566 research outputs found

    Dendritic Branching of Olfactory Bulb Mitral and Tufted Cells: Regulation by TrkB

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    Projection neurons of mammalian olfactory bulb (OB), mitral and tufted cells, have dendrites whose morphologies are specifically differentiated for efficient odor information processing. The apical dendrite extends radially and arborizes in single glomerulus where it receives primary input from olfactory sensory neurons that express the same odor receptor. The lateral dendrites extend horizontally in the external plexiform layer and make reciprocal dendrodendritic synapses with granule cells, which moderate mitral/tufted cell activity. The molecular mechanisms regulating dendritic development of mitral/tufted cells is one of the unsolved important problems in the olfactory system. Here, we focused on TrkB receptors to test the hypothesis that neurotrophin-mediate mechanisms contributed to dendritic differentiation of OB mitral/tufted cells.With immunohistochemical analysis, we found that the TrkB neurotrophin receptor is expressed by both apical and lateral dendrites of mitral/tufted cells and that expression is evident during the early postnatal days when these dendrites exhibit their most robust growth and differentiation. To examine the effect of TrkB activation on mitral/tufted cell dendritic development, we cultured OB neurons. When BDNF or NT4 were introduced into the cultures, there was a significant increase in the number of primary neurites and branching points among the mitral/tufted cells. Moreover, BDNF facilitated filopodial extension along the neurites of mitral/tufted cells.In this report, we show for the first time that TrkB activation stimulates the dendritic branching of mitral/tufted cells in developing OB. This suggests that arborization of the apical dendrite in a glomerulus is under the tight regulation of TrkB activation

    Information-theoretic temporal Bell inequality and quantum computation

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    An information-theoretic temporal Bell inequality is formulated to contrast classical and quantum computations. Any classical algorithm satisfies the inequality, while quantum ones can violate it. Therefore, the violation of the inequality is an immediate consequence of the quantumness in the computation. Furthermore, this approach suggests a notion of temporal nonlocality in quantum computation.Comment: v2: 5 pages, refereces added, discussion slightly revised, main result unchanged. v3: typos correcte

    Recovery of entanglement lost in entanglement manipulation

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    When an entangled state is transformed into another one with probability one by local operations and classical communication, the quantity of entanglement decreases. This letter shows that entanglement lost in the manipulation can be partially recovered by an auxiliary entangled pair. As an application, a maximally entangled pair can be obtained from two partially entangled pairs with probability one. Finally, this recovery scheme reveals a fundamental property of entanglement relevant to the existence of incomparable states.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, REVTeX; minor correction

    On the evolution and environmental dependence of the star formation rate versus stellar mass relation since z ˜ 2.

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    This paper discusses the evolution of the correlation between galaxy star formation rates (SFRs) and stellar mass (M*) over the last ∼10 Gyr, particularly focusing on its environmental dependence. We first present the mid-infrared (MIR) properties of the Hα-selected galaxies in a rich cluster Cl 0939+4713 at z = 0.4. We use wide-field Spitzer/MIPS 24 μm data to show that the optically red Hα emitters, which are most prevalent in group-scale environments, tend to have higher SFRs and higher dust extinction than the majority population of blue Hα sources. With an MIR stacking analysis, we find that the median SFR of Hα emitters is higher in higher density environment at z = 0.4. We also find that star-forming galaxies in high-density environment tend to have higher specific SFR (SSFR), although the trend is much less significant compared to that of SFR. This increase of SSFR in high-density environment is not visible when we consider the SFR derived from Hα alone, suggesting that the dust attenuation in galaxies depends on environment; galaxies in high-density environment tend to be dustier (by up to ∼0.5 mag), probably reflecting a higher fraction of nucleated, dusty starbursts in higher density environments at z = 0.4. We then discuss the environmental dependence of the SFR–M* relation for star-forming galaxies since z ∼ 2, by compiling our comparable, narrow-band-selected, large Hα emitter samples in both distant cluster environments and field environments. We find that the SSFR of Hα-selected galaxies (at the fixed mass of log (M*/M⊙) = 10) rapidly evolves as (1 + z)3, but the SFR–M* relation is independent of the environment since z ∼ 2, as far as we rely on the Hα-based SFRs (with M*-dependent extinction correction). Even if we consider the possible environmental variation in the dust attenuation, we conclude that the difference in the SFR–M* relation between cluster and field star-forming galaxies is always small (≲0.2 dex level) at any time in the history of the Universe since z ∼ 2

    Ionization States and Plasma Structures of Mixed-morphology SNRs Observed with ASCA

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    We present the results of a systematic study using ASCA of the ionization state for six ``mixed-morphology'' supernova emnants (MMSNRs): IC 443, W49B, W28, W44, 3C391, and Kes 27. MMSNRs show centrally filled thermal X-ray emission, which contrasts to shell-like radio morphology, a set of haracteristics at odds with the standard model of SNR evolution (e.g., the Sedov model). We have therefore studied the evolution of the MMSNRs from the ionization conditions inferred from the X-ray spectra, independent of X-ray morphology. We find highly ionized plasmas approaching ionization equilibrium in all the mmsnrs. The degree of ionization is systematically higher than the plasma usually seen in shell-like SNRs. Radial temperature gradients are also observed in five remnants, with cooler plasma toward the limb. In IC 443 and W49B, we find a plasma structure consistent with shell-like SNRs, suggesting that at least some MMSNRs have experienced similar evolution to shell-like SNRs. In addition to the results above, we have discovered an ``overionized'' ionization state in W49B, in addition to that previously found in IC 443. Thermal conduction can cause the hot interior plasma to become overionized by reducing the temperature and density gradients, leading to an interior density increase and temperature decrease. Therefore, we suggest that the ``center-filled'' X-ray morphology develops as the result of thermal conduction, and should arise in all SNRs. This is consistent with the results that MMSNRs are near collisional ionization equilibrium since the conduction timescale is roughly similar to the ionization timescale. Hence, we conclude that MMSNRs are those that have evolved over∼104\sim10^4 yr. We call this phase as the ``conduction phase.''Comment: 34 pages, 20 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Spatio-temporal expression patterns of Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula defensin-like genes

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    Plant genomes contain several hundred defensin-like (DEFL) genes that encode short cysteine-rich proteins resembling defensins, which are well known antimicrobial polypeptides. Little is known about the expression patterns or functions of many DEFLs because most were discovered recently and hence are not well represented on standard microarrays. We designed a custom Affymetrix chip consisting of probe sets for 317 and 684 DEFLs from Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula, respectively for cataloging DEFL expression in a variety of plant organs at different developmental stages and during symbiotic and pathogenic associations. The microarray analysis provided evidence for the transcription of 71% and 90% of the DEFLs identified in Arabidopsis and Medicago, respectively, including many of the recently annotated DEFL genes that previously lacked expression information. Both model plants contain a subset of DEFLs specifically expressed in seeds or fruits. A few DEFLs, including some plant defensins, were significantly up-regulated in Arabidopsis leaves inoculated with Alternaria brassicicola or Pseudomonas syringae pathogens. Among these, some were dependent on jasmonic acid signaling or were associated with specific types of immune responses. There were notable differences in DEFL gene expression patterns between Arabidopsis and Medicago, as the majority of Arabidopsis DEFLs were expressed in inflorescences, while only a few exhibited root-enhanced expression. By contrast, Medicago DEFLs were most prominently expressed in nitrogen-fixing root nodules. Thus, our data document salient differences in DEFL temporal and spatial expression between Arabidopsis and Medicago, suggesting distinct signaling routes and distinct roles for these proteins in the two plant species

    Detection of a Fully-resolved Compton Shoulder of the Iron K-alpha Line in the Chandra X-ray Spectrum of GX 301-2

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    We report the detection of a fully-resolved, Compton-scattered emission line in the X-ray spectrum of the massive binary GX 301-2 obtained with the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer onboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The iron K-alpha fluorescence line complex observed in this system consists of an intense narrow component centered at an energy of E = 6.40 keV and a redward shoulder that extends down to ~6.24 keV, which corresponds to an energy shift of a Compton back-scattered iron K-alpha photon. From detailed Monte Carlo simulations and comparisons with the observed spectra, we are able to directly constrain the physical properties of the scattering medium, including the electron temperature and column density, as well as an estimate for the metal abundance.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ Lette

    Life Style Factors Influencing Serum Pepsinogen Levels in Healthy Japanese: a Prospective Study

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    Background: Gastric cancer mass screening using serum pepsinogen has been recognized and several advantages of this methods over photofluorography have been shown by previous study. Aims: To determine the factors influence the serum pepsinogen levels in healthy subjects. Subjects & Methods: One thousand and one hundred fourteen subjects who were screened for gastric cancer as part of a periodic health check. Blood samples were taken after fasting and stored below –20 ° C, until pepsinogen levels were assayed. Results: The subjects consist of 338 males (mean age 52.6+14.0) and 776 females (mean age 49.0+11.9). Age ranges from 19 to 81 years. The overall prevalence of chronic atrophic gastritis using a criterion PG I £ 70 hg/ml and PG I/II ratio £ 3.0 was 21.99 % in 1996 and 23.97 % in 2000. Bivariate analysis revealed a significant association between age, more salt consumption, fish favorable over meat and less than three time meal intake covariates with the lowering of PG I/II ratio. Smoking, drinking, BMI, weight and gender did not affect the changes of PG I/II ratio. Conclusion: Age and more salt consumption covariates have a strongest association with the decreased of PG I/II by multivariate analysis
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