4,392 research outputs found

    FM 047-02: a collisional pair of galaxies with a ring

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    Aims. We investigate the nature of the galaxy pair FM 047-02, which has been proposed as an archetype of the Solitaire types of peculiar (collisional) ring galaxies. Methods. The study is based on long-slit spectrophotometric data in the range of 3500-9500 angstrons obtained with the Gemini Multi-ObjectComment: 07 pages, 06 figures, 02 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1206.071

    Análise de custos de tecnologias da Embrapa Informática Agropecuária.

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    Foi realizado um amplo levantamento de informações externas e junto aos setores de pesquisa e suporte, que envolveu: o Núcleo de Comunicação Organizacional (NCO), no fornecimento de informações de palestras e cursos, com indicação de horas de treinamento e técnicos envolvidos, folderes e materiais produzidos e adquiridos; o Setor de Gestão de Insfraestrutura e Logística (SIL) e o site4, informaram valores de folderes e materiais produzidos para transferência de tecnologia, informações sobre compras dos projetos e patrimônio da Unidade; Área de Gestão de Pessoas (AGP), que disponibilizou dados históricos da folha de pagamentos e do quadro de funcionários, por consulta ao SIRH; a SGE, que repassou as informações sobre a depreciação de capital da unidade; o Setor de Gestão Orçamentária e Financeira (SOF), que repassou informações do Sistema Integrado de Administração Financeira (Siafi). Foram entrevistados pesquisadores, analistas e assistentes que se envolveram nos projetos, a fim de definir seus níveis de dedicação por ano de desenvolvimento

    Hopf and zip bifurcation in a specific (n+1)-dimensional competitive system

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    In this work we study the occurrence of Andronov-Hopf and zip bifurcation in a concrete (n + 1)-dimensional predator-prey system modelling the competition among n species of predators for one species of prey. This is a generalization of results by Farkas (1984

    Adubação nitrogenada e posição de amostragem em sistema silvipastoril.

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    Resumo: O experimento foi desenvolvido para avaliar a produtividade e a morfologia da Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu adubada com uréia e sulfato de amônio e em função da posição de amostragem. Foi adotado o esquema de parcelas subdivididas no espaço, sendo a parcela principal constituída por fonte de adubo nitrogenado e a subparcela constituída pela posição de amostragem da braquiária no sub-bosque do sistema silvipastoril no delineamento em blocos casualizados com seis repetições. A adubação nitrogenada e a posição de amostragem podem influenciar a produtividade e a relação F/C da braquiária em sistema silvipastoril. [Nitrogen fertilization and position sampling in silvopastoral system]. Abstract: The experiment was carried to evaluate the yield and morphology of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu fertilized with urea and ammonium sulfate, and depending on the sampling position. A split plot arrangement, with six replicates in the randomized block design, was utilized. The main plot consists of a source of nitrogen fertilizer and sub-plots sampling position of pasture in understory of silvopastoral system. Nitrogen fertilization and sampling position can influence productivity and leaf lamina:stem ratio of Brachiaria in silvopastoral system

    Avaliação bioeconômica da terminação de bovinos Canchim, machos e fêmeas, em confinamento.

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    O objetivo desse experimento, desenvolvido na Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias/Unesp, em Jaboticabal, SP, foi avaliar os efeitos de dietas com silagem de milho ou com cana-de-açúcar e grãos de girassol e de diferentes condições sexuais de bovinos jovens sobre os resultados econômicos da terminação em confinamento. Foram utilizados 30 animais da raça Canchim, sendo 10 machos não castrados, 10 machos castrados e 10 novilhas, com 15 meses de idade e 289±16 kg de peso corporal. Os animais permaneceram alojados em baias individuais, durante 105 dias, tendo sido efetuadas pesagens no início do experimento e a cada 35 dias. Ao final do confinamento, todos os animais foram abatidos em frigorífico comercial. As remunerações obtidas com os animais que receberam dieta com silagem de milho, representadas pela taxa de remuneração mensal, foram superiores às principais aplicações disponíveis no mercado financeiro. Embora inferiores, os valores observados para os animais que receberam dietas à base de cana-de-açúcar foram também positivos. A utilização de machos castrados apresentou pior resultado, sendo a taxa de remuneração mensal obtida, inferior à poupança (0,63 % a.m.), que representa a aplicação financeira mais popular. Este resultado é reflexo do maior custo da dieta, valor de aquisição do animal e desempenho apresentado

    Determinação da atividade peroxidásica em cultivares de feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata) tratados com ácido salicílico.

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    Apesar de sua aparente passividade, as plantas reagem quando submetidas a situações adversas, tais como, o ataque de fungos, bactérias, vírus, nematóides, insetos e também sob estresse abiótico, como por exemplo, variações de temperatura, ausência de água ou tratamento com agentes químicos. Dentre o arsenal de defesa utilizado pelas plantas estão o reforço da parede celular (lignificação) e a indução de PR-Proteínas. A peroxidase (POX) é uma enzima associada com este processo, sendo, portanto, associada ao mecanismo de resposta de defesa. No presente trabalho avaliou-se a POX em duas cultivares de feijão-caupi (?Mulato? e ?Gurguéia?), visando a promover um maior entendimento do mecanismo de defesa desta importante cultura, procurando verificar a participação desta enzima neste processo. Folhas primárias das duas cultivares foram tratadas com ácido salicílico 10 mM no 10° dia após o plantio. As folhas foram coletadas com 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 e 9 dias após o tratamento, sendo o extrato total utilizado na determinação de proteínas e atividade POX. O teor de proteínas nas cultivares testadas não mostrou diferença significativa após o tratamento. A atividade POX foi induzida após o tratamento em ambas as cultivares, com pico de atividade 9 dias após o tratamento. A cultivar ?Gurguéia? (109,65 UA/gF) apresentou maior nível de atividade POX quando comparada com a cultivar ?Mulato? (88,00 UA/gF). Estes resultados sugerem a participação da POX no mecanismo de defesa do feijão-caupi.bitstream/item/24666/1/bpd41-feijao-caupi.pd

    Evaluation of an educational programme for socially deprived asthma patients

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an asthma education programme in moderate and severe asthma patients in a longitudinal, prospective and randomized study with a control group. Fifty-three asthmatic patients were studied, 26 of whom were assigned to the educational group and 27 to the control group.The educational group attended the programme regularly for a period of 6 months. the programme included information about asthma, instruction on the appropriate use of medication and training in the metered dose inhaler (MDI) technique, and information about the identification and control of asthma attacks and the recognition of early signs of exacerbation. the control group was submitted to the routine tare provided at the Asthma Clinic, with no formal instruction regarding asthma control. the groups were identical with regard to severity parameters, skills, lung function and quality of Life at the beginning of the trial.At the end of the study, the education group showed significant differences when compared with the control group education/control (mean values) with respect to: visits to the asthma emergency room over the previous 6 months, 0.7/2 (p=0.03); nocturnal symptoms, 0.3/0.7 (p=0.04); score of symptoms, 1.3/2 (p=0.04). Improvements were also observed in skills and quality of life, knowledge of how to deal with attacks and how to control the environmental triggering factors, 73/35 (<0.05); correct use of the MDI, 8/4 (0.001); understanding of the difference between relief and antiinflammatory medication, 86/20 (<0.05); and in the global limitation quality of life score, 28/50 (0.02).It is concluded that the educational programme led to a significant improvement in asthma morbidity and that the implantation of educational programmes is possible for special populations when these programmes are adapted to the socioeconomic profile of the patients, with a significant gain in terms of the reduction of symptoms and improved pulmonary function and quality of life of asthmatics.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, Lund Div, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, Lund Div, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    deficit irrigation strategies in vitis vinifera l cv cannonau under mediterranean climate part ii cluster microclimate and anthocyanin accumulation patterns

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    The contribution of light and thermal conditions to berry anthocyanin accumulation was investigated in grapevine Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cannonau/1103P subjected to different irrigation strategies in Sardinia, Italy in 2009. In two of the deficit irrigation treatments the root system received 50% and 25% crop evapotranspiration (ETc), referred to as DI50 and DI25, respectively. In the third treatment, which included partial root-zone drying (PRD), ETc was set at 50%. All three treatments were compared to a full irrigation control (FI), thus 100% ETc. Analysis of the thermal conditions during the growing season in 2009 provided evidence for a high frequency of elevated temperatures (> 30°C) during berry development. During ripening, the DI25 clusters intercepted significantly higher intensities (P < 0.01) of solar radiation, UV and PAR, particularly on the southeast canopy side, in comparison to FI and PRD. The analysis of berry temperatures in the DI treatments showed higher exposure to more than 35°C in the DI25 southeast berries. Thermal time for anthocyanin accumulation was computed for the DI50 and DI25 berries using normal heat hours (NHH). The patterns of daily NHH showed a reduction in thermal efficiency for anthocyanin accumulation during mid-ripening in the DI25 southeast berries compared to the DI50 ones. The higher temperatures at mid-ripening led to lower total anthocyanin contents in the DI25 berries. However, the coumaroyl-glucoside anthocyanin forms continued to increase in both the DI50 and DI25 berries, while a significant reduction in berry total contents of these forms was observed in FI and PRD. Both deficit irrigation and light conditions in the DI25 berries favoured the accumulation of more colourstable anthocyanins in the berry skin until harvest, namely p-coumaroyl-glucoside and acetyl-glucoside forms

    Glass waste powder addition used as mitigator of concrete alkali-silica reaction

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    The recycled aggregates from demolition of concrete structures affected by alkali silica reaction as well as the potentially reactive natural aggregates are often a matter of great concern and fear in case of new structures construction. Thus, to encourage the recycling and use of some potential reactive aggregates under scientific basis, this paper presents an experimental study where suspected alkali-silica reactive recycled aggregates was used. The main goal of this study is evaluate the influence of waste glass powder addition as mitigator of the concrete expansive reaction. In a first phase, the level of expansibility of different aggregates was identified using accelerated tests in mortars bars, method ASTM C1260 and an adapted accelerated test on specimens of 40 x 40 x 160 mm. In a second phase, tests were performed on concrete mixtures, according to CMBT method, with 100% recycled reactive coarse aggregates and powder addition, such as the glass powder and metakaolin. The powder additions percentages were incorporated at 20%, 40% and 60% of cement weight. The results of mortars bars test showed opposite results according to the method applied, i.e. , the same aggregates considered as harmless by the adapted method are considered reactive by the ASTM method, if the same expansion limit of 0,10% for 16 days was adopted for both methods. Finally, the concrete results obtained with CMBT method showed that glass powder and metakaolin had a significant mitigation effect in alkali-aggregate reaction development