881 research outputs found

    Role of simulation and emulation in the development of Shuttle-Centaur (STS-Centaur)

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    To support the task of integrating the Centaur liquid-fueled upper-stage space vehicle into the space shuttle program. A system to simulate and emulate the STS-Centaur avionic flight system and its supporting ground control and checkout equipment was selected and designated the systems integration facility (SIF). Located in San Diego, California, the SIF is composed of integrated simulators that form a composite control system complement to the STS-Centaur airborne and avionic support equipment. An off-line capability to verify the system design of the Centaur airborne support equipment (CASE) and the Centaur avionic flight system is provided as well as a realistic medium for the development and integration of ground checkout and airborne control software programs. Each simulator is composed of prototype hardware, where feasible, to maximize configuration likeness. Where emulated flight or ground hardware is used, it provides physical characteristics (loads, signals, etc.) equivalent to those of the flight hardware. The hardware and software implementation of the SIF are described

    Centaur D-1A guidance/software system

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    The main body of this paper describes the evolution of the Centaur D-1A Guidance and Software System. Specifically, the performance of the explicit guidance equations, using a linear tangent steering law. Inherent flexibility exists in the equations in that they have multimission capability. They can accommodate both Earth-orbital and Earth-escape missions with either one or two Centaur burns. They can also guide for multi-burn orbital missions. The Centaur performance is indicated in terms of optimality (propellant usage), accuracy, flexibility and computer requirements. In the course of the Centaur Guidance development substantial changes and improvements have been made and more improvements are on the way for the Shuttle/Centaur Guidance. It is the intent of this paper to describe, provide insight into, and identify certain unique aspects of the individual Centaur flight profiles. Mission profile(s) are described narratively with some numerical data given in cases where it may be useful

    Impact of propulsion system R and D on electric vehicle performance and cost

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    The efficiency, weight, and manufacturing cost of the propulsion subsystem (motor, motor controller, transmission, and differential, but excluding the battery) are major factors in the purchase price and cost of ownership of a traffic-compatible electric vehicle. The relative impact of each was studied, and the conclusions reached are that propulsion system technology advances can result in a major reduction of the sticker price of an electric vehicle and a smaller, but significant, reduction in overall cost of ownership

    Distorted Neutrino Oscillations From Ultralight Scalar Dark Matter

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    Cold, ultralight (≪\ll eV) bosonic dark matter with a misalignment abundance can induce temporal variation in the masses and couplings of Standard Model particles. We find that fast variations in neutrino oscillation parameters can lead to significantly distorted neutrino oscillations (DiNOs) and yield striking signatures at long baseline experiments. We study several representative observables to demonstrate this effect and find that current and future experiments including DUNE and JUNO are sensitive to a wide range of viable scalar parameters over many decades in mass reach.Comment: 5+2 pages, 4 figures , 2 appendice

    Weak-triplet, color-octet scalars and the CDF dijet excess

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    We extend the standard model to include a weak-triplet and color-octet scalar. This `octo-triplet' field consists of three particles, two charged and one neutral, whose masses and renormalizable interactions depend only on two new parameters. The charged octo-triplet decay into a W boson and a gluon is suppressed by a loop factor and an accidental cancellation. Thus, the main decays of the charged octo-triplet may occur through higher-dimensional operators, mediated by a heavy vectorlike fermion, into quark pairs. For an octo-triplet mass below the t\bar{b} threshold, the decay into Wb\bar{b} or Wb\bar{s} through an off-shell top quark has a width comparable to that into c\bar{s} or c\bar{b}. Pair production with one octo-triplet decaying into two jets and the other decaying into a W and two soft b jets may explain the dijet-plus-W excess reported by the CDF Collaboration. Using a few kinematic distributions, we compare two mechanisms of octo-triplet pair production: through an s-channel coloron and through the coupling to gluons. The higher-dimensional operators that allow dijet decays also lead to CP violation in B_s - \bar B_s mixing.Comment: 18 pages. New CDF kinematic distributions using 7.3 fb^{-1} compared to both resonant and gluon-induced pair production of octets. Corrections in Section 3.1. Comment on the D0 Wjj result included in Section 3.3. Implications for LHC expanded in Section 3.

    A Jackknife and Voting Classifier Approach to Feature Selection and Classification

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    With technological advances now allowing measurement of thousands of genes, proteins and metabolites, researchers are using this information to develop diagnostic and prognostic tests and discern the biological pathways underlying diseases. Often, an investigator’s objective is to develop a classification rule to predict group membership of unknown samples based on a small set of features and that could ultimately be used in a clinical setting. While common classification methods such as random forest and support vector machines are effective at separating groups, they do not directly translate into a clinically-applicable classification rule based on a small number of features.We present a simple feature selection and classification method for biomarker detection that is intuitively understandable and can be directly extended for application to a clinical setting. We first use a jackknife procedure to identify important features and then, for classification, we use voting classifiers which are simple and easy to implement. We compared our method to random forest and support vector machines using three benchmark cancer ‘omics datasets with different characteristics. We found our jackknife procedure and voting classifier to perform comparably to these two methods in terms of accuracy. Further, the jackknife procedure yielded stable feature sets. Voting classifiers in combination with a robust feature selection method such as our jackknife procedure offer an effective, simple and intuitive approach to feature selection and classification with a clear extension to clinical applications

    Method for forming articles having deep drawn portions from matted wood flakes

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    An article having non-planar portions, such as a material handling pallet, including a substantially flat deck member and a plurality of hollow leg members projecting integrally from the deck member, is molded as a one-piece unit from a loosely-felted mat formed from a mixture of resinous particle board binder and flake-like wood particles. The leg members are preformed in a separate preform mold or the article forming mold and the mat is deposited on the female die over mold cavities containing the preforms. When the article forming mold is closed, the mat and preforms are compressed into substantially the desired shape and size under temperature and pressure conditions which bond the wood particles of the mat and the preforms together to form a unitary structure.https://digitalcommons.mtu.edu/patents/1091/thumbnail.jp

    Total educational costs of an integrated nursing curriculum

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    Face às inovadoras mudanças na graduação em Enfermagem, houve incorporação de novas metodologias e necessidade de avaliação dos custos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram construir modelo e estimar os custos educacionais de currículo integrado de Enfermagem em uma universidade pública, através de metodologia de estudo de caso - construção do modelo, coleta, análise e interpretação dos dados. O modelo construído constou das etapas: coleta de dados, custos educacionais por série e custos das atividades de apoio, custos educacionais das quatro séries e de suportes educacionais, custos compartilhados e custos educacionais totais. Pelos resultados e discussão vê-se que o custo educacional total anual/aluno foi de US3,788.82.Participaramdocurso97docentes.Aanaˊlisedecustosemhoras−contatodocenteeˊaunidadedecustoqueproporcionafatormaisconsistentedotempodocentegastocominstruc\ca~o.Conclui−sequeoconhecimentodoscustoseducacionaisgerouinformac\co~esquepodemservirparaagesta~odocurrıˊculointegradonaefetivac\ca~odeseusobjetivoseducacionais.ParaenfrentarloscambiosinnovadoresenloscursosdeEnfermerıˊa,fuenecesarioincorporarnuevasmetodologıˊasyevaluarloscostos.LosobjetivosdeesteestudiofueronconstruirunmodeloyestimarloscostoseducativosdelcurrıˊculointegradodeEnfermerıˊaenunauniversidadpuˊblica,atraveˊsdelametodologıˊadeestudiodecaso−construccioˊndemodelo,recoleccioˊn,anaˊlisiseinterpretacioˊndelosdatos.Elmodeloconstruidotuvolassiguientesetapas:recoleccioˊndedatos,costoseducativosporserieycostosdelasactividadesdeapoyo,costoseducativosdelascuatroseriesydesoporteseducacionales,costoscompartidosycostoseducativostotales.Losresultadosyladiscusioˊnmuestranqueelcostoeducacionaltotalanual/alumnofuedeUS 3,788.82. Participaram do curso 97 docentes. A análise de custos em horas-contato docente é a unidade de custo que proporciona fator mais consistente do tempo docente gasto com instrução. Conclui-se que o conhecimento dos custos educacionais gerou informações que podem servir para a gestão do currículo integrado na efetivação de seus objetivos educacionais.Para enfrentar los cambios innovadores en los cursos de Enfermería, fue necesario incorporar nuevas metodologías y evaluar los costos. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron construir un modelo y estimar los costos educativos del currículo integrado de Enfermería en una universidad pública, a través de la metodología de estudio de caso - construcción de modelo, recolección, análisis e interpretación de los datos. El modelo construido tuvo las siguientes etapas: recolección de datos, costos educativos por serie y costos de las actividades de apoyo, costos educativos de las cuatro series y de soportes educacionales, costos compartidos y costos educativos totales. Los resultados y la discusión muestran que el costo educacional total anual/alumno fue de US 3.788,82. Participaron del curso 97 docentes. El análisis de costos en horas-contacto docente es la unidad de costo que proporciona el factor más consistente del tiempo docente utilizado con instrucción. Se concluye que el conocimiento de los costos educativos generó informaciones que pueden servir para la gestión del currículo integrado con la finalidad de hacer efectivos sus objetivos educacionales.Innovative changes in undergraduate Nursing programs have brought about new methodologies and the need for cost evaluation. This study aims to develop a model for cost estimation, and to estimate educational costs of an integrated Nursing curriculum at a public university. This is a case study conducted in stages: model development, data collection, analysis and interpretation. The cost-construction model consisted of six steps: data collection; educational and support activity costs; four-year course educational costs; educational support costs; joint product costs and total educational costs. Findings showed a total educational cost per student/year US$ 3,788.82. Course team faculty included 97 members. The cost analysis in faculty contact hours is the most appropriate cost unit as it most consistently reflects faculty time devoted to teaching. The knowledge about educational costs provided information that may be useful for a different approach to the integrated curriculum management, with a view to putting its educational objectives in practice

    Tectonics of Atlantic Canada

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    The tectonic history of Atlantic Canada is summarized according to a model of multiple ocean opening-closing cycles. The modern North Atlantic Ocean is in the opening phase of its cycle. It was preceded by an early Paleozoic lapetus Ocean whose cycle led to formation of the Appalachian Orogen. lapetus was preceded by the Neoproterozoic Uranus Ocean whose cycle led to formation of the Grenville Orogen. The phenomenon of coincident, or almost coincident orogens and modern continental margins that relate to repeated ocean opening-closing cycles is called the Accordion Effect. An understanding of the North Atlantic Ocean and its continental margins provides insights into the nature of lapetus and the evolution of the Appalachian Orogen. Likewise, an understanding of lapetus and the Appalachian Orogen raises questions about Uranus and the development of the Grenville Orogen. Modern tectonic patterns in the North Atlantic may have been determined by events that began before 1000 m.y. Résumé L'histoire tectonique de la portion atlantique du Canada est présenté comme la résultante d'une série d'ouvertures et de fermetures océaniques. Selon ce modèle tectonique, l'Atlantique nord moderne serait actuellement dans sa phase d'ouverture. Au début du Paléozoïque, le cycle précédent de l'océan lapétus a engendré l'orogène des Appalaches. L'océan lapétus a été précédé au Néoprotérozoïque par l'océan Uranus, dont le cycle d'ouverture-fermeture a engendré l'orogène de Grenville. Le phénomène de coïncidence ou quasi-coïncidence du profil des diverses orogènes et des marges continentale modernes qui correspond aux multiples cycles d'ouvertures-fermetures se nomme l'effet accordéon. La connaissance de l'océan Atlantique nord et de ses marges continentales permet d'appréhender certaines caractéristiques de la nature de l'océan lapétus et de l'orogène appalachîen. De même, une connaissance de l'océan lapétus et de l'orogène appalachîen suscite des pistes de questionnement sur l'océan Uranus et l'orogène de Grenville. Les profils de l'océan Atlantique nord actuelle pourrait bien être le résultat d'événements qui auraient débuté il y a environ 1 000 Ma

    On the theory of Gordan-Noether on homogeneous forms with zero Hessian (Improved version)

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    We give a detailed proof for Gordan-Noether's results in "Ueber die algebraischen Formen, deren Hesse'sche Determinante identisch verschwindet" published in 1876 in Mathematische Annahlen. C. Lossen has written a paper in a similar direction as the present paper, but did not provide a proof for every result. In our paper, every result is proved. Furthermore, our paper is independent of Lossen's paper and includes a considerable number of new observations. An earlier version of this paper has been printed in Proceedings of the School of Science of Tokai University, Vol.49, Mar. 2014. In this version, a serious error has been corrected and some new results have been added
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