before and after observation by measuring somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) associated with median nerve stimulation. SEP amplitudes increased only for participants who observed learning. Moreover, SEPs increased more for participants who exhibited greater motor learning following observation. Taken together, these findings support the idea that motor learning by observing relies on functional plasticity in S1. We propose that visual signals about the movements of others are mapped onto motor circuits for learning via the somatosensory system

    Lower Limb Landing Biomechanics in Subjects with Chronic Ankle Instability

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    Literature on lower limb kinematic deviations in subjects with chronic ankle instability (CAI) during landing tasks is limited and not consistent. Several studies only report joint angles at defined events rather than considering the whole kinematic curve which might obscure possibly relevant information. Therefore, the main goal of this study was to evaluate landing kinematics of the lower limb in subjects with CAI using curve analysis. Methods: Lower limb kinematics of 56 subjects (28 subjects with self-reported CAI and 28 matched healthy controls) were measured during a barefoot forward and side jump protocol. Kinematic data were collected in a laboratory setting using an eight-camera optoelectronic system. Ground reaction forces were registered by means of a force plate built into the landing zone. After completion of each task, difficulty level and subjective stability at the ankle joint were documented using a visual analogue scale. To compare between groups, Statistical Parametric Mapping was used to assess group differences between mean joint angles over the entire impact phase. Results: SPM analysis of kinematical curves of the hip, knee, and ankle showed no significant differences between the subjects with CAI and the control group independent of jump direction. Subjects with CAI did report higher feelings of instability for both landing tasks and a higher difficulty level for the forward jump. Conclusion: Our results showed no altered lower limb kinematics in subjects with CAI compared to a healthy control group during a forward and side jump landing task. Therefore, these results question the hypothesis of kinematic deviations as part of an underlying mechanism of CAI

    μ2-Iodido-bis­{dimeth­yl[methyl­bis(quinolin-8-yl)silanyl-κ3 N,Si,N′]platinum(IV)} tetra­kis(penta­fluoro­phen­yl)borate dichloro­methane 0.66-solvate

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    The title complex, [Pt2(CH3)4(C19H15N2Si)2I][B(C6F5)4]·0.66CH2Cl2, resulted from an attempt to synthesize a stable five-coordinate platinum species via ligand abstraction of a six-coordinate platinum precursor. However, dimerization occurred after ligand abstraction, thereby yielding the compound described in this study. The cation is a dinuclear PtIV organometallic complex, in which the metal centers are bridged by an I− anion. Both metal centers display a coordination geometry close to octa­hedral, including cis-arranged quinoline ligands connected by Si atoms, which form Pt—Si bonds, two cis-methyl groups, and the bridging I− anion. In the crystal structure, voids between cations and anions are partially filled with an average of 0.66 mol­ecules of dichloro­methane solvent