272 research outputs found

    Comunidades quilombolas na Constitui??o Federal de 1988: desafios na constru??o de pol?ticas p?blicas implementadoras de direitos fundamentais ?multiculturais?? um estudo de caso em Serro/MG

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    Linha de pesquisa: Pol?tica, cultura e sociedade.A presente pesquisa visa apresentar possibilidades te?ricas, capazes de vislumbrar caminhos a percorrer na constru??o de pol?ticas p?blicas implementadoras de direitos fundamentais multiculturais de grupos minorit?rios e comunidades tradicionais. Neste ?nterim, partiremos de um racioc?nio demonstrativo, embasado em vasta literatura sobre comunidades quilombolas, onde ser?o apresentados os instrumentos legislativos de prote??o dos seus direitos fundamentais, culturais e territoriais. Discutiremos a inter-rela??o entre cidadania e direitos humanos, bem como a necessidade de reconhecimento formal do Estado Pluri?tnico Brasileiro e suas implica??es na constru??o de uma cidadania multicultural de minorias vulner?veis. Faremos ainda, um breve levantamento das pol?ticas p?blicas Federais, Estaduais e Municipais para promo??o e inclus?o social de afrodescendentes. Apresentaremos por fim, um estudo de caso, onde ser? adotado o m?todo qualitativo com an?lise de conte?do dos dados coletados na Prefeitura Municipal de Serro/MG, mas especificamente nas Atas das reuni?es do Conselho Municipal de Desenvolvimento Social das Comunidades Remanescentes de Quilombos da cidade de Serro. Mapearemos as demandas das comunidades quilombolas, bem como as a??es do poder p?blico municipal para garantir os direitos fundamentais das comunidades quilombolas ali existentes, quais sejam: Ba?, Ausente, Vila Nova, Queimadas e Santa Cruz.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias Humanas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016.This research presents theoretical possibilities, able to envision ways to go in building implementing public policies of multicultural fundamental rights of minority groups and traditional communities. In the meantime, we leave a demonstrative reasoning, based on extensive literature on quilombo communities where the legislative instruments for the protection of their fundamental rights, cultural and territorial will be presented. We will discuss the interrelationship between citizenship and human rights, as well as the need for formal recognition of the State multiethnic Brazilian and its implications for the construction of a multicultural citizenship of vulnerable minorities. We will also have a brief survey of public policy Federal, State and Municipal for promotion and social inclusion of African descent. Present finally a case study, which will be adopted the qualitative method of data content analysis collected in the Municipality of Serro/MG, but specifically in the Minutes of meetings of Social Development Municipal Council of Quilombo Remnants Communities of city of Serro. We will map the demands of the quilombo communities, as well as the actions of the municipal government to guarantee the fundamental rights of quilombo communities therein, namely: Ba?, Ausente, Vila Nova, Queimadas and Santa Cruz

    Lattice microstructure design for cathode electrodes for high-performance lithium-ion batteries

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    The electrode geometry is an essential parameter affecting the cycling performance of batteries. In this work, the effect of lattice geometry of the cathode electrode on battery performance was studied by theoretical simulations keeping its volume constant. It was observed that the variation of the lattice geometry improves the cycling performance when compared to conventional planar geometry. The improvement of the cycling performance in the lattice geometry is related to variations in the electrolyte current density. It was demonstrated that the lattice geometry allows to improve the discharge performance in lithium-ion batteries at higher discharge rates.511F-603F-4B30 | Francisco MirandaN/

    A gis-based tool for estimating soil loss in agricultural river basins.

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    Soil erosion is a major problem observed in terrestrial ecosystems. Monitoring and identifying potential areas for erosion becomes extremely important for the better management of these areas. The main aim of this study was to develop a Geographic Information System script tool based on the universal soil loss equation (USLE), which calculates soil loss in three large agricultural sub-basins. Algorithms were implemented in the graphical interface of ModelBuilder and later in Python programming language, thus allowing the creation of a specific script to calculate soil loss in an automatic way. The "USLE Paracatu Watershed" script was validated and proved to be effective in estimating erosion in the three sub-basins with an average processing time of half second per km2. This can be added via "ArcToolbox" toolbox in ArcGIS software, so that the user only has to add the variables of the USLE equation and the software will process the algorithms in an automatic way, generating the final map with the soil loss value (t/ha.year). The friendly interface of the script allows it to be used in any area, only requiring the user to enter the updated data of parameters that compose the equation

    Vibration behavior of thin-walled steel members subjected to uniform bending.

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    This article reports the results of an investigation on the effects of internal moments on the vibration behavior of thin-walled steel members. The analyses are based on the Generalized Beam Theory (GBT), a thin-walled bar theory accounting for crosssection in-plane deformations ? its main distinctive feature is the representation of the member deformed configuration by means of a linear combination of cross-section deformation modes, multiplied by their longitudinal amplitude functions. The study concerns a simply supported T-section (with unequal flanges) members exhibiting a wide range of lengths and subjected to uniform internal moment diagrams ? their magnitudes are specified as percentages of the corresponding critical buckling values. After providing a brief overview of the main concepts and procedures involved in performing a GBT-based structural analysis, the vibration behavior of load-free and loaded T-section members is addressed ? the influence of the applied loadings is assessed in terms of (i) the fundamental frequency difference and (ii) the change in the corresponding vibration mode shape. For validation purposes, some GBT results are compared with values yielded by shell finite element analysis performed in the code ABAQUS (Simulia, 2008)

    Intake and digestibility of silages of Brachiaria brizantha cv marandu with additives

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    Avaliaram-se o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente da mat?ria seca, da prote?na bruta e da energia e o balan?o de nitrog?nio de silagens de Brachiaria brizantha cvmarandusem aditivos (T1), B. brizantha cvmarandu + inoculante bacteriano Sil-ALL C4 (T2), B. brizantha cvmarandu + inoculante bacteriano Bactosilo C Tropical (T3) e B. brizantha cvmarandu + 30% de cana-de-a??car (T4) em ovinos. N?o foram observadas diferen?as no consumo de mat?ria seca (MS), prote?na bruta (PB), energia bruta (EB), energia digest?vel (ED) e energia metaboliz?vel (EM) entre os tratamentos (P>0,05). Os maiores valores de digestibilidade aparente da MS, PB e EB foram para o T2, de 60,9%, 44,3% e 57,5%, respectivamente, e os menores para o T4, 53,0%, 30,0% e 49,5%, respectivamente (P0.05). The highest apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and crude energy were observed for T2, being 60.8%, 44.2% and 57.5%, respectively, and the lowest for T4, with 53.0%, 30.0% and 49.5%, respectively (P<0.05). All treatments showed positive nitrogen balance and did not differ among them. The use of an inoculant or sugar cane did not result in voluntary intake increase of dry matter, fibrous fractions and energy of silages. The inoculant Sil ALL C4 was efficient in increasing the intake and digestibility of CP and nitrogen balance

    Avaliando os impactos das atividades de minera??o sobre a diversidade funcional do zoopl?ncton.

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    Mining activities generate countless environmental impacts, including heavy-metal contamination, sorting and increased turbidity. In aquatic ecosystems these impacts can drastically affect the initial links of the food chain, such as zooplankton. Methods: To evaluate how the different mining activities can influence the structure and functional diversity of zooplankton, we investigated the geochemical characteristics of the water and sediment in two small impoundments impacted by different mining activities (kaolin and iron extraction). We also explored zooplankton composition, species diversity and functional diversity (feeding guilds taxa). Results: As expected, the water and the sediment of both of the reservoirs showed high concentrations of trace elements, particularly Al, Ba, Fe, Mg, Mn, Sr and Zn. Zooplankton biomass and diversity were markedly reduced (< 12 ?g.DW.L-1 and H? < 1.5, respectively), and negatively correlated with turbidity and total suspended solids. Small microphages dominated the trophic composition of zooplankton, and an alternation of trophic guilds was not observed, since the dynamics of raptorial organisms was essentially linked to the temporal fluctuation of a single species of rotifer (Polyarthra cf. dolichoptera). Conclusions: In addition to changes in the aquatic habitat and zooplankton composition, the functional niches were also affected by the mining impacts. The use of the functional diversity analysis can emerge as a valuable approach to understand how zooplankton communities respond to drastic environmental changes

    Nutrition status and quantification of blood minerals by TXRF spectroscopy in vegetarian and non-vegetarian university students.

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    This study investigated whether university students following a vegetarian diet differed from non-vegetarian students in nutrient intake, biochemical, hematological and blood mineral profile of nutritionally relevant elements. In total, 107 students from a university, following either a non-vegetarian or a vegetarian diet for at least 1 year prior to the study, were recruited in two stages, setting up two experiments. Nutrient intake (experiment 1, n = 58), and biochemical and hematological parameters (experiment 2, n = 49) were evaluated. TXRF spectroscopy was used for determination of trace elements in whole blood. Vegetarians showed differences in nutrient intake, mainly higher consumption of unsaturated fatty acids and fiber. No significant differences in the biochemical and hematological parameters were found. The prevalence of abnormal parameters in a considerable number of vegetarians and non-vegetarians were found, mainly regarding high density lipoprotein (HDL-c) and total cholesterol (TC). TXRF spectroscopy proved to be a simple tool for determining nutrition-relevant elements (K, Fe, Cu and Zn) in blood samples. The high incidence of abnormal parameters, regardless of the dietary pattern, raises concern about the high prevalence of bad eating habits among young university students. Particularly for the vegetarian students, these results may partly counteract the beneficial lifestyle of a vegetarian diet evidenced by previous studies. It is important for students to be aware of its potential nutritional limitations. In this context, food and nutrition education programs in the academic context could contribute to set up autonomous and healthy subjects, regardless of the diet chosen

    Perinatal factors associated with developmental defects of enamel in primary teeth: a case-control study

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    The present study was designed to evaluate associations between developmental defects of enamel (DDE) in the primary dentition and aspects related to mothers and preschoolers in the city of Diamantina, Brazil. A case-control study was carried out involving children aged three to fve years. The case group was composed of 104 children with at least one dental surface affected by DDE. The control group comprised 105 children without DDE, matched for gender and age. The diagnosis of enamel defects was performed using the Developmental Defects of Enamel Index. Information was collected through interviews investigating socio-demographic aspects, gestation, birth weight, prematurity and breastfeeding. Simple and multiple regression analyses were performed, providing unadjusted and adjusted prevalence ratios (Poisson regression). DDE were more prevalent among children who had not been breastfed (PR =?1.57; 95% CI: 1.1?2.2) and those whose mothers were under 24 years of age at the birth of the child (PR =?1.41; 95% CI: 1.1?1.9). The prevalence of DDE in the primary dentition was higher among children who had not been breastfed and those whose mothers were under 24 years of age at the birth of the child