471 research outputs found

    Uso pedag?gico del celular en el aula

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    144 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoUso pedag?gico del celular en el aula es un estudio cuyo prop?sito fue estimar la tenencia de tel?fonos celulares por parte de estudiantes y profesores de la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica Francisco Manzanera Henr?quez de la ciudad de Girardot, as? como caracterizar sus procesos de interacci?n social y de interactividad con la informaci?n. Para ello, se seleccion? una muestra al azar con 47.83% del total de estudiantes y 37.5% del total de profesores a quienes se les aplic? una encuesta para recuperar informaci?n sobre tales aspectos. Los hallazgos muestran que 64.7% de los estudiantes y 72.2% de los profesores cuentan con un tel?fono celular del tipo smartphone. Respecto a la interacci?n social, los estudiantes se?alaron las actividades para llegar a acuerdos, para organizar tareas y para aclarar aspectos escolares como las principales; mientras que los profesores utilizan dicho dispositivo para comunicarse con colegas o para acordar actividades con los estudiantes. Respecto a la interactividad con informaci?n, tanto estudiantes como profesores se?alaron la b?squeda y recuperaci?n como las principales actividades escolares realizadas desde su tel?fono celular. Se vislumbra un escenario id?neo para propiciar eventos de ense?anza-aprendizaje con mediaci?n de tales dispositivos. Sin embargo, es necesario ampliar las investigaciones para orientar la mediaci?n de estos dispositivos en el proceso educativo.ABSTRACT Pedagogical use of the phone in the classroom is a study whose purpose was to estimate the holding cell phones by students and teachers of the Instituci?n Eductaiva T?cnica Francisco Manzanera Henriquez of the Girardot city, as well as characterize the processes of social interaction and interaction with the information. For this, To do this, a random sample with 47.83% of students and 37.5% of teachers who were given a survey to retrieve information about such aspects were selected. The findings show that 64.7% of students and 72.2% of teachers have a cell phone type smartphone. Regarding social interaction, students signalized to reach agreements, organizing tasks and to clarify issues such as school principal while teachers use the device to communicate with colleagues or to arrange activities with students. Regarding the interaction with information, students and teachers showed that the search and retrieval as the main school activities from your cell phone. An ideal scenario is envisioned to promote teaching and learning events mediated by such devices. However, additional research is needed to guide the mediation of these devices in the educational process.INTRODUCCI?N 14 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 16 1.1 DESCRIPCI?N DEL PROBLEMA 16 1.1.1 Primera Generaci?n 16 1.1.2 Segunda Generaci?n 16 1.1.3 Tercera Generaci?n 16 1.1.4 Cuarta Generaci?n 16 2. ANTECEDENTES 20 2.1 ANTECEDENTES NACIONALES 20 2.1.1 Antecedentes Internacionales 22 2.2 PREGUNTA DE INVESTIGACI?N 23 3. OBJETIVOS 24 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 24 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 24 4. JUSTIFICACI?N 25 5. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 27 5.1 MARCO NORMATIVO O LEGAL 27 5.1.1 Telecomunicaciones en Colombia 27 Derechos de Autor 28 Protecci?n a la Propiedad Intelectual 28 Normatividad. 28 6 P?g. 6. MARCO TE?RICO 44 6.1 TECNOLOG?A MOTIVADORA 44 6.2 EL ESTUDIANTE ACTUAL EN LA NUEVA SOCIEDAD DE LA TECNOLOG?A. 48 6.3 RECONSIDERACIONES DE M?TODOS Y CONTENIDOS 50 6.3.1 Las Metodolog?as 52 6.3.2 Los Contenidos Curriculares 52 6.4 MARCO INSTITUCIONAL. 59 6.4.1 Identificaci?n del Plantel 59 6.4.2 Misi?n Institucional 61 6.4.3 Visi?n Institucional. 62 Perfil del Estudiante 62 Perfil del Docente. 63 7. METODOLOG?A 63 7.1 DISE?O METODOL?GICO DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 63 7.2 DESCRIPCI?N DE LA POBLACI?N 63 7.3 T?CNICAS E INSTRUMENTOS PARA REALIZAR EL SEGUIMIENTO 66 7.3.1 Enfoque Cualitativo de la Investigaci?n 66 7.3.2 T?cnica Cualitativa para el An?lisis del Discurso 70 7.4 PROCESO DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 73 7.5 UNIDAD DE AN?LISIS 75 7.6 UNIDAD DE TRABAJO 76 7.6.1 Caracterizaci?n de la Unidad de Trabajo 76 Fuentes de la Informaci?n 76 8. AN?LISIS DE LA INFORMACI?N 77 8.1 CARACTER?STICAS GENERALES DE LOS PARTICIPANTES 77 8.2 TENENCIA Y USO DE SMARTPHONES 79 7 P?g. 8.3 AN?LISIS POR GRADOS 81 8.3.1 Grados S?ptimos 93 8.3.2 Grados Octavos 98 8.3.3 Grados Novenos 103 Mayor Utilizaci?n del Potencial Intelectual 106 Motivaci?n Intr?nseca 106 8.3.4 Grados Decimos 108 8.3.5 Grados Onces 115 Ventajas del M-Learning 119 8.4 DOCENTES 121 8.5 HALLAZGOS 126 9. CONCLUSIONES 128 RECOMENDACIONES 130 REFERENCIAS 132 ANEXOS 13

    Negociaci?n de bonos de reconocimiento en el mercado de valores peruano

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    Transcurridos 18 a?os de la creaci?n de los bonos de reconocimiento, que contienen un beneficio reconocido por el Estado a los trabajadores que optaron por trasladarse del Sistema Nacional de Pensiones (SNP) al Sistema Privado de Pensiones (SPP), nunca se dio la norma que autorizara su negociaci?n y hasta ahora no se ha transferido ninguno de estos t?tulos. El Estado ha venido pagando las obligaciones a trav?s de la Oficina de Normalizaci?n Previsional (ONP), pero los a?os de indecisi?n o burocracia han impedido que los tenedores de estos bonos puedan lograr beneficios mayores. Ante este panorama, es necesario revisar la normativa dada por las diferentes instituciones relacionadas con los bonos de reconocimiento y que ha generado algunas condiciones para la promulgaci?n en el futuro de una norma que sea la plataforma de lanzamiento de estos t?tulos en el mercado secundario de bonos. El principal objetivo de esta investigaci?n es analizar la factibilidad de negociar estos bonos como valores mobiliarios en el mercado secundario de valores de renta fija, tanto para generar mayor liquidez en el mercado de capitales peruano como para beneficiar a los afiliados de las AFP con mayores r?ditos, con lo que acumular?n mayores montos para su jubilaci?n. Se abordan aspectos conceptuales sobre los bonos de reconocimiento y se analiza y compara el mercado de deuda de valores mobiliarios a trav?s de las experiencias de Chile, El Salvador y Colombi

    Mild to moderate hypersensitivity reactions to beta-lactams in children: a single-centre retrospective review.

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    Objective: Beta-lactam (BL) antibiotics are the most reported drugs in hypersensitivity reactions in children. More than 90% of these children tolerate the suspected drug after diagnostic work-up. Skin tests (STs) show low sensitivity. Our aim was to assess the performance of drug provocation tests (DPTs) without previous ST in mild and moderate delayed reactions and to propose a new DPT protocol. Design of the study: Charts from 213 children under 15 years of age referred for suspected BL allergy from 2011 to 1013 were reviewed. Prick, intradermal and patch tests were performed with major determinant penicilloyl-polylysine, minor determinant mixture, amoxicillin (AMX), cefuroxime, penicillin G and AMX-clavulamate. Children with negative skin tests underwent DPT. After an initial full dose of antibiotic, DPT was carried on for 3 days at home in patients reacting within the first 3 days of treatment. If the reaction took place from day 4 on of treatment, patients took the antibiotic for 5 days. Results: We included 108 girls and 105 boys. Mean age at the time of reaction was 3.66+/-3.06 years. 195 patients (91.5%) reacted to one BL. 154 reactions (67.2%) were non-immediate. Mild to moderate skin manifestations were most frequently reported. AMX-clavulanate was the most frequently involved (63.4%). DPT confirmed the diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity in 17 (7.3%) cases. These 17 patients had negative ST. Conclusion: In mild and moderate cases of BL hypersensitivity, diagnosis can be performed by DPT without previous ST

    A prospective study of the clinical outcomes and prognosis associated with comorbid COPD in the atrial fibrillation population

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    Background: Patients with COPD are at higher risk of presenting with atrial fibrillation (AF). Information about clinical outcomes and optimal medical treatment of AF in the setting of COPD remains missing. We aimed to describe the prevalence of COPD in a sizeable cohort of real-world AF patients belonging to the same healthcare area and to examine the relationship between comorbid COPD and AF prognosis. Methods: Prospective analysis performed in a specific healthcare area. Data were obtained from several sources within the "data warehouse of the Galician Healthcare Service" using multiple analytical tools. Statistical analyses were completed using SPSS 19 and STATA 14.0. Results: A total of 7,990 (2.08%) patients with AF were registered throughout 2013 in our healthcare area (n=348,985). Mean age was 76.83+/-10.51 years and 937 (11.7%) presented with COPD. COPD patients had a higher mean CHA2DS2-VASc (4.21 vs 3.46; P=0.02) and received less beta-blocker and more digoxin therapy than those without COPD. During a mean follow-up of 707+/-103 days, 1,361 patients (17%) died. All-cause mortality was close to two fold higher in the COPD group (28.3% vs 15.5%; P<0.001). Independent predictive factors for all-cause mortality were age, heart failure, diabetes, previous thromboembolic event, dementia, COPD, and oral anticoagulation (OA). There were nonsignificant differences in thromboembolic events (1.7% vs 1.5%; P=0.7), but the rate of hemorrhagic events was significantly higher in the COPD group (3.3% vs 1.9%; P=0.004). Age, valvular AF, OA, and COPD were independent predictive factors for hemorrhagic events. In COPD patients, age, heart failure, vasculopathy, lack of OA, and lack of beta-blocker use were independent predictive factors for all-cause mortality. Conclusion: AF patients with COPD have a higher incidence of adverse events with significantly increased rates of all-cause mortality and hemorrhagic events than AF patients without COPD. However, comorbid COPD was not associated with differences in cardiovascular death or stroke rate. OA and beta-blocker treatment presented a risk reduction in mortality while digoxin use exerted a neutral effect

    Interplay between detrital and diagenetic processes since the last glacial maximum on the northwest Iberian continental shelf

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Quaternary Research 73 (2010): 507-520, doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2010.02.003.Integrated analyses of magnetic, geochemical and textural data on six cores from the northwestern Iberian continental shelf allowed the reconstruction of the paleoenvironmental evolution of this area since the last glacial maximum (LGM). Four sedimentary units were identified, representing a succession from fluvial and subaerial settings to high and finally low-energy marine deposits subsequent to the post-LGM sea evel rise. The uppermost unit was deposited during the Holocene and its magnetic properties were controlled by the interplay between detrital input and early diagenetic reductive dissolution of magnetic minerals. Identification of a primary steady-state early diagenetic signal allowed the recognition of periods of increased detrital input bounded by intervals of lower detrital input and intensified reductive diagenesis related related to upwelling intensifications in the area. These paleoenvironmental alternations are consistent with the climatic evolution of the late Holocene. During the Roman Warm Period (RWP) and Medieval Warm Period (MWP), the combined effect of greater humidity and intense agricultural and mining activities led to a greater erosion and transport of detrital sediments to the shelf. In contrast, enhanced diagenetic reduction intervals, caused by upwelling intensification, were roughly coincident with the colder Dark Ages (DA) and the Little Ice Age (LIA).Contribution to projects CTM2007-61227/MAR and REN2003-02822 funded by the Spanish MICINN. Partial contribution to projects PGIDIT06TAM31201PR and IN825B funded by Xunta de Galicia and NACSA 236962 and ANCORIM funded by the EU. The EU Paleostudies program funded the stay of Kais J. Mohamed in Bremen. K. J. Mohamed wishes to acknowledge joint funding from the Fulbright Program and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and the Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships within the 7th European Community Framework Programme

    Incorporation of Tb and Gd improves the diagnostic functionality of magnetotactic bacteria

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    Magnetotactic bacteria are envisaged as potential theranostic agents. Their internal magnetic compass, chemical environment specificity and natural motility enable these microorganisms to behave as nanorobots, as they can be tracked and guided towards specific regions in the body and activated to generate a therapeutic response. Here we provide additional diagnostic functionalities to magnetotactic bacteria Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR 1 while retaining their intrinsic capabilities. These additional functionalities are achieved by incorporating Tb or Gd in the bacteria by culturing them in Tb Gd supplemented media. The incorporation of Tb provides luminescence properties, enabling potential applications of bacteria as biomarkers. The incorporation of Gd turns bacteria into dual contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging, since Gd adds T1 contrast to the existing T2 contrast of unmodified bacteria. Given their potential clinical applications, the diagnostic ability of the modified MSR 1 has been successfully tested in vitro in two cell models, confirming their suitability as fluorescent markers Tb MSR 1 and dual contrast agents for MRI Gd MSR

    MitoGenesisDB: an expression data mining tool to explore spatio-temporal dynamics of mitochondrial biogenesis

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    Mitochondria constitute complex and flexible cellular entities, which play crucial roles in normal and pathological cell conditions. The database MitoGenesisDB focuses on the dynamic of mitochondrial protein formation through global mRNA analyses. Three main parameters confer a global view of mitochondrial biogenesis: (i) time-course of mRNA production in highly synchronized yeast cell cultures, (ii) microarray analyses of mRNA localization that define translation sites and (iii) mRNA transcription rate and stability which characterize genes that are more dependent on post-transcriptional regulation processes. MitoGenesisDB integrates and establishes cross-comparisons between these data. Several model organisms can be analyzed via orthologous relationships between interspecies genes. More generally this database supports the ‘post-transcriptional operon’ model, which postulates that eukaryotes co-regulate related mRNAs based on their functional organization in ribonucleoprotein complexes. MitoGenesisDB allows identifying such groups of post-trancriptionally regulated genes and is thus a useful tool to analyze the complex relationships between transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation processes. The case of respiratory chain assembly factors illustrates this point. The MitoGenesisDB interface is available at http://www.dsimb.inserm.fr/dsimb_tools/mitgene/

    La Alianza Cacao Per? y la cadena productiva del cacao fino de aroma

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    El Per?, por sus condiciones pol?ticas y econ?micas; su clima y biodiversidad para el cultivo de una amplia variedad de tipos de cacao; el reconocimiento por parte de la ICCO como pa?s productor de cacao fino de aroma (CFdA), y una cultura cacaotera a?n en crecimiento, es atractivo para empresas de la industria del cacao interesadas en pa?ses que ofrezcan condiciones para asegurar responsabilidad social y ambiental en sus operaciones. Desde el a?o 2012, la USAID promueve fondos mediante alianzas para el desarrollo global (GDA) en pa?ses que han mostrado mejora y crecimiento en los ?ltimos a?os, entre ellos el Per?. Mediante las GDA se busca la participaci?n p?blico-privada en iniciativas y proyectos de negocios que al mismo tiempo cumplan los objetivos de la USAID. En este contexto, surgi? el proyecto de la Alianza Cacao Per? (ACP), cuyo objetivo es posicionar al pa?s como uno de los l?deres mundiales de la producci?n del CFdA y mejorar las condiciones de vida del productor a trav?s de un modelo de negocio sostenible y alternativo al predominante en el pa?s. El objetivo de este libro es presentar un estudio del modelo propuesto por la ACP y compararlo con la cadena tradicional de producci?n del cacao. La investigaci?n se plantea un conjunto de preguntas como: ?cu?les son las fortalezas y las debilidades de ambos modelos?, ?qu? ventajas ofrece el modelo de negocio basado en la cadena productiva del CFdA de la ACP frente al modelo de la cadena productiva del cacao tradicional? y ?cu?les son los factores cr?ticos de ?xito para el sostenimiento del modelo de negocio basado en la cadena productiva del CFdA de la ACP

    Protein folding mediated by solvation: water expelling and formation of the hydrophobic core occurs after the structure collapse

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    The interplay between structure-search of the native structure and desolvation in protein folding has been explored using a minimalist model. These results support a folding mechanism where most of the structural formation of the protein is achieved before water is expelled from the hydrophobic core. This view integrates water expulsion effects into the funnel energy landscape theory of protein folding. Comparisons to experimental results are shown for the SH3 protein. After the folding transition, a near-native intermediate with partially solvated hydrophobic core is found. This transition is followed by a final step that cooperatively squeezes out water molecules from the partially hydrated protein core.Comment: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 2002, Vol.99. 685-69