916 research outputs found

    The Effects of Motivational Strategies to Increase Teachers’ Commitment and Enthusiasm

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    Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore motivational strategies that can be used to increase faculty and staff’s motivation in a small private Montessori school, located in New Jersey. Ten members of the faculty and staff participated in this action research project over the course of six weeks. Pre-data collection included an online motivational quiz that identified each faculty and staff member’s top three motivators. Short term goals were created by the participant with the administrator in a pre-conference based on the motivator results of each individual’s pre-test. The administrator used the motivational strategies of each faculty and staff member throughout the research to support them on their short term goal. Data was collected on each faculty and staff member through a weekly conference and reflection journal, as well as a daily job expectation and negative talk tally. The results of this action research suggest that using individual motivators for each faculty and staff member increase employee motivation and enthusiasm in the workplace. The action research project was done at the beginning of the school year when the faculty and staff are the most enthusiastic and motivated. I would like to continue my research throughout the school year, analyzing any significant changes in the data

    El linaje de Amadís de Gaula en un árbol genealógico del Siglo XVII (Roma, V. Mascardi, 1637)

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    El Albero della geneologia di Perione re di Gaula disteso da Mambrino Roseo da Fabriano (Roma, Vitale Mascardi, 1637) es la tabla genealógica más antigua de los héroes del ciclo caballeresco español de Amadís de Gaula. Se trata de una hoja de gran tamaño (las dimensiones del papel son 54 x 40 cm; la caja, incluido el marco, mide 50.5 x 37.5 cm) cuyo único ejemplar conocido ha permanecido hasta el presente casi del todo olvidado en la British Library de Londres

    MAC Europe 1991 campaign: AIRSAR/AVIRIS data integration for agricultural test site classification

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    During summer 1991, multi-sensor data were acquired over the Italian test site 'Otrepo Pavese', an agricultural flat area in Northern Italy. This area has been the Telespazio pilot test site for experimental activities related to agriculture applications. The aim of the investigation described in the following paper is to assess the amount of information contained in the AIRSAR (Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar) and AVIRIS (Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer) data, and to evaluate classification results obtained from each sensor data separately and from the combined dataset. All classifications are examined by means of the resulting confusion matrices and Khat coefficients. Improvements of the classification results obtained by using the integrated dataset are finally evaluated

    Dynamic Community Discovery Method Based on Phylogenetic Planted Partition in Temporal Networks

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    As most of the community discovery methods are researched by static thought, some community discovery algorithms cannot represent the whole dynamic network change process efficiently. This paper proposes a novel dynamic community discovery method (Phylogenetic Planted Partition Model, PPPM) for phylogenetic evolution. Firstly, the time dimension is introduced into the typical migration partition model, and all states are treated as variables, and the observation equation is constructed. Secondly, this paper takes the observation equation of the whole dynamic social network as the constraint between variables and the error function. Then, the quadratic form of the error function is minimized. Thirdly, the Levenberg–Marquardt (L–M) method is used to calculate the gradient of the error function, and the iteration is carried out. Finally, simulation experiments are carried out under the experimental environment of artificial networks and real net-works. The experimental results show that: compared with FaceNet, SBM + MLE, CLBM, and Pi-sCES, the proposed PPPM model improves accuracy by 5% and 3%, respectively. It is proven that the proposed PPPM method is robust, reasonable, and effective. This method can also be applied to the general social networking community discovery field

    Disrupting resilient criminal networks through data analysis: The case of sicilian mafia

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    Compared to other types of social networks, criminal networks present particularly hard challenges, due to their strong resilience to disruption, which poses severe hurdles to LawEnforcement Agencies (LEAs). Herein, we borrow methods and tools from Social Network Analysis (SNA) to (i) unveil the structure and organization of Sicilian Mafia gangs, based on two real-world datasets, and (ii) gain insights as to how to efficiently reduce the Largest Connected Component (LCC) of two networks derived from them. Mafia networks have peculiar features in terms of the links distribution and strength, which makes them very different from other social networks, and extremely robust to exogenous perturbations. Analysts also face difficulties in collecting reliable datasets that accurately describe the gangs' internal structure and their relationships with the external world, which is why earlier studies are largely qualitative, elusive and incomplete. An added value of our work is the generation of two realworld datasets, based on raw data extracted from juridical acts, relating to a Mafia organization that operated in Sicily during the first decade of 2000s. We created two different networks, capturing phone calls and physical meetings, respectively. Our analysis simulated different intervention procedures: (i) arresting one criminal at a time (sequential node removal); and (ii) police raids (node block removal). In both the sequential, and the node block removal intervention procedures, the Betweenness centrality was the most effective strategy in prioritizing the nodes to be removed. For instance, when targeting the top 5% nodes with the largest Betweenness centrality, our simulations suggest a reduction of up to 70% in the size of the LCC. We also identified that, due the peculiar type of interactions in criminal networks (namely, the distribution of the interactions' frequency), no significant differences exist between weighted and unweighted network analysis. Our work has significant practical applications for perturbing the operations of criminal and terrorist networks

    Criminal networks analysis in missing data scenarios through graph distances

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    Data collected in criminal investigations may suffer from issues like: (i) incompleteness, due to the covert nature of criminal organizations; (ii) incorrectness, caused by either unintentional data collection errors or intentional deception by criminals; (iii) inconsistency, when the same information is collected into law enforcement databases multiple times, or in different formats. In this paper we analyze nine real criminal networks of different nature (i.e., Mafia networks, criminal street gangs and terrorist organizations) in order to quantify the impact of incomplete data, and to determine which network type is most affected by it. The networks are firstly pruned using two specific methods: (i) random edge removal, simulating the scenario in which the Law Enforcement Agencies fail to intercept some calls, or to spot sporadic meetings among suspects; (ii) node removal, modeling the situation in which some suspects cannot be intercepted or investigated. Finally we compute spectral distances (i.e., Adjacency, Laplacian and normalized Laplacian Spectral Distances) and matrix distances (i.e., Root Euclidean Distance) between the complete and pruned networks, which we compare using statistical analysis. Our investigation identifies two main features: first, the overall understanding of the criminal networks remains high even with incomplete data on criminal interactions (i.e., when 10% of edges are removed); second, removing even a small fraction of suspects not investigated (i.e., 2% of nodes are removed) may lead to significant misinterpretation of the overall network. Copyright

    Ab-initio Molecular Dynamics study of electronic and optical properties of silicon quantum wires: Orientational Effects

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    We analyze the influence of spatial orientation on the optical response of hydrogenated silicon quantum wires. The results are relevant for the interpretation of the optical properties of light emitting porous silicon. We study (111)-oriented wires and compare the present results with those previously obtained within the same theoretical framework for (001)-oriented wires [F. Buda {\it et al.}, {\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 69}, 1272, (1992)]. In analogy with the (001)-oriented wires and at variance with crystalline bulk silicon, we find that the (111)-oriented wires exhibit a direct gap at k=0{\bf k}=0 whose value is largely enhanced with respect to that found in bulk silicon because of quantum confinement effects. The imaginary part of the dielectric function, for the external field polarized in the direction of the axis of the wires, shows features that, while being qualitatively similar to those observed for the (001) wires, are not present in the bulk. The main conclusion which emerges from the present study is that, if wires a few nanometers large are present in the porous material, they are optically active independently of their specific orientation.Comment: 14 pages (plus 6 figures), Revte

    Analytical Solution for the Deformation of a Cylinder under Tidal Gravitational Forces

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    Quite a few future high precision space missions for testing Special and General Relativity will use optical resonators which are used for laser frequency stabilization. These devices are used for carrying out tests of the isotropy of light (Michelson-Morley experiment) and of the universality of the gravitational redshift. As the resonator frequency not only depends on the speed of light but also on the resonator length, the quality of these measurements is very sensitive to elastic deformations of the optical resonator itself. As a consequence, a detailed knowledge about the deformations of the cavity is necessary. Therefore in this article we investigate the modeling of optical resonators in a space environment. Usually for simulation issues the Finite Element Method (FEM) is applied in order to investigate the influence of disturbances on the resonator measurements. However, for a careful control of the numerical quality of FEM simulations a comparison with an analytical solution of a simplified resonator model is beneficial. In this article we present an analytical solution for the problem of an elastic, isotropic, homogeneous free-flying cylinder in space under the influence of a tidal gravitational force. The solution is gained by solving the linear equations of elasticity for special boundary conditions. The applicability of using FEM codes for these simulations shall be verified through the comparison of the analytical solution with the results gained within the FEM code.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Plasma 7-Ketocholesterol and Cholestan-3β,5α,6β-Triol in an Italian Cohort of Patients Affected by Niemann-Pick Disease due to NPC1 and SMPD1 Mutations

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    : Niemann-Pick C disease (NPCD) is a rare autosomal recessive neurovisceral disorder with a heterogeneous clinical presentation. Cholestan-3β,5α,6β-triol and 7-ketocholesterol have been proposed as biomarkers for the screening of NPCD. In this work, we assessed oxysterols levels in a cohort of Italian patients affected by NPCD and analyzed the obtained results in the context of the clinical, biochemical and molecular data. In addition, a group of patients affected by Niemann-Pick B disease (NPBD) were also analyzed. NPC patients presented levels of both oxysterols way above the cut off value, except for 5 siblings presenting the variant biochemical phenotype who displayed levels of 3β,5α,6β-triol below or just above the cut-off value; 2 of them presented also normal levels of 7-KC. Both oxysterols were extremely high in a patient presenting the neonatal systemic lethal phenotype. All NPB patients showed increased oxysterols levels. In conclusion, the reported LC-MS/MS assay provides a robust non-invasive screening tool for NPCD. However, false negative results can be obtained in patients expressing the variant biochemical phenotype. These data strengthen the concept that the results should always be interpreted in the context of the patients' clinical picture and filipin staining and/or genetic studies might still be undertaken in patients with normal levels of oxysterols if symptoms are highly suggestive of NPCD. Both oxysterols are significantly elevated in NPB patients; thus a differential diagnosis should always be performed in patients presenting isolated hepatosplenomegaly, a common clinical sign of both NPCD and NPBD

    The GALA project. practical recommendations for the use of migalastat in clinical practice on the basis of a structured survey among Italian experts

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    Background: Oral migalastat has recently been approved for the treatment of Anderson-Fabry disease (FD) in patients aged ≥16 years with amenable mutations on the basis of two phase III trials, FACETS and ATTRACT. However, with the introduction of migalastat into clinical practice, it is important to correctly identify the patients who may gain the most benefits from this therapy. Due to the relatively recent availability of migalastat, its role in clinical practice still has to be included in guidelines or recommendations. On these bases, a multidisciplinary group of Italian Experts in the treatment of FD has run the GALA project, with the aim to collect the opinions of expert physicians and to propose some starting points for an experience-based use of migalastat. Results: Overall, although studies and data from longer-term follow-up with migalastat are still emerging, available evidence is consistent in showing that this molecule does represent a suitable therapy for the treatment of FD, in patients aged ≥16 years and with amenable mutations. The use of migalastat as an oral option appears to be overall safe, and experience thus far indicates potential for improving quality of life, controlling GI symptoms, stabilizing renal function and reducing cardiac hypertrophy. Conclusion: Migalastat can be considered either as a first-line therapy - given its efficacy, extensive tissue penetration, convenient oral regimen, and the current limited therapeutic options available - or in patients on enzyme-replacement therapy (ERT) who experience side effects, with poor compliance to chronic i.v. therapy, or with clinical evidence of progression of the disease
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