3,448 research outputs found

    On the void explanation of the Cold Spot

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    The integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) contribution induced on the cosmic microwave background by the presence of a supervoid as the one detected by Szapudi et al. (2015) is reviewed in this letter in order to check whether it could explain the Cold Spot (CS) anomaly. Two different models, previously used for the same purpose, are considered to describe the matter density profile of the void: a top hat function and a compensated profile produced by a Gaussian potential. The analysis shows that, even enabling ellipticity changes or different values for the dark-energy equation of state parameter ω\omega, the ISW contribution due to the presence of the void does not reproduce the properties of the CS. Finally, the probability of alignment between the void and the CS is also questioned as an argument in favor of a physical connection between these two phenomena

    Fracciones nitrogenadas y aminoácidos libres del queso de Los Pedroches

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    Se ha examinado el contenido en las principales fracciones nitrogenadas y en aminoácidos libres de 16 muestras de queso maduro, típico del Valle de Los Pedroches (Córdoba), elaborado artesanalmente por otros tantos productores. El contenido medio en las diferentes fracciones nitrogenadas (en % del N total) fue el siguiente: N soluble 40,47, N no proteico 19,23, N amínico 9,70, N amoniacal 3,38. El índice de Savini (coeficiente de degradación) fue, por término medio, de 13. El contenido en tirosina y triptófano solubles fue, respectivamente, de 396 y 176 mg/100 g de queso. Cromatográficamente se detectaron 14 aminoácidos libres, 8 de ellos esenciales para el hombre. En todos los quesos se detectó om, lys, asp, glu, pro, gly, ala, leu, val y ser; en casi todos arg, thr, met y phe. Predominaron cuantitativamente leu, val, lys y glu

    Exploring two-spin internal linear combinations for the recovery of the CMB polarization

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    We present a methodology to recover cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization in which the quantity P=Q+iUP = Q+ iU is linearly combined at different frequencies using complex coefficients. This is the most general linear combination of the QQ and UU Stokes parameters which preserves the physical coherence of the residual contribution on the CMB estimation. The approach is applied to the internal linear combination (ILC) and the internal template fitting (ITF) methodologies. The variance of PP of the resulting map is minimized to compute the coefficients of the linear combination. One of the key aspects of this procedure is that it serves to account for a global frequency-dependent shift of the polarization phase. Although in the standard case, in which no global E-B transference depending on frequency is expected in the foreground components, minimizing P2\left\langle |P|^2\right\rangle is similar to minimizing Q2\left\langle Q^2\right\rangle and U2\left\langle U^2\right\rangle separately (as previous methodologies proceed), multiplying QQ and UU by different coefficients induces arbitrary changes in the polarization angle and it does not preserve the coherence between the spinorial components. The approach is tested on simulations, obtaining a similar residual level with respect to the one obtained with other implementations of the ILC, and perceiving the polarization rotation of a toy model with the frequency dependence of the Faraday rotation.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Estado de degradación proteolítica del queso de Los Pedroches

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    Las imágenes electroforéticas en gel de poliacrilamida de seis muestras de quesos de los Pedroches maduros, elaborados por diferentes productores, indican que la as-caseína aparece más degradada en todos los quesos que la B-caseína, que apenas es hidrolizada en algunos quesos. La hidrólisis enzimática de la as-caseína (fundamentalmente de la as2- y as3-) origina cuatro productos de escisión de mayor movilidad. La degradación proteolítica de la B-caseína rinde siete fragmentos polipeptídicos de alto peso molecular y baja movilidad electroforética, que se sitúan en la región de la K • y y-caseína. Algunos de estos polipéptidos pueden corresponder a caseínas minoritarias equivalentes a la y-,, TS- y R-caseína eencontradas en qquesos maduros eelaborados con leche de vaca

    La Ingeniería Divertida: Gravity Challenge.

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    La competición se utiliza en muchos entornos educativos, especialmente en el ámbito anglosajón, como medio para contribuir al desarrollo de las habilidades de los alumnos, aspecto este que se encuentra íntimamente ligado a la adquisición de determinadas competencias profesionales. En el sector de la ingeniería y arquitectura resulta de gran importancia y por ello, la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ha organizado durante el curso 2006‐07 un conjunto de competiciones de estudiantes muy diversas. Una de estas competiciones es la denominada GRAVITY CHALLENGE, en la que los equipos participantes se enfrentaban al reto de lanzar un huevo desde una altura de 15 metros y conseguir que aterrice en el suelo sin romperse. Los equipos ganadores serían aquellos que lograsen este objetivo de la forma más creativa. En este trabajo se describe el procedimiento seguido para la organización de esta competición en la que participaron 27 equipos de distintas universidades. También se presentan los resultados y se hace una reflexión sobre los objetivos formativos que consideramos alcanzados

    Principales componentes químicos y parámetros físicos del queso de Los Pedroches

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    Se ha determinado la composición química bruta, los principales componentes mmerales y dos parámetros físicos, el pH y la ow, de un lote heterogéneo de 16 quesos de Los Pedroches maduros, elaborados todos eUos por productores diferentes. Los valores medios hallados, que pueden considerarse como representativos de esta variedad de queso, han sido: humedad 34,5 O/o, proteínas 3 1,7 0/o, gras:J 26,7 Ofo, ácido láctico 1,5 0/o y cenizas 6,3 0/o. Sobre la base de la m~tcria seca, el contenido medio en sal es del 4,8 0/o, el de calcio de 1 ,S 0/o y el de fósforo de 1,2 Ofo (relación Ca/1' = 1,27). El valor pll medio es de 5,45 y la aw de 0,90

    Radial derivatives as a test of pre-Big-Bang events on the Planck data

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    Although the search for azimutal patterns in cosmological surveys is useful to characterise some effects depending exclusively on an angular distance within the standard model, they are considered as a key distinguishing feature of some exotic scenarios, such as bubble collisions or conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC). In particular, the CCC is a non-stardard framework which predicts circular patterns on the CMB intensity fluctuations. Motivated by some previous works which explore the presence of radial gradients, we apply a methodology based on the radial derivatives to the latest release of \textit{Planck} data. The new approach allows exhaustive studies to be performed at all sky directions at a HEALPix resolution of Nside=1024N_{\mathrm{side}} = 1024. Specifically, two different analyses are performed focusing on weight functions in both small (up to a 55-degree radius) and large scales. We present a comparison between our results and those shown by An et al. (2017), and An et al. (2018). In addition, a possible polarization counterpart of these circular patterns is also analysed for the most promising case. Taking into account the limitations to characterize the significance of the results, including the possibility of suffering a look-elsewhere effect, no strong evidence of the kind of circular patterns expected from CCC is found in the \textit{Planck} data for either the small or the large scales.Comment: 8 figures, 4 table

    Introducing a new dosimeter for the assessment and monitoring of vocal risk situations and voice disorders

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    Summary: Purpose. There are many physiological parameters recorded by devices that are becoming more affordable, precise and accurate. However, the lack of development in the recording of voice parameters from the physiological or medical point of view is striking, given that it is a fundamental tool for the work of many people and given the high incidence and prevalence of voice pathologies that affect people’s communication. In this paper we perform a complete literature review on the dosimeters used in voice research and to present a pro- totype dosimeter with a pilot study to show its capabilities. Method. We conducted a literature review using the keywords [MONITORING], [PHONATION], [ACCU- MULATOR], [PORTABLE], [DOSIMETRY], [VOICE] searching in PubMed, Trip Database, HONcode, and SciELO search engines. From our review of dosimeter designs, we created our own prototype consisting of two main components: a Knowles Electronics BU-7135-0000 accelerometer mounted on a neck brace; and the ultra- low power MSP430FR5994 microcontroller. The selected sampling frequency was 2048 Hz. The device calculates the F0 every 250 ms and the amplitude and phonation activity every 31.25 ms. A pilot study was conducted using 2 subjects: one male during 11 days and one female during 14 days. Results. This work includes devices that have been created during the last 45 years as tools for the diagnosis and monitoring of the treatment of cases of vocal pathology and for the detection of phonatory patterns or risk situa- tions for developing voice disorders or vocal pathologies. We also present recordings with our new device on the pattern of daily talk time, the fundamental frequency and the relative intensity of two subjects on different days. Conclusions. Interesting work has been done in the development of voice dosimeters with different approaches. In our experience it is not possible to access them for research and they are not yet in clinical use. It is possible that a joint approach with voice and voice disorders professionals and engineers working closely together could take advantage of current technology to develop a fully portable, useful, and efficient system