2,641 research outputs found

    Modelo lineal censurado con distribuci?n normal y T student

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    25 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nico1. Preliminares 5 1.1. Introducci?n 5 1.2. Marco te?rico 5 1.2.1. Modelo De Regresi?n Lineal Con Respuesta Censurada 6 1.2.2. Algoritmo Newton-Raphson 7 1.2.3. Algoritmo EM 7 2. Distribuci?n Normal 10 2.1. Newton-Raphson 10 2.2. Algoritmo EM 12 3. Distribuci?n t-student 17 3.1. Newton-Raphson 17 3.2. Algoritmo EM 19 4. Aplicaci?n 2

    Quasi-Exact Solvability and the direct approach to invariant subspaces

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    We propose a more direct approach to constructing differential operators that preserve polynomial subspaces than the one based on considering elements of the enveloping algebra of sl(2). This approach is used here to construct new exactly solvable and quasi-exactly solvable quantum Hamiltonians on the line which are not Lie-algebraic. It is also applied to generate potentials with multiple algebraic sectors. We discuss two illustrative examples of these two applications: an interesting generalization of the Lam\'e potential which posses four algebraic sectors, and a quasi-exactly solvable deformation of the Morse potential which is not Lie-algebraic.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    El cuento fant?stico una estrategia did?ctica para fortalecer la competencia interpretativa y la producci?n textual en los estudiantes del grado 4 de la Instituci?n Educativa Escuela Normal Superior sede 4 Dosquebradas Icononzo Tolima

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    99 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn la presente investigaci?n titulada el cuento fant?stico una estrategia did?ctica para fortalecer la competencia interpretativa y la producci?n textual en los estudiantes del grado 4 de la Instituci?n Educativa Escuela Normal Superior sede 4 Dosquebradas Icononzo Tolima, le permiti? al grupo investigador realizar una seria de intervenciones pedag?gicas, empleado como herramienta did?ctica el cuento fant?stico con el ?nico prop?sito de fortalecer al educando con relaci?n a la competencia interpretativa, y sin dejar de lado la producci?n textual. Sin duda alguna se debe denotar el modelo pedag?gico que se orienta en dicha instituci?n, ya que este se encuentra acobijado por la modalidad de Escuela Nueva la cual facilito de una manera u otra la aplicaci?n de la investigaci?n. Por otro lado en las intervenciones pedag?gicas se abarcaron tem?ticas relacionadas con las pruebas saber y la ense?anza de estas mismas. Finalmente el grupo investigador evidencio el impacto del proyect? dentro de la comunidad en general (estudiantes, padres de familia) puesto que este permiti? establecer lasos de comunicaci?n entre las misma comunidad, ya que en su mayor?a las intervenciones pedag?gicas apuntaban a la interacci?n entre educando- educador y el n?cleo familiar, de esta manera se pude afirmar que el cometido inicial de la presente investigaci?n se cumpli? a cabalidad dando a los educandos una nueva forma de ver los cuentos fant?sticos y a su vez fortaleciendo la competencia interpretativa y la producci?n textual en estos.In the present research titled the fantastic story a didactic strategy to strengthen the interpretative competence and the textual production in the students of grade 4 of the Educational Institution Normal High School headquarters 4 Dosquebradas Icononzo Tolima, allowed the investigating group to carry out a series of pedagogical interventions , Used as a didactic tool the fantastic story with the sole purpose of strengthening the student in relation to the interpretive competence, and without neglecting textual production. Undoubtedly, we must denote the pedagogical model that is oriented in this institution, since this one is cuddled by the modality of New School which facilitates of one way or another the application of the investigation. On the other hand in the pedagogic interventions were covered subjects related to the tests knowledge and the teaching of these same ones. Finally, the research group showed the impact of the project within the community in general (students, parents) since it allowed to establish communication links between the same community, since in the majority the pedagogical interventions pointed to the interaction between educando- Educator and the family nucleus, in this way it can be affirmed that the initial task of the present investigation was fully fulfilled giving the students a new way of seeing the fantastic stories and at the same time strengthening the interpretive competence and the textual production in them Keywords: interpretation, textual production, fantastic stories, context

    Estimulaci?n y motivaci?n hacia el gusto y deleite por la literatura infantil

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    127 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa educaci?n inicial tiene como prop?sito fundamental establecer las bases que le permitan al ser humano desarrollarse y fortalecerse integralmente. Bowlby, (1998) establece en su teor?a del apego el v?nculo que se desarrolla en la primera infancia entre los individuos y sus cuidadores. El presente estudio centra su atenci?n en el escaso proceso de acompa?amiento y motivaci?n hacia la literatura infantil en los ni?os y ni?as de 5 a?os del Centro de Desarrollo Infantil de la Fundaci?n Colegio los Pitufos del programa de primera infancia del Instituto Colombiano de bienestar familiar I.C.B.F. CDI. 7 de Agosto. Debido a esta problem?tica, nace la propuesta de implementar una estrategia l?dico-pedag?gica de acompa?amiento, que les permita a los padres de familia, adquirir herramientas apropiadas de acercamiento a los ni?os y ni?as hacia la lectura, y as? propender por un mejor h?bito de lectura. El desarrollo metodol?gico de esta investigaci?n propone un enfoque cualitativo, donde se fundamenta un dise?o metodol?gico de Investigaci?n Acci?n con el tipo de investigaci?n descriptiva. Con dicha metodolog?a se espera tener como resultado un mejor acompa?amiento por parte de los padres y que esto se vea reflejado de manera positiva en su inter?s por la lectura infantil. Con el estudio se ha llegado a comprobar que el h?bito lector de los ni?os ha mejorado notablemente, por la puesta en escena de una estrategia pedag?gica. De la misma manera, ha surgido efecto en la relaci?n docente ?ni?o y padre de familia. Palabras claves: comunicaci?n escolar, acompa?amiento, h?bito lector, estrategia pedag?gica, estimulaci?n, motivaci?n.The basic purpose of initial education is to establish the basis for human beings to integrally develop and strengthen. Bowlby, (1998) establishes, in his attachment theory, the bond that develops in early infancy between individuals and their caregivers. The present study focuses on the limited process of accompaniment and motivation towards children?s literature in 5-year-old children of the Child Development Center Los Pitufos Foundation School of the early childhood program of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare ICBF CDI 7 de Agosto. Due to this problem, the proposal to implement a ludic-pedagogical strategy of accompaniment is born, which allows parents to acquire appropriate tools to bring children closer to reading, and thus to promote better reading habits. The methodological development of this research proposes a qualitative approach, with an Action Research descriptive methodological design. This methodology is expected to result in better accompaniment by parents that is positively reflected in their interest in children literature. This study allowed to verify that children reading habits have remarkably improved, by the staging of a pedagogical strategy. In the same way, there has been an effect on the teacher-child-parent relationship. Keywords: school communication, accompaniment, reading habit, pedagogical strategy, stimulation, motivation

    Systemic Effects Induced by Hyperoxia in a Preclinical Model of Intra-abdominal Sepsis

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    Supplemental oxygen is a supportive treatment in patients with sepsis to balance tissue oxygen delivery and demand in the tissues. However, hyperoxia may induce some pathological effects. We sought to assess organ damage associated with hyperoxia and its correlation with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in a preclinical model of intra-abdominal sepsis. For this purpose, sepsis was induced in male, Sprague-Dawley rats by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). We randomly assigned experimental animals to three groups: control (healthy animals), septic (CLP), and sham-septic (surgical intervention without CLP). At 18 h after CLP, septic (n = 39), sham-septic (n = 16), and healthy (n = 24) animals were placed within a sealed Plexiglas cage and randomly distributed into four groups for continuous treatment with 21%, 40%, 60%, or 100% oxygen for 24 h. At the end of the experimental period, we evaluated serum levels of cytokines, organ damage biomarkers, histological examination of brain and lung tissue, and ROS production in each surviving animal. We found that high oxygen concentrations increased IL-6 and biomarkers of organ damage levels in septic animals, although no relevant histopathological lung or brain damage was observed. Healthy rats had an increase in IL-6 and aspartate aminotransferase at high oxygen concentration. IL-6 levels, but not ROS levels, are correlated with markers of organ damage. In our study, the use of high oxygen concentrations in a clinically relevant model of intra-abdominal sepsis was associated with enhanced inflammation and organ damage. These findings were unrelated to ROS release into circulation. Hyperoxia could exacerbate sepsis-induced inflammation, and it could be by itself detrimental. Our study highlights the need of developing safer thresholds for oxygen therapy

    Silica coating for interphase bond enhancement of carbon and AR-glass Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM)

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    In this paper, we investigate the effect of silica nano-coating for interphase bond enhancement on the mechanical performance of Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) composite materials aimed at structural rehabilitation and strengthening. Alkali-resistant glass (ARG) and carbon fabric reinforcements are preliminarily treated via sol-gel deposition of SiO2coating to promote bond formation capability with the mortar matrix. Optical and electron microscopy provide evidence of interphase bond enhancement. Mechanical performance is assessed both in traction, through uni-axial elongation of prismatic coupons, and in flexure, by three-point bending of laminated masonry bricks. Results are given in terms of mean strength curves, ultimate and design strength and strain values, cracked and uncracked moduli, mean crack spacing, mean crack width and energy dissipation. It is shown that mean absolute performance of silica coating offers a significant improvement over uncoated fabric, yet it is inferior to that of specimens which have been treated with a liquid partially-organic adhesion promoter (polymer coating). However, when design values are considered which incorporate the dispersion of experimental data, silica coating proves superior or at least equivalent to polymer coating, respectively for carbon and ARG fabric. These promising results describe the first application of silica nano-coating to fabric reinforced composite materials
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