265 research outputs found

    Proprioceptive feedback facilitates motor imagery-related operant learning of sensorimotor β-band modulation

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    Motor imagery (MI) activates the sensorimotor system independent of actual movements and might be facilitated by neurofeedback. Knowledge on the interaction between feedback modality and the involved frequency bands during MI-related brain self-regulation is still scarce. Previous studies compared the cortical activity during the MI task with concurrent feedback (MI with feedback condition) to cortical activity during the relaxation task where no feedback was provided (relaxation without feedback condition). The observed differences might, therefore, be related to either the task or the feedback. A proper comparison would necessitate studying a relaxation condition with feedback and a MI task condition without feedback as well. Right-handed healthy subjects performed two tasks, i.e., MI and relaxation, in alternating order. Each of the tasks (MI vs. relaxation) was studied with and without feedback. The respective event-driven oscillatory activity, i.e., sensorimotor desynchronization (during MI) or synchronization (during relaxation), was rewarded with contingent feedback. Importantly, feedback onset was delayed to study the task-related cortical activity in the absence of feedback provision during the delay period. The reward modality was alternated every 15 trials between proprioceptive and visual feedback. Proprioceptive input was superior to visual input to increase the range of task-related spectral perturbations in the α- and β-band, and was necessary to consistently achieve MI-related sensorimotor desynchronization (ERD) significantly below baseline. These effects occurred in task periods without feedback as well. The increased accuracy and duration of learned brain self-regulation achieved in the proprioceptive condition was specific to the β-band. MI-related operant learning of brain self-regulation is facilitated by proprioceptive feedback and mediated in the sensorimotor β-band

    Long‐term effects of pallidal and thalamic deep brain stimulation in myoclonus dystonia

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    Objective: Observational study to evaluate long-term effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the globus pallidus internus (GPi) and the ventral intermediate thalamic nucleus (VIM) on patients with medically refractory myoclonus dystonia (MD). Background: More recently, pallidal as well as thalamic DBS have been applied successfully in MD but long-term data are sparse. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed a cohort of seven MD patients with either separate (n = 1, VIM) or combined GPi- DBS and VIM-DBS (n = 6). Myoclonus, dystonia and disability were rated at baseline (BL), short-term (ST-FU) and long-term follow-up (LT-FU) using the United Myoclonus Rating Scale, Burke-Fahn-Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale (BFMDRS) and Tsui rating scale, respectively. Quality of life (QoL) and mood were evaluated using the SF-36 and Beck Depression Inventory questionnaires, respectively. Results: Patients reached a significant reduction of myoclonus at ST-FU (62% ± 7.3%; mean ± SE) and LT-FU (68% ± 3.4%). While overall motor BFMDRS changes were not significant at LT-FU, patients with GPi-DBS alone responded better and predominant cervical dystonia ameliorated significantly up to 54% ± 9.7% at long-term. Mean disability scores significantly improved by 44% ± 11.4% at ST-FU and 58% ± 14.8% at LT-FU. Mood and QoL remained unchanged between 5 and up to 20 years postoperatively. No serious long-lasting stimulation-related adverse events were observed. Conclusions: We present a cohort of MD patients with very long follow-up of pallidal and/or thalamic DBS that supports the GPi as the favourable stimulation target in MD with safe and sustaining effects on motor symptoms (myoclonus>dystonia) and disability

    Thermal Investigation of Stormwater Management Ponds

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    Abstract Stormwater management wet ponds increase runoff temperatures in discharge waters during summer months. These increases in temperatures adversely affect receiving urban stream ecosystems. Monitoring results for three summers (2009 to 2011) from four stormwater management ponds in the cities of Guelph and Kitchener, Ontario are employed to advance our knowledge of key design parameters that influence the thermal enrichment of stormwater discharges. An artificial neural network model was developed to predict the event mean temperature at the pond outlet. The artificial neural network model explains 99% of the variability in outlet event temperature. Sensitivity analyses show that increasing the permanent pond volume from 2 000 m³ to 4 000 m³ results in an average increase of 5 °C in outlet event mean temperature. Similarly, increasing the travel path ratio from 0.6 m to 1.2 m confirmed an average increase of 6 °C in outlet event mean temperature. In addition, ponds with average depths >1.0 m can result in significant decreases in pond outlet water temperature when using bottom draw structures. The results can lead to the promotion of the design of deeper ponds with bottom draw outlets and smaller travel path ratios. However, the implications of this approach on other performance criteria should be evaluated

    Increased coherence among striatal regions in the theta range during attentive wakefulness

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    The striatum, the largest component of the basal ganglia, is usually subdivided into associative, motor and limbic components. However, the electrophysiological interactions between these three subsystems during behavior remain largely unknown. We hypothesized that the striatum might be particularly active during exploratory behavior, which is presumably associated with increased attention. We investigated the modulation of local field potentials (LFPs) in the striatum during attentive wakefulness in freely moving rats. To this end, we implanted microelectrodes into different parts of the striatum of Wistar rats, as well as into the motor, associative and limbic cortices. We then used electromyograms to identify motor activity and analyzed the instantaneous frequency, power spectra and partial directed coherence during exploratory behavior. We observed fine modulation in the theta frequency range of striatal LFPs in 92.5 ± 2.5% of all epochs of exploratory behavior. Concomitantly, the theta power spectrum increased in all striatal channels (P < 0.001), and coherence analysis revealed strong connectivity (coefficients &gt;0.7) between the primary motor cortex and the rostral part of the caudatoputamen nucleus, as well as among all striatal channels (P < 0.001). Conclusively, we observed a pattern of strong theta band activation in the entire striatum during attentive wakefulness, as well as a strong coherence between the motor cortex and the entire striatum. We suggest that this activation reflects the integration of motor, cognitive and limbic systems during attentive wakefulness

    Определение содержания тетрациклина в молоке методом капиллярного электрофореза

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    Mentalizing, i.e. the process of inferring another person's mental state, is thought to be primarily subserved by three brain regions, the VMPFC (ventromedial prefrontal cortex), precuneus and TPJ (temporo-parietal junction). However, it is still unclear what the exact roles of these regions in mentalizing are. Here, we compare activity within, and functional connectivity between, the VMPFC, precuneus and TPJ during two different mentalizing tasks. Specifically, we examine whether inferring another person's emotion (“emotion mentalizing”) and inferring another person's intention (“intention mentalizing”) activate similar or distinct subregions within the VMPFC, precuneus and TPJ, and whether these different kinds of mentalizing are associated with different patterns of functional connectivity between these regions. Our results indicate that emotion mentalizing and intention mentalizing activate partly distinct subregions of the right and left TPJ that can be spatially separated across participants. These subregions also showed different patterns of functional connectivity with the VMPFC: a more anterior region of the right and left TPJ, which was more strongly activated during emotion mentalizing, showed stronger functional connectivity with the VMPFC, particularly during emotion mentalizing, than a more posterior region that was more strongly activated during intention mentalizing. Critically, this double dissociation became evident only when the fine-scale distribution of activity within activated regions was analysed, and despite the fact that there was also a significant overlap of activity during the two tasks. Our findings provide first evidence that different neural modules might have evolved within the TPJ that show distinct patterns of functional connectivity and might subserve slightly different subfunctions of mentalizing


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    Abstract. Brain-Computer Interfaces based on electrocorticography (ECoG) or electroencephalography (EEG), in combination with robot-assisted active physical therapy, may support traditional rehabilitation procedures for patients with severe motor impairment due to cerebrovascular brain damage caused by stroke. In this short report, we briefly review the state-of-the art in this exciting new field, give an overview of the work carried out at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics and the University of Tübingen, and discuss challenges that need to be addressed in order to move from basic research to clinical studies. Current rehabilitation methods for patients with severe motor impairment due to cerebrovascular brain damage are limited in providing significant long-term functional recovery. In stroke patients, functional recovery beyond one year post-stroke is rare (Johnston et al. [2004]), and functional independence often displays a long-term decline (Dhamoon et al. [2009]). As such, novel strategies in stroke rehabilitation are required. Robot-assisted physical therapy (Riener et al. [2005]) and motor imagery (Dijkerman et al. [2004], Page et al. [2007]) have been shown to be beneficial in stroke rehabilitation

    New Variant of Varicella-Zoster Virus

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    In 1998, a varicella-zoster virus glycoprotein E (gE) mutant virus (VZV-MSP) was isolated from a child with chickenpox. VZV-MSP, representing a second VZV serotype, was considered a rarity. We isolated another VZV-MSP-like virus from an elderly man with herpes zoster. These gE mutant viruses may have arisen through independent mutation or may represent a distinct VZV subpopulation that emerged more than 50 years ago

    Transition from the locked in to the completely locked-in state: A physiological analysis

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    h i g h l i g h t s This represents the first documentation of transition of a patient with ALS from the Locked In State the to Completely Locked In State, and the first EMG documentation of loss of all muscle activities, including sphincter function, but with retained cognition as measured with ERPs. In this patient, any stimulation, communication or learning using visual and tactile stimuli was lost. Visual BCI was useless. The findings suggest ALS as a multisystem disorder, even affecting afferent sensory pathways. a b s t r a c t Objective: To clarify the physiological and behavioral boundaries between locked-in (LIS) and the completely locked-in state (CLIS) (no voluntary eye movements, no communication possible) through electrophysiological data and to secure brain-computer-interface (BCI) communication. Methods: Electromyography from facial muscles, external anal sphincter (EAS), electrooculography and electrocorticographic data during different psychophysiological tests were acquired to define electrophysiological differences in an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patient with an intracranially implanted grid of 112 electrodes for nine months while the patient passed from the LIS to the CLIS. Results: At the very end of the LIS there was no facial muscle activity, nor external anal sphincter but eye control. Eye movements were slow and lasted for short periods only. During CLIS event related brain potentials (ERP) to passive limb movements and auditory stimuli were recorded, vibrotactile stimulation of different body parts resulted in no ERP response. Conclusions: The results presented contradict the commonly accepted assumption that the EAS is the last remaining muscle under voluntary control and demonstrate complete loss of eye movements in CLIS. The eye muscle was shown to be the last muscle group under voluntary control. The findings suggest ALS as a multisystem disorder, even affecting afferent sensory pathways. Significance: Auditory and proprioceptive brain-computer-interface (BCI) systems are the only remaining communication channels in CLIS